Jack Ma Life Story

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yeah we have uh over a 100 million buyers visiting our site shopping our site um every day we created um uh 14 million jobs for China and um we grow from 18 people to 30,000 people 18 people in my apartment to now we have four big campers we are one of the top 10 15 largest market cap company in the world you grew up in the 60s 64 that born in ' 64 that was the time of the cultural revolution yeah it was the end of the cultural revolution I know how tough it was uh when I was a kid I really like the I don't know why at 12 13 years old the time I suddenly fell love into the language the English and there's no place you can you can learn English at that time there's no books English books so I went to the Hanzo hotel now called Hanzo shanga Hotel because that was the hotel uh can receive the foreign visitors so every morning for nine years I showed them around as a free guide and they taught me English I fa for funny things that I failed a key Primary School test for two times and I failed um um like a two three times for the middle school middle school for three years I tried fil in the universities so apply jobs for 30 times got rejected I went for a police they said no you're not good I went to even the uh KFC when KFC came to China come to my city 20 24 people went for the job 23 people accepted I was the only one guy and we went for police five people four of them accepted I was the only guy that I re receive it so to me being turned down rejected oh by the way I told you that I would I apply for Harvard for 10 times rejected I know be re sorry now 10 times you wrote them and said I'd like to come to Harvard yeah and then I told myself somebody I should go teach there baby and he said a jack you this is internet was I asked what is internet he said you know search whatever you want at that time they use Mosaic very slow right and I said I don't use it I don't want to type because Inter computer is so expensive in China if I destroy it I cannot pay he said just to search it so I searched the first word beer I don't know why because easy to spell a baby and I see beers from Germany beer beers from USA beers from Japan but there's no beer from China and I say okay type the second worst China no data nothing nothing and I said 1995 1995 no data about China so I talked to my friend why not I make some something about China so we made u a small very ugly looking page called China it's it's about it's something like I did a translation agency with listed on there it was so shocking we launched at 9:40 in the morning 12:30 I got a phone call from my friend he said Jack you know you got five emails I said what is email and they said these are the things see people so excited where are you this is the first time I see a Chinese website on that how can we kind of when can we do something together so I think this is something interesting so we should do it years ago people say h Alibaba Motel is terrible does not make money have this and that all the big bad things because Amazon is better eBay is better Google is better and there's no such model like Alibaba in the USA why you call it Alibaba Alibaba so I've been thinking for many days suddenly think Alibaba is a good name so I I was happen to being s s Francisco that day I did have a launch and the Wich just come I asked her do you know about Alibaba she said yes I said what is alib she said open sesame good so I went on the street ask about 1020 people they all know about Alibaba 40 thieves and open sesame and I think this is a good name and start with a whatever you talk about Alibaba is always top it was a big disis because for first three years Alibaba is just like e Market places for for information uh what you have what I have we talk a lot time but don't do any business because there is no payment I talk to the banks no banks want to do it Banks say oh no this thing never work so many people I talked to at that time for all you pay they say this is the stupidest idea you have ever got but I say I don't wear the stupid clever as long as people use it now we have uh 800 million people using this alip pay now 1999 year 2000 and even at the Yahoo time a lot of people say this Jack is crazy he's he's doing something that we don't understand a lot of venture capitals give you money because there is such a American model already there but they say Alibaba we don't see this kind of model right they say Jack's crazy yeah this is crazy guy I mean I remember my first time in Time Magazine they call me crazy Jack I think um because we started about the doing business internet I don't know you you don't know me so how can you do things online unless you have trust so for e-commerce the most important thing was trust I think when I went first went to USA for raising money talking to the ran capitalist a lot of people say oh Jack no no no no no no no China doing business by GUI how can you do business on internet and I know that without the trust system the credit system it's impossible to do business because of e-commerce we finish 60 million transactions every day people don't know each other I don't know you I send products to you you don't know me you want the money to me and I don't know you I give a p person a package I don't know him he took something to so cross the ocean cross river and understand this is the trust we have at at least 60 million trust happening every day leadership is about responsibility and after I to listen to that panel I give a call to my friends my colleagues in the my apartment say do it now immediately if something wrong the government not happy about that if one body has to go to the prison jackma go to the prison because it is so important for China for the world to build up the trust the system and if you did not do it I S and do not do it properly stealing money money wash no trust record I send you to the prison Every Spring Festival the train station the train ticket is so difficult hundreds and thousands of farmers in work in the cities in the spring Festival they go to the hometown but when they order tickets on the on the uh the the the the other way the whole system crashed for five years so I told my young people go support them don't charge anything because I don't want to see millions of farmers go back to city and they cannot buy the tickets so it's it's something that it's not for money it's something I it's not for the government it's for the millions of millions of people your life is a testament to the idea that nothing is impossible that if somebody says no you say it's just the beginning if you continue to work hard there's there's possibility at the beginning for the first five years I just want to survive for the first three years we made a zero Revenue zero Revenue but we we are so excited continue to work you know what happened I remember many times when I go to restaurant have dinner somebody came when I was trying to pay the bill the owner of the restaurant came to say sir your bill is paid by someone and the small note say hey Mr marah I'm your customer of Alibaba group Alibaba platform I made a lot of money and I know you don't make any money I pay the bill for you yeah and and I remember one thing one day that I was uh sitting somewhere in the coffee somebody sending me a cigar I don't smoke cigar but there's a note thank you very much I'm your customer and I remember in the TPO days I went the shanga hotel in Beijing when I got on the taxi the man who opened the door for me the boy at the gate he said Jack thank you very much I'm I'm s here my girlfriend makes more money than I do on your site if you don't do it nothing's possible if you try to do it at least you have the hope I remember one of the Senior Management of walart guys came to hzo five years ago he said Jack you know you did a great job and bl blah so we I said maybe in 10 years we'll be bigger than warmer he said young man you have a good [Laughter] hope
Channel: malicious_dll
Views: 96,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack ma, story, motivation, history, china, usa, america, technology, ecom, internet, trade
Id: -kfketFPa7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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