ITZY "WANNABE" Dance Practice
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Views: 44,362,735
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Keywords: JYP Entertainment, JYP, ITZY, 있지, ITZY Video, ITZY Yeji, ITZY Lia, ITZY Ryujin, ITZY Chaeryeong, ITZY Yuna, 있지 예지, 있지 리아, 있지 류진, 있지 채령, 있지 유나, 예지, 리아, 류진, 채령, 유나, Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, Yuna, ITZY VIDEOS, ITZY DEBUT, 있지 데뷔, ITZY MV, WANNABE MV, ITZY WANNABE MV, IT'z WANNABE JACKET, ITZY SHOWCASE, ITZY IT'z ME, ITZY WANNABE, WANNABE, IT'z ME, ITZY COMEBACK, wannabe behind
Id: G_Lhkhxl8BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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Even without camera trickey the shoulder shuffle in the intro looks insanely smooth, 60 fps also really does their sync justice
Ryujin popping her chest at 00:27 now thats the kind of detail I like to see
Such a fun choreo! Love the callbacks to their old choreo as well. The girls are so coordinated and precise.
And damn they're in 1 Million's new dance studio too! Weird that it's not JYP dance studio hahaha
Though Lia is the least experienced of the group, you'd never be able to tell when they're dancing together as a unit, they're really strong when they're all together.
The hip move amuses me though, its kind of weird, but really hits during that part. I believe some have said this choreo isn't as 'hard' as icy or dalla, but I love it regardless, super fun to watch.
When I first watched their live performance, I was initially like "okay, so the dance is a little more tame and easy."
But after watching this, no... Definitely not. Guess the camera zooms during the live clouded my judgement. Not only that but they make it look so effortless. 🔥 This looks hype and exhausting.
this dance has less emphasis on individual and this comes across more like a dance group. i like it - i think it's a pretty unique concept for girl groups right now. there were maybe a handful of parts where we were only supposed to look at one member. it is slightly disappointing that Chae didn't really get a standout moment, but ryunjin's floor work definitely ATE. lia's improved a lot in terms of her facial expressions, i am however a bit worried about her weight. i don't love that there isn't really a new point move or new standout moment, but that seems to be jyp's trend at the moment. i'm excited to see the energy they bring to this live!
A dance practice in 4K and 60fps where the camera doesn't move at all, we did it Midzies. Ryujin was really analyzing herself in the mirror, I notice that she didn't look up during her part in the rap break.
They good as frick, even Lia looks pretty sharp. Plus her expressions are good. Their choreographers really love these neck twisting, back bending moves, and the crown move they do during the ending pose. I think the first chorus choreo is a bit simplistic and slow for their skill level though, but the rest of it is nice. I like that they change it for the next chorus to keep things interesting. Their synch, dang.
I hope we get a 1MILLION video of this too, with the choreographers.
Even as the weakest dancer, you can def see in 4k 60fps, Lia kept up with that exhausting as f dance break with a smile. She's not a natural dancer like the other 4 but she doesn't slack one bit so I really admire the effort she put in. Being in kpop for so long, I've lost count of how many non-dancers have ruined non-debut choreography for me.
my girl Ryujin own this song. everything about her in this dance practice is perfect.
When it comes to ITZY, it's all about being in syncccccc. (~ ̄³ ̄)~