J. Cole - Pi feat. Daylyt & Ab-Soul (REACTION!)

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[Music] coming home late was wreaking of the do surfing on them couches had me sleeping on the sofa heard it and it's coming I'mma be here till it's over never heard a single word the preacher ever told us only verses you see me rehearsing was from H he visions of a be or baby I'm a dreamer can't just settle for the qu fighting every day need a medal like a soldier yeah every day is like a mission all this pain that I've been feeling from this game is kind of sick and they don't like who I'm becoming say I'm changing by the minute staying out of our discussion so they pay me as a villain try to tell the people you could Bank on me hard to believe when the tank on E think about ailure do you think about me Lord Set Me Free took my losses P my D pray my coffin full of juw can't say I ain't try set my soul on fire took my losses P my du pray my coffin full of juu can't say I ain't try set my soul on fire working from sun down to Sun up my mama say you go too you should give it what's up guys your boys are back I'm Ryan my man George yeah what sh guys how you living out there shout out to the free thinkers of course shout out to everybody that's been following us on our Instagram de Radio make sure you guys follow us there it's a great way to support the channel the information for de Radio will be in the description below and as always guys make sure you like subscribe with the notification Bell make sure you set to all so you get all our videos as they drop upcoming artist man you know what to do click the link in the description we'll do about 60 seconds of your song in the front of one of our up andom videos get you some exposure if you got a full song man we can get you hooked up on that as well man so all the information for those two things will be down below all right man so we're getting back to this might delete later project from Jay Cole man name of the song is pie he got ab soul on here daylight man got some Heavy Hitters man he got some he got some tough pins on here some really rapity rap he got some some Heavy Hitters on here and uh shout out to everybody man that um hit us up on Instagram you know it was funny like when this this EP dropped you guys were like yeah yeah after y'all get the seven minute drill done and you know once y'all get that done shout out to everybody that watched that seven minute drill video make sure you guys uh check that out but many of y'all Veterans of following Las of Vegas do we had to get that one done he's like but once y'all get that out the way make sure y'all check this this um this pie this pie track out and I see why now you know what I mean now that we're looking and we see daylight and ab so and jcole okay now I get it this is gonna be some rap [ __ ] clearly let's get to it man jco pie featuring daylight and ab so nice you know what I'm saying so s don't you agree I [Applause] do is it a roll full full of mirrors or a r full of Mound I don't [Music] know shout out to Zordon if you know you [Music] know hey the criteria for this team is just the open Pride hoping cries but so can I I drop the [Music] [Music] unprovokingly right soaking eyes but criteria saying hope CRI yeah yeah it's just a lot of word play in there man that but right in that little Jes that little [ __ ] section right there criteria that was nasty let's let's let's go ahead and start that back [Music] already so Soulful don't you agree I do is it a r full of full of mirrors or a r full of mtown I don't know shout out to Zordon if you know you [Music] know hey the criteria for this tears just the open Pride hoping cries but so can I I drop the [Music] [Music] unprovokingly biggy lens is tinted ain't got no lazy eye Heart of Gold almost solded in Saudi Arabia quill told me the clouds ain't real got got to paint the sky so I'm a student of Sophia Stewart The Matrix ain't a lie tainted guys fall from the sky tie Inception when you wake inside this dream you a weapon step in a cipher know to beef real your life at stake ages with each meal real estate of mind you need rapity rap rap rap rap rap oh my God man uh I'm going to go back up to that uh criteria line too man the criteria for this tier is just an open Pride hopes and cries but so can I I drop the unprovokingly seeing you know like um the criteria for this tier is for me to bring you the truth and the truth is sad you know what I mean so I feel like just that little bit just says so much it does but then I want to talk about this Matrix line man what did he say here man so I'm a student of Sophie Stewart The Matrix ain't a lie tainted Gods fall from the sky tie in Inception when you wake inside the dream you're a weapon that was tough that was super tough so for those of you that seen The Matrix you know you take the blue pill and you go I don't know which one is which the blue or the red which one shows you the real world and which one you just kind of go back to Storyland the LIE right and maybe he's saying that tainted Gods fall from the sky when you see the world as it truly is tying the Inception I mean that's shout out to Le leardo DiCaprio with the Inception it's been a long time since I've seen that movie but um I know that that was him kind of going into people's dreams of some sort so uh maybe to extract information right he's a criminal right when you wake inside the dream right which is tying in that Inception Play You're a weapon Neil was a weapon in Matrix and uh Leonardo DiCaprio was the weapon in Inception so I feel like that's what he's saying here and Neil was essentially awake inside the dream correct as well in in The Matrix right that's crazy man ridiculous you know what I mean so maybe I I think what he's trying to say there in the line though I mean I just wanted to Define how the the the Matrix interception plays into each other but I feel like what he's saying here is um tainted Gods fall from the sky I think that that's the the line in there like hey beware of of what you think is the truth and what is really a lie you know what I mean because things can be tainted right and things can be placed inside your brain cuz I think and it's been a while since I've seen Inception but I think um Leonardo DiCaprio took that information and uh used it to harm people right you know what I'm saying so they could use that information and place thoughts and taint your perception on what's really reality you know what I mean and make you you know kind of do things that you probably wouldn't have done if that wasn't placed in there so I hope I'm defining that right I feel like that line is so dense it's crazy it's crazy beautifully done and then when you when he says you a weapon when you are awake inside this dream you are a weapon so when you are aware I think when you are conscious when you are aware of the Matrix you can be a weapon you know what I'm saying like you can be a force to be reckoned with because you know what's going on and then he went forward with that and said step inside the cipher know the beef real your life at Steak ages with each meal you know what I'm saying so step inside the cipher this this rap Cipher and you know that it's real when you get here right these when we're talking when you're sparring with lyrical Giants essentially and then he said your life's at stake and it ages with each meal when he says your life's at stake I think he's just saying like you know it's it's your career could be at stake when you playing with dudes like us lyrically yeah but obviously you know steak ages when you age steak you know what I'm saying like that's just a play on on um the beef right and he also steak and beef the beef real steak but even going back up there man when he said pray to God uh with no disguise we roll a dice and hope the soul unti reap the fruit with no bow tie we pray to God and Heaven with no disguise I just think that's his way of saying that we're not putting up a front you know what I'm saying we are we are um come as you all speak come as you are we are mere mortals in the eyes of God right we're not there's no ulterior motive with that it's just the I guess Purity with no disguise we roll a dice and hope the soul unti we do our best we live we try to live righteous and hope that our soul is you know unti you know what I mean it's released it's free you know what I'm saying and reap the fruit with no B tie um so I think the B tie is kind of going back to no disguise like you're just taking off of the the disguise the front the suit and maybe that's what he's saying I could be getting that wrong but I just think he's saying reap the fruits of practicing your religion and honoring God and bowing before God without the disguise being in the way without the front is how I'm taking that I could be wrong though we got into the Matrix stuff right he said quill quill is daylight he calls himself quill as a pen um like a pen he said you know [ __ ] was saying quill told me that clouds ain't real God got to paint the sky and then obviously after that so I'm a student of Sophia Stewart The Matrix ain't a lie I just think again that's a way of him saying you know what you see isn't always what it actually is you know what I'm saying like you know God God got to paint the sky only God knows what's real you know what I'm saying and to follow God is to know what's real or just to have you know to be in service of God is is to know what's real it's how I'm taking that line you know don't just believe what these politicians or these people in power right that that are putting these false images of what the world is in front of you I think it's what they're saying gold almost solded in Saudi Arabia quill told me the clouds ain't real God got to paint the sky so I'm a student of Sophia steart The Matrix ain't a lie tainted Gods fall from the sky tie Inception when you wake inside this dream you a weapon step in the cipher know to beef real your life at stake ages with each meal real estate of mind you need Equity let the be build poison in my cup I need to refill I feel it in my gut you [ __ ] Meek still I inherit the earth like three wise men pulled up to cherish my birth they placed Me In A Manger wasn't that mjor at first but what a Messi leave I'm the Savior work I ain't saying I'm Jesus got the job of the Messiah Ty and Jo we block all Devils get y' shs can you dig it we going RI if y'all pick it sign a danger or we Anger from our past can't get past that we the last batch in the calls and stall we got black facts grow a spinal cord or backtrack the homies Call Me Batman I'm the they went super crazy in all of that just now damn the back and forth godam a spinal cord or get back track you know we the last with black facts Jesus yeah real estate of mind you need Equity let the beat build so that whole real estate scheme right real estate obviously is is uh uh housing and stuff like that but you need Equity you have Equity you have profit in your house but you need Equity you know what I'm saying let the beat build you know real estate of mind so I feel like what he's saying there is if you um are not of sound body and mind you need the knowledge when he says Equity I think he's saying you need the knowledge let the beat build you know when you build houses you know what I'm saying build up your Equity build up your knowledge you know let me help you I feel it in my gut you [ __ ] Meek still I don't know if that's a Meek Mill reference there I don't know but does meek have a gut now oh maybe is he does he have a gut maybe but you dudes Meek still I would inherit the earth Meek will inherit the earth that's a famous quote from uh the Bible right like three M wise men pulled up to cherish my birth the three wise men that's a story of Christ right they placed me in a major wasn't major at first but what a messiah I'll leave right what a mess I'll leave but Messiah you know mean as as Jesus was the Messiah you know what I mean I'll save I'm a savior at work that was tough but I ain't no Jesus though so that whole scheme and how he uh that biblical scheme is crazy man like I inherited the Earth and he's he's drawing parallels to what I believe his mission is him and Daylight's mission is as far as to lead the people down you know a greater path like like three wise men pulled up to cherish my birth they placed Me In A Manger wasn't that major at first but what a messiah leave I'm a savior at work because so he's saying like I look at myself as I'm trying to save the people I'm a savior at work similar to what Jesus is supposed to be the savior of the people right but I'm going to work right now you know I ain't saying I'm Jesus got the job of the Messiah Ty and Jo we block all Devils I'm not I'm not catching the tieing job I don't know if he's saying job from the Bible but basically the point is you know mean they're blocking Devils they're blocking all the whatever that may that may be false teachings um you know uh miseducation whatever you know whatever that is get y' shovels can you dig it you know so can you do you get what I'm saying but get your shovels use a shovel to dig obviously as well we going to Riot if y'all pick it sign of a danger oh you know what I'm saying that's crazy you know you use pick it signs to Riot right we'll Riot if y'all if you if y'all with us then let's let's get let's get it going go right sign of danger so but Riot signs right so he kind of continue that on so picket sign of danger oh we Anger from my past can't get past that we the last batch in the calls andall we got black fact grow a spinal cord or get back tracked so that's just that that's just like from battle rack cough right there when that getting into that kind of mode um yeah yeah we the last batch I think they look at themselves as sort of The Last of a Dying Breed right you know they look at themselves as like you saviors at work right like kind of like ab ab soul said with black facts with black Consciousness you know to help lead black people down you know a greater path right and either getting or either get down or lay down is what he's saying by grow a spinal cord grow some balls grow a spine and join a cause or get backtracked or backtrack or get the [ __ ] out the way and I also think um when he says we Anger from the past it could mean slavery and how black people was treated as well you know what I mean um and either either you with that or you're not you know what I'm saying so uh and they can't get past that right can't get past it can't get past the pass cuz the past is still affecting the present right you know what I'm saying we can't get past that so we need to either ride and come together or get out the way so yeah very dope like all Devils get y' shels can you dig it we going to Riot if y'all pick it sign a danger oh we Anger from our past can't get past that we the last batch in the calls and stall we got black facts grow a spinal cord or backtrack the homies Call Me Batman I'm the African Ben n Flac publishing some other [ __ ] like it's something up with ass cap it's Training Day don't get your ass Capp Javan Snapback with the rhinestones you ain't never had that was that sax Fifth with do that's a double w Tandra everything I say is dope is this a microphone or a contra bands in my pocket see what they told Malcolm X to do with his hands that [ __ ] was out of pocket picked up shotguns that came in handy wasn't no plan B kid gone who could [ __ ] with them knew them shots would muzzle thems would puzzle Lego stupid because of them sh falling like Giles who could [ __ ] with him perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect that was uh very perfect to put that there what do he say man after the Batman line I'm the African Ben Affleck he said publishing on some other [ __ ] like is there something up with ASAP ASCAP is you know one of the the publishing uh companies for musicians right you know what I mean but is there something up with that you know what I'm saying cuz I'm publishing on some other [ __ ] you know I'm doing something different then he said uh it's Training Day don't get your ass cap you know what I'm saying shot me in the ass Jake you know what I'm saying you [ __ ] reference in the movie Training Day yep yep Denzel you know what I'm saying got shot in the ass y then he said picked up the shotguns that came in handy there wasn't no plan B kid gone Malcolm X you know get get your hands out of my pocket uh that's a famous line that [ __ ] was out of pocket so what they when someone says that that [ __ ] was out of pocket they wronged him in some way that was wrong that was file you shouldn't have did that right but get your hands out of my pocket that's a famous line from Malcolm X uh picked up the shotguns that came in handy no plan B no when people say I ain't got no plan B this needs to work whatever you're talking about has to work there is no plan B right but kid gone you know Plan B you know you guys take a plan B you know well females take a plan B when you know plan a didn't work out and I'll let you uh insert what plan a is but also kid gone not only did you take a plan B so you didn't have a child kid that the kid gone meaning he's dead that was shots with muzzle him meaning we took care of it you know what I mean on some violent [ __ ] new the blocks would puzzle him let's go stupid because of him this is coming up coming off of musl Muslim right muzzle him um Lego I think is when he was rapping I think he said Lego go but he said let's go stupid because of him Legos blocks right so there's there's a tyeing with Lego blocks but n to blocks would puzzle him he's talking about blocks on the in neighborhood blocks right and maybe they're puzzled and maybe lost in those in those uh we lost on those blocks right I think it's all tying into Malcolm X being killed like Shell's falling like like nephlim right you know what I'm saying Shell's falling like gun shells like you know what I'm saying gun playay gilgames who could [ __ ] with him I think that that's like a deity Gilgamesh or whatever the case may be but let's go stupid because of him because of the death of Malcolm X I think or how that ended how how he was muzzled someone that was supposed to be a revolutionary figure you know let's go stupid because of that let's start a riot going back up to when they were talking about rioting and Revolution having sort of a Revolution being present I think is what they're getting around to picked up shotguns that came in handy wasn't no plan B kid gone who could [ __ ] with them knew them shots would muzzle them knew the blacks would puzzle them Lego stupid because of them falling likees who could [ __ ] with them y thought we was done with them y'all must be stupid we F to go dumb on them just keep your ears open like Dumbo them good luck to them it's up for them pie of the pie Edge we going to crumble them 314 on a guy head when we Rumble them on second thought that's enough for them that's that's enough we we hit him upside the head enough that's enough yeah that that was nice right keep your ears open like dumo and them Dumbo's an elephant from the Disney the Disney uh movie Dumbo you know what I'm saying but keep your ears open he had big ass ears right uh and then he said piece of the pie Edge we going to crumble him right we're going to crumble him basically so he talking he's talking about the the the the edge of a pie that has crumbs and all that other stuff on it right 314 on a guy head when we Rumble him you know what I'm saying so I think that that's a reference to Stone Cold St Austin wasn't it 314 right I don't know if I don't remember that yeah I think Stone Cold Steve Austin was a a wrestler that rumbled right that's Royal Rumble or whatever the case may be that had uh then I think he crushed beers on his head Austin 314 I think that that was his thing but also 314 the the the song is called pi and we know that the formula for pi is is 3.14 right so I think they could also be saying um they're all on this guy's head 314 you know what I'm saying me the the crew they maybe and also Pi is kind of right Pi is representative of the the sort of circumference of a circle so maybe daylight um [ __ ] and J Cole we all around we all we on this guy's head meaning we we on your ass with the lyricism and all this other stuff right but I I'm not sure about the stone cold thing but I think there's a stone cold tie in there when we Rumble them as well and then he said then they said it's enough of them so just wanted to kind of finish that out so yeah this was uh this was a crazy that was enough yeah that was enough y'all must be stupid we feeling keeps open Dum good luck to them it's up the we going crumble 34 on a Gody head when we rumbling oh second thought that's enough for them you got to [Music] chill last night I was sleeping like [Music] a [Music] pray hands for the land where they spraying pellets and turning your mans to an Angelic being and freeing him from this crammed hellish hole the weather's cold from jealous Souls that fan fellas I dance as well as Chris Breezy when the bullets start straying careless I won't let them swiss cheese me got plans that I can't F at seen plenty B's trembling resembling cam red is so full of potential but never given a real chance to develop my hand envelops the pen these ain't fan letters I crafted his album dropped it was trash I literate like I can't spell it it's you a demon yeah he's carrying that ellot that Angelic you know what I'm saying that syllable work was real nasty by cold man yeah man he said prayer hands for the land where they spraying pellets and turning your mans to Angelic being and freeing him from this cram hellish hold the weather's cold from this jealous Souls that fan fellas nasty work right there man nasty syllable work there and then he went into our dance as well as Chris Breezy when the bullets start straying careless I won't let him switch cheese me cuz I got plans that I can't fa at um I I think what he's just saying there is when when bullet starts flying I I turn into I can I can dodge bullets like the Matrix I'm like Chris Brown out this [ __ ] I because you know Chris Brown is a good dancer I think that's just what he's saying but um also I can't I've got so many plans that I need to do this my work is not done you know what I mean so um I can't let some like this take me out you know what I mean because I got so much more work to do but then he said seen plenty bodies trembling resembling cam reddish so full of potential but never given a real chance to develop it's interesting that he chose cam reddish right wasn't he a um uh NBA star well not star NBA player that came uh out of college didn't really get the chance to to play as much yeah you I mean for New York or something yep cam reddish played for the Knicks and Michael Beasley is is someone that cam like reddish reminds me of like he's a player that people thought had a lot of potential he's a good college player just we hoopers know that they can hoop but hoopers don't being able to hoop doesn't always translate to you know a standard standardized NBA basketball you know so he was never really given a chance I think he was under Tibido wasn't really given a chance to to Really shine in many people's opinion and he just you know it's unfortunate it's like wasted potential so getting to what what Co meant by that right there's a lot of lost souls out here that were full of potential like cam reddish they just left left trembling because they never got a chance to develop it's just taking it to you know uh LW Souls being killed senselessly you know on the streets right seen plenty bodies trembling resembling cam reddish just not never uh you know just wasted potential his album dropped it was trash I liter it I can't spell it so when you're illiterate you can't spell right but if some he's saying his the album was trash this person's album was trash I'll let you guys play with who he's talking about but um when when when he says it's trash I literate I throw it away but illiterate I can't spell it that's a cool little uh word play yeah I Gotta Give Drake some credit though you know I mean y'all dudes Dro trash yall littering remember I forgot what reaction I forgot what song that was on but Drake had I've seen that line a few times je Souls that fan fellas I dance as well as Chris Breezy when the bullet start straying careless I won't let them swiss cheese me got plans that I can't fa at seen plenty B's trembling resembling cam red is so full of potential but never giv a real chance to develop my hand envelops the pin these ain't fan letters I crafted his album dropped it was trash I literate like I can't spell it is you a demon or that demeanor for the gram tell us they plead the fifth I'm seeing hints of a trans Feller and cancel culture's vicinity he's no killer trust me beneath his chosen identity there is still a [ __ ] period blood spilling monly rather weakly as a myriad of bodies Dro bricks get karate chopped to maximize the dojo I wonder will my friends make it past the Pearly Gat so we could kick it but based on what their sins say probably not hit lick after lick like a lollipop you [ __ ] take a live detect the polygraph for polypop you know my zone I live was rapping on this yeah buddy I uh knew about that line though the whole uh transgender line yeah that was been floating around in the day I knew about that when we um hadn't even got the seven minute drill yet that was just kind of you know mean sent to us y'all be dming us be telling us a little bit too much but I mean we appreciate you know cuz we do need to be caught up it's kind of hard it's kind of hard because we want y'all to kind of keep us caught up on on things because we're not always caught up on the happenings of what's going on in um in Hip Hop so some of you guys we have a few people in particular on Instagram that really send us a lot of yo y'all might want to look into this so y'all understand what's going on when you do the reaction but sometimes it spoils the reaction at the same time so anyways I did know about that that trans line when he said is you a demon or is that demeanor for the gram in right M tell us they plead the fifth I'm seeing hints of a trans fow in cancel culture's vicinity he's no killer trust me beneath his chosen identity distill a [ __ ] period Then he kept going blood spilling monthly you know period blood spilling monthly I know that that the cancer culture is a real thing and I know that um that there's a lot of ignorant people out there man that um say stupid things about everybody not just gay people not just transgender people not just black people not I mean dude that the gamut of stupidity is very very vast you know I mean so um I'm here to say that I don't care about any of that I don't associate with people like that I am just going to try to define the bar what I think he means so when he says are you a demon demon or is that your demeanor for the Graham I think that's very self-explanatory I think he said are you just putting on a front for in front of social media to get likes or whatever the case may be when he says I see the [ __ ] I still know underneath that big facade come on man you still soft if you are a uh trans person whether you are originally a man or a woman in this case you're originally a woman choosing to be a man in this example but he still sees the [ __ ] he still sees that you're still a woman is what he's saying regardless of what you whatever chosen uh identity you choose to say I identify as a man but do you still have a vagina that's what he's saying you know what I'm saying that's where the controversy lies correct you know correct and I'm not saying that that's uh right all I'm saying is I'm just trying to define the line when he says [ __ ] period you know when you when a girl has a menstrual cycle she bleeds they call it a period as well you know what I'm saying monthly spill spilling monthly you know mon you know what I'm saying or weekly you know ministration I'm saying you know so that was a nasty line right there rather weekly as a myriad of bodies drop where bricks get karate chopped so there's a there's a whole um uh like sort of uh Sensei sort of karate scheme thing going on here right where bricks get karate chop if you think of karate they chop bricks and karate right he's talking about drugs bricks a kilo of cocaine to maximize the dough Joe to maximize the money Joe and Joe is slang for like dude y you know what I'm saying but a dojo is where people who you yo karate karate where they practice karate right it's the the place where they practice karate comprende do you understand I wonder where my friends will my friends make it past the Pearly Gates so we could kick it so we're still talking about karate chopping kicking it right karate scheming there uh but based on their sins on what their sins say probably not right so based on what the the atrocities his friends have committed the sins that they committed in their life they probably won't make it to the prly gates they probably won't make it to Heaven is what he's saying but but he's also saying Sensei is like a master in karate right a teacher a karate teacher right so there's a a whole little Karate Dojo and all that scheme that was nasty but he's he's he's weaving in you know I mean what real [ __ ] about his life and where he comes from in that and also kick it I didn't like Define kick it kick it means hang out if we could kick it if we can hang out kind of add that in there as well the dojo compl I wonder will my friends make it past the Pearly Gat so we could kick it but based on what they s say probably not hit lick after lick like a lollipop you [ __ ] take aive detect the polygraph or polyp you know my zone I live here at the top right now I'm home alone m c I keep the shoty [ __ ] in case somebody plot to rob me of this Godly spot Germaine monstrous like that [ __ ] off druman they know how he Rock I just want to point out the you know I'm saying just the syllable usage man the Cadence right you know my zone he said uh you know hit he started with the lollipop [ __ ] right actually probably not you know what I'm saying based off what this s say probably not hit lick after lick like a lollipop a lick is basically like a j like a a way to get a quick way to get money you know what I'm saying hitting a lick but you lick a lollipop right but the the in terms of just the syllable usage right the Cadence that he's in hit lick after lick like a lollipop you dudes take a lie detect lie detector test the polygraph a probably pop which means if you took a li detective T it would show that you lying like a [ __ ] you guys are liars is what he's saying but again probably pop lollipop probably not right now I'm home alone M CAU but he said home alone as in you know my zone I'm at I'm here at the top I'm home alone I'm at the top by myself there's no competition right like mcy Co like you know what I'm saying mcy caulin who was uh the star of the movie Home Alone right but again M call [ __ ] lollipop probably not I keep the shoty [ __ ] in case somebody PL to rob me off this Godly spot you know what I mean like that dude off Jami you know how he rocked right you know the rock played in the new the new remake of jamanji but you know how I rock though you know how I give it up you know how I give it up you know what I'm saying you know I'm the dude you know I'm the man anyways yeah had to point that out that was nasty though yeah let's keep it going day I wonder will my friends make it past the Pearly Gat so we could kick it but based on what they're s say probably not hit lick after lick like a lollipop you [ __ ] take a live detect the PO ra for probably pop you know my zone I live here at the top right now I'm home alone M [ __ ] I keep the shoty [ __ ] in case somebody plot to rob me up this Godly spot Jermaine monstrous like that [ __ ] off Jumanji they know how he rock all these bodies out done C I should probably stop nah [ __ ] that I willingly Venture and a den for of lions on some killer be Center a funeral home facility to test my ability with this thrilling agenda but it's hard to meet my match my RS ain't really that tender since birth the kid knew his worth never wallowed and sorrow the game he dispersed in these verses bring a gilly potential a Milly from pencils never will my ability [ __ ] now please hold your L like you guarding Phillies Young Center quick to leave a chick curb it's only one of me but bet it's like six hers in my mobile device you feel the motive in these quotables right C is the nicest but ain't [ __ ] about these vocals polite focus and like by focals while I'm walking on tight ropes from my height folks will only get the scope from a flight how many verses of the Year this year is cold going to WR I want to say something let me me [ __ ] all let stop it I can't wait this [ __ ] carries out y'all know the Beat It carries out shout to the production I do like the production I just want to get to the shits there is a clear separation and technique in this I think I'm going keep it real and I love what daylight and um ab soul did but Cole was on another level when we're talking about cence and syllable work in this man it was just different in this now lyrically in terms of meaning of lyricism that's a different story they both did all three of them did their thing they did a great job but I think Cole I told Ryan when he was rapping I was like yeah he had a point to prove with making sure that he added daylight and ab Solon this he wanted to let y'all know I can run with the lyrical Titans I can run with them I can get with them all yeah it's not about who's better but I can just run with him you know what I'm saying that's all like I can hold my own with these guys I agree with what you said man because this line right here I feel like says that he's all to test my ability with this thrilling agenda but it's hard to meet my match when my RS really aren't that tender I feel like that line right there encompasses the point you were trying to make like dude I can hang with anybody you know what I'm saying test my ability you know what I'm saying with a thrilling agenda he's all but you know it's hard to meet my match CU I'm you know obviously match and Tinder Tinder is a dating app right and match is a dating app right and you match people in on those apps you know um to meet people but he's also saying that it's hard for me to meet my match in this rap game because I'm not you know my RS aren't soft my RS aren't you know um uh for everybody you know what I'm saying my RS are just on a different level I feel like that that line really encompasses the the point you were trying to make I could do so much with this rap game you know what I mean it's just crazy he said I I will willingly Venture into a den full of lions on some killer Benta Funeral Home facility to test my ability with this thrilling agenda just to add to what you said Ryan I will willingly Venture into a D full Alliance I think I think he's thinking of uh daylight and ab soul like yo I'm I'm with some Killers right now on this track lyrical lyrically speaking like some killers on this track right now man I'm willing I'm willingly going to like test myself against these guys to let people know that it don't matter man I can do a song with the dude from Japan or we can we could we could get gritty right we could take it to you know uh working along side or or getting on a track with lyrical powerhouses and I'm still you know what I'm saying going to be able to hold my own this is a thrilling agenda I like this [ __ ] you know I'm I'm getting up for this [ __ ] I love this [ __ ] you know please hold your L's like you guarding Philly Young Center quick to leave your curve your chick curved it's only one me but it's like six hers that was hard though so now hold your L's right Joel MB right is is uh Phillies you know center right but hold your L's like you know take this L you know mean I'm going to kill you on this lyrical [ __ ] so hold that hold it like a crown hold it like uh wear that [ __ ] quick to leave a chick curved right talking about you know I'm you know I'll leave you know when you say you curve a chick man you you know you're not taking them seriously you're like man I'm out of here man you curve them you know what I'm saying love them and leave them you know I'm saying because it's only one of me so I'm the most important right but it's like six hers right Sixers right like the uh Philadelphia Sixers right they call the Sixers but it's only one of me you know what I'm saying so I can curve a chick no problem she ain't getting it's only one of me she ain't get another easily replaceable but I I can get plenty of hers since birth the kid knew his worth never wallowed in sorrow the game he disperse in these verses bring a gilly potential A Millie from pencils never will my ability [ __ ] so he's referencing million dollars worth of game with wallow in Gilly right you know what I'm saying but he's saying I never wallowed in sorrow I never felt sorry for myself you know the game he dispersed in these verses will bring a ghilly potential and A Millie from pencils he made a million off of just writing what he's saying I made a million dollars from just writing off of pencils never with my ability [ __ ] so I love the way that he Incorporated uh Gilly Gilly the kid mean and wow are both hosts of the show million dollars worth a game just to kind of clear that up I'd like to know what Eminem thinks of this the syllable work that J.Cole did in this because I'm getting that in a lot of what he was doing here right even the way he ended the song or ended his verse rather in my mobile device you feel the M of in these quotables right Co is the nicest but ain't [ __ ] about these vocals polite focus and Light by Focus while I'm walking on tight ropes from a height you folks only get the scope from a flight the syllable usage like even if he wasn't saying that much there lyrically right there's also the other aspect of rap which is you know piecing up them syllables as well when you can was really impressive man so that was dope man from U you know actually him having actual bars and punches and metaphors in there and scheming he schemed in that he had great syllable working that had some metaphors in there as well like he was you know he was really rapping his ass off and he definitely held his own with two lyrical Titans from daylight and abs sole they all did their thing you mean we going to go back through that though man I know there's some bars that we wasn't catching wasn't quite sure of shout out to all three of them love the beat the beat was a smooth ass like a 70s R&B joint or something like cool in the gang or something I don't know like something like that had a smoothness to it and I enjoyed it man that's another one that I like you know what I'm saying that uh that's off this might delete later let us know what else y'all want us to do man that's the end of the video If you guys enjoyed it please hit the like button if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe make sure you guys follow us on our Instagram de Radio that's in the description below I'm George that's Ryan Las Vegas we out
Channel: Lost In Vegas
Views: 127,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9AFqIatFuGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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