Jack Welch's 3 Great Advice (Sacred Heart talk)

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graduation next weekend will graduate 1,500 students at the undergraduate and graduate levels what advice do you give to those young women and men who are going out perhaps for their first job in today's environment well I've been on this circuit for a while and I thought about it and I have three things I like to show young graduates today and the one of these is that schools in some in some ways while they prepare them so well they also have one flaw that sticks with people the first thing is over-deliver every time a student is when you work it in a business and you're asked to do something if you just do what the boss asks you to do you will end up just confirming what the boss wanted to have written down they already knew the answer when they asked the question so your job and a new job is to over the limit give them new perspectives well would anybody at some schools ask you for a problem problem solving in a case then they'd ask you the questions so you answer the questions you don't get the answer you don't get the questions in business you have to develop a perspective that's wider and I always tell the story of my of my first job I was a project manager in a little plastic operation in pittsfield mass and my boss from New York was coming up to see I'm not my boss my boss's boss and they wanted me to come in one of those gee white shirt pictures they present the cases from my new plastic tell them where where I was going so I got all prepared nothing else but what I did what I did do is I didn't talk about my project alone I talked about the ten plastics in the industry where they were going to be in five years their cost structure from to tout cela nice to Pont etc I give up that pact I gave my boy my boss's boss this picture of the industry I think info I got noticed that I was I got out of the pile because I didn't just give my project report Giver I did yeah if I get tomorrow we'll do next day I gave him a perspective and made him look smarter he knows more about the industry than he ever knew and that's what you want to do you always want to over-deliver never do what the assignments do more than that wider new insights new horizons that secondly you got up walk around with a positive attitude no one wants a black cloud around them all day it's not a sound fool yourself let's get rid of it don't bring it to work it's a disaster it's a career killer just don't do it and the third thing is don't be ambitious be ambitious but don't be ambitious to the point that it's on your forehead and a neon sign don't do it you would probably have all the ambition of the world but don't go in and rub it in everyone's nose so with those three things over the liver a positive attitude and don't wear ambition on your forehead I think you'd be off to a pretty good start and screwed and how about mentor mentor
Channel: Tri Suseno
Views: 90,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Welch, GE
Id: ju__z4sdeaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2010
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