IZ*ONE (아이즈원) ‘Panorama’ MV Performance Ver.
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Channel: official IZ*ONE
Views: 11,529,680
Rating: 4.9654384 out of 5
Keywords: IZ*ONE, IZ ONE, 아이즈원, アイズワン, PRODUCE48, 프로듀스48, プロデュース フォーティーエイト, 장원영, JANG WON YOUNG, 미야와키 사쿠라, MIYAWAKI SAKURA, 宮脇 咲良, 조유리, JO YU RI, 최예나, CHOI YE NA, 안유진, AN YU JIN, 야부키 나코, YABUKI NAKO, 矢吹 奈子, 권은비, KWON EUN BI, 강혜원, KANG HYE WON, 혼다 히토미, HONDA HITOMI, 本田 仁美, 김채원, KIM CHAE WON, 김민주, KIM MIN JU, 이채연, LEE CHAE YEON, 블룸아이즈, BLOOM*IZ, Panorama, IZONE Panorama, 아이즈원 파노라마, 파노라마
Id: 64hndxW-pJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I love the set where they're dancing in an empty space. All those lighting effects fills me with emotion. Bless that thumbnail.
The silhouette shots were just the added oomph in this already stunning MV.
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JAYSUS Eunbi looks good in the flowery/jewelled dress. IZ*ONE performance videos are always such visual feasts.
This crashed youtube
Yujin is really killing me with that grey hair it looks so good on her.
Dang, that was gorgeous, better than the official released MV. Leader-nim is killing me 😳😍🔥👏
Here's the vLive (for WIZ*ONE & whomever that cannot access the YouTube video).