Jack The Giant Killer | Full Movie | Action Adventure Fantasy

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] what time is it you know what time it is [Music] I almost forgot come on YouTube get a move on we can troubleshoot this later now that you're 18 Jack Mason [Music] [Applause] hey happy birthday make a wish thank you Jack jacks crutches it's my dad's last name dad yeah I've never met Sharon Nigel looking for Jack Corrections Jess you're not welcome here look I don't want any trouble I just want to talk to Jack you're not talking to him as a matter of fact you're leaving Jack Jack I never forget a promise yeah I didn't need anything from you from your father father before this gets worse give us a package and we'll decide if Jack should have it give it here Jack give it to me why can't I have it he's not your friend Jack he's not your Dad's friend he's clinically insane yes he was your father's friend but he's been hounding this family since you were a child and we've been trying to protect you from him seemed reasonable to me when your father disappeared it affected people differently just was your father's friend but ever since that day he's been not all completely there listen we're not even sure he isn't responsible in a way for what happened to your father and now he wants the same for you this doesn't make any sense give us the package why what's in it look you can open it if you want to but it's not going to help you find your father I want to know what happened to him we told you son before the left before you were born I know that but where'd he go up we fear he's gone but he would have gone upward he was a good person underneath you aren't telling me anything we don't know truly when he wins we just know he's gone he went for something big and that made me what got him [Music] more easy [Music] don't leave the package you can't talk to me like this you're not even my father Jack Jack [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you got all this [Music] Jesse was crazy [Music] I won't know where they are [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you hello [Music] what where okay not just stay there I'll come get you [Music] foreign [Music] I know you all want to get a closer look at this thing but I have to ask you to stay back until the county boys have checked this thing out we don't know anything about it Jack Lisa this thing would stand up just a day before my retirement [Music] [Music] have you ever seen anything as magnificent in your life Milton sure it's your pathway alone excuse me every miles around don't do that they think it's it's a gold mine now it's a nuisance only the one who planted the seed can Traverse the stalk it's your pathway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good morning foreign [Music] come on we're going to the engine roof we've got to get a pie that thing is not going to give up without a fight come on you can help me stop the fires fill that up that's it right follow me so what do they call you Jack crutches crutches where are you from it's fixed back well I'm new old crutches I know we met before no but I I think in my father Preposterous I mean look at you I would have had to have been at least 10 years old to have fathered you I mean I am about to become a father but not for several months to show you where did you get this my mother's taken before I was born [Music] you say you were 18. you see well this is complicated is your mother with a gentleman named Nigel yes he's messed up foreign listen I am I think you better come with me I got something to show you [Music] I'm gonna tell you something now something I've suspected for a while but your presence here confirms it it may sound a little strange but don't judge it on first appearances just hear me out okay now this place that we're at um I call it the land of the clouds I've been here 19 days and nights I know that to be true now you tell me you're my son and you're 18 years old so it must be true one day here equals one year on so how old are you [Music] 29. now how did you get here someone called Jesse he says he's your friend right you're 18. never forget we haven't got much time I've got to get you to that being this Castle this is yours not originally I used to belong to what you might call a giant where did it go when I first arrived here I may have misread the situations regarding the Giants and now I'm paying for it what do you mean apparently the one thing keeping the beasts like the one that attacked you in check were the Giants and it would have been nice if someone would have told me that but there were communication errors I mean I didn't speak the language so I didn't understand fee fifo thumb and I you killed [Music] it was one of my greatest accomplished now the balance is gone and there's nothing left to stop them why don't you come back with me to work in my experience Only He Who plants the bean can travel the stock all others well [Music] same thing happened to me when I first arrived been stuck on the last for a few hours is why I've been unable to get back to Earth there must be some other way to get back home how about that don't think I haven't thought about that the castle goes up more than a few hundred feet she becomes unstable we have to try maybe someone who can help us [Music] according to our files you were both here when they've been stopped first appeared that you were in fact In Cahoots so to speak with new old crutches who disappeared with same mainstalk the time you claim to know nothing of its origin why do I find it odd that 20 years later the same thing happens in your own backyard another crutches disappears and again you claim to know nothing we're telling the truth why don't you question that Jess Walters we would if we knew where he was what we'd like to know because what you're doing to help find Jack well the only good news I can offer is that the cleanup Crews haven't found any sign of him on the ground if I could get hold of some of those beans I might possibly be able to help you more if we had more beans we'd be going out the Beanstalk ourselves to find my son makes you believe the stalk leads somewhere what makes you look doesn't your own scientists confirmed that you have no idea where that stock leads to he's alive now Jack [Music] when we get closer we're gonna have to abandon the castle Serena sees us she'll send her beasts out after us we're going to have to walk but unfortunately her Fortress is located on top of an icy Peak the temperatures there are Sub-Zero thankfully I've got a remedy for that [Music] [Music] there's a hidden entrance just beyond the ridge don't worry I know the way [Music] [Music] Serena [Music] I'm sorry but what was all that about well you would Nigel and I were Partners in an agricultural Collective we wanted to design new crops superfoods things that could grow in poor soils with little water and give high yields save the planet knew what was different find Airlines he felt that the power the past was the solution to the future we disagreed with his methods it was fundamental but new world was charismatic when we all first met I went out with new order it wasn't destined to be anything we were just young students But ultimately it was Nigel who stole my heart you all couldn't stand it I still say he was in love with you I know but it was never meant to be like that Niels and I broke up and I fell for Nigel I didn't find out I was pregnant till later and by that time we were all at odds I was never sure if what happened was out of spite you all took all our funds and spent them on some crazy heirloom beans he claimed they would solve everything and then he planted the beans the next day he disappeared at the Beanstalk just like Jack and we haven't seen him since [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so nice of you to come no need to sit back there in the dark come here it is so good to see you again how come it's taken so long for you to visit very busy I've been chatting new territories of this land as taken up most of my time this land is pretty vast and you've brought a visitor yes yes um this is Jack my brother it's a pleasure to me [Music] no the pleasure is all mine it is so rare that we encounter someone from Below help go on needs to return home might you have the means to do it if I knew of a means for something as fragile as a human to get there right I would have Venture there myself can you not return via restore concern is the way you came I wish I could in seeking out a path to the land from Once you came please join me in the library new world knows the way [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I know you can do it Jack if you are out there hear me coming to get you I'm not giving up on you [Music] please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] police stations about the large Beanstalk growing at an unimaginable speed outside the city Cathedral one man at the scene explained a young girl was seen at the base of the Beanstalk yet moments later had disappeared the whereabouts of the girl are currently unknown Nigel officials get in here is Lisa oh my God we've got to do something foreign no one gets near it without my approval well ington General Sean is here thank you for your assistance with the Quarton we're taking over now so I didn't deploy them here what's up I don't think you know what you're dealing with here I don't know where you come from but where I come from the tour poppies get cut down it's not as if the damn thing's made from steel you know there's a girl up there there's many more hundreds of people in the building surrounding us that Beanstalk is a managed to them all if it becomes violent you'll have won the blood of one girl on your hands this is great we do boss I have no idea is that shown now I know you've got to do something what do you get over to that stalk I wouldn't advise that if I were you oh you wouldn't dealt with these things before we Gordon It Off at Sunset the whole thing disintegrates into a harmless husk you have until sunset pulling back to a safe location if you're wrong I'll make sure your next job is on about the other Hebrides you understand yes sir don't thank me yet as far as we know these things are a one-way Street no one's ever come down [Music] so it was the Giants that took you from Earth I was a child one of them came down from the clouds took me away a place that can't even protect their own children deserve something in return don't you think he's a SWAT exactly [Music] sure what happened to you didn't happen on purpose how would you know a place that could allow that to happen doesn't deserve to exist I'm just saying how can you be certain that the Giants took you from Earth from where I'm from I mean it doesn't make any sense I've never even heard any stories of giants before I came here have you not put all children at stores Giants aren't you the man who looked into the old stories in search of the ancient tomes to find your Beanstalk you do have a point still say how can you be certain that you are from Earth I have met all manner of righteous here but you are the only one I ever met who resembled me I must have been taken and that is why I wish to return to Earth to make all those responsible [Music] hey more why no no thank you thank you um as a matter of fact I think I would like another glass if you've got any of that old stuff seen as how we are celebrating celebrate wow seeing you again of course of course thank you [Music] gotta go now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] fill her up you've got to get moving we've got to get him before Serena done foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's put some kind of spell on the Beanstalk them to recommend [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] I'm sorry there's nothing more I can do here get me down cover these premises you and your soldiers will have to be leaving and and you can take those tree trimmers with you you've got to be kidding me this property belongs to Madison Corp that's me so you and your boys well you can just vacate the premises that beef stock is a public menace it hasn't hurt anyone look the way I see it the creature is only trying to defend itself seeing you like wandering up to it with your chainsaws it's quite obvious to me that it only attacks when it is provoked yeah I have done quite a bit of research into these magical beanstalks and you know what they don't bother you no not unless you bubba them so there'll be no touching it there'll be no climbing on it and everything will be all right yeah see what I'm saying people I've got a right to see this kind of thing up close it's the eighth wonder of the world and I I am gonna bring it to the people as soon as my guys have worked at how to keep it alive for more than a day [Music] thank you oh yeah four back again [Music] all right [Music] [Music] that's not that girl Lisa I can see that selling the property people of wherever this is I'll offer you this one chance to amend your fate [Music] Give Me Your Allegiance and your life shall be spared you will benefit from the knowledge that I bring with me your lives will be full of joy and without pain what say is this some kind of joke has anyone got any tranquilizer bullets or rubber bullets for they matter who does she think she is [Music] every civil defense on the line and we have to evacuate Ascent of the city in the center by the Beanstalk we have a major situation here foreign [Music] stop the firing [Music] hey you whoever you are if you want your demons to be magic can't happen here no one here has the authority now if you want to speak to someone who does then it must happen outside the city and you are me I'm the person who can arrange a meeting with the person who has the authority now follow me oh and if that thing steps on anybody the deals off [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right of course I'm not all right you blithering idiot good National Defense headquarters on the line tell her we need airs have heart right away sir and get me off this roof come on get it down from there ah I'm flying Castle I know like that heat generation it's a variation on the Rankin cycle I mean I don't know but I suspect it uses some kind of Magical Force I don't really know how it works but he can fight oh that's reassuring well I never would have tried this before but now it looks like we don't have any choice now I'm giving you two both the option of staying here while I go after her I'm with you me too now there's no guarantee that we'll make it back at all as I explained to Jack the castle doesn't seem to hold up too well when I try to take it too high off the ground I know well where we're going I'll have no idea how high up we are or how far away the ground is we may not even get any warning before we hit it are you still in word okay then we're gonna need some fuels now I want everyone to hold on very tight and to the edge of the escarpment because truth be told I'm not sure what's gonna happen foreign and now The Descent [Music] okay [Music] all right let's see Houston well what's that mean well either the castle velocity now Jack we have no idea what the gravitational field strength is here it could be completely different to the Earth until we get closer so I wouldn't speculate it's got to be similar no but you can't jump to conclusions I wouldn't say we were out of control what would you call this thing guys I think what we need to be more worried about here is the gravitational potential energy of this Castle you're right completely I can see why he likes you too sure why you like him though that was just soak up the fire well what are you waiting for lunar up there was some good thinking there Hinton I'm gonna promote you I don't work for you I'll see that you do who do we have to play the prime minister this gentleman volunteered good luck it was your idea you're the prime minister's driver hmm hey Hinton if you gentlemen out back in five minutes I'm gonna open fire I thought you might [Music] it seems to be working down [Music] [Music] foreign foreign Queen of the cloud realm Mistress of The Ether right this is prime minister Walters how'd you do now look let's cut to the chase what exactly do you want will your people acquiesce to my rule once and for all and you'll call these things off and I won't kill you think you can overcome our armies I don't want to rule you all I simply thought that might get your attention better I want I want something else what's that give me the telephone give me the damn tell it the telephone please prime minister foreign okay right right yes I understand no listen Hinton that's the oldest trick in the book well the last time they pulled that out of the bag was in the war of 1812. get your asses back here you and the Prime Minister I'm about to make those monsters into ham sandwiches yeah thank you Sergeant sir Soldier my pistol please thank you okay let's get this shown around I'm sorry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we've got a problem tell me about it we're old school what can we do I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to end this way so that's it I said sorry what more do you want I was hoping for some sort of plan to get us out with this did I not say before we left that I didn't think the castle would make it maybe you could even something soft to land on your target as he comes capable [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there's people moving down there sir but don't just stand there get down and don't get them so we need to regroup we've got monsters to fight [Music] take out defensive positions Hold the Line railgun is out of action sir what do you mean inoperable I don't care what I don't care what it takes get the thing to fix symptoms we're relying on you there's a good man carry off sir can we expect any more of you folks dropping in like that all right I don't know how you did it but I just want to say thank you do you have any more Intel on those monsters can they be killed that's pretty tough you're not going to get through that armor don't tell me anything I don't already know I've not even killed one before you mean it can't be done I'm saying I don't know sir I mean I suppose you could try taking out the head but the rest is pretty much impenetrable you see what you mean well think of your help Sergeant get them out of here sir but there's something else I can help you you've done enough this is military business Sergeant get him out of here well I've seen some teams in my Army Career this takes the biscuit [Music] I hate to break up the family reunion but we have to go now go with them look I have to stay and help I've got my orders to get you out of here now go just listen I know how to stop them you've got one minute now tell me the woman the one that's leading them if you take her out you'll take the monsters out we've already got people on there no no I don't mean kill her I mean capture her I'll run it by myself that's the best I can offer now go come on come on you'll get in it's up take them away [Music] listen I think I have an idea we can stop those beasts but only if we capture Serene those creatures surround her if the military can't get past them how can we if we give her what she wants she'll come to us and what's that does anyone know this woman I smell good start it's a local Legend she claims her daughter was kidnapped by Giants but it's a folk tale she's long dead Mildred Stark is Serena's mother she's come down here to find her the amulet she uses it to control the beasts capture her we can either force her to stop the attack or we get the amulet she won't be able to make them do her bidding but we still need to figure out a way to get past those monsters leave that to me I've got something at home that can help look Jack you've been through enough I'm not going to let you risk anything again your mother's right I started all of this and this is my mess you both taught me not to let others claim I mess up didn't you then this is what I'm going to do I'm coming with you what are you gonna do I'm going back to the farm and I need a couple of trucks [Music] [Music] you got one job make sure I don't get shot [Music] down here I'm over here Serena down here thank you [Music] turn around turn around get out of the way [Music] [Music] hello the lady you're alive [Music] I control them now I can wear you get the idea that I use that necklace to control them it's a let's Keepsake is it well then you won't mind if I destroy it no oh you can't control them anymore they'll be competable Beasts of the fields I know the law you're wrong on all counts [Music] this may give us enough time to escape before they go berserk and kill we have to go where will you look at that sergeant they've become docile [Music] [Music] s everybody this is Serena hi I have some news for you but perhaps now is not the time have you got any idea how to stop these things the Thunder's making them panic I just thought that it's something else all right you know this thing but what can we do about it I don't know without the amulet my magic's not powerful enough to influence it I have an idea an idea of how we can kill it oh same way I killed one of the Giants gotta get to the crash site here here slow down it's far enough I'm going I'm going with you sure again you've come too keep the engine moving come on [Music] [Music] [Music] careful [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] need more reinforcements what's that hold as long as we can don't you think we're doing that sir that you just don't understand the situation has got a lot bigger [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's it doing come on over here what's stopping it [Music] oh no this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll give Jack them beans let me handle it okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] it's working go check [Music] mom come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I'd have to do this no son you'll die well I'll die if I don't do something [Music] I'm on Sharon Jack son what are you gonna do she's gonna have a nice little conversation with her maybe talk about the weather or something she's just go already take care of them okay you're going to I'll go put on foot I'm gonna help you get this thing going and the first runner okay you guys better go [Music] [ __ ] now get out of here run and talk back Jack you have to kick his ass I know now get out of here [Music] [Music] come on [Music] down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's got a nice ring to it I don't want him making a habit of it son not too shabby thanks Nigel dad annual good job you too what for them [Music] thank you Jack all of you [Music] [Music] [Music] listen um hope you're still not planning all that retribution stuff people haven't decided yet [Music] I am I kept this to speak [Music] [Music] oh no don't even think about it don't you want to know what else is up there not now there's too much going on down here who's gonna look after your dad yeah yeah you're right does this mean we can have a date [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 304,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Jack The Giant Killer, jack and the beanstalk movie
Id: 1MeuxIta1sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 12sec (5232 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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