Jack Ma and Young Leaders

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Aaron the digitech knowledge is to empower others make other people good IT is designed for rich people DT is designed for poor people it's impossible for people like me could be today imagine don't have money don't have technology don't anything why that's because of the Internet we have ideas you should try to find people working together serve people help people the more people are happy the more people you supported empower them the more powerful you will be so today I start to think inclusiveness sustainable growth that's the key message of this century and I want to come to Africa that's when I come to Africa I love the people I love the environment you know this today I leave always like this size it's not interesting so big but I think when I come here I see the people's eyes they always say can I be that I think yes don't you know don't try to be jacking my learn from Genma learn from how he sees the difficulties how he's meet the challenges how he failed a child again in my life there was two words so try again flu trial again right because if you feel if you keep up your real feel if you don't give up you always have chance and this is what I wanted to furnish Africa it's it's impossible for you to be jekima in two years but it's possible for you to be jakkamma in togo in ten years five years and don't always look at Bill Gates when I was young I look at Bill Gates or not when I look at these you know he's got on and I look at my neighbor what he opened a barbershop a restaurant he is more successful than the others I learned from him I feel more comfortable and I feel there's something I can do when I look at Bill Gates fifty years ago no I can do it all right so step friend little by little so your role model for young entrepreneurs here and I think we'd like to take one question is one of just seen a panic don t go from that train to Chicago Rockefeller T kimochi desuka Lana cheer a local goon registry in poultry trace look at Tom who's a very common si como I've ever addressed a mini illusion omoi see what platform the ecommons yes okay how do I agree gauge my users it's very difficult when I build Alibaba top out the b2c cycles nobody come to use so we have been at that time I guess seven nine people we start to buy ourself with a self herself in order to test the technology product for first amount some people start to try to sell something on our platform all cabbage they tried to sell whether the words we buy all the cabbage would buy them and that he was alone this thing really works and the very important is not that they're very important is that those people who come to your shop to try a chocolate because they trusted you you should have owner a very the trust always make the customer that believing you trusting you value them take good care of them customers are the fastest salespeople in the world they were world of Mouse and funny for the first half year every day the custom come we use a paper to write down who the customer Howard you know keep them happy and they become our customers our salespeople and the growth not easy we start from a few people to now we have every month more than 800 million people 800 million people using our Alibaba and more than 1 billion people using only paper Jack the the we have a group of entrepreneurs half of them comes from Togo and another half come from french-speaking Africa and so we wanted them to also benefit from experience and I think it would be good to take a question now from someone from another country so who is brave enough for a question bonjour je m'appelle vehicle Samba she is an entrepreneur but I still taking Pacheco from the digitech Africa keep ma Omaha no KU Leuven a piggy only a big limo by morning quick or some three in a possible Rosso mobile money de pouvoir a sh t ha t v-- or Senegal a bunch of little example Pascal in the bobbin Monet's and Kosta Koufos the friend Ocala also refused after communion Shirley and sanam so much harder gradually came on local a they were on campus be a vous pouvez pas de aquella in platform Otis you are not keep a man say the rng to the platform the payment the continuous return Papua that madman no Omicron Gurukul the quad row so one of the last row on where I stay the Union synagogue without space reality Baba a bunch of my buddy come on to visit thank you let me tell you this is very very important for African and African there are two important things first the whole African continent should having a mobile phone payments or a payment or digital payment solution for the whole continent second there should be logistics system across every country and I think this should be promoted and agreed supported by every government so we thought yeah we thought the heat who is that the payment we saw the financing how can business development we thought a financing to any country it's just like a desert without water financing is water in business so I think what you're doing is very very important it's critical when I did a leap a year 2004 I was so difficult we're not allowed to have the license we can never get the license because banks don't trust us banks will not support us nobody supported us so I created a model if you want to buy things from a heard minister you don't want to give the money don't that's not I want to give you the products so I create a model you wire the money to Omni page I hold it and I tell Minister I received the money so you send the products if you're happy I relieve money not happy return the products which is very simple but people say this is very stupid and I think well as long as the works as well as customer love it I don't care it is stupid enough and we can make this stupid products that smart so we stopped the little by little to now globally we have 1.2 billion users active users and let me tell you on the November 11 last week we have the single slave November 11 we sold 38 billion US dollars products within one day 38 and the speed and accuracy the payment was amazing I think African either and today Ali paid president Simon is here is the alley P Ali P president and re-enter fallacies expert on clock computing and the payment system we will be very happy to offer service our technology our know-how interview people and by the way without the government support it is very difficult to the crosswalk and how you do it it's impossible to to make ten countries agree forget it you cannot even make your whole family agree on something you have to pick up the country who agree with it start one on one right if one country agreed you could have a Greenland stepa do and then the country agree with a great technology is simple by the way Minister we do not call ourself tech think-tank we call ourself protecting think that is to empower financial institution to make the bank is stronger I don't like that we will tech thing is to make everybody every individual be every small business be able to reach the money I guarantee you for 14 years for 15 years today we have a trillions of trillions of transactions every day every year we don't have even one cent to Mystic very secure very efficiency technology simples the most important thing is government agree where government agreed back to a hate you yes but there is also an initiative in Africa to have one single market and you're right that Google has been pushing very hard because we're a small country so it makes a lot of sense for us to be part of the Africa free trade exchange and so what we what also say is that we want to position our country as a textfield country I'm never going to say FinTech again in my life but take country it's very important what we hear from you and do we have another question from the floor if you have any country that wouldn't love together Ali pay will offer great service to you so yeah the sign is here Jason can give all the contact anything but you know texting technology know how the anti hackers security will get off of that exactly taking on your offer in tobu I can tell you that much will succeed so do we have another question boss Rosa also excellence which is my pen give up that's not me clearly she gained chicken bone Jesse spongy for textbook - ah boo hey boo sonsaku found it was on a vector he knew so legal monitor the Mito Tama Moustakas Clemmy to tell you mom enough we need so much so I need up a piece then he left a method he created them to play mahjong on Bucky don't come to see me God in so on-trend Oliveira ADC the Kosovo it's a gamble to go even though Maquis ships across the Keynesian time do come love Rihanna trick is don't focus to economize a captive callable octopus will economics done they take an economy you can't smoke in finessing great to hear that they are also on the payment and I think for sure if you don't succeed somebody would if we don't succeed somebody will and payment equator in Africa must be successful and it will be successful for sure and next thing is when you have the money you have to chest the the other thing to do is transportation for the transfer of the products logistic isn't very important I just can't believe it Africa cross both trade logistic is so complicated and this with something that it's the opportunity for entrepreneurs I think nope country's government will say yes go ahead but it's intrapreneurs make things happen this is the chance for everybody so if you want help it covers paper logistics these are two very very important two things and a third importance of things the third important thing is about how the government should not pass a lot of rules laws to people to regulate it as long as the products are safe in parish support HR initially do it so we're encumbered I think ecommerce in Africa is V models is the model for F Africa Development Minister I have four suggestions for Africa yes to develop which I call for is looking for is the first E is entrepreneurs it's the enterpreneur ships that create that construct that produced so entrepreneur is the first to eat second e is e government we should make the government eat make gonna be transparent with government efficiency the third E is infrastructure not infrastructure we should make sure Africa every country every individual being able to reach faster speed internet internet connection is more important than electricity of last century and unfortunately and fortunately this is a good investment for any picture and for e the fourth e is education so these are all things that if Africa focus on the four es Africa is a huge petition because this is a junk continent so many young people they're not free they want to try to change they don't improve their lives honestly I don't see a lot of young people in Africa want to be Bill Gates and Jacquemont they just want to change they just want to be rich they'll be good help you like running this is Keith thank you jack thank you for these inspiring words do we have another question from the floor you suck she was an e-commerce sir just three loose here alas upon the simple logic to go jet from the Google TV we don't replace the commercial developments on there for Unicode homes usual get on the route ticket now look at Ali Baba who's that silly and I could see a little yeah on the projector in the console master kilowatt come take was your dream ooh Amelie available on the distributor the cost not that you see well let me tell you the bad news is that distributors will never help you and support you to them we are taking away their jobs but tell your good news they will give up they will follow you they will improve their services most of the distributors they make money not in not actually any in that valley for this manufacturer and for consumers we platform ecommerce try to make in the valley in a more efficient cost-effective ways so I've been trying my best to talk to a lot of distributors early years telling them let's work it together they say no no no no they think it ecommerce nothing but after ten fifty years competition boy grow faster I think will change so it's very difficult to convincing at today's early stage of e-commerce like a youth what that means in distributor but giving back to offer service working together by the easier let's see thank you shake it so it's mine thank you my name is smile auto antibodies I'm the CEO and founder of the first Togolese brand of tomatoes imperium concentrated and I'm launching a collaborative ecommerce platform to fit the rates the default of all the collision entrepreneurs in the first thing that you said is that in China it was very difficult at the beginning 20 years ago it was a problem even hard in smart for the program you know you to share with us what are the strategies that you use to overcome this challenge trying of Internet the challenge of having for instance a smartphone and also in our countries people are used to go to start by they're not yet used by own internet so how did you become also that kind of traditional way of buying their their pinger stuff that was reasonable thank you thank you well first there is a note smartphone to the years ago in China the internet speed was very low and I never thought at that time Alibaba would be today's such size I'm very happy every day I have a team or customers Tamil customers little by little we build up the trust we understand their needs it's not easy but you have to have a long visioning forum for your business it's a long vision it took a long time and efforts so you're questioning later about yet traditional way of buying things let me tell you thirty years ago 50 years ago people don't trust to pay money online people don't love to buy things online rule number one don't try to convince successful people to change successful people never change you should help those people who want to be successful 20 years ago we never tried to convince in those people 35 years old we can make those people who look who are only 18 years old for them it's a fun there just a few spend a few cents a few dollars you want to try why we grow up together with them so 20 years later they have 40 years old they are the money big backer there are a lot of - so the convincing successful people just to forget it they would tell you no no no no no no I'll be doing that very well I don't like to lose it so serve the people who are young and making them excited early days if it even to do today when you shopping auntie mo tapa I'll leave up outside for you to see it's not a shopping it's a lot of fun people find so many interesting things in the other internet if you go shop you just to go buy it then you're no difference go to the next-door shops you have to make your shopping very fun let me tell you every night every night they're about 17 minute people browsing Alibaba Kimo Papua every night we sought to buy anything seven-zero those whom i don't know what they're doing just looking so you have to prepare for all the things that's not shopping but people coming here having fun they love to check they love to check they love to ask questions that's a fun of the weird things right so try to make your site not a shocking sight a site of experience a site of fun a site can make people talk and share more important so people spend more time on your site if a lot of people coming to your site spending a lot of time we're gonna buy anything you still make money right so try to make your site more like Jack you touched a bit on logistics as an important means for us applicants to to increase our income and to increase ecommerce and we have few companies here these young entrepreneurs when the logistic space there is jungkook here from the resistance do you have a question sure nothing other means Jack thank you so much for being here with us my name is jean-claude Omo I'm the co-founder of lorry systems and alert just six marketplace for trucking on the continent so we're the largest marketplace aggregating trucks and matching supply and demand for the transportation of cargo on the continent my question to you is entrepreneurship globally is usually associated with high growth entrepreneurship which involves venture capital but then there's also a more traditional way of building businesses that are let's seek to be profitable with some of the events recently such as we work and over and some of the news that were reading I'm curious if you could share with us your thoughts on how businesses in Africa and in emerging markets should be funded what your experience was and how you see the future of capital that will back the growth of African entrepreneurship okay well I have a lot of experience dealing with investors I have a lot of experience dealing with venture capitalists my company our Valley number one we have six batters malee number one custom number one in Prague number two Cheryl number six I spoke that in Wall Street when we I kill I said custom element in Panama to Sharon and asleep Wall Street in Haiti to me one of the guys said if you customer of show number three we will have never buyer spots as I certainly sell out stocks we believe it's the customer that pay us if the customer pay you the money the business is sustainable if the customer do not pay you the money magic apples give you the money you're spending the money quickly and the second it's the employees that make your products as service it better sir it's good venture capitalists are the anchors you founder are the father mother of your company of your kids these are the uncle's give you some money to buy some milk who is that uncle's you step to keep your baby's good no choice trust me well problem comes most of rich capitalists run faster than you think don't trust that they will be with you all the time your employees will be with you all the time their loyal customers who have been with you all the times I don't like in the past a few years so many stand ups they say we are successful company because we raised is that much money I hate that I know the day of class were coming it's not the money that make you succeed it's a service and products to the customers it's a customer make you successful it's a team make you successful no venture capitalist will give you money if passed a few years the world is crazy everybody see why I erased the tripping in it I wish the fixative minute it sounds like if you don't reach a minute you know you're a loser you're a loser only if you have no customer loyalty you're losing not be price do not follow you so this is what I give an advice police have good mana it's not a traditional model that customer pay you in price are happy this is the traditional model this is good model and then the magic happens give you the money to speed up a little bit by the way I find most of the company's bankrupt not because they don't have money sometimes they have too much money when they have too much money they got a greedy the losing mind they start hire people they don't need this standard a beautiful office we don't mission out that so this is all the things that all the startup companies CEOs and founders be careful you get the money you need but that's a CEO but everybody should good you should be careful bad things where everybody said back you're looking for good things where everybody's the same futures good try to raise some money yeah because something bad is coming what everybody is it good something bad is coming when everybody sit back be careful opportunity is coming this is all about your thinking don't listen to investors unloved listen to a customer's more so in terms of listening to customers and staying in the field of logistics I came back from Senegal also because we've seen a lot of investment in the logistics field in Africa these days but he was the ask you a question not about financing I think it's a thank you jack I was speaking in French because maybe my mom is so is my tell you bombard oh she should go for that terrorists after two separate paths sin again look news of their attitude countly kanaka maoli it was about a service an orgy where I've seen you scared you present an ocular matter Donald position does not meet wasn't gonna take what on this wound up front there either challenge on supposedly the one you see commercial producer and keeping us together and about mine she eventually died along with all the pay they should have our perspective paparazzi defamation chivalry come on Boozer a book forgetful Lama I forget the logistic that's an interesting one so I can have an Africa branch capacity and resembling like DHL and fatter Express honestly I'm hope by I hope the Federal Express and DHL will not be unhappy with me I tell you that their Federal Express DHL may not be the mark for Africa the question is more about the work not about the model itself and yes I mean the breath yes exactly the printer condition and oh I am some first bread is about first the name your choosing that's a that's a name you think about good company name is very important for example when I using name Alibaba and I'll say what is that right everybody and when I have a lot of green names in China and even in Chinese the Chinese people really love it a good name is important but most important names is that you put efforts the customer love it don't spend money early days for marketing you see you have 40 40 thousand persons per day Hamas forty thousand pesos per mouse you don't stir should not spend money on branding you should spend money all your people you should spend the money get the whole business branding is easy granny is so easy until you where your customers getting bigger the brand will grow with it a lot of for people want to spend too much none of this branding you should spend a lot of money of building up a team building up the customers and get more business 40,000 hassles per month you should start think about how can I get thing four minutes a month I always think about that I know if I don't have four minutes that guy had four minutes he will be bigger than I am I'll do anything and then we're competition if you're branded quicker Jack you came with the Paradise foundation a foundation that you initiated founded and one of the things that the foundation is to preserve the environment I think it's a very important and being for you it's a very important issue yeah and I there is a question from about here who has been very active in launching a business that would help preserve the environment my name is detective Gervinho to go to my telling me I might even live anew I just feel a couponer at season seven yet should probably decide what happening me I do the Guru me Mikey stole last you want I know that it's cool not supposed to know oh gosh they know me won't do delicious on my television sit down baby - boomers are gone Kimmy I still don't know some studies about the transition over to produce one unnatural dunah dunah buteo cotija como affect the elderly in won't even say Kaddish or Naruto Sakura language in a nice room I don't know suck up here let's see the - yeah such a rich resources on nature yes I'm always amazed by coming here to see the wider lives crimes and I think how can we make the every the African nature to be sustainable we should find a model that people say are in order to keep the environment we should not develop and some people seem to develop we should not worry about environment you should think about together so making good nature products like you for the soaps based on the ROM based on this nature materials I think it is the future that's huge petition the thing is yet to sell to them yes you should have a great products sell to the people who believe in icon with the Paradise Foundation with a lot of paradise investors and paradise foundation directors so we are the people to living environment we will protect animals wider lives and protect the reality the land and one of the one of the tomorrow evening we are going to giving a worse 250 Rangers in Africa that protect animals and white lives and it's for us we just come here to learn to support and we try to do things more if you are interested in working with us maybe looking at the Paradise Foundation but o RG only on the internet we might contact each other and see how we can help together I think she brought a soup for you okay yes so so I think do you have the time for one more question in maybe maybe one question then in Big Data my question is alright so my name is anita kappa i come from Togo two years ago I left my job at Google to plan streams oh so we know you can't use it now we have a furniture factory in trouble that we could use our furniture here and we also export to the US every year forestry development unlike software takes a long time alright software you can build up liquid you can text your ideas you don't have a lot of founders trying to go into forestry because that you invest you have to wait maybe 20 years before you see your turn investment not affect buys on the internet for young founders like me pertains to software development you don't have that many advice so my question to you is how much of Silicon Valley advice how much of software twist the positive effects can apply to founders in Africa that want to invest or create companies in the under metal space then they were states Andhra metal space forces oh good I think I respect your vision I expected your your great heart for building such a great business and to protect the environment unfortunately there is no such a huge money from Silicon Valley or vegetative doing that as a true premier you have to survive first you have to prove first only way survive prove that people can support to you it's as I said this morning we have to people like us entrepreneurs we have to get used to be rejected well we get used to be rejected you will be surprised by people supporting you so I don't think there will be a lot of money on the market waiting for two years for trees to be planted but if you if you can make your furniture better there might be a lot of venture capitalists to come here we have a big big furniture company founder here maybe we can discuss with you in this form in China is making a lot of furnitures so maybe discuss how we can work together it's slow Jack thank you very much we've been told that time is up and I won't eat the earth so these are the soup
Channel: kib alouya
Views: 86,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack, Ma, Alibaba, cina, Lawson, ecommerce, ebusiness, entrepreneurs, jeunes, leaders, Africains, togo, Lomé, palais des gouverneurs, ligne, achat, economic, interview
Id: 32p3RLVPwg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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