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[Music] this is Hong Kong a name that literally means fragrant Harbor it's Asia's showcase metropolis dynamic magnificent [Music] it's also the third largest film industry in the world and the Chinese are as passionate about their movies and stars as we are I've come here to meet Hong Kong's one-man film industry he's made over a hundred movies he speaks a language I don't understand a circum is something oh you say yeah and yet he's no stranger to me for we belong to that family called cinema he was named Chan Khong son which means born in Hong Kong but the world knows him as the legend called Jackie Chan it's a pleasure to meet you is that all you know something when I was coming here back home I was telling everybody that I'm coming to Hong Kong between Jeju Jackie Chan the reaction was always the same Jackie Chan big smile Wow everybody was so happy and the old said say hi to Jackie from me give him my love it's just last year I was in India before that I already know I've so many fans that's really really surprised me you know really thank you you know I'm not an Indian I'm Chinese but so many fans there's so many people support me really thank you thank you tell me Jackie you have a face on a name that's known everywhere in the world if the only country you've been to where you have not been mobbed from this moment then you've been everywhere everybody knows who the really surprised me is especially in Morocco mid of the nowhere we travel like a almost ten hour mountain we will stop the car for location scout yes the people huh Jackie Chan huh why why why it's meat over no it's not the airport of course I wanna get out there but there are giant meat over know where the mountain only few house worthy how can they know me I'd read that's really something is amazing Africa even the Zulu Oh big Jackie Chan but you are today are one of the biggest stars movie stars in the world perhaps in the whole world I know that this kind of stardom doesn't happen by chance what is what is that deep driving desire which has brought urea where are you becoming a star I need fame I want money I want everything no I won the whole world recognized me not whatever I go when I say Jackie Chan everybody Jackie who then they mentioned boost Li even though they after they know Jackie Chan oh boo sleep that's it one day I want everybody know Who am I now they know now they know today you have so much you have an enormous empire you own so much real estate you have a clothing line you a long chain of restaurants you have charities brand names of course now I have a money at the fame but I don't care anymore no I'm care about charity Forbes magazine has named you amongst the biggest charity give us in the world celebrity charity it was in the world along with Oprah Angelina Jolie and Sonny Bono I would to ask you for a boy who grew up hungry and who made his fortune literally by breaking his bones how easy is it for you to give in charity pretty easy right now I learned it when I doing a charity I'm learning how to do it well the first time when I got a million Wow I'm the king the king of the world in that time I fight time and watch sports car everything but after learn so many things from some other people now come back wow I was so poor when I was childhood so many people help me reckless help me the people send me a food that people say who are they I don't know they give me a chance now okay I have to return to the society so I start a foundation in Hong Kong just like last year I build 11 school in China this year I would go to be another to school and I would continue to do these kind of things not for the fame now I'm really do it from that part the Hong Kong entertainment community called him Daigo Cantonese for Big Brother this is so many poor children the children without school the children without clothing why the world's not fair when in Morocco the children have no water they have the wok for our to bring a cup of bottled water why but you did the same when you were a small boy yes but I forget already this is what I want to know have you forgotten your childhood never the man whose face is as familiar to the Chinese as multi-tool began life nearly sold off by his parents never forget my childhood never forget [Music] Jacky's parents were domestic workers Jackie's father Charles was a cook and his mother Lili Chan a maid working at the French Embassy in the exclusive Victoria Peak in Hong Kong your early childhood it's become the stuff of legends right from the time when you were born I was born poor family my mom carry me 12 months when I bought twelve half pound big baby giant baby my mom did they don't have the money to pay the bill because she had to have cesarean oh yes I'm talking about fifty years ago there was big big things for us and they want to sell it to a British doctor so then it's true they had no money to pay for you so they were going to sell you yeah the doctor said okay I want a baby I give you 120 us then I pay the bill friend of my father Charlie no that's your only son yeah if you started you might you might have not you may not have another sighs another one and don't do that we borrow the money from the friends so everybody's like a $10 $10 and the pay the bill when you were about six years old your father went to Australia to American Embassy so they left you in a boarding school yes the Chinese opera school now Jackie the world over everybody knows that boarding schools are very tough but the Chinese more tough don't tell me even now the young children even my son tell me the boarding school is tough no no school tough than our school the government they don't care about this kind of school so this way records coming every month to give me a to spray Red Cross in school yeah shoes everything the school about 3,000 some square feet we sleep here keep on flowing here we training here you know children some four years old some five years old pee wee pee on the floor and when we eat we drop the rice everything on the floor when you walk on the cabin with all of it yes it's like this it's quite no it's a sting you said that they you got very little to eat but plenty of punishment yes if you do something wrong you get bitten all over whatever when one day I just praying there knocks I have enough Naxos i clapping us behind a refrigerator I've moved the refrigerator I catch it and not the teacher ladies what are you doing you think I didn't know nothing it's about time you eat some noodle George young men were noodle I said question was it oh thank you thank you gonna bring me to the chair hmm put me down Wow I was crying first time in the school after one weeks later Wow I just turned around I want to go away I don't know where I'm going after here every time I see my teacher I was shaking then I know wow that's my Jail changes jail so they taught you martial arts yes acrobats singing dancing everything what about school reading writing yeah we do have a but we and that time for us he's a sleeping time yeah I can imagine five get up five o clock in the morning punch kicking we do until one o'clock and you have to do a thousand kicks a thousand kick is okay you know at first you kick that high but later you do these teachers but to stop that's the most painful you know way you do something even stop and hold ho when our one hour we have to leave the link ladies stop your feet have that in the air one hour yeah upside down huh the teacher preach la you'd be crying nobody listens under these harsh circumstances chance extraordinary strength agility and fearlessness were forged you have the listen order this is like a hobby we lunch we have to eat slow we cannot make a sound no no one people make the sell King stop everybody put down then teacher look around again whole school no sound when teacher finished we have to finish sounds statistic to me really but it's I think I really thank you yet I'm being through all all those heavy punishment yeah we've discipline when we eat the rice none of the rice is wasted yeah you've wasted look look at that the young generation right now they waste because the world change has changed you cannot be children they will sue you but one thing interesting Jackie the friends that you made in this Chinese opera academy you still have the same friends for five years yes we still go out even last night we still go out like your brothers yes now it's like a brother really yeah we we call each other all the time we care about them you got tough because of the Peking Opera fool you became a stunt man because of that everything directing acting Dennis if you had not been to this Academy to the school yeah would you be who you are today I don't know if you go to Australia with your father no I may be a chef you need maybe a famous chef Oh famous chef better you can ah when you're 80 Nagi you still can cook yes but you can't fight yeah I can find Jackie Chan spent the early years as a crowd extra and a junior stuntman and movies my dream is one becoming a stunt coordinator so this one I'm very hard to learn in a camera angle and camera movement then luckily becoming a small style after Bruce Lee died just small started running boost yeah you know like at that time there's so many people slide was table booze chapel everybody was a booth yeah in my post poster second Bruce Lee Jackie Chan starring Chan made 27 movies but nothing worked every film he acted in flopped he was becoming box-office poison at that time what can I do you know that their director is the big guy red to sit down move your nose that's all I can I move my mouth no they won't listen to you they won't listen I said can I do this no you have to do this like Bruce Lee you know I said no I'm not boost Lee they never listen but how did you change that when I make some other director then I said I want to do action comedy no more I want opposite then boost sit improve sleep that's right that is the robust leaders I do this ah yes okay let's do comedies nice since I roll my own script I write my own then boom success when he turned kungfu into slapstick the classic Jackie Chan movie was born in 1978 Jackie Chan became a star he was 24 and Jackie it was always real action [Music] [Applause] real team just [Music] and real injury reaction really [Music] stupid yeah how many broken bones did stardom cost you too many cannot count no broken broken broken gone break your crap broke crack crack crack crack broken broken broken broken broken crack crack crack all over no I haven't count operation crap crap behind all over and that time I think that's the only way to make movie no but with success your stunts got more and more dangerous a job from the 16th floor you thought no it's too predictable make it 21 yeah why oh let's hang from a flying helicopter yeah [Music] I said necessary why I want to be a top I want to be at that time everybody loved them Bruce Lee after I success everybody learned from Jackie Chan when I change your actions dangerous done nobody follow me anymore Wow because they can't do it yeah then I becoming a house daddy why did you not do a computer graphic I don't know how did you come computer graphic I don't have to knowledge in my head I just that's the only way I make movie yes before I don't know I the car coming food I just really hit me but now I know put the camera don't move I do the heat then let go okay second shot put a cop stop here okay then combine together do something a small danger the audience do Wow and that time I'm everybody scared I might kill myself so many times nearly you killed yourself why that's the only way I know how to make movie I jump once okay that I'm really rolling the car coming okay okay the shop everything every time to swing shot when went boom is done there's no second tape I made even I remember when I was seeing Hollywood first time see students pupil hmm I just admire him I think he's a genius I said can you tell me how you make the dinosaur small dinosaur human the mountain you get the jumping and talking I said oh so easy Jackie I just do do do do do I said oh even you give me a machine I don't know how to punch then he asked me Jackie can I ask you how he make the jump from the building I said rolling action jump cut ouch Hospital yes yeah right yes that's the conversation to give with a Steven Spielberg but I still want to know were you living up to people's expectations of you Jackie tell me did you feel people expect this from me now even ice expect myself not for the audience but was it was it Ruffo Moshe no for Moshe what's it looking for Moshe I think because because there I'm the longfin Moshe I don't need that bow unfairest I'm penis but explain what Islam for Moshe loan is a dragon who is tied up Moe is a macho ha my sea is a lion one person we can buy everything we can fly you can jump with we can do martial art and we're failures so even we fail we'll pretend mm-hmm jump from here yes never say no don't we go I remember when I was young first time 16 years old becoming a loving fool mercy Wow well you walk like this on the street people ask you what's your job long for mercy yeah but I only get $5 a day and then I have a job 20 feet without nothing no mattress no safety net yeah we're really going to the classes Wow well no insurance company's ready okay sure you at least blacklist Jackie Chan Jackie Chan's Tontine Platt least so you pay for everybody's treatment you yourself yes you hurt in my movie I take care of your like whole life that's my promise tell me Jackie which would you say is the most difficult stunt that you have done which you were terrified of a Ares done I'm terrified every stiii look and ordinary people I'm not Superman really I just I just I chose enough I'm scared I have to do there's so many people watching you for the movie for myself and for the faith for the world okay I do it [Music] lucky nothing happened boom lucky okay broken down really scared even even today and in real life are you scared of anything needle injection needle yeah you're scared of yes I always I don't know why why oh I think from my childhood my father I remember never forget I got the first injure my butt that hurt yeah early jump from a building doesn't not haha you wanna broke my angle doesn't that that the doctor have two operations no just do it no no no injection but when you catch yourself and hurt yourself then okay yeah I wanna cut this I see my teeth yeah I just do this you join it yourself but yeah I guess what what what kind of blood what type a b-plus so my blood is like very strong my strong when I cut is I just do this camera here yeah okay action okay suit amazing even the doctor said ah this guy's a Superman Hollywood is everybody wanna get in the Hollywood human myself the Hollywood certainly becoming a Jackie Chan action Jackie Chan's dial at that time I'm I'm young I just I too selfish I don't know what's meaning meaning is love that's what you say if I'm not too selfish if I know the meaning of the love I might already get married with Theresa 10 I not stood alone what's love I just know huh she's good she's beautiful she know how to handle the love she teach me how to continue our relationship [Music] by 1985 Jackie Chan had become the biggest star in Asia tell me Jackie is Hollywood the ultimate goal for an actor I think yes yeah yes he's the biggest market in the world yeah Hollywood seems the place to be no matter your India your China the whole world sometimes I ask myself why why Hollywood why Oscar what why you have a your own Oscar we have our nobody care but why Oscar everybody care it's Hollywood is everybody wanna get know how Hollywood human myself I tried to get in the heart it was so difficult they didn't understand you you didn't understand them yes in the beginning my English they just don't understand they make my passion they make my punch they make my kick so slow yeah did they said no Jackie you too fast I remember I doing the kick boom boom boom bang bang ok the action would be ok ready action I'm finished that's done Mick just do the first reaction ladies Dhoom come on come on it's over I said I'm over no the director's cut I said no he's too slow no you do faster go slowly then I have to do boom boom boom which was pretty prettier that's the speed yeah then the dialogue coach get rid of the gum get rid of the gum dialogue coach teach me how to speak English at that time the gum yeah they come to Ingham you had okay you had know that the dialogue oh the dialogue was yeah every day railroad station railroad station police station oh they don't care the action they they care about my English they want me to be perfect how can I speak even now I can must be perfect unless you had a bit of a love-hate relationship you loved Hollywood and yes hated Hollywood after I tried to stay American for two years then I find out I'm not the biggest star there's so many big star I speak no English nobody likes Jackie Chan movie they don't lie my action they like John wings they like Bruce Lee they like Clint Eastwood poom john wing one punch out Jackie you you fight this guy 20 punch five kick he's still standing here that's what we're doing you know I'm like yeah let me dance at that time they don't they don't like this kind of action by boy Hollywood goodbye I sell my house I sell the car I know that's not my market I don't sing the audience they understand me why you punched somebody you hurt look at boo sleep pal no huh yes as a hero and you're not a hero oh wow somebody somebody beat me then I run away oh no human yeah nobody can fight fight people nonsense yeah then I back to Asia I rather be a Asia King after American audience destroy my confidence they destroy then my whole personality change becoming a humble no more diamond watch no more big star wherever I go yes yes because I think there's so many big star but Renault was a 5 million u.s. and that time my I'm the highest salary in Asia 4.5 million Hong Kong oh not even half million us but we'd rumble in the Bronx I make Rambo no Bronx not for American market listen o my agent okay now then boom what 35 million u.s. box office but you it made you a star in America yeah and how did that feel after 15 years I read you have so many American fans but I don't know why Sutton II still don't talk about me source nigga talk about me whatever they interview where you learn the kick from Jackie Chan movie then people call me you should see the movie why they mention about you then I got to see the movie oh they said we learn from send your Brouillard saloon where you learn to kick send your bullets say she said from Jackie Chan movie oh yes I saw that the Hollywood suddenly becoming a Jackie Chan action Jackie Chan style even Stallone everybody stop wow the video shop they have a special challenge in corner all my movie when I walk on the street the people come it's honor to meet you you are you thank you for for the movie ok you should I thank you for the piracy maybe should I thank you for the piracy I don't know and also all the media reporter all my fan so order to interview you I said why oh not like old day that the o generous you Chucky who yeah tell me about you mmm you where you from Hong Kong Hong Kong is a part of Japan right oh yes Hong Kong we can't tell the difference between shopping I'm talking about Sammy Davis jr. Sammy Davis jr. we make movie together then you see me oh come on wah I know I'm from Hong Kong ah yes so in Japan you was in Japan I know you're so famous okay see you tomorrow sorry Nana but sayonara I said I'm from Hong Kong he still sayonara every day you see me are the otaku save us come no7 do it they were Junior he won't believe it yeah he stood on don't know where some difference between Japan and China that's really funny huh but tell me what about the biggest film industry in the world Bollywood yes Bollywood I think it really surprised me I see wow so many people goes in see Bollywood movie have you seen anybody I see beehive which ones have you seen i cannot regard remember yeah I just know Indian movies always singing like for our three our what I'm doing what are they speaking why dancing again why singing but today the dancing compared to 30 years ago the movement the technology and car graph the dancing it's just amazing but what do you think about stunts I think it's done a lot of things to learn from us oh sure yeah but now everybody learn to everybody so why don't you why don't you make a film in Bollywood I will I want to then why so many years just a script Jackie can you imagine if you made a film in Bollywood look at the audience you would have yes 2.5 billion people watch my movie plus the rest of the world who [Music] Jacky's persona was always on public display for the world to see it was his private life his loves his women his marriage that remained a mystery so in 1980 you were already successful yeah rich young right on top of the world I'm young and rich and famous whenever I good I have a special then my I was like this know whenever I go you know the the stuntman with me sixteen stuntmen I almost like a gangster ya know education you know wearing a diamond watch anything anything whatever I want did you become a bit of a Playboy not I becoming a pay boy it's the girl make me becoming a Playboy okay all right no I'm after them they after me really I don't care about love I care about movie I care about fun so this way are you mad over they come you can tell you can feel it you can tell okay go do you know go go go out then I met another one and then another one they just they just think they call me of course and I also need a girlfriend but still so many which what is the best I don't know mmm I don't have the chance to know them I don't want to know them I just I to selfish when I have a dinner to Table three table with all my stunt team or my group I remember this very famous singer Teresa town okay you know that and she asked me can I have a dinner with you one day I said we have a dinner every day no I mean just you and me yes okay okay she arranged the dinner French restaurant yeah and they give me the menu I don't know how to read I just - you stay yes they know then the people ask me how would you like to stay what you know huh what what did you say oh yeah I tell you what city a medium where no well done well done good well done well done No whatever she say I'm opposite you know when they turn the wire just drink the when a stick come I just won um no I'm finished no yeah she haven't drink the soup yet I do a purpose I just tell you never do it again because you don't want to go alone again I don't know maybe yeah I don't know what I'm thinking at that time I don't like the way she act the way she know everything she can she order for me and she ordered my dessert everything everything comes she teaches me how to drink your soup I don't know no spoon and just do a purpose did she look at me why are you doing this yes then then pay to check out the restaurant I tell her I'll never never again after the dinner is separated you separated at that time I'm I'm young I just I to selfish I don't know what's meaning meaning is love that's what you say yes if I know if I'm not too selfish if I know the meaning of love I'm I already get married with Teresa 10 how good she is so sweet so beautiful her class is here my class is here we are not feet she's so lady I'm like a jet just I think because ten years in my martial art school yeah because the mean years of your life from 7 to 17 were in this school and in this school there was no place for any of these things was there III I don't know how to face did you get just you and me go to dinner oh my god I ready shocking even today no no way in 1981 Jackie met Lynn thumb Joe [Music] she done over a hundred films and was one of the top stars of Taiwan what would she like when you met her where she famous I'm still on foot bossy oh you were still yeah she already Wow beautiful yes and she's a very not like it joy she's a very quiet I met her the first time that girl I wouldn't out after her a special flight to Taiwan to see her and I not stood alone what's love I just know huh she's good she's beautiful and also I think because she's famous she's one of the famous okay you are my girlfriend you know young boy always have this kinda yes it's attractive yeah I think she know how to handle the love she teach me how to continue our relationship otherwise we gone she teach me can you show how you love me I never say love I'm a I like you okay how you like me can we you know I think because this kind of conversation that makes me comfortable yeah either you want to continue with me are you under kanui for her don't in the same time with a five girl I said I want to choose a who's the best ok then I'm out I don't want to compare okay okay I think you better don't don't cheese for somebody okay I think she who lead me to the right way in 1981 I think you decided to get married why at that stage did you want to get married she has a baby yeah yes then I I I said Wow you have my baby that's my responsibility then because when we go out the first day the newspaper object you have a new girlfriend now seems like a living y'all the to care of suicide in Japan yes after suicide my company you cannot say anymore any of the high which is hiding in Sutton in chef baby then okay I have to go away then do not sanction it she could Los Angeles not because we want to American citizen no no no go away from you we hiding for the paparazzi that's all then she's hiding and the baby comes out what can I do then can we marry I don't want to marry I don't want a man I'm bad boy I'm really bad boy I'm then okay your baby I don't want to be that's what she said I don't want baby come out I have no father okay yes then decide to sign the paper after right I'm she had the baby due today get married next day the baby comes out then bye-bye then I call back I'll come back a phone call to make movie continue I don't care anymore that's me but although she I'm learning running yes I'm wrong I do something wrong no no now I'm good father responsibility because your your your manager and friend Willy Chan has said very clearly you make a very good friend but a very bad very bad husband I think the the time being now I'm getting older no I'm not like I'm not like a go everyday no change with change but in the world of Jackie Chan what room is there for a family for love for a marriage the family are ready they're even my wife my son they want something they do something they never call me they just got a manager they could call the assistant so I never came our family so I'm still concentrating my business today if I quit boom bye-bye everything Jackie I want to ask you with whom in your life do you have the deepest emotional connection deep ocean emotional connection with whom in this world I don't know I change your law I think just two or three people yeah one is the one of course one is my manager really Chan maybe one more I cannot think about who who she is or she is what about your son JC he's now 23 years old did you spend time with him when he was growing up not really yeah no it was no time yeah putting this way if were you talking about family life yes and I lost a la la but in business way I'm success oh yeah so you cannot you have to choose I don't think I could have send his school pick up his school he's a good father no I don't think so yeah I think he is really appreciate what I'm doing and he really understood even my wife she knows my personality she supported me even my son's support but the most important is beside that the whole world Jackie Chan fans in the internet they really teach me a lot of things they like the movie they don't like the movie they don't like too violent okay I changed not not mine I learned so many things from the fans reading you are obsessed with your work Jackie Chan is obsessed with it because I'm very lucky becoming a Jackie Chan really [Music] from stuntman to super star pop star fundraiser philanthropist Jackie's gone beyond the realm of Fame to become a global icon and icon that has spawned a giant industry all over the world and as the achievements the awards and honors multiplied the legend grew and so did Jackie from that young boy who lived on charity Jackie you have conquered many worlds you've lived many lives what's left now to prove to the world or Joseph no I just do what I want I tell my manager next week I'm free I want to go to somewhere to do some charity and makes me happy sure when I couldn't sleep I do something good for the world or for my family for myself I can't sleep very tight you're 52 just do the years ahead frighten you just old age frighten you before yes but now not anymore I'm very lucky Jackie hadn't really met miracle sometimes I look at me why me I mean I've been so many years if today I'm full and gone I think I was happy and I think miss anything if 10 years ago 20 years ago you asked me no no I don't want to die I want so many things to do do you feel you could have done more in your life yes right if I can done more charity I would make less movie if I left more movies I would do less charity could you have loved more in your life I'm learning still learning still learning well anyway I think for a boy who was born in poverty who wasn't considered a great looker in that sense of the word who didn't learn how to read and write I think you've come a very long way Jackie and that's the magic of the movies this next yeah yeah the movie really helps me and now I really want to help the children shoot it around the world yeah before before I go will you sing a few lines for me yeah what kind what kind of song you anything that you like why only food for I can fall in love with you like a river flow slowly now to see darling shall we go something meant to be take my hand take my whole life too for I can't help falling in love with Jackie Chan beautiful you are wonderful thank you thank you for a memorable rendezvous you and I have loved every I know is that I I don't think we're in the view really which is like like a conversation has been everything choose so I you make me very comfortable thank you so much [Music]
Channel: SimiGarewalOfficial
Views: 213,962
Rating: 4.8675117 out of 5
Id: mGnzUqpmbHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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