I've been setting up my bows wrong….

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welcome to today's video everyone it is brought to you by Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Pennsylvania archery supply Lancaster Electric Supply we have unboxing here for a product that has been back ordered for a long time it is great for your at home bow shop your bow shop and you know maybe your kitchen if you want to work out your bow at your kitchen table um I have two boxes here I don't know actually what they sent me in this other one so we're just gonna open it and you guys will see it for the first time like I see it also oh this is the next video unboxing I forgot about this this is a video unboxing but we're gonna Focus here first you'll have to wait for them okay oh it's a heavy one this is the OMP bovice I've been talking about this forever wanted to upgrade the uh the bow workstation this is probably the best one available on the market um based off of what I've heard about it it's very common in a lot of Pro Shops so um you can actually mount it on a stand or a table and there's actually like this micro adjustable one but we just got the standard one so you could upgrade it to the micro adjustable one you can like turn and twist it and get it perfectly level but we just got the standard one today so what we're going to do is we're going to open this up and then we're going to use it a little bit okay so very standard Packaging and that's it it's one thing already assembled always already together they do have some instructions here along with some mounting hardware but this is pretty much is one big handle that clamps down on this big swivel maybe yeah and then that just moves around like that clamp the bow down in there very simple very straightforward but what I think we're gonna do is we're going to take this off this last chance one and put this one on the OMP so we are going to do that now so it looks like we have four wood screws which luckily our table is wood you can definitely get creative where you want to mount this I just want to mount it in a good place where you're going to work on stuff so we're gonna mount it right here foreign [Music] ladies and gentlemen fully installed OMP both ice so uh one cool thing about this this handle system has a spring in it so when you go to unloosen it if you just let go it auto tightens so it tightened down loose tight so just kind of self tightens there which is a cool little little feature also this just spins all the way out so you spin this out and you can clamp in your bow right there super super easy so what we're going to do is we're actually going to build a bow now Cooper needs a new bow it's been several years since he's had one he's gone through a rapid growth spurt and he's pretty much shooting 75 pounds at like 28 inches so we are going on a big Caribou hunt in two weeks so this is kind of last minute uh we're gonna build them up though build them a bow overnight it to them and then he'll be able to uh shoot it and get it dialed for that hunt so we'll see what he did I forget what he got fully specifies and color wise I forget what he got colors okay Andy got all the goodies so we have some Bridge lock stabilizers that we have looks like a qad oh very nice now I remember quiver hat and he went with the phase four in Granite with these Buckskin colored bow strings that actually Blends in super super nice um I believe it's 75 pounds and I believe it's 28 inches so honestly the same exact bow that I shoot first thing we're going to do here is we're going to try out our new fancy Dandy new bow dealio up here clamp it down loosen it and then any which way I love that oh I wonder if you can adjust that the way this spins oh yeah right there you know what they're that probably told me in the instructions here we are okay so this is gonna sit like that and now that is going to sit like that so let's double check this before we get it all the way on so if we go like this yeah that'll be perfect okay okay we are back in business so the handle is going to be slightly more out of the way then we have our two valleys right in here where we can dump the whole bow to the side if we wanted to towards the bench so now all we got to do is screw these back in okay so we tighten this down now boom there we go so we can lock this in right here this is awesome we'll be able to work on this I mean this is very very sturdy that's honestly just the limbs rocking this this dealio isn't even rocking so I can do this if I wanted to do you know anything under the sun if I wanted to tip it on the side that's awesome that's exactly what I wanted is this right here I could even do my uh doing knocking points and everything now on here instead of on the boat press that's huge Ben needing that thank you PJ we appreciate you much thank you love you bye qad eight inch Bridge lock 12 inch Bridge lock quiver I forgot to get him a back bar uh side mount so I'm gonna have to figure that out at a later time so all we're going to do is set them up for this front stabilizer he's got 12 in the front just a couple weights in there but he'll be able to fine tune that later look at this this is awesome you can just hang it down low right here I'll be able to work on it it's not touching the table or anything I am sold on this product already it is way easier doing it like this and then if you guys don't know how this works the quiver slips in top there then slides in the bottom there we go clamps Down super tight and he'll be good to go to shoot with it on or take it off if he wants to in a Flash little set screw for the site then we have the QED rest which we'll put on real quick okay and I forgot to put the moleskin on before I put the rest on and last time I did this it was way easier putting the moleskin on before putting the rest on so I recommend putting moleskin on before this step but here we are did I mention how great this is having us now I can't believe I've been suffering this long without it I've been liking lately is using the just a bow Square drop it in clip it on I have the rest at 0 and 0 because of the etching marks and the way the qad rest is so I'm going to do is pop the QED rest up bump the rest down until it touches so you see it's just barely touching there barely touching and then we're going to grab a silver Sharpie marker and Mark directly in the middle of that line that runs all the way through the rest then what I'm going to do is pop that off grab an arrow get my OMP loosened turn it back down because I need it to just re-adjust so that I could clip a knock in there and just going to line up that Sharpie Mark with that knock so that's all you're going to do I'm gonna get some serving material and I'm going to tie my knock sets now the d loop so I'm just gonna fluff this up hello hello what's up you around your bow what bow your uh your old one no oh where you at I can grab it though oh yeah I need to get your uh peepsite measurement yeah just tape measure on from what to what though center of the peeps well I'll get this wrapped up goodbye okay what was it five seven inches about right there back in business it's got we got his peep sight in the correct spot now based off his other bow which other bows of 27. so it would be a little higher than two inches actually won't be too big a deal I'll just keep the same okay so now that we got his peep side in we can cinch down his d loop okay we gotta twist his string up a little bit this peepsie cricket okay I should be close and we got a rest cord [Music] toss it through the cable right here I'll pull it back to set the rest timing looks really good timing is good but it looks like his rest um also got some slack into it when I tied it in so we'll just fix that real quick tighten it up we'll tighten it up on the rest side this time and then uh man this was a quick build we'll go ahead and shoot through paper we'll see how close we got so if you ever in this position where you just need to tighten it up a little bit there's a little set screw the back of the handle on the rest you go ahead and loosen that we'll just feed this cord through just a little bit and we'll tighten it down and before I'm gonna I'm gonna cut that little piece off eventually but before we do that so I'll make sure we're dropping at a good rate yeah so last like inch and a half of drawing that pops up so it's perfect slice off that little bit so just so it doesn't get snagged snagged on anything and then let's make sure this little set screws all the way tight and we are cooking ladies and gentlemen I'll shoot it a couple times oh we need to throw a b-roll grip on perfect fit uh Cooper has his own rest or rest his own site so we don't have to worry about that um what we do have to worry about is finding five millimeter Arrow because he's shooting a five millimeter out of light and knock I believe he's shooting an axis Arrow at 340 axis so we got one of those will this be a bullet hole I'm not sure but it probably is close look at that very close so we had just a little bit of showing of high right and now we have a lot of showing a higher High rate so what we're gonna do is let's see I might just move the rest just a little bit move a little bit left and I'll move it a little bit up let's try it again okay so just a little bit probably gonna have to move the top hats on it so we'll go ahead and do that now we'll see what this does hopefully it's not too much foreign but that's okay oh I literally missed the target oh she might be stuck in there for good I have not done that yet well let's uh let's scooch this down okay we have another arrow is an axis okay very nice if anything I think I just gotta bump it a touch more to the right look at that bullet hole this bow is the aisle now well this pretty much completes this bow build for Cooper like I said he has his sight he's gonna put on here and that made it so much easier having this OMP press I can't believe I've lived this long without it if you have a home bow press this is a must have makes your life a lot easier so thank you all for watching make sure to check out Lancaster Archery Supply a link below in the description will link you right to this OMP bovice if you're interested check it out rig out your home bow office even more thank you all for watching we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Chris Bee
Views: 86,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ml7BAtSSw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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