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oo that was [Music] dramatic everybody welcome to another day and another $100 Ros they got the Rockets here at alante now so I said Daniel start with the Rockets you know you know here we go Rising rockets in my laugh alante Casino in my laugh $100 Doos in my life how are you guys doing in my life all right calm down everybody how are you it's a new day a new1 Doos we are excited we are we are dramatically excited I don't know the only word I could think of was excited guys $18 I'll take it pop it you could have popped it is my volume all the way up doesn't feel like it but it is but a double pop is here man how great would have been if I said hello bom bom bom and then I got a double pop it would been so amazing we'd be so happy together you know it didn't happen but it's fun to think about all right good talk everybody we're down at 30 very quickly our first 100 seems to have vanished into the into The Ether laugh that looked like it was going to pop why is the volume so so it feels so distant you know am I having hearing issues right now oh [Music] Lord you know the volume sounds like it's far away even though I'm right here on the machine look at me I'm right here guys du oh are you serious all right I got to go to two cents now I thought for sure that had come here we go people $52 oh Lord red green really you could have popped together it would have been so beautiful you know it would have been two two firecrackers beating this one oh Lord all blue green together in my La okay Daniels had many opportunities to get some poages going everybody and he's had no poages so far you would think after enough chances at a poage you'll get the poage that's all I'm saying give me the poage all right good talk everybody I'm down to 43 don't be concerned don't be concerned it's going to be fine you know you see what I'm saying people when I tell you it's going to be fine I mean it's going to be fine I'm about to get my spins boosted boost my spins man here we go here we go spins boost my spins I almost did spins my Boost but I don't think it works that way you know you boost your spins you don't spin your Boost I see the miner going by that's $150 I'll take it hello L man it then please hey man don't toy with me right oh no did you notice how it just went like dead and didn't give me anything else everybody it's incredibly disappointing what's happened to me right now $45 you should be embarrassed of yourself giving me $45 you know in fact I'm going to bump it oh L wait a minute did I just get this cuz I got upset no I'm bumping it to 10 people I don't know why is this why damn it's not why I thought it might be why though I got $40 left who knows what happen guys the green is here ooh baby I almost had the green you saw it you saw it you saw it with your eyes oh l l b damn I tried to I tried to make performance moves I don't know what even know what that means you know I went to $10 it did absolutely no good in fact I lost my money faster guys $7 let's see what happens from here this is now my $7 plan I don't know what what that plan is but I'm betting $7 and that's the plan so I guess technically I knew what the plan was I'm betting $7 fantastic talk so far everybody you know the mini 150 you could have popped it it would have been $150 mini guys guys together would have been nice together everybody now I oh green green and green all right 26 it's all right don't be don't it's okay you know these things happen we started off and it's and it's and it's a funky beginning but that's okay it'll it'll get amaz in here in a moment don't worry about it guys look at this I could have oh I get one more before my executive goes in wait a minute that would have been amazing to pop it here we go people's dams I'm going to go 720 but then no I'm going nine you know I was going to say I reserve oh Lord am I a genius seriously that was such a great time for a du pop guys guys guys guys no oh oh lordy lordy you know darn it how I'll take Blue by yourself jerky face blue I'll take green by yourself jerky face green oh lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy we ain't even going to ask for it see I've given up hope everybody oh my God if I had Mr face man right there Les spin everybody we are moving on to a fresh game with a fresh Hunter these Rockets have let me down but don't worry I know what I'm doing next I'll be right back everybody everyone I said Daniel before you go anywhere try up in your bet baby that's what I said everybody I said all right Daniel I'll try up in my bed that's what I'm doing right now people $14 this could be the smartest move I've ever made you know it could be you don't know you don't oh Lord there he is with his face and everything everyone Daniel's hoping for money the kind of money let's him play more today maybe even race his b oh Lord I was singing such a good song Double green double money my song has delivered a happy bonus let's see what happens now people let me boost my prizes let me boost my prizes yeah yeah o I saw the miner go by everybody it's 750 right now thanks to my big bet come on miner where you at buddy where's my rocket there he is 10 times bro 10 times two times I'll take it I'll take it that's it just one minor m man come on man or man oh Lord last chance please oh that devastated me 10 times right now two times that's it one time two times okay b b b B you know that was satisfying 100 here we go I could get up or I could ride or die and see what happens oh Lord the fellow's face said ride or die Daniel you could tell his face showed up just to give me that message there it is again here here comes the blue that would have been nice everyone at least I got another bonus I ain't even going to pan up for this one oh I should have probably not panned up for that one either you know look at this I got a SP again $51 I enjoy it here we go one more bonus ride or die time or else we're getting up we tried we got a Bonus and then now we're R GI of money from that bonus $9 get out of here oh Lord Blue by yourself jerky face I ain't even going to pan up for that green everybody oh red red baby I need [Music] you green baby I need you it's a great song It's a love song about Rockets oh oh my God on the second to last spin on the SEC it's okay it's okay out of sight out of mind out of follow Ballo that's the end of the road for for us one last spin no extra Rockets everybody that was decent we had a chance at something there even though it didn't pan out now I'm moving on to a fresh game of the fresh Hunter baby I shall return everybody look at this I left the rockets and I come to the to the Egyptian Pig oh Lord somebody just won $11,000 it wasn't me everybody cuz I'm right here in front of you and I didn't win $111,000 just now guys I'm going Max I don't know why my heart said Daniel you're with the pig go [Music] Max everybody I went to Max now I don't know what's about to happen but I'm playing a pig at Max bet baby all right I'm down in half I shouldn't be singing when I'm losing you know I should only sing when I'm happy oh but I'm always happy even when I'm losing oh what a dilemma I found myself in oh I'm a genius I can sing again here we go what did I get bonus oh poage all right guaranteed 105 [Music] minute oh Lord the M 250 wa what just happened I won $250 I'm a wizard from the United States of America everybody thank you piglet calm down calm down all right all right all right we got a long way to go let's see what happens next you know oh I'm a wizard from the United States of America I hope I bake it rain again you know cuz it's such a clever Pond baking it rain hilarious oh Lord all right I'm changing two cents left $10 I've done this oh Lord everybody I hope I bake it rain again I hope something happens free games another pick bonus 62 it's all right 162 I ain't afraid of nothing at the moment oh Lord that was my bonus symbol I could have had it if I decided to have it oh L we're down to 109 I'm going to do one more just to be a gentleman all right nickel 8 $13 people I've done this I don't know why I'm up in my bed you know I have no reason to oh [Music] my oh okay I I felt so good about myself after I sat down immediately got the poage and then now I'm making an executive cuz all I have left is dams in my La the history of my life has dams left in it guys I'm going eight I cannot go to 17 you know I am denying myself that let's see what happens at 8 first you know I can always do oh I should have been at 17 everybody you see I did this to myself I should have been at 17 48 more okay do I go to 17 now or is it too late that is the question what a dilemma I'm do it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it don't don't you can't stop me oh Lord piglet oh oh Lord come on Daniel come on Daniel you got the instincts of a wolf you got this the wolves have good instincts everybody I don't know you know here we go oh my God down to 80 down to 80 I haven't B made bacon it rain at all yet oh Lord Daniel you were supposed to bake it rain what did I get what did I get nothing oh out of sadness I will do one last executive this one is is like a desperation 100 you know it's a desperation 100 and I'm trying it out here we go I hope it does something but if it doesn't I'm moving on you know look at the flashing lights it's making me think I'm I'm winning money or having a seizure or something you know oh Lord 469 and9 two more I couldn't do it everybody how quickly I was devastated look at this final spin let us oh Lord let's move on everybody fresh game fresh 100 oh Lord I'll be right back everybody I could I couldn't allow myself to get up I said Daniel you up the bat one more time and you and you do three backups and that's it that's crazy Daniel let's do it imagine if I oh Lord look at oh my God $180 on my first spin doing this I'm incredibly smart sometimes everybody we'll see if this is one of those times or not it seems like it might be seems like it might be $480 I'm a genius from another nation of my life we're going to get up with $500 oh Lord oh my God I almost did it for style all right $100 oh I almost did it again three more spins everybody if I can get myself a bonus or something I'll do it if not we're moving on come on Daniel a final spin oh oh that's that's enough for one more you better believe it is come on Daniel one more 17 all right everybody $500 Hallelujah that was a nice little you know save in my life now let's move on to a fresh game of the fresh Hunter let's go baby everybody I left the pigs and I've come to the pigs this may be the greatest transition in slop video history let's see if I win it is the greatest transition $8 in slot video history if I lose clearly it was not the greatest transition in slot video history you know nobody knows what's about to happen till it happens everybody all I know is I feel pretty smart about this move that's all I'm saying to you I'm trying not to get too braggadocious I'm trying not to you know I'm just saying this has the PO more this has the potential of becoming the oh Lord there goes the 100 oh three more come on man as I'm being braggadocious I ain't messing with no crevice today bro get the hell away from me Wolfie guys a oh Lord what did I do yeah eight2 $82 calm down Daniel Daniel freaked out for a second thinking he didn't he didn't press the ride buttons but he did you know two more police oh Lord everybody this is not looking like the greatest transition in slop video history just yet but it might be I still have hope that it will be you know we're only oh two more come on now come on now don't mess with a man like this send the wolf send in reinforcements that are looked like wolves I don't know what I'm saying oh my God and now I got to go to Nick okay okay I'm beginning to doubt myself now which is never a good sign you should never doubt yourself you know you know what am I betting I was betting how much eight now I'm going to nine you can't stop me you know I'm still trying to become the two more listen man listen listen listen Wolfie my friends are watching oh Lord I'm trying to impress you guys and I'm doing the opposite you see what I'm saying two more oh Lord I just keep getting one Buzz four more three more two more why why you running away man he can't even face me anymore cuz he took my money two more oh you know can't even look me in the eye damn wolf oh my God now I got dams and then and then those two left I don't know what I'm about to do to myself it's going to be fine $12 it's going to watch watch watch watch watch at any moment now it's about to become incredible I just know it here it comes on maybe on the next one come on no not yet okay it's it's coming though you know it's probably I'm sure it is it has to be oh my God what is happening now I got get the hell out of here crevice I ain't going got time for I ain't got no time for you dollars $10 I ain't going any higher I'm already devastated as it is oh what have I done you know three more seriously the curse and then nothing okay two more this has been you know oh no he didn't howl for me or nothing everybody no you know nothing one more one more you could have given me the golden bus s just two more two oh I know I know he's waiting till I get to $2 so I get the highest jackpots that's what he's doing everybody oh you clever wolf he's so smart everybody wait until the very end just to make me sweat oh lord it's $20 you better hurry bro he will he ran away again oh Lord he ran away again everybody two more my life is over I think two more one more oh oh oh I hate you so oh four more oh everybody final spin hey do I do let me do one more let just in case he forgot let me try this crevice first oh Lord let me try this CR all right everybody nothing about this game all right everybody here we go come on oh Lord I hope I get oh there's the golden buz saw here we go everybody last two spins all right everybody we got we got we got to move on now all right final all right everybody we are moving on to a fresh game with a fresh Hunter we were let down by these pigs too everybody we'll be right back everybody I left the Huffs and puffs Ooh Somebody just won $5,000 everybody I left the Huffs and puffs and I've come to these kids I figured Daniel come to come to you left the pigs come to the goat Rams that you don't really know what they are besides maybe goat Rams all right good talk everybody I'm going 750 you know why cuz I've got I've got ground to make up baby two more I got money to make up today and I'm furious at Pig so I came to this game here we go here we go these kids and two more oh [Music] Lord here we go s oh two more one more OH police you see it at the top side I could have had it oh get it get it get it get it didn't get it didn't get it even though I said get it get it get it get it get it I have 20 left people oh Lord all right nobody panic I got money going in take my money bro and it's time for 2 750 same bet everybody come on oh Lord [Music] here I am at $78.99 trying to make money after the pigs Let Me Down super free games come on man I need Super free games in my La two more police please help me Hallelujah double [Music] up no double up jerking faces let's go money t Edge laugh hey big one come on easy one easy one easy one easy one thank you now big one big one easy one easy one easy one please yes big one big one big one yeah nailed it easy one easy one yes now big one oh h I couldn't get it come on what is happening oh it's over but come on Magic oh they didn't even fight everybody they should have fought you know I madean $120 celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration that's a great song that's a great song you know that's going to be on the Billboard Chart soon I think you know that was an exciting oh damn I thought I got it back to back style look at this you got I got another two spins everybody everybody every oh come on multiply me yeah damn kids $40 and then hallelujah come on easy one kids Edge lap oh look there's $100 middle lap oh pull yourself down kid heyy let's go again now oh double up how brilliant this was Now give me my Edge laugh bro give me my Edge laugh I need this easy one Edge laugh oh Lord Edge laugh Edge laugh Edge laugh what the hell man [Music] they didn't even fight everybody didn't even fight $70 you know what Max F 15 oh Lord let's see what happens from here people I'm excited though you know I'm excited oh dude multiplier times two he could have done a double $60 it's a lot of dollars everybody oh Lord pink diamond $60 more doll come on get it hallelujah oh my God oh my God hey how are you oh nice to meet you how are you oh thank you so much no no no nice to see you how are you you guys winning so so yeah same here good luck to you nice to meet you oh my god everybody look how much money I made sa hello to my friend oh my God guys I made over $500 saying hello oh my God power of friendship power of friendship oh my goodness thank you guys look at that $555 in the name of friendship oh how glorious that was all right let's see what oh Lord that would have been amazing we made some friends everybody here we go oh two more [Music] super free games multiplier two times $16 all right everybody let's try Nichols ooh 11 11 I was going to go 15 I said Daniel slow your roll I said slow your roll everybody you know oh lordy lordy two more come on now give me some potatoes here super free games could have happened everybody things are looking the power of friendship you guys witnessed it with your own eyes you know you witness the power of two more one yeah baby the power of friendship continues to De deliver deviller did you oh my god am I becoming dyslexic in my old age come on hey what happened to my multiplier bro landed uh-oh hey where my where's my middle guy yes I love you right there I love you right there 10 times five times let's go super free games come on oh yes oh no we need these supers everybody come on super come on oh two more the power two more why do I keep saying two more it's just one spin each Daniel the power of friendship everybody two more I said it again everybody my brain oh money money money M money oh money minor $250 oh my laugh all right all right we made $100 we made $100 thanks to our friendship you know the power of friendship people oh super free games one time man I used the one time on that one I'm still at 68 to 7 people we got nothing to worry about right now two more Oh I thought that was happening I thought it was happening but here comes the super free games where's my heart bro okay we're at 632 right now money money money money money money money money money what a I'm a what a good s two more oh Lord we got dams everybody and it's $15 you oh Lord everyone here I am it Dam why am I not winning money right now that's pretty good oo one more Spin and then Super yes silly kids everybody I'm giving it one more 100 I don't know why my heart said Daniel give it a shot oh L right there was a bonus waiting to happen for me you know L it oh good luck oh my God oh my God this could be amazing oh Lord yeah 150 double oh my God oh my God the power of friendship is here everybody oh Lord let's go let's go big money big money big money big money big money Edge laugh big money big money Edge laugh oh 200 went by come on Big Money big money big money big money big money Edge left big money big money big money big money big money it's Ed laugh please oh Lord come on edge laugh Man Edge laugh man oh Lord 200 went by come on baby Edge laugh me right now oh Lord Oh Lord come on do the thing do the thing multiply it eight times yeah 5 10 15 25 two times all right go again go again go again multiply it again multiply it again come on fight oh you silly kids oh guys I me oh Lord I jackpotted myself at the very end this is the power of friendship everybody this is the power of friendship jackpot oh Lord the power of friendship jackpot everybody let me say goodbye and then I'll show you when they're handed me the money and then we'll just end the video everyone the power of friendship is real I love you all I appreciate you all thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 just 20 and 40 nice w
Channel: VegasLowRoller
Views: 84,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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