hello welcome to the abandoned mining town of s Gordo my name is Brent and I have been calling this ghost town home for almost four years now I'm up here trying to bring life back to the place meaning restore some of the cabins explore the abandoned minds and just learn everything that I can about the history here in this past month a lot has happened we made huge progress on a hotel that we were building just over there I brought internet 900 feet underground into an abandoned mine I found some gold and I probably have the biggest announcement that I've had in the past 3 years it's a very exciting month so let's get into it [Music] all so it has been almost 4 years that I've been living up here at Cog Gordo and it all started right there back in March of 2020 I drove my little truck up I got stuck in the snow I walked into town and I haven't left since and I think some days you know day over day it's hard to see the progress here but walking up the road it all starts to click I remember the hundreds of Day projects that have happened over the last couple years whether it's putting in a new parking lot or putting axles on the Jeep digging for bottles over there but also the bigger projects you know the hotel now is the second floor there's a tank beyond that and I think of just all the people that helped make that happen and I get excited you know cuz this used to be a mining boom town there used to be 4,000 residents hundreds of buildings the mine was going 24 hours a day and the newspapers report a murder a week and it was grim but it was alive there was a heartbeat here and I think when I came here in March of 2020 it was a shell of that and over the past few years we don't have hundreds of buildings there aren't thousands of residents but this town definitely has a heartbeat again and it's really exciting and so with that let's get into everything that happened this last month to help bring that heartbeat back all right so right away behind me you see one of the biggest updates over the past month or so both literally and metaphorically is the American hotel has a second floor and has the beginning of a roof this is a very emotional project for me about 3 years ago now we lost the original American Hotel to an electrical fire and since then I've spent pretty much every day dedicated focused obsessed even with rebuilding this hotel and standing here now is is pretty emotional you know it might not look like a ton but I remember you know standing right here and mixing by hand, 1500 bags of concrete with some volunteers to go into the wall of these blocks or how many trips in the 5 ton military truck it took to get all these blocks up here or sitting up there with Dave Sparks and mixing 80 yards of concrete to go into the Footers that you can't even see anymore you know so every bit of this has been difficult almost as difficult as it can be you know combined with the emotional weight of losing a building that you care about and the rebuilding of it and now seeing this just feels like significant progress you know as I walk in here now it actually feels like a building looking out and looking at the lumber I just remember how many runs up this 8m dirt road had to happen to get all this material here you know it's not like we're building an LA we're building on the top of a mountain at the end of an 8 mile dirt road already in the middle of nowhere so every bit that you see up here I feel like has been hand loaded into a truck at Once Upon a Time and gotten up here and as we go upstairs this is where the majority of the progress has been happening over the last month you know right now we're on a huge race because we need to get this building enclosed before winter and winter can hit pretty much any day now and we cannot have this exposed to the elements so we need to get those Rafters on and we need to get a roof on this thing hopefully some windows in and hopefully get this thing sealed in so we can continue working through the winter but as you can see Kyle and his helper Andrew have been doing a lot of work over the past month well we're framing our second floor finally we're back up here after the road got fixed after the storm we got our first kind of far outside wall that's our staircase wall right there and now this the first of the main part of the second floor with all the guest rooms it's about to um we got a few more things to do and then we're going to sheet it y get it St man that's cool so all at once all at once we get the Drone 23 ft you know this project has been the top priority for me over the past 3 years you know it's taken priority over you know my physical health my mental health um my Financial Health lots of different things over the last couple years but to see it kind of start to take form feels like there is some type of Finish Line in place that we're not just doing this like act of pushing the rock up the mountain over and over again that's exciting to me you know it's been some very difficult times you know starting with losing the hotel to the struggles of getting the concrete to the struggles of getting materials up here to the brutal Winters that have put us far behind as to finally see it starting to take shape is amazing you know I think that in my darkest moments it's easy to want to give up throw in the towel be like you know what good is an Old Town that got given up on anyways but I think it's kind of like up to us to find our own purpose and what we're doing and our own meaning in life and I think for me that has been s Goro and that will continue to be Cog Gordo and this is kind of like a Living testament to it I am fully aware that there's still a lot of work to do but it's progress and progress is always very exciting up here and I think I've have been very motivated by that and all the other progress going on all around the town including right over there where if you look you will see the Hunter's cabin where we are soon to put a recording studio so we will head over there next and get some updates from [Music] that [Music] all right now we're over to the hunter cabin which was originally built in the 1870s by guy named William Hunter who owned a neighboring mine to Cog Gordo and this is the cabin that we are going to focus on turning into a recording studio I just went to Washington about a month ago to get a lot of beautiful wood that we're going to use inside of here and so let's go inside see what's going on and then I'll show you the layout of the studio a little bit what have you been up to in hereo all right well I took everything down to the bones and uh you know tried to give pause to realize that a lot of the work was done in a time of being very cold with no materials you know I'm really excited to get a chance to work with the lumber so I'm working as fast as I can to get this insulated and and seal so that I can start using the beautiful Cedar yeah absolutely where everybody watching this is going to kind of be the uh live room where there's going to be you know some equipment out here to record different instruments and stuff this is a bedroom but this will turn into almost a control room we back in here a little of a mess now but there'll be a uh kind of a mixer here and then downstairs will kind of be like an isolation room for the the drum set it's our storage at the moment I'll give you guys a quick look just so you can see down here is where all the drumming will happen so a lot of exciting things happening in the studio a lot thanks to Elmo so stay tuned and we're going to have a lot of updates in this cabin over the next couple [Music] weeks so another thing I've been working on a lot this month is the mines exploring the mines but also bringing power and Communications 900 ft down to the bottom of the cage here in the Hoist house and we're doing that because for the longest time we thought the 900 level was pretty much as far as it went but we recently found some documents that show that there's five levels below the 900t level here you know these are all behind collapses and if we get past these collapses we should be able to get to where there's an entrance to these lower levels and so if we're going to spend a lot of time down at the 900 OT level I wanted to bring power and Communications and so a little bit ago my friend Craig came we ran power all the way down to the 900t level and today we are going to run Internet all the way down to the 900t level of the Union mine our internet comes into the hillside over there it's redirected from Lone Pine keiler to that Hillside we're then going to redirect that signal to the Hoist house is then going to get transformed back into ethernet then to coax it's going to go all the way down 900 ft and we have Wi-Fi down 900t level that is the plan today so we are headed 900 ft down it's going to be a historic exploration when we start doing that we're going to need some very capable people to be down there 900 ft but I'm really excited about it and Tim's going with me hello all right we're headed down that to bring communication I want to go down now all right you got it you do remember we want to stop every like 10 15 ft y take care of the cats all right go stop [Music] stop all right so we're back down to the 900 the internet cable made it down now we might do a little Quest back to the clap see if we can move rocks with the some rope and some maybe some blasters that I have when you order your element online it comes in a box like this to your door was that down here it was down here drink element.com Brent I do love element all right back back in the 900 and we are headed to the north right now so I'll be going towards what would be the union chimney and this is the area where down this at the end there's a collapse but on the map showed connected to the lower levels that we're after some great carbide GE feet down here all right this is back to the collapse as you can see really hairy really sketchy not what you want to see but this should continue through to the other side it's just you know obviously moving anything has the potential for big problems but those big rocks up there we get some of those coming down might be interesting see the very top there's that rock up there I seeing if we like put a rope around that one and pulled it down from back here or something yeah I'm hoping that you can get like up and over to eventually [Applause] y like Timber's like broken there too yeah Cathedral Who real big rocker spell nice [Music] whoa they almost like they have purposely put this way so I wonder if like it snakes around this way or some oh there's a tunnel like left yeah yeah that makes sense that's what I'm wondering cuz they're like or they were up here and they just got perfectly collapsed further down but they're hold on oh that's going to go take a look you just said it what it's about to go yeah yeah it's about to go yeah sick you stick my head in there the helmets wear a Mator protection yeah sweet that's cool why don't we figure out where it goes out on the mountain yeah yeah and I'm trying and come in yeah that's cool all right so even 900 ft underground element is everywhere that I go they're the sponsor of this week's video and I take this literally everywhere as you can tell for anybody watching they're offering a special you just go to drink element.com Brent so drink el.com Brent they're giving an eight sample pack away for free you know on these crazy Adventures I used to get really bad headaches you know really get used to get really dehydrated and now I have come to bring it with me or leave it behind pretty much everywhere I go even down here at the 900 level of s mine hope you check it out drink element.com Brent it's good stuff all right so we dug into this for a while there's a lot of timbering up to the left almost like it goes up and then back but you have the track here so going to need more tools more people more things but made a decent way back saw some problems in stuff found this sign over here it's really interesting this this way out so that would show that maybe that's leading out to the union chimney as I was discussing and the track would mean that you know they weren't serious about this area and so to get through that might lead to those other levels down you got some of that element FR yes sir got it with me always thank you when you're stuck on the cage element all right so just like that I am one step closer to having my base camp down there we now have the internet cable down we now have a couple more things to do but 900 ft down is going to be one of the most comfortable places I'm thinking big screen TV you know whole sorts of things internet power all in an unsafe mine last time I got back to the collapse you know I kept digging and over my left shoulder there was timbering so I couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was something going on this way or above and after I came back up I reviewed the map and I realized I had come to a 3way intersection you know I love the feeling of coming back up cross referencing it to the map and knowing where I was and at this point there's about 60 ft left between where we got to and where the winds is that accesses all of these next five levels of the mine it could be 60 ft of collapse it could be 2 more fet of collapse and open up all the way to the winds but we're going to get there whatever's down there is going to be very interesting it's going to be very historic it's going to be adding to the history here stay tuned a lot more going on with the Expedition deeper into the zogoro [Music] mine another thing I was able to do this month that I think just gave me a huge appreciation for everything that happened here in the past was to go underground Hard Rock Mining and this time I was looking for gold gold my friend Jason has a mine up in Washington and so he invited me up to get the wood you see behind me but also to go gold mining and his mine that he's recently opened up and ended up with this 10 G of pure gold the process of which is not very easy but one that I now just appreciate so much more after the time up there Jason owns Mount Baker mining up in Washington and we met a couple years ago because I was trying to refine The Ore here at sarog Gordo the G which is lead and silver and Jason seemed like the guy so a couple years ago we refined 100 lb of ore out of the Union mine here made it into some silver and became pretty good friends in the process and a couple months ago he was like listen you know if you want to make your way up to Washington I'd love you take you into this gold mine that I'm reopening from the 1890s you know and so Jason offered me to bring you underground you know we were going to go mucking we were going to refine some of the ore and just get a better sense of underground mining so the mine itself is just set in these dramatic IC mountains with streams going through it that I never see around here you know huge trees that Washington's known for and eventually you get to the place where there's three little portals that show Jason's mind and I was stoked you know I was very excited to go in learn about it and just experience a little bit of what underground mining would be like hi my name is Harry from mine operator I'm up here working with Jason from Mount Baker Mining and metals and we're up here showing these guys around here we go we're going in the lower Hall added here I don't know how well you'll be able to hear me but I'll do my best so Jason and Harry's main goal this year was just to rehab the mine you know get new timbering in place get some of the or shoots in place do a little bit of McKing get the process down so next year they can have a big season it takes a lot of wood to go mining I found that out I I was amazed at how much wood we've put in into this mine but you just use it for everything ladders lagging stalls support we us we've used a lot of wood so we had the build this sucker and it was a chore took a lot of wood took us Harry you remember four days four or five days a total work oh yeah yeah it took us to build this and we ran out of woods I had to go cut down some more trees and Buel up some more wood but we finally got it the ladder goes up about 50 ft I think there's 53 steps and there there're 12 in apart so there's a ladder on one side there's a shoot on the other and then a kind of a little wall rail between you know I was looking at these ladders that Jason and Harry had built and they just looked like back breaking work and it just made me fully appreciate all the timbering and stuff that I see down here in the S Gordo Ms yeah this was a real a real engineering feat here because there's nothing square there's nothing no no standard distance or anything we were just wedging stalls in and then lagging ladders to [Music] them this is a spot where they mined down on the vein and that's called the winds but this is kind of a unique place in the in the whole mining District cuz this is the only place anywhere in the district where someone died and it ended up being a murder the story is is there was they left two guys over the winter to protect the mine from vandals or Claim Jumpers or whatever and the deal was is they could take as much gold as they wanted or as they could find to stay over winter and protect the mine and when they came back in in the spring they only found one guy he had a bunch of gold and he said the other guy had gone out hunting a week or two ago and never came back so they s out a search party looked for him they never did find him so they thought well we'll come back start mining when they were pumping out this winds they found that guy's body at the bottom of the Winds with a big rock tied around his neck and the other guy with all the gold taken off and was long gone so that's the only death ever recorded in the mining District got murdered and this was his burial site so this is our working pH here behind me and we're in this big open room and the vein out crops all the way around and the miners left this not because it was didn't have any gold in it but they left it because they had built two or three different Mills outside to Mill the ore and get the gold out but because we have such high snow loads in the winter here their Mill kept getting wiped out by Avalanches year after year so the mine had closed down and there's there were some spots back here that were running two and three and 4 o a ton so we're going to work back here today but we did a blast along this wall a couple days ago we've got a huge pile of muuk so after we're done picking and looking for gold we're going to do a little bit of muck and we're going to work on getting some muck out to the truck okay let's find some gold find some gold let find some gold find some [Music] gold that's the thing you don't want to blast it all over the yeah Stope and lose it there's a little piece of gold there little piece of gold there little baby baby pieces well that's a start yeah oh wow yeah I can see that oh yeah see there it is right there sticking on the wall that's what we need so after we went Mining and we chipped out some gold it was time to muck and mucking in this case is to take the loose rock you know that's in front of the face that you're Mining and to remove it maybe to refine it maybe just to discard it in this case we're going to refine it and I knew that McKing was pretty low on the totem pole of mining jobs and I can kind of understand why now you basically hunch over you fill up a bag full of rocks Jason and harri had constructed this cart that's just on Old rails you put the bag on the cart you push it over you then send it down some shoots and it takes just a very long time after you chip out the gold to get it out of the mine it might seem really basic but I think while doing that everything started to click you know the mine tracks that I see the ore shoots it's all an attempt to get this relatively heavy material out the whole way and so it's kind of fun to pack up the bag put it under the cart push the cart over you know throw an or bag down an or shoot all in the attempts just to get these rocks out of the mine and finally we did you know we took about I think five or six bags out of the mine and from there we put him in Jason's truck so at the end of the season my goal is to pour a 10 oz bar wow that's what I want I want a 10 oz gold bar at the end of the season well it seems hard even today so I can't imagine how hard it was when they were up here in the 1800s oh yeah yeah everything was by hand they didn't have sandbags I don't know if they had buckets even they were just shoveling from one guy to the next into the OR cart and it was the or cart came down the track and it dumped and someone had to shovel into another or cart and then down and D and so we got all the ore back to Jason's shop and I remember it was getting pretty late you know it been a long day Mining and we're all a little bit tired but it was really cool then I got to learn about the process of refining the gold itself you know Jason manufactures and sells a lot of Shaker tables there's actually a homemade Shaker table just over my shoulder here and a Shaker table basically shakes The Ore after it's ground up and gold is very dense it's very heavy so it kind of floats to the certain part of the table floats over into this River and goes into this bucket where it's all collected and these tables have been around since like the 1890s you know so it's just interesting to think about how long humans have just been on this pursuit of gold and so after a little bit of shaking table we took the high quality ore you know the ore that we' actually taken out of the wall that day crushed it up then put into a mill to make it basically into a fine sand and then Jason taught me how to pan and there you can see the gold in it gold very very fine so there's not it's not a bunch of nuggets it's very small small gold but when there's a bunch of it it really adds up yeah so now I've got to pan out the rest of that I'll just keep this in the pan I'll just shovel more in and we'll just fill fill it up with gold all right and then we can get it smelted into a bead for you you know and I have seen gold panting obviously in movies TV shows all sorts of things for years I thought it was just swirling around and I can see again why gold is so valuable you know people spend an entire day sitting by the riverbed just panning all day just to get tiny flex and Tiny flex and Tiny Flex at the very end you know you bring up the pan and you see kind of almost this like half rainbow of gold so I've got our gold sucked up in our Snuffer bottle here and I can just kind of leak it out into our blue towel here and it acts kind of like a coffee filter so there's some nice gold there there's a lot of gold in there and so this whole process is going to remove all the base Metals so any any copper that's in there any iron that's in there bismuth lead all that is going to go away there's our bismuth the very bottom right on top of our gold mhm so now I can take our rag all our gold and goodies are down at the bottom here that rag is evaporating and it will slowly well quickly burn off and in the end after all of that I end up with this a 10 gr bead of pure gold this was extremely rich ore you know I I think it was something like or $5,000 a ton and it was just an amazing haul and I was also very generous of Jason to allow me to walk away with this because I think this little bead you know as small as you can see is worth something like $600 or $700 worth of gold in this tiny tiny little thing that you see in front of you um which is incredible to think about and now I have to think about what I'm going to do with it if you guys have any ideas I would love to here because this is pure gold from Jason's mind that I helped mine that now back here at s gorto but I also just want to say a huge thank you to Jason you know he was extremely generous with this time with this gold with this wood you know behind me I don't if you can see but all of the cedar that I cut down when I was up there with Jason and we Mill is behind me and all that is going into the recording studio very soon you know I don't think that I'll walk through the tunnels again and not look at the timbering and think that was a huge pain to create and so it was a cool experience and I'm just really excited that I got to know Jason all these years ago and we continue to figure out things to do in the years to [Music] come and this is something that I am very excited about this month this has to do with the history here at Sero Gordo but that history is something that I work on every month you know every day really is just trying to put together the puzzle pieces that is this town's past and I think that by doing that it just makes my time here feel more important and I feel really fortunate because people that watch this channel have sent in all sorts of things that I don't think ever would have been accumulated otherwise you know I've gotten journals from families whose relatives worked here back in the day I've got artifact sent back to me that have been taken away from a long time newspaper articles sent to me about this town's past and I think that together you know with everybody that watches this channel we've put together the clearest picture of soro's past that's ever been assembled you know the county that Soro is in in yo County wasn't even established until a year after the town in 1866 and they didn't even have a courthouse or kind of a central meeting place for all these documents till 1869 and then that Courthouse got knocked down in an earthquake in 1872 and all of the records were lost and then in 1873 they rebuilt it only to have it burned down in a fire in 1886 and so this history of sarog Gordo has been a mixture of newspaper articles you know stories and just pictures which we have very few of but this month I got something very special this is a record of all the mining claims in Ino County and the Sero Gordo mining district from 1874 and the fact that it survived is a blessing uh it wasn't terribly cheap but this is something that I think will send me down lots of other rabbit holes so this is supposed to be the mining claims of the Sero Gordo mining District as of 1874 I'm quite nervous actually because this is potentially the rarest document I've had up here uh and I hope that by doing this we uncover some new pieces of cerebro's past and can kind of go on some new adventures as well [Music] whoa so I'm looking through this book and I always say that each new piece of information helps put together the puzzle that is soro's past and I think with this just sewed another piece of that puzzle so you look at this on page 43 and look at here it says well notice bowy and over here there's many more water claims but this one well noticed boy is very interesting because a while back we came across a perspectus that describes bod's well here at Cog Gordo and obviously water is the missing puzzle piece of all puzzle pieces as far as sro's past you know Finding water here permanently would just be the solution and fundamentally change this town forever um and so we're triangulating about where we think this well is we've used this old prospectus we had a hydrogeologist come out and this is now just another piece of information that I can hopefully use using these Leaps and Bounds that they have over here to find where this old well was and potentially drill a new [Music] well all right I made it through every page and I think I have a couple dozen new leads to chase down couple dozen beautiful names I want to put in action somewhere you whether it's a cabin or a new claim or just an area of the property there's just some amazing names in it I'm just really fortunate to have it you know I think a lot of these records were lost in that earthquake were lost in the fire and it kind of shows the importance of record keeping so I felt really fortunate over the last couple years to be able to make these videos you know to capture what's happening here so in the future we're not piecing it together from fragmented bits from here and there you know obviously not everything can make into these videos um but I do my best to capture it whether it's just privately or on the videos which leads me to a very exciting announcement about capturing my experience here um something that I've been working on for a very long long time something that includes a lot of things that were not included in the videos and that is this I wrote a book this is something that I've been working on for the past year or so you know I've been spending a lot of late nights just sitting in my cabin recounting the highs and lows of this experience you know thinking about the beauty that's all around me thinking about the storied history here you know the people that have come into my life the new skills that I've been forced to learn and kind of how all that set me on what I think is like my life's task I work with authors in my day job almost every day I've wanted to write a book for a very long time I just never thought that I had anything to say and so I think now after 3 and a half years being up here there's obviously been a lot of change both in myself in the town and my mentality and everything else and so so getting this for the first time holding in my hands um is ex is just really really uh impactful to me was a lot of work it was one of the more hard things I've ever done and your support of it would mean a lot you know if you've gotten anything out of this channel whether it was back in the pandemic or even now I really hope you consider pre-ordering it you know if you go to Amazon Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble even has some sign copies Books A Million Indie bound all the Indie retailers and if you pre-order this thing I want to send you something special you know all you have to do is take your receipt forward it to brentor minds.com so my email I'm going to send you something special you know I put pretty much everything into this thing you know if you enjoy this channel I think you're going to love the book I was able to get much deeper with a lot of thoughts and ideas and like philosophy towards allot of these things I was able to dive into the history of sarog Gordo in a way that I never could in these videos and so if you like these I think you're going to absolutely love this and if you're able to support it it would just mean the world that let's get back to everything else happening around here over the past month or [Music] so of course no monthly update would be complete without a check-in on the animals I just gave them a little bit of food so they're probably happy we got the chickens we got the goats we got everyone in town look everyone's happy woo hello guys hello guys it is an absolute treat having them tofu the goat back in the back alpacas everybody is Happy everyone's friendly it's warm and we are all doing pretty good hope you got a got a passenger this month the weather finally seemed to cooperate and we're able to do a big push to get a bunch of projects done before the winter hits you know it seemed like every week we were getting more done than we did in previous months combined and it was just relieving to be able to focus at the tasks at hand and not exterior factors like floods we made progress on the big projects but also a dozen smaller projects all which needed to be done everything from winter izing the animal pens to getting firewood ready to moving in a new piano and it felt really good just to be prepared and we're going to keep pushing as long as the weather's good and at this pace we're going to get a lot more done before the winter [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now we [Music] walk and after that long journey far past when all the other footprint stopped we are here at my destination a canyon that I come to maybe once a year at Big moments to just stop and think about the story that I'm leaving behind you because this Canyon is very important because there is a population over 10,000 years ago they used to come to this Canyon hunt and when they left they left their own stories in the form of petroglyphs all over the Rocks behind me so little carvings that were chipped away out of the rock that remain behind over 10,000 years later you know nobody knows exactly why they left these mares behind but they're obviously trying to tell a story and the age of the story is anywhere from 10,000 years to up to 16,000 years I've seen some estimates uh so there's something almost religious about being around markings that are that old you know thinking about the people that used to use this Canyon as their hunting ground you know to hunt big horn sheep or other things out here and it means a lot you know it's something that I keep pretty dear and close to the heart um and so we're going to go back look at some of these things and just think about all of the stories that are told and maybe what they were trying to say by leaving these pictures behind [Music] there's a lot of debate on why these pictures are left behind you can see some faint outlines up here some different symbols and there's often animals depicted in these but sometimes like you see here is just a series of geometric shapes whether it's lines and circles and the two biggest theories seem to be that one is kind of remembering the animals that they killed so a lot of times how the hunt would happen was people will be up on the cliff you know there would be the big horn sheep or other animals down there and they would hunt from above and for every animal killed you know they were depicted in the Rock behind them almost as an act of good luck you know so their next Hunt is prosperous as well another theory seems to be that these are symbols from shamans you know back in the day that could have been under the influence of some type of you know hallucinogenic or something similar to that and this is some type of effort to either bring rain or a good hunt or something to that effect I think all the theories go under that you know it's all storytelling in some way and so what stories they're trying to leave behind and why you know is going to be debated for a long time given the fact that you know it's been at least 10,000 years since some of these have been done um but there's something very beautiful that they're still here you can even see little potential remnants of what could be stick figures of humans and there's actually over 20,000 of these in the area that are documented and every time I go to them I feel like I'm almost on like Hollow ground you know that there's such a deep meaning here mystery as [Music] well oh there is something very humbling about being in a place like this you know far removed from everything around drawings that were made at least 10,000 years ago on rocks that are way older than that that have stood here after generation after generation after after generation unwavering uncaring in some ways of people's anxieties and insecurities and hopes and dreams I think that's prob freeing you know it's freeing that sometimes I at least get so wrapped up in you know what I'm doing day over day how is that perceived day over day you know I think that if I can remind myself that on a long enough timeline things are going to work out that that's very relieving on this day-to-day anxiety and stress that seems to kind of overwhelmed sometime so I'm really excited to be here you know I come here about once a year and this month I came feeling very relieved very connected I think to the lineage of the past and of the future and I think there's something very spiritual about a place like this it's even allowing me not to fully put together my thoughts but one thought that I am certain of is uh you thought of gratitude um this month seeing the hotel kind of take form to be able to walk through the two floors of it was beautiful you know it's been a very long journey to get here um not in the timeline of rocks for 16,000 years which I'm trying to remind myself now you know that the story of sarog Gordo is far from done and if I can just put my small fingerprint on it getting a hotel back up some other things that's pretty cool so with that I just want to say thank you guys so much you know that hotel coming to life wouldn't have been possible without all you guys your encouragement you're support in a lot of different ways I just want to say thank you as always for checking out these videos um I hope you guys have your own dreams your own Ambitions and a reminder that on a long enough timeline none of the things that are probably stressing you out right now matter too too much um so I'm going to sit here watch the sun go down a little bit more and high tail back home I hope you guys have a great week want to thank you guys so much for checking out this video and I'll see you guys next time [Music]