J Sai Deepak | Must watch speech for a Hindu

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[Applause] foreign he has agreed that it is a serious reading book and acknowledged that how we have hung up with the colonial systems and the Constitution which was with the idea of Bharat was written and we young Indians should read this book thank you very much sir now will let us move on to a much avoided part of the event SRI Sai Deepak will set the context for the today's event followed by question answer session I request Shri Sai Deepak to take over thank you okay after your 10 minutes good evening so let me start with an expression of gratitude to mantana mysuru its organizers and the brains behind it for giving me an opportunity to launch this book in the city of Devi chamundeshwari and uh I've said this just a couple of days ago in fact on 25th of October I had an opportunity to share space with sharibial santoshi as part of the launch of another organization in Bangalore that if at all there is let's say a state which can legitimately claim to host the intellectual Capital at least currently I'd say that space is jointly shared by Bangalore and Mysore I said this before and since that statement is already on record rest assured this is not a statement made for public consumption so um I've said this on on that occasion as well that this is perhaps one of the few states that is managed to strike a decent balance between three different uh strains or flow let's say waves of human thought one is the need to celebrate one is the need to celebrate what belongs to you and what is perhaps your closest identity which is the the identity as a Connecticut the second is keeping an open mind to ideas that come from outside and therefore there is a degree of cosmopolitanism that pervades Karnataka as a state and certainly these two cities and three that it is possible to strike a fantastic balance between the past and the present without the past necessarily being relegated to let's say the status of a relic in a museum is something that the state brilliantly demonstrates and I can't think of a better city than in fact Mysore to Showcase this particular aspect because uh every time you pass through this particular City you wander at the Spirit of the city to keep its architecture alive its buildings alive and to somehow let's say stem the the rapid movement of so-called development in such a way that it submerges whatever is native to this particular City the spirit and culture of this particular City so kudos to the spirit of Mysore and the people of myself for having done what you have I wish there were more cities in this country that could emulate this particular model second uh this particular event was meant to happen at least two years ago where I was meant to interact with the denizens of Mysore but I think it was destined that I come here to launch my book finally and uh thanks to darshan Raji and his entire team for their perseverance and their doggedness in ensuring that I land in this place and I'm very very happy that I've come here today I had the The Good Fortune of of having a darshan at the temple itself and then visiting ah I don't know how many people have had the opportunity to visit uh that particular institution It's relatively fledgling and nascent but I would request as many people as possible to pay a visit I think it's one of those pristine enclaves of pure Dharma which one would certainly love to be a part of I wish I'd received that kind of training as a child and I envy everyone who is getting a training as part of this particular Institution if I'm not wrong please correct me if if I'm if if my pronunciation is wrong I think it's situated about 15 kilometers away from Mysore on KRS Road at belagola so please try and make it a point to visit the place and I would urge as many people as possible to support this particular Institution uh the the Veda Chance by youngsters perhaps some of them under the age of 10 and some perhaps in their 15s in the teens is amazing and I think it's a fantastic start to the day three uh I thank SRI yadavir for taking time out of a schedule for being a part of this particular occasion and I think I couldn't have asked for a better Chief guest simply because here there is a person who represents the legacy of this particular state and given his age when most people expect people of this particular age so to speak to actually give up their identity and their Traditions here's a person who is a proud bearer of the traditions of this particular State not just the city so congratulations for doing a fantastic job and having had the benefit of meeting the members of the royal family in the morning today I am astounded by the humility and this is not the first Royal Family whose humility has flawed me completely there is something about dharmic royal families especially from the South not to be biased about the South but especially from the south there's something about them which which tells you that humidity is something that goes hand in hand with dharmic traditions the other family that I've had the benefit of engaging uh let's say fairly closely with is the tramanco royal family as part of my co-station student Temple case and I've had the benefit of receiving the reflection as well and of paying uh let's say of having darshan of Sri ananta padmanabhaswamy that that deity in itself is a different world altogether anybody who stands about five feet away from the particular deity is transported to a different place altogether so I've had the benefit of of engaging with that particular family and now this family and there is something about Dharma and humility that is inseparable notwithstanding how much ever you may have and whatever you think you may know that there is a lot more to be done and there's a lot more to be known as something that they constantly reinforce over and over again and that's been my learning now if anything as as as far as this particular book is concerned uh as opposed to the book showcasing what I know it has actually been a fantastic journey in what I did not know and how much more there is to know and I hope through the course of the trilogy in addition to let's say peeling away layers of my own ignorance as far as bharat's culture and its history is concerned I also take the readers along as part of this particular Journey especially the ones who come from my generation because I think this generation and the subsequent Generations are in dire need of help and perhaps rightly so it would help if this particular help comes from someone they are in a position to relate to in terms of age and because then that gives them the confidence that if this particular person can do what he has or she has living in almost similar circumstances and engaging with the same kind of peer pressure why is it that we can't I think that's extremely important for for these for this particular generation to understand now as far as the book is concerned uh not to claim credit for anything that has been said by the prime minister of the last two days but I'm finding it very very difficult to dismiss the fact that the talk about coloniality has started finding a significant degree of resonance in several quarters so let's start with the first statement that was made by the current Chief Justice of India SRI Envy Ramana uh perhaps in September just before my book launched in Hyderabad which was on 19th of September just a day before he made the statement that the Indian legal system is in dire need of indianization and decolonialization that was followed by a statement made by the newly elevated uh Supreme Court Judge SRI PS narasimha who made the same statement that perhaps it's time to revisit several of our judgments which suffer from coloniality and then on the occasion of the Constitution Day The Honorable prime minister SRI Narendra Modi makes the statement that the colonial mindset continues to plague our systems and how does the colonial mindset that is hindering the development of this country both from within and outside and therefore I believe that these statements uh establish the relevance of the book and I don't say this because I have written it I simply say this because it established the it establishes the relevance of the idea itself so this is more about the message than the messenger which is to say that if this particular window of history is not utilized by this particular generation and the entire society which includes the state as well to remove the cobwebs and layers of coloniality which affect our mindset I can't think of a better time window again and most importantly if you don't do it now from here you go downhill because as much as there is enough let's say cause for Hope and positivity there is enough cause for despair as well when you read the headlines on a daily basis the kind of discussions that happen on campuses the kind of so-called protests that campuses seem to be germinating on a regular basis the kind of fertile grounds that they have become for anti-bharat activities I think therefore not only is this the right time it is the most critical juncture because I think Bharat is at a Crossroads is at a significant Crossroads perhaps since the invasion of the Arabs in the 8th Century 711 CE this is perhaps the most critical juncture facing Bharat and I say this without any attempted hyperbole or exaggeration because Bharat as an independent country notwithstanding the cloud that it enjoys is beset with a lot of challenges both from within and outside and this is perhaps a huge realization that has dawned upon the society at a time when it is helped by a government which has received a thumping mandate twice and perhaps the the fact that this particular government is at the helm couldn't have come at a better time because then one is forced to ask the question if this particular government hadn't come to power then what exactly would we have seen in terms of the course of bharatiya history from 2014 to 2021 if 2004 to 2014 is anything to go by most people who understand the seriousness of that particular decade seat as the last decade I call it the Lost century and that would have repeated if this comes across as a political statement so be it I can't think of a single individual in this country who's not political at all it's okay it doesn't make a difference [Applause] it's not about whether you're political or not it's it's a question of whether you're at least open about your views and can you defend those positions it doesn't make a difference whether you are neutral because I don't think there is an age of neutrality currently if at all it existed at any point of time in history the age of neutrality does not exist anymore nobody is neutral period and anybody who sits on the fence is doing so out of cowardice or simply because of lack of Interest period [Applause] so either of these two categories according to me is dangerous for the future because that means these are wind socks which will blow according to the wind and which means these are not to be people these are not people to be trusted with any kind of decisions which are based on principle ideology conviction what is right what is wrong it is going to be a decision that is based on convenience and opportunism such people whether they exist or not whether they support counts or not really doesn't make a difference to me so I might as well take a very clear position second having said this the one thing that I was very very clear about when I started writing the book is to not make this book The mouthpiece of any particular organization the book even if I say so myself is as a political as it can get because it is fundamentally civilizational and it looks well beyond politics it looks well beyond the day-to-day adventide of politics and says no you have to have a long-term Vision as far as Bharat is concerned because only then you'll be able to plan for the challenges of today as well as tomorrow which are significantly caused by the legacy of the past and therefore one of the things that I've tried to identify in the book is that the constant debate on social media about the left and the right and this party and that party is still myopic because regardless of whether you call yourself the left or the right these are terms and mindsets which have been imported from the outside so while you may think that you're not on the left and you're on the right the fact of the matter is your thought process is still not indic it is still not dharmic it is still not bharatiya therefore the existence of an alien Consciousness in the mind is not something which one particular section of the society is exclusively afflicted by all of us are by and large regardless of what we call ourselves in terms of the labels that we give ourselves I come from this end of the ideological Spectrum I come from that end of the political Spectrum it doesn't make a difference especially on critical matters relating to bharat's history most of us seem to be having the same opinions when it comes down to Brass attacks and asking questions what do you think about caste what do you think about religion what do you think about a certain Community what do you think about Temple control what do you think about these issues I don't see too much of a difference between the left and the right largely speaking therefore one of the things that I've tried to do in the book is to address certain fundamental questions keeping all these political labels aside so my book is first of all not meant for a particular Eco chamber I want as many people as possible to read it not because I want more sales but because I believe that the wider section of the audience regardless of its labels is afflicted by this particular problem second I am going to make a slightly provocative statement just bear with me for a moment I have given up on the left completely on their ability to reform or recover impossible I have zero expectations from them so I am not going to waste a single breath of mine whining about them anymore the constant urge to expose them on social media hey liberals what is your position now they've already said their position why do you keep asking them for their position I don't understand the sense behind it it's almost as if you're dying for their validation or you're hoping that they will admit their hypocrisy someday they'll grow a conscience and a brain and they'll say yes I was wrong in which case I don't know if I should doubt their intellectual capacity or hours so therefore my book is less about them and is less directed at them but more about those people who believe that they are on the non-left to tell them okay you believe you're on the non-left now let us test whether your views fundamentally are so different from them and most importantly whether the source of your views are bharti or from the outside I'll give you an example go I mean just do a random survey on Twitter you'll find a lot of people from the non-lefting I'm conservative I am right I am nationalist where do these words come from you call yourself bharatiya you call yourself as someone who is proud of your indic roots please tell me which school of Indian philosophy these three terms or these thought processes come from I'd like to understand I am going to draw a lot of blank stares when I ask this question because then you'll be forced to admit that there is a problem with the non-lift in the first place and then we'll talk about everybody else so someone characterized this book it's a blue colored red pill basically to tell people let us first come out of what we believe is the Right View and the more we hug this word called the right wing the right wing the right wing you are hugging the problematic history of global right wing and putting your position in the dharmic position in that nasty genocidal basket so don't do it there is a much better tradition that we can draw from and the fact that you're not able to draw from the tradition is proof of our ignorance with respect to what those Traditions stand for and what do they translate to with respect to contemporary situations so you've still not been able to find an indic or dharmic label for your positions and therefore it's like let's say finding a vacant seat on a crowded bus this is the only spot available as opposed to applying an original filter to these issues so this has been as much an exercise in my own let's say in exposing my own ignorance and those of people who I felt are coming from the same side so let's call this uh an intervention for this particular site to say the day the non-lift in this country elevates the scope of its discussions and starts drawing from bharti philosophies it would be in a much better position to pontificate to the left until then it is a mere ego battle that is being fought on social media on Facebook and Twitter to win brownie points to say I am better this party is better you have not been able to go beyond the party or an organization you have not been able to look at a particular position so that has been the central idea behind this particular book now with the sundarb in mind I will end my Limited pravachan and open the floor for discussions through whatever you want at me I will answer to the best of my abilities let this be an out and out interactive session the floor is yours [Applause] I've been given the the benefit of sitting and answering but I'm typically better when I stand and answered in the Q a session you'll enjoy it even better so wait please one yes exactly the point the lawyer needs to stand the energy needs to come out good evening good evening sir I pronounced To His Highness was new but unto you basically I want to ask a question that you have been doing an excellent job on educating us on indec civilization would it be in your knowledge probably you must have thought about it to develop a team of legal Minds across the country every city every town in the village to take on this task for every issue at local levels so that the Indie culture is established more strongly hopefully you can so thank you for the suggestion the thing is thanks to the number of talks that I have done and especially this book I think a certain misconception has been cemented which is to say that I do this full time this is less than 20 percent of my time and I do this as part of my pro bono commitments which is to say every lawyer is expected to earmark about 15 to 20 of his time doing stuff not for money most people because I've said this before in the legal fraternity followed the rule of the Indian traffic which is to say keep left okay therefore they go to their favorite causes human rights civil liberties gender studies that's what they go to I have decided to use my time for dharmic causes openly and clearly so therefore all these cogitations and whatever I do is part of that 20 percent I do not have the bandwidth to do Beyond this simply because um how do I put it I'm I I love my profession too much I chose law for a very particular reason apart from the fact that I love the profession it also gives me the ability to hold forth in some of these subjects with a certain degree of information and therefore I don't want to lose or dilute those skills which are Central to me and which Define me therefore the legal skills is I mean the knowledge of the law and its application and legal logic is what I bring to the table the more you generalize your skill sets the less valuable you become and the less useful you are in the long run so therefore I don't wish to dilute those skills however not to take away from the solution that you have made the good news is fortunately thanks to the social media positional advantage that I enjoy I have seen a lot of committed individuals and lawyers take up these causes on their own in different parts of the country which is exactly what the idea was when I set out to support these initiatives that to show that it's possible to maintain a decent balance between your regular work and your life and your commitment to Dharma and that what I'm doing is not extraordinary it is merely planned and calculated and the only sacrifice that I have to make is the time that is spent on partying and any other useless socializing which I'm more than happy to give up because I have I have zero interest in it I'm positively anti-social on that front so that is the only sacrifice that I've had to make and it's not a sacrifice I enjoy having made that sacrifice it's completely useless and especially in the daily circuit I have zero interest so once you are able to establish that this is feasible workable and this does not require you to be a bitter poor martyr which nobody in this generation wants to be and rightly so why should you be then it gives them the incentive to start thinking on these lines as to how do I combine my professional skill sets with my commitment to the civilization cause without sacrificing on my aspirations of a decent lifestyle and also leaving a legacy behind of having done something meaningful that's basically the the entire format and once this message goes loud and clear the hope is that I will have more people to network because the point is you have to see you have to understand this don't expect any lawyer worth his salt and let's say birth is acumen to actually just jump into the army causes without an incentive that's not happening and if you think the people on the other side are working for ideology alone no money is being thrown at them some of them may not even be interested in the ideological cause of the other side they are only interested in the fact that a career path has been provided for them and somebody is grooming them and mentoring them period so if you're in a position to provide money those guys will jump on this side that's how it works in most professions so the assumption that hundreds of hundred people on the other side are all ideologically driven is stupid it's foolish I'd say it's typically the 80 20 rule 20 are ideologically driven rest of the 80 follow these 20 people because those 20 people represent a success story so to speak and therefore they're following them in one way or the other so you need to be able to create that 20 on this side provide certain success stories and then hope the others follow that's how it works but on a more tangible note on a more practical note I operate with two very clear realizations I am good at what I do and I don't need to be humble about it but I also know one thing about the about let's say this is the magnitude of this cause that I can't do everything on my own impossible and you shouldn't be it's too huge a task for any one particular person to operate with a messiah complex or a savior complex has come to actually do all of this not happening sorry you're dealing with Legacy issues of 1400 years so there is a lot more to be done and you need a critical mass of people working on this so therefore wherever possible and wherever I find a decent blend of competence first and commitment to the cause later and when both these come together and there's a happy marriage between these two skill sets I have collaborated with such people so for instance give let me give you a live example so about 36 Christians were found to be occupying positions and we asked ourselves how on Earth is this happening so when this issue came about now this is an issue that relates to a temple in the South I am sitting in Delhi practicing in Delhi and I don't want to make the mistake of delhi-based establishments which is to assume that what is good for Delhi is good for the rest of the country okay and therefore I delegated that particular issue local legal team with a decent supervision because the assumption is if it traverses from the local courts and comes to the Supreme Court I need to know what is the journey that it has traversed therefore I need to have an oversight of it but a local legal team which is a competent Law Firm is handling it very very clearly similarly in Madras High Court odisha Bombay wherever possible we have done this and uh a good number of these legal teams have volunteered to offer their services through Bono themselves that is the importance of having a very clear let's say model to emulate in terms of a workable model so when someone assumes the time sacrificing something I'm sorry I have not sacrificed on my lifestyle I will not I have not sacrificed on my financial opportunities in terms of my practice and I will not because that is what gives me the ability to do everything else what is the first tool that they tell you when you sit in a flight protect yourself first and then you can offer the oxygen Master somebody else that's exactly what I'm doing okay you have to be realistic about these things so once you're clear about this then it becomes easier for you to understand okay within this limited let's say framework how much can you do how much can you push so to answer your question there are more ways to do this and it is happening it's a slightly slow process because you have to understand that more than anything else most people are worried about the reactions in their own pure fraternities oh I'm going to be branded this and that and all that but when they realize that there's an incentive to being branded like that they'll jump so I'm merely creating an incentive to be branded like this yes so what of course I am this so what what's your problem diversity Free Speech it's a two-way street I too will use it Constitution is a two-way street I2 will use it period so once you take away the stigma associated with a certain position you will find more Talent gravitating towards the particular position so the entire idea has been to take away the stigma associated with this particular position on campuses in office spaces on social media and other places but through information not plain and simple rhetorical debating on a regular basis so that I think over the last few years has been achieved to a significant extent and the book tour has effectively opened my eyes to the fact that the work is having an impact and when I say this I'm not talking about my work alone because it's a team that's working so whenever I say this I will not take credit for anything as a solo act whatever has been achieved so far on any of these dharmic causes little or more that history will decide but whatever has been achieved so far is the product of our teamwork very clear teamwork people knowing what they're good at and what they're not good at and where they're supposed to give space to others so that model is something that we are trying to achieve second the standard assumption is the left is more united the non-left pulls each other down like crabs that's a statement that you hear over and over again therefore a model had to be established saying who will do what and why is it to be rationalized on the basis of hierarchy or will it be rationalized on the basis of skill sets and competence period once you're able to address these issues on the basis of skill set incompetence it's easier to remove ego outside the equation you can just pluck it out and say that's irrelevant be more objective about what you can and what you can't so there are a lot of soft and hard issues involved in this but so far I think the movement has been decent and you will see and hear more such voices coming about and under no circumstances my team or I wish to monopolize this cause under any circumstances because it's too much for us to handle and it's not possible because you have to realize that as much as you think you're in it for credit if something goes wrong you're also going to get the Flack immediately on social media Indian cricket team gets it why why will I not get it okay so it's a it's it's it's it's it's it has it's a coin with two sides so therefore the realistic working model has been bite what you can chew only sign those checks which can be cached period next my question is uh specific to the chamundi temple yes please yes we have the instrument of ascision then the constitution of India then the rights of the shepherd ship of the the peninsuli Kings and the rights of the deity so in this context for a private Temple for a private Temple like the chamodi hill which was the the deity worship by the the wadayas the presence of the state in these temples and the control of the ilaki or the Missouri Department what is what is it that you know the position stands as far as the government is in control and uh the the rights of the worship and the deity rights if you can elaborate uh we'll be happy to know so with SRI yadavir being present here I will take the liberty of disclosing just one aspect I will be getting into this particular issue in my legal mode shortly and therefore Common Sense dictates that I don't speak on this Beyond this whatever has to happen will happen in the right place so wait for it the if you are looking at a model or a template which is comparable to this particular Temple although not one-to-one correspondence just consider reading the Judgment with respect to the padmanabu Swami Temple case beyond that I don't wish to say anything because I can say it for the sake of publicity but it will come at the expense of legal strategy and quote craft so allow me to maintain my silence on the subject right next yes uh first of all if you don't mind yes I've been a last Venture all my life and my last mentors are not getting a chance we'll finish that and come to you right yes and uh high side if you see please so my question to you is I mean firstly thanks for uh you know starting a fire of decoloniality but for for me uh decoloniality what will be the end state of it what will the be the institutions I mean how will the institutions look like how will the Judiciary look like I mean at the end of this whole project what is it that we that we'll be looking at in the okay thank you I don't have an answer to that question in terms of the specifics because my own analysis is incomplete and it's work in progress I will tell you what I'm clear about so far that there is a problem of coloniality and the decoloniality is the solution these are the two Crystal Clear conclusions that I have arrived at in my own headspace what will it translate to in terms of the nature of the state the organization of Institutions the relationship between the temple and the state individual rights gender rights all these issues I will be in a much better position to formulate after I'm done with the trilogy and there's a good reason for this and I'll explain why my analysis of the Constitution and its Colonial Consciousness is far from complete I still don't have a clear answer as to whether the document is fully Colonial or fully decolonial or is it a mixed bag if it is a mixed pack is it 70 30 in our favor or against us I don't have an answer to that yet and since I'm taking this up as a very serious scholarly Pursuit not to give myself the tag of a scholar but to say that I want to be rigorous about this I haven't decided the outcome and then pushing my evidence in that particular direction I haven't done that yet I have kept an open mind to what the literature May educate me as I go through it so I will be in a much better position to answer this question and I I repeat much better position to answer this question as opposed to saying I'll have the correct answer to this question I'll be in a much better position to answer this question after the trilogy so just by way of a spoiler a bit of a spoiler is that what I thought will be the timeline of the second book I've started working on the second book to a significant extent and I have altered it because there are portions which I want this generation to know of bharat's History because once they read it they will be able to draw parallels between what is happening in this country in several parts and what happened barely 70 or 80 years ago and how history is being repeated in less than a century that is the worst part about Bharat system currently that history is being repeated in less than a century or at best within 120 years usually that doesn't happen it takes time for history to repeat itself but in the in in bharat's case it's happening and therefore I want to introduce that literature with a certain sense of urgency saying please read this the academic uh let's say notion that you constantly Bellow in is that loggerheads with existential challenges that this particular civilization faces it's almost as if the house is on fire and you're asking Fire cases as opposed to throwing water at it okay and you decide to fill like Nero so the point is I am trying to put out that fire first with let's say a carpet bombing of information with facts saying please read this and whatever nonsense that you consume from different portals and drags that is at loggerheads with what actually history says and I'm trying to discuss history which is in the 1900s because that is much more relatable to the generation currently if I were to discuss history of the 1500s and 1600s what on Earth which is why I'm using that period of History along with the Constitution to make it extremely relevant so that the realization is that this is not an academic discussion this is not an academic Pursuit it's a crack of a whip asking people to wake up so wait for the third part to come out which should hopefully be in June 2023 and I promise I will answer the question because that is what I am trying to answer myself as well that's exactly what I've asked at the outset in the first book saying what are we looking at I will answer the question then okay next we'll come back to this lady then welcome there yes yes ma'am first thank you so much for writing your book I have a comment and then a question yes my comment is that you said you've given up on the left and I see where you're coming from but I don't think we as a professor I don't think we should give up on left cleaning youngsters agree and in particular the non-left and all of us members of the audience who are non-lev should find better ways to engage with them on that note I think you've really done a great job of getting youngsters to move away from binge watching uh Game of Thrones to binge watching your lectures um so my question to you is how do we translate this momentum into something bigger and how do we you know go from being uh you know go to being a democracy that's for Dharma of Dharma and by her so you've spoken about free and Hindu temples truthifying history and all of these are policy changes they take time they're slow correct sitting here who believe in the course what can be very clear suggestions which I uh offered to a 10 year old in California two years ago and I'll explain why it's very very critical start with I think three or four aspects since I've benefited from these suggestions I'm in some position to say this with confidence but before that I completely agree with your first point I am not giving up on the youngsters on the left hand when I mean the left I mean hardened incorrigible insufferable left which takes a certain degree of entrenchment of possession which comes with age right you're beyond 30 or Beyond 35 and you have decided to invest your ego into this particular issue as opposed to your mind then that's a person I have no interest in dealing with that's a person I'm interested in pummeling in an argument not convincing him I don't wish to convince your first video I will only defeat you in an argument period hundred percent there is no point in trying to convince such people to only tell them you understand only this language it's either here or there come here we will talk period but you have to engage with youngsters 100 because it's such a huge demographic and from the point of view of the fact that this demographic is so vulnerable especially through the education system you cannot afford to give up on them so I'm with you coming to the realistic suggestions put yourself in the shoes of a person who has a work a day life and who does not have the ability to pursue Big Time causes at a macro level what can that person do basic issues one what is it that I've started with in the book language semantics Linguistics so learn your mother tongue at the very least equip yourself with knowledge of your own literature in the very at the very least I've given this unpopular example before I don't think I don't see why it should be unpopular in fact it's a backhanded compliment so I'll repeat it I challenge anyone to speak in kannada with the same fluency as assaduddin owaisi speaks in Urdu foreign if you can't he is doing something right which you aren't period [Applause] so start with the language that's one second I'm making the point that if you are not in a position to contribute to the the free Temple movement at the macro policy level what is it that you can do two things in fact three things I want to be able to see that a person walking on the street is a Hindu which means whatever is the visible symbol must be there it starts with that 100 percent why are visible symbols part of core tenants of other religions because it becomes a part of your habit a part of your second nature and you will not think and talk about your religion at let's say at some esoteric level as if you're talking of a third party you won't talk of it as if it's a stranger you need to be able to connect with it and therefore without practice there is no logic and without logic there's no practice both have to go hand in hand you need to know what is it that you are fighting for on social media and if you don't even practice it on a daily basis in the simplest of forms what on what are you fighting for I don't even understand makes no sense then you're not fighting for the cause you're fighting for your ego investment in the cause which is to say I want to prove that I'm right on a particular topic as opposed to saying I'm supporting something that is right okay so a visible symbol is necessity third the corollary from there is that take ownership of at least the local temples why is everybody sitting in some remote part of the country and constantly think of jagannath Puri and tirupati but not the local temple is this Temple under any less State Control compared to tirupati no it's not this is the temple which shouldn't be under State control because if at all there are some policy justifications for the state being present in a macro institution in a mega institution which could have security issues what is its justification for being in the state Temple I don't understand what money are they going to make what corruption are you talking about and who are you to talk about corruption you have no moral Authority the Indian state has never had moral authority to speak on corruption the last 70 years so who are you to talk about corruption at least if it's corrupt if someone from my community eating it as opposed to you taking money and giving it to some other community so I am clear about the fact that it starts with this then you go to the next level which is what do not reduce any of your festivals to Mere celebrity activities explain the significance do something about it none of this is going to be possible because at the end of the day when it's a nuclear family and the giant family system is broken then what is it that you're looking at so what is human psychology at play here it is the joint family that provides an extended support system that has been done away with now thanks to our own insistence on nuclear families somehow that was meant to be the Progressive Way done okay second if this setup is gone then you still need to have some connection with a larger ecosystem which reinforces your identity and therefore go back to your basic sampathayers I can't think of most Hindu families which have not had a traditional Guru or a traditional Mata or a traditional institution that they've been connected with in one way or the other to me it doesn't make a difference whether it's brahmatical or non-priminary it honestly doesn't make a difference as long as it's a traditional sampatha it's a traditional for me traditional is not grammarical traditional is Hindu period therefore go back to those institutions two things come out of it you don't feel alone when you're trying to bring up a young child and trying to instill values in it and when you don't know how is this child going to deal with the rest of the world is he going to be or is she going to be the misfit but when you realize that there are others that fear comes down to a significant extent and you also end up strengthening that particular institution because such institutions survive on following patternation numbers and when the heads of such institutions are in a position to command greater respect from their following they will be in a much better position to talk to the politicians saying you can keep playing politics but don't keep playing politics with our institutions because they will derive Confidence from the fact that their people are backing them that is what let's say the the so-called government of other institutions and other Faith systems Bank on the existence of a ground support base tell me which of these things that I've just suggested is beyond the realm of reasonableness and practicability I don't think it is these are plain and simple basics once you're in a position to achieve this the immediate effect that you're looking at is an enhanced attachment to your culture and a better awareness of your own institutions so the next time when someone says it is in your institutions there are there is more corruption not in our institutions you can actually tell them what are you talking about our institutions are corrupt today largely because of entrenchment of the state that is a fact because the state has an incentive to constantly attract crowds at the expense of Dharma Traditions ritual practice whatever and therefore they will do whatever it takes to create revenue streams Sports of revenue for them these institutions are nothing but ports of Revenue that's it therefore you'll be in a much better position to argue nothing that I have said in the last five and a half years ever since I started speaking on the subject in September 2016. is beyond it's it's not something that requires a 120 plus IQ or 160 plus IQ it's plain and simple logic based on the ground realities if there is a payment based darshanq system who benefits from this first the person who controls the Affairs of the institution benefits from this who is the person who's controlling the secular aspect which is to say the monetary and fiscal aspect of the institution it is the state so why is my community taking the wrap on its knuckle when the state should be held responsible for this why is my community my faith and my institution being constantly called a commercial institution when it is the state that is responsible for this and it's constantly my community that is the favorite Whipping Boy of everyone who says Hinduism is all about money wherever you go it's all about money is that the case if that is the case it is in other Faith systems that there is a systematic organic way of collecting money on a monthly basis ten percent has to be given whether it's a church or a mask it's not my temple that's doing this from everyone right so that takes us to The Next Step there there is an obligation and a top-down imposition I am saying those who are serious about this park 10 of your Revenue use it to support the causes which you believe are advancing the cause of Dharma number of times so if you cannot be in the line of fire at least support those who are in the line of fire in one way or the other and therefore monetary support is the most important way of doing that so 10 to 15 percent of your income does not belong to you is your self-imposed restraint do that five very very dangerous suggestion Hinduism is not a pacifist religion Hinduism is not a religion of cupboards Hinduism does not fear force therefore Revival of the shatra spirit is critical hundred percent critical [Applause] if you constantly think of it as the dirty job then all you're going to be left with is a small island surrounded by a gutter let's see who's going to do the dirty job then the state under any government cannot do this and certainly cannot do this efficiently which means the Hindu Community must slowly start looking at self-sufficient enclaves which are equipped to protect themselves several States in this country have already shown that the existence of the state apparatus is not an advantage it has actually turned to be a liability for Hindus when they want to protect themselves so do not use the Gita to teach pacifism to your kids teach the Gita to teach shatra to your kids [Applause] the Gita is not meant to be a post retirement book where people get together for satsangas and test each other's memories that goes on is that what it was meant for what have you understood man so grasp the saransh and apply all of these are doable none of these require State support none of the things that I've said so far require State support now despite this if you don't wish to do it well you've just signed away your destiny as a civilization then next Namaste yes I appreciate your point uh when you told that uh a person who is leaning towards no party the same way a famous uh scholar and a poet of Karnataka dvg says He also mentioned that leaning towards right will make us fall into the problems of global left largely grow Global right sorry right in the same way will we not fall uh by following this decolonial principles will we not fall to the problems of the global decoloniality where is that borderline okay fantastic question and this question has been asked of me twice and I've responded five times so let me repeat it once more decoloniality does not have one Global template which means the solution is local and contextual therefore decoloniality starts with the basic presumption that if you remove the colonial filter from your head you will be able to access your past without hindrance and the collective civilizational forced Amnesia that all of you have been put through and all of us have been put through we will come out of it you will literally be the Neo who's pulled out the plug and woken up in the tub in The Matrix after that what you do is your call and your choice as a culture as a society I have not subscribed to any abstract Universal definitions of what should be a decolonial approach for every society what have I said in this case coloniality has translated to the following issues in my Society Fishers have been created in fault lines have been created on the basis of caste Fishers have been created on the basis of language a false sense of patriarchy has been imposed on me through an abrahamic experience and therefore I am being told that even this Society needs the very same brand of feminism as the best as opposed to saying Bharat has its own response with respect to feminism and the divine feminine okay having identified these problems I am basically making the statement that the solution then lies in your own culture to a significant extent the past may not hold the answers to everything but the past certainly has some lessons to draw from so you don't have to worry about us making the same mistakes as everybody else because Frankly Speaking no document or nothing on paper is the reason for you not going back to untouchability it's your own moral compass as a society which you which which has taken the decision this is not right because that happened much before the abolition of untouchability under article 17 of the Constitution that's movement started in 1930s itself so put some faith in the moral character of your community that itself calls for decoloniality because the colonial notion is that Hindus are depraved and characterless and constantly need the stick in order to be let's say governed whereas the decolonial thought says this is a society that believes in the concept of Dharma and Duty give them that respect and the society will respond and reward don't treat them like animals who require a top-down imposition treat them as individuals under Society the deserving of dignity and you will see how they respond to it the character of the Indian State under the British man and the let's say the post uh British brown man hasn't changed much because both of them believe that this population can be controlled only with the stick without realizing that this population has always been so huge and still it has managed to survive because it has put Faith in the concept of Dharma duty honor codes ethics not law honor codes and ethics which are much more powerful than the law because then there is societal obligation saying if you do not subscribe to this Honor Code you're not just bringing dishonor to yourself but also to us as a cooler that's exactly how that net functioned that there is a social pressure on you to act decently and to live up to your obligations so decoloniality will translate to you looking for Solutions on those lines next good evening everybody I am Dr Anil Thomas my question is from 2014. I've been waiting that my country's name India would be changed to Bharat right to feel more bharatiya what is your take on that even I don't know sir we are changing names of roads but not names of the country we are changing names of cities but not name of the country so apparently some Mughal Road has been changed to Maharaja agrasound Road in Agra and other places that has recently happened we are doing all of this then change the name of the country I'm with you please ask this question I will join the chorus I am completely with you on this point and when someone tells me um tell me it doesn't make a difference of course it makes a difference it starts with the name what are you talking about why do people name Why do people think so much behind naming a child are they idiots because name has a certain vibration it has a certain energy that's our belief that's our philosophy so if you're telling me that the name has no value then you don't understand the power of sound and this is a society and a culture that believes in the rich power of sound what are you talking about so it starts with the name 100 I'm with you I'm completely with you that's my answer next there's a lady who's been waiting yes looking at the recent if we have to apply a Dharma cleanse to the recent imposition and withdrawal of the farm bills what would that look like and how are we supposed to look at these situations and situations that are going to come up in the future as a new age bharatiya or with the dharmic lens I have been trolled on social media for my position on this why do you want me to go through that hell and Nightmare once more so see my point is this one way of looking at this is to say that the government buckled under pressure the other way of looking at it is the Prime Minister has risked his own personal capital in terms of his Goodwill in the withdrawal and if he's taken such a serious decision perhaps there is something to it that's one answer he wouldn't have done this unless and until there was something else which is not visible to the public eye that's one level of an answer and therefore it takes us to the very funny issue of the Revival of the kalistani sentiment in Punjab and the Law and Order issues that perhaps the government was looking at if the situation were to continue or had it continued my very limited observation because I don't want to use the word criticism and get into trouble is that when 1.0 version of this which is the Shaheen bhag protest started who were normalizing a certain form of occupation of our streets you let that continue and the only thing that successfully got those people out of their places is the mahamari called Corona not anything else and it's a sad Testament that a pandemic or an epidemic had to do this as opposed to the state doing it and when I say the state I also believe that perhaps the Judiciary should not have indulged the sentiments beyond the point I am saying that as well the second limb of the argument is you've had one experience why are you allowing the second experience at a larger scale to start so does this mean that with the right kind of faces and the right kind of occupations this country can be occupied and anybody can have their way is that the message that is being sent if yes should we start adopting that particular approach for temple freedom and other issues is that the message I don't know maybe that's the message but still my point is that I continue to believe that a government which enjoys such a popular mandate still should have put Faith in its own support base which stood by it after 370. which stood by it after CAA which stood by it after the NRC of Assam despite all these protests the silent majority has always supported you and it is this silent majority that has given you this power so put faith in these people as opposed to a bunch of stone pelters and stone throwers and and anti-national protesters I will also caveat this by saying I am not going to call every farmer who's participated in this Protestant anti-national sorry I can't do that that would be too much of an argument to make all I'm saying is anyone who's allowed a separatist sentiment to enter and infiltrate this movement has jeopardized their own cause and has also put at risk Bharat security by Reviving a much more dangerous issue than Kashmir kashmiri terrorism something that we struggled to put down and it was a bloody put down after several years after a lot of effort and the healing process has been significant and we have managed to bring it back and give it a certain degree of normalization for me the repealment of the farm laws is secondary but the normalization of the kalistani sentiment is the primary problem that is the only thing that I'm worried about because Farm laws Farmers have lived in this country they have survived under the worst of circumstances they'll find a way and since the repeal of the farm loss has not translated to a backlash from the farming Community maybe it shows that they still have some faith in the government especially the Prime Minister himself so I'm not willing to comment on that all I'm saying is I just hope that we are not looking at the Revival of Pakistan's K2 policy Kashmir and kalistan when that happens coupled with what's happening on the Chinese border and multiple issues across the country along with illegal migration you're literally looking at India being sieged from within and outside I just hope that we are in safe hands and I pray that is the case next [Applause] I am the first because I am the last pincer uh um any specific uh suggestions from your side for implementing decolonization mindset see ah one specifically I say I skip usually Gandhi jayantis so in a notice was served on me for not attending the national festivals immediately I answered supreme court order saying it is not mandatory right to attend National festivals join my profession sir [Applause] sure uh so any specific and also usually I travel by uh unreserved coaches sorry reserved coaches without reservation okay yes I fight with TTS also because usually the boogies will be free but I am not allowed to see it in such cases where there is uh my activities are not considered lawful how should I react allow me to choose between the questions and I'll go with the question on uh decoloniality in education which you spoke of on the Macaulay issue so in my recent Pune talk on 17th of October I happened to speak on this in some detail all I've said is one of the challenges that you've been seeing with respect to education right from the vajpay dispensation has been that each time you try and change the curriculum and whatnot you are being accused of bhagava current saffronization so on and so forth so I think a fairly common sensical situation which is not my own which others have made is that why don't parents and students have diversity of options and more options in terms of what they want to study so at the very least create an alternative system so that those who wish to subscribe to a revised curriculum have that option as well and those who don't need not as opposed to having one curriculum that's being imposed on everyone from The Sciences to the history to language and all these subjects all of us to craft let's say an indic knowledge system or an indic education system and create a separate board just as you have the icac and the cbse create a separate board so that it becomes one of the mainstream options and so that you have schools and educational investors moving in the particular direction foreign I don't want to read my college version of my history you don't want to read the bhagwa version of your our history don't don't let history decide subsequently as to which of the two products are good for the country at least let us have more options as opposed to everybody being sent to this mass-produced Factory right that is one perhaps one solution because you see typically most governments operate like water they want the path of least resistance okay therefore I am saying this is the path of least resistance wherein you are not taking away something from them and you're not imposing something on us and vice versa period second you have to ask yourself a simple question when in the opposition you opposed RTE significantly and the exceptions given to minority institutions and the RT you opposed it why haven't you acted on that opposition and acted on the belief in the last seven years which means either scrap the RT or make it equally applicable to minority institutions that hasn't happened the reason why this becomes significantly important is the RTA system has devastated non-minority schools because they have not got the kind of payouts and subsidies that they're supposed to get from the state out under the RT structure in cities like Delhi and States like Delhi and other places you're looking at thousands of schools being shut down because they're unable to run so when you're looking at the education system I'm looking at the Hard infrastructure apart from the content which that infrastructure disseminates so here is the Fairly clear solution at least workable solutions for both these subjects and it's not the first time this is even being proposed so I don't think it's a question of Positive Solutions perhaps it's a question of will political will when you come to power what is it that you come to power for is a question you should be asking yourself if it is an end in itself then the more things change the more things remain the same but if it is merely a means to an end what is the end goal these are long-term civilizational changes these are not small time tweaks you make this change you will see less trouble on campuses and students being Rebels Without a Cause on the streets in the next 10-15 years but if you don't and you shove work culture more into our curriculum through manuals and whatnot you are creating a future where even as a government you do not have an uh let's say an electoral incentive because this these people won't work won't vote for you I don't understand why do you continue to support them the products of the system will never vote for you right so I do not even see the political incentive in keeping this particular structure alive forget civilizational incentive forget everything else I'm asking the political incentive is the political disincentive and disadvantage not clear to you I leave it at that so it's seven how many more questions two more questions yes two yes yes excuse me sick yes um regarding the Constitution we have only one Constitution isn't it sir so why can't we have only one law which is applicable to all Indians that is the that is creating problem is dividing if we have two laws for uh in the Indians Hindu lies there and for muhammadan so there is another law why can't you have that under being an advocate yourself is an advocate why can't we fight for that why applicable to all uh India Indians indola it should be I think that is a good I think instead of having nowhere in the world we have to last like this understood isn't it sir you're right you're right 100 that is my hope I agree with you so your point is there should be only one law which is Hindu law I'm with you when we have one Constitution correct correct I think the solution is straightforward let this government declare that this is a Hindu Nation after that we can have a Hindu yeah that is true I am saying the government should do this yeah yeah why should I go to court asking for this how can I go to court in a repetition asking for this it won't make sense no I can't do that government with 282 and then three not three and they're in a position to declare this let them do it the solution itself is in this only I think I completely agree with you the moment you declare this most of your problems are over yeah just make this one declaration oh what the magic wand has been waved it's over I'm 100 telling you this I think all of us should write to the center basically saying please declare this country a Hindu Nation 100 I mean this very very seriously thank you so much hundreds of repetitions in court this one open letter is sufficient next sir so this is regarding uh two big institutions one is the um the dharmic month and the other one of the muds so what template is there where they can come out from their nut shells other than imparting to the particular caste so that most of the problem is solved and where the HR department can ensure a proper Bharat Mata Ki jaika textbook can come out one and second big institution is a constitution we don't know where this word secular was who has put it and how do we have to get out of that for the second one read my book I've addressed this 100 I've addressed this okay for the first one um see I this is slightly problematic and I might as well make this point anyone who says that caste is the reason for lack of Temple freedom and cast is the biggest problem because once the state comes out of uh the temple which caste will control which Temple and therefore that is the reason that we are going through this question because since that question has not been answered we cannot move towards the solution I'm sorry it's a fundamentally flawed question and let me just explain how those institutions which belong to a particular sampradaya will be governed by those sampradayas and anybody else who wants access to the particular Institution will respect the sentiments of the sampathaya and step into the particular institution period that's how it has always worked whether it is the Cyber sampradaya or the lingay or whatever it is you are looking at people who call themselves as Hindus can step in but the control and management will be in the hands of those people who actually are subscribers to the particular and we're followers of the particular one second unfortunately we have come to a very reductive notion that sampradaya is equal to caste no it is not in some places sampada is equal to caste where some varnas control certain institutions but in a good number of these instances sampradaya is across varnas you need not be let's say a person from one particular one alone to be a part of the particular sampradaya okay second as long as the core rituals or rather as long as the religious practices of that particular institution are entirely in the hands of those people who subscribe to the particular sampradaya you can have let's say a management system where perhaps others have some say in the management however to say that non-members of the sampradaya will equally have rights with respect to the religious Affairs of one particular is not done and there's a good reason for this you are fundamentally as a dharmic system a collection of various sampradayas therefore every sampradaya decides to protect its Traditions very very fiercely that's how for them Hinduism starts and ends with their sampradaya so your idea cannot be that for the purposes of Hindu Unity I will create sampradaya complete I'll destroy something like identities completely if you do that you don't have a viable replacement also then what are you going to do with all the Traditions that have come as part of this all the vocations that have come as part of this all the knowledge Traditions that have come as part of this you will kill everything so this blunt James Bond Hammer let's say Sledgehammer approach which is to say Hindu Unity is the goal and therefore caste is the problem destroy cast destroy sampath destroy diversity what is left in Hinduism after that you have created an abrahamic equivalent of Hinduism period your internal diversity has been killed so I'm sorry anybody who says that let us destroy all these identities for Hindu Unity Unity is not created like this let me tell you how it is created Christians and Muslims too have diversity and denominational identities within their religions right so why do you assume that they are united despite their diverse identities and you are not two reasons two very good reasons Unity is created also by defining who does not belong to your group therefore they are very clear about who is a non-muslim and who is a non-Christian whereas we are the ones constantly saying everybody is a Hindu everybody should be given access to our temples apparently even people who have broken our Temple should be given access apparently without the need for an affidavit um this is what we are saying so the one thing that you have to learn from them is the identity and the clarity as to who is the outsider a community is defined as much by its identification of insiders as much by its identification of Outsiders second what rallies people around is not a vague idea of unity but a specific cause when Ram dinobhumi movement was going on did people ask each other their castes and contributed to the car Seva no where was that happening according to them they were all fighting for a Cause jati was irrelevant Varna was irrelevant so identify causes which bring people together as opposed to simply saying destroy the structure if you do not have a replacement for an existing structure you do not have any business destroying the existing structure because then you're creating Anarchy you're creating chaos you're creating the absence of a social structure and a social net a safety net logic and received wisdom and Community psychology always tells you do not destroy something until you have a viable alternative for what exists period so as far as let's say Temple freedom and HRC all of this is concerned let us be very clear that it is possible to retain some product diversity and still ensure that everybody else has access to those institutions for Spiritual Solace and worship and none of this should be given as an excuse to allow the government to stay inside temples regardless of whichever party may be in power have that Clarity of you don't make this a political position make this a religious civilizational cultural position you will survive thank you is that it yeah thank you we have heard for more than an hour we from Sai Deepak ji he has given a lot of insights to us and he is also acknowledged the Royal Family's humility and the Dharma here and few points which we have come out of this and pointers here which have come out here is first thing we have to unlearn what we have learned from the decolonial mindset that is the need of the r and second let us follow our language let us talk in our mother tongue then third one let us start using the visible symbols that we are Hindus and let us take the ownership of the temples and not by not but not last but not the least let us all strive for a Hindu nation and call this Bharat and let us also revive the shatra chatra spirit in every one of us thank you saiji [Applause] now let me finish with the oath of thanks on behalf of mantana I take this opportunity to thank His Highness for his reward presence and releasing the book for you have taken time to be here despite your busy schedule it is very kind of you say thank you I thank srivastav bhat who agreed to be here with us today sir thank you very much [Applause] now I thank streets Jason Deepak who agreed to be here come to Mysore all the way from Delhi despite his busy schedule who have become a source of inspiration to lot of people here thank you very much for writing such a wonderful book as this was the need of the R I believe it will carve a place in every person's collection of books and reference guide to study Bharat thank you sir I now like to thank who has helped us tremendously by providing this wonderful venue thank you all I also thank and acknowledge our friends from the media fraternity who have covered this event and also given us publicity in this media thank you all I also thank our support team sound systems photography videography bhag prachar vibhag and all the members who are directly or indirectly contributed to this successful event last but not the least you the audience the erudite audience for coming and gracing this event I would like to acknowledge the presence of many notable personalities here thank you all for being this on such a wonderful audience thank you sir thank you one and all [Applause] right now we will have a book signing session whoever have purchased a book or have bought the book can come here in an order and get their book signed thank you uh please please give your feedback form in the counter there yeah yeah
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Keywords: hindu, power, india, unity, saffron, bhagwa
Id: -LDh9Si9RGg
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Length: 83min 56sec (5036 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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