I've never seen my best friend this angry..

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hey guys welcome back to a brand new video i hope you're all having an amazing day today and i woke up and was feeling very giving so you guys all know my best friend noah he's been working for me for the past two and a half years and since the day we met we clicked right away and he became my best friend this dude has done everything for me he's been there for me mentally emotionally he supports me every day i support him and i'm just super blessed to have someone like that in my life so i decided to pick up the camera vlog today i'm here by myself obviously there's no one in the car i came to the mall and i wanted to surprise noah with something big i think i want to buy noah a rolex i don't think i've gifted anybody jewelry in the past i've given people money i've given people cars but i don't think i've done jewelry but yeah i think noah really deserves a gift it's been a while since i gifted him anything so i'm going to go get him a rolex but you guys already know me i'm not just gonna go give it to him i have a prank saved up my sleeve that i've been wanting to do to noah for a long time but i of course want to surprise him with something after and i'm actually using his camera right now and the reason why i'm not touching is because it's actually heavy guys like this is i don't know how noah does it like it's actually heavy he has a pretty tough job so mad props to noah so rugrats i hope you do enjoy this video drop a like make sure you hit that subscribe button to get me 20 million subscribers and i'm not gonna lie guys i've been sick for like the past week but i still haven't taken a day off because this is what i love to do and i'm very passionate about it and no matter how bad i'm feeling i really want to make a video for you guys so let's get right into it and i just realized i parked next to my dream car this is my dream car for those who don't know the rolls-royce rave i'm at the beverly center in l.a by the way my first time here guys i'm telling you i still get nervous vlogging in public there's people looking at me right now and uh this is one of the biggest malls in la i heard so i gotta find the rolex store right now all right guys just got some intel there is absolutely no rolex store in the beverly center i thought they would have it because i saw gucci louie all the designer places so now i have to go to rodeo which i didn't want to go to because the parking there sucks but you know it's for my friend noah we got to get that rolex so i'll see you guys on rodeo and speaking of dream cars the rolls truck right in front of me if you guys ever want to go anywhere to see sick cars just take a vacation to rodeo drive in beverly hills look i see another one there's another rolls truck behind me dude what is going on right now my dream is still to be sponsored by gucci but for those who don't know they actually have a restaurant that takes you to the rooftop so if you guys want to see that for a video let me know what's up guys hello you watch my videos yeah oh thank you man are you subscribed all right we gotta put you to the test we gotta see if you're subscribed can you show me oh i got jonathan oh oh he's subscribed let's go my guy thank you let's get a picture yeah bro you want to send us up to the vlog hello hi perfect hey nice to meet you guys thank you hey guys if you run into me in public i might ask you if you're subscribed so make sure you are all right now we officially walk in to rolling oh i push it oh oh everybody it's locked right now oh there's a wait okay how long do you know oh i can't record inside okay i won't guys moving out to la i thought it was gonna be a lot easier to record in places but it's actually a lot harder hey what's up guys how are you nice to meet you guys are you serious my hometown i like your car please look at me should i just turn into daniel mack right now excuse me oh never mind you guys want to see the rolex that i just got for noah i don't think you guys are ready all right three two one nothing they actually had a total of zero watches in the rolex store literally and i waited 30 minutes you couldn't tell me that an hour ago i guess we're gonna keep walking around and seeing what kind of jewelry anything i wanna just buy something at this point that's crazy it's not even like a busy day it's like a saturday didn't think it was gonna be busy but we're not gonna give up until we get something we secured the bag boys let's go it's actually not a rolex but i'm gonna show you guys in the car hello hey i appreciate the support guys thank you no problem bro have you been watching me for what 10 years now 2010 baby bro you're a crack hey hey can i get a pitch with you guys of course yeah yeah let's get it i'll i'll come out all right let's get in my guy yes okay let's get it pov how it looks when we take a picture i love that energy i appreciate you my guy thank you guys thank you oh we got more what up what up guys hi nice to meet you ready set go appreciate you that quality is insane how are you bro nice to meet you there we go nice to meet you guys i don't mean to get emotional or anything but i was just driving home right now and i was just thinking about how good my life is because of you guys i know i thank you guys a lot some people like actually are like yo wrong like we get it like you don't have to keep thanking us but like i did this literally last week where i was just crying from gratefulness and appreciativeness and i don't know what i did to deserve this but i'm just so happy that you guys are all here for me anytime i meet you guys i get so freaking happy anytime i read a comment a message a dm i just get so happy and i'm i'm just at a loss for words from how much you guys support me on a day-to-day basis and i always just sit back and take a look at what i have and just be grateful for everything and i was raised to be appreciative i was raised to never think of myself above anyone else and i'm sorry for this rant like i have a podcast now which i actually like talk about this kind of stuff but i just feel like i have to just include it in the vlog because it just happened i was like crying i was literally just crying and i'm like let me capture this emotion because some people might not think that it's real and some some people might think that you know like oh does rug actually care i feel like i'm one of the most genuine influencers out there and just genuine human beings of all time but you guys have changed my life for the better and i love you guys so much and i have to keep reminding you guys i don't care if you get mad if you get mad i still freaking love you and if you're a hater of mine i love you as well to be honest i just i just love everyone i'm very grateful right now i will show you guys the watch when we get home and i'm going to show you guys the prank i have planned for noah ah i love you guys all right guys i am parked down the street from my house and i had to show you guys before i surprise noah look at this box it comes in dude i haven't bought any jewelry in so long that i forgot how extra they are are you guys ready to see this noah deserves this 1 million okay i hope i've been doing a good job filming by the way like this is my first time vlogging with the big camera here we go guys guys guys oh my god it's a hermes hermes hermes it's a hermes watch gotta give you guys a better look i gotta flash the light on the diamonds check it out guys noah's brand new hermes watch i stout the letter h is the face of the watch like the shape of it oh my gosh you guys see the diamonds just dancing right now oh my god i think this is the first ever like iced out piece for noah i think once again he deserves it honestly i had a little price range that i wanted to do for this and then when i was at the store it was well over my price range and i'm like you honestly can't put a price on friendship like i'm not gonna put a limit on oh i only want to spend this much like no like i'm blessed enough to even be able to afford this and i think noah's a huge important part of my life and a lot of people might not know this but i didn't have a lot of friends growing up i've encountered a lot of fake people in my life and noah's honestly one of the realest people in my life so i gotta show my appreciation i'm gonna go inside scope it out see where noah is and i want to explain the prank that i have planned okay guys i am so freaking excited to do this i actually just sent noah to go get some water from target which is like 10 minutes away so uh i gotta do this fast do you guys remember when i got pranked about two years ago by my cousin chanel i'll roll the clip is this car behind me what what's good but pretty much she made a sign and taped it to the back of my car that said like honk for good luck and i got super mad because i didn't know why cars were honking at me and noah wasn't my cameraman at the time so he doesn't know anything about that unless he watched it or whatever but that was like two years ago so i thought it would be great he just got a brand new tesla you know i'll try to convince him to like take me around somewhere i'm gonna write on this saying honk for luck i'm gonna put it on the back of his tesla and he's just gonna be honked out while we're driving and at the end of it i'm gonna surprise him with his gift so let's do this really fast [Music] honk for luck i'm gonna have to wait for him to like go in his room or something and then i have to sneak out to his car tape this on the back and then maybe like an hour or two later to not make it suspicious i'll just ask if he wants to go out to eat or something ask him to drive drop a like on this right now if you guys are enjoying the vlog let's prank noah there he is okay guys i waited for the perfect time noah is working out don't know why he's working out in pants but we don't ask questions so this gives me time maybe like 10 minutes to put the side on the back of his car oh lola you saw her running what the heck oh this is so annoying not having him as a cameraman because now i got to do it all on my own jesus noah you just get a new car you're gonna leave it this dirty bro all right guys i got it on right here the only problem is that when he reverses it's going to show something but my hope is that wherever we go he's just gonna drive forward i'm also gonna be putting a gopro in his car so i gotta sneak that in fingers crossed that this works i have to go sneak the gopro dude that's so sick all right let me figure out the spot real quick and then i will show you guys when i'm done yo uh i was wondering if you went to go get some shaved eyes right now yeah whenever you're ready yeah let me just grab something real quick and i'm gonna come out all right for sure bro you mind driving too yeah all right for sure i'll be i'll be downstairs okay guys we're gonna switch over to the gopro when i get in the car hopefully this works so hot it's way too hot how are you feeling good dude i mean i hate being sick but with your work schedule it's just hard not to get sick you're always around people you're always doing stuff yeah like it's bound to happen but i mean just drink a lot of water you'll be chilling [Music] it's perfect for this type of day bro so good [Music] what are you doing maybe like i think you actually did you get you got in the left lane in front of that car that was so weird that's the second time this is that yeah this is la right i'm not used to it oh did you just cut that car off no dude honestly i think you're just a really bad driver i'm not doing anything i literally just i'm driving in a straight line okay this guy's like literally tailgating me do they know you're in this car or something i don't think so [Music] yo okay i think you cut that car off no i did it okay maybe i did jesus bro i mean in la i've been honked at more times in the past month than i have in my whole life in san diego i think it's honestly just the drivers [Music] again bro this is the seventh time what have i done like you know i'm a good driver you're not a good i'm not the best okay i'm not the best driver but listen man this is crazy i haven't had this happen to me like any time before ever like that's so crazy i'm excited for vegas dude okay well you kind of just waited when it turned green no i i literally just went it was like a second after are people that impatient pay more attention to the ropes the tesla literally you know tesla drive itself now because i apparently i cannot drive that's like the ninth car i'm just saying we can't keep blaming the people honking if like it's happened like six times i'm not doing anything [Music] dude what dude are you what yo i did a u-turn it was a legal turn it was a legal team i saw that yeah i saw that i don't care we're in the right lane is there something wrong with my car is my lights on do i have hazards or maybe no my hands are dropped there's nothing wrong with this car what could possibly be wrong with my car something dude it just happened again yo why are you honking bro did you like tweet that i'm going to be on the road today yeah i tweeted where we lived so people could honk at you bro that best buy i need to get a sd card okay okay hold on dude what are you doing hold on hold on hey yo yo hold up hold up be careful you don't know what people i don't care no it's all good bro no you're good no no it's not noah you're dude you're good what are you doing what is that yo i was going crazy yo i was really going crazy why are people honking at me like they weren't good i know why they just want good luck in their life bro i was so scared because if you put the car in reverse you might have seen it let's check all right see if it would have shown oh my god oh i'm so happy you didn't reverse i was getting pissed i don't usually have road rage because like i'm a good driver i'm not a best driver but like i'm a decent driver but literally i think i got like 20 honks on the way to where we're going this is literally like an old phase rug video right here right and on top of it i was vlogging everything all day that's where you were yeah i thought you said you had to go like run errands well i did have to run errands for this this and something else i actually got you a gift no i mean you give everyone gifts i don't expect anything from you so whatever you're giving you really don't listen i know you want to get a sd card and stuff but i'm excited to show you your gift can we go home so i can give it to you no please shaved ice bro oh hey we give minnie like a candle [Music] 20 20 out yes sir did another video yes sir i'm just thankful right here living in my purpose positive vibes trying to change the world yo thank you so much bro i appreciate that hey you're the man we didn't even ask him to do that yeah yeah we didn't go up to him he's already playing it dude this song is such a hit 300 000 likes and i will make another song by the end of august i promise we need a summer anthem summer anthem yes hey man shaved ice is the wave bro didn't you work there for your first job you made shaved ice i used to make shaved eyes with ice cream tahin oh wow hey we still have to give you your gift after this though oh you really don't have to get me i'm excited guys do you think he's gonna like it i think he's gonna hate me after this all right i told you i had a gift right yeah you've been scaring me because like your gifts are sometimes a prank but sometimes they're actually real but again you don't ever have to give me anything listen man can you close your eyes and then put your hands out is it a piece no put both hands out okay hold on you're scaring me bro i'm not hold on it's heavy okay open your eyes dude dude you have to open it don't ask any questions and just open it it's a box yeah you got me a wooden box it looks so like fancy i know that's what i said you ready that's yours bro i'm literally shaking right now are you serious unbelievable you really did not have to do this i know i did it i love you bro oh dude i don't even want to touch you bro you're really shaking oh my gosh bro i'm just speechless i'm genuinely speechless right now i'm still shaking i still can't put this thing on you really that looks insane bro let's see it in the sun bro we have to we have to see it in the sun oh people literally dancing oh my god thank you bro i got you dude of course thank you so much bro bro i was saying like oh my god this is mine are you sure the diamonds are crazy bro really you really did not do this i was saying dude i love you too man i was saying how like you do everything for me you're like a real genuine friend you always check up on my mental and you work super hard so i'm like this is you're going to make me cry this is this is the least that i could do with with or without this like i don't give a you're my brother and i know that i'm always going to be your best friend of course the same i don't care give me these type of gifts i don't care if i prank you every day i don't care if you do any of that as long as we got it on camera but dude you really did not have to do this dude it looks so sick thank you oh my god of course thank you so much bro we are going to end the video off on a very odd positive note we love you guys so much thank you for all the support and i was telling them if it wasn't for their support i wouldn't even be able to do this bro thank you thank you so much and thank you guys for all the support especially on the podcast you guys been going crazy and on the videos we love you guys thank you guys so much and thank you bro of course dude guys make sure you hit that subscribe button and i'll see you all with the next video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 3,723,977
Rating: 4.9638414 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: nwgl6hvxtGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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