ITV News Special- Death of Princess Diana Part 3

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a little illegal what happened but you know the sympathies of everybody were with the princess when she did that she did have this literally this battle there was another appalling incident I recall where there was actually some video being shot of her in a street and she was she was running away from photographers and they were chasing after her and you know that was that was a palling situation of course the media needed Diana and Diana needed the princess and there's no getting away from that but the thing had got completely out of hand and completely out of control I think I've been saying this a lot this morning but it will I'm sure be the case that there will be a great examination of what's what's happening in this area we can't well I say we can't go on can we I don't think the mood of the public will allow the situation where the Princess of Wales Diana Princess of Wales married to 15 years to the heir to the throne the most popular member of the royal family perhaps that there's been for perhaps forever should be hounded to death by press photographers just strikes me as a situation which most people would in their worst nightmares not imagine would happen and will not be prepared to tolerate the situation going on much longer if there's any human thing that can be done to prevent it well it has already entered into the political world the Foreign Secretary Robin Cook who was one of the first members of the cabinet to hear he was of course awake in the far east in the Philippines he referred to the aggressive intrusion into her privacy and said that some serious questions need to be asked now too early to say what kind of form those questions will yeah you know this goes on and on I have sent me a couple of years ago the Queen again the Balmoral family holiday in Scotland the Queen sent a letter to newspaper editors saying please would you leave us alone well that got ignored do you know I mean it is jolly difficult this but I think there is a feeling on both sides that what we don't want in this country is to bring in you know lots and lots and lots of new rules and laws without thinking of thinking through the consequences nobody wants to stop the press at least I hope nobody wants to stop the press doing the legitimate job first of all bringing information about what is going on and but also rooting out wrongdoing when that when there is that and it has to be said that her relationship with Dodi v was bound to be a controversial one and so results have been awful though just interrupt you there Nick churches across the country this morning special prayers are being said pour down a princess of worlds and her family we can go live now to the ITV morning service at st. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Hamilton in Glasgow where the Bishop of Motherwell the right reverend joseph Devine is conducting a service and so first we ask the Lord to be close to her family especially to the young princes and to all who knew her and loved her and know for her for them and for all of us we ask the Lord to forgive us our sins Lord Jesus you raised us to new life lord have mercy Lord Jesus you forgive us our sins Christ have mercy Lord Jesus you feed us with your body and blood lord have mercy may Almighty God have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life the right reverend joseph define there in glasgow conducting one of the many services across the country and remembrance of Diana Princess of Wales Mark Webster joins us now from the ITN newsroom where he's been monitoring the latest developments mark what do you have for us well we've got a tribute pouring in from all around I mean what we have heard is a number of football matches princes have been postponed as a mark of respect we've also got from around the United Kingdom vikon Tolly Pandey former Speaker of the House of Commons who actually read the lesson at the marriage of Charles Diana who's a very moving tribute said we've suffered a grievous loss because she was unique no one ever contains so much compassion and care in one body also Alex Salmond the leader of the Scottish National Party has said and I think this EPS sums up that controversial reputation she leave behind but he said she had enemies in the establishment and perhaps in death still now a quarter some of the respect and compassion which they refused to in life we express our condolences to the family and friends of all the victims of this tragic accident also the former prime minister Ted Heath he's actually on a visit to the Chinese capital Beijing said that the loss will be felt throughout the world he said I have expressed my deepest sympathy on the tragic loss we've all suffered the sudden and horrific death of Diana Princess of Wales again he says the feeling of compassion and the feeling of loss will be felt throughout the world mark thank you very much indeed well Jonathan Dimbleby whose biography of the Prince of Wales shed so much light on his marriage with then it joins us now from Bristol Jonathan Dimbleby from through your dealings with the Prince presumably you got to form a pretty good picture of Diana well not a full picture of her my main knowledge of I've met her once or twice was the same kind of knowledge that most people have a sense of a remarkable public figure who was greatly loved by millions of people and someone for whom therefore a light has gone out and I just therefore have the same feelings that nearly everyone else has about that but a complex character an intriguing character one that the press clearly couldn't leave a loan it's clear that the press couldn't leave her alone and from very early on that worried her just as it worried the the Prince of Wales and the reason why the press couldn't her alone of course at one sense is obvious she was a great star she was also a significant figure in a in an important household whether or not the press exercised the restraint that they ought to have exercised as the question that you and others have been debating my own feeling is that the princess had an ambivalent relationship with the media she was able to use it because she was a startling public figure two very great good for the causes that she believed in but she was also a great star who was attracted to the media and the relationship was therefore ambivalent on the on the one hand she wanted to have her privacy understandably and rightly on the other hand she seemed to need the attention of the press as if to to demonstrate to herself to give her the confidence to believe that she was doing important public work she was a fragile and complex person but I have to say that at the moment like everyone else I imagine my feelings are with her close family and there's an ordinary individual with her children and with the father who has to cope with this appalling tragedy in their lives Jonathan after the divorce was the princess out on a limb as it were or did the Prince still offer her support and guidance I think the most important thing that is clearly observable is that what many parents find very difficult after a divorce which is to bring up the children and put children first they accomplished not easy to do when they were both living public lives under great scrutiny they put their children in that sense first they were able to agree and to in harmony organize the upbringing and that was Anna knowledge that both had that the children loved both of them very much so to that extent I answer your your question there's much debate about whether she was or wasn't ostracized my own view is for what it's worth is that everyone around her who knew her wanted her a to be happy I know that the Prince of Wales himself longed for her happiness or though they'd been through very difficult times in the marriage had collapsed he wanted her to be happy he wanted her to fulfill herself and she clearly wanted to do that as well and I've never heard anyone I heard I think it was Alex Salmond quoted just now saying that the establishment was out to get her I just think that's a sort of piece of with respect to him sort of cheap tabloid commentary I think people wanted her to be able to fulfill herself the awful truth now is we will never know what kind of fulfillment she might have found do you get any sense that the prince was pleased about the princess's relationship with Dodi Fayed I know nothing about this tool okay Jonathan dibbley thank you very much indeed a reminder that we broken into the regular schedules for this special program on Diana Princess of Wales it was killed in a car crash in Paris early this morning she and her friend Dodie Fired were being pursued by photographers on motorbikes when their car crashed into a tunnel alongside the river sen shortly after midnight surgeons at a palace hospital tried to stem internal bleeding in her chest but couldn't restart her heart they declared her dead at 3:00 a.m. British time Dodi Fayed died at the scene well our reporter Helen writes is at the princess's London home Kensington Palace Helen quite a scene behind you there indeed Dermot guess there are people as you can see queuing to lay flowers here behind me within the last hour the number of bouquets that have been brought here has increased massively I mean the flowers now cover about 30 feet of the pavement outside the palace and they're literally piled on top of each other I mean messages vary one says your legend lives on as Queen of our hearts another the world will never be the same without you and I can see a bouquet just to my right here a part of all of us has died with you real sorrow a real depth of emotion being shown here today Helen hasn't been any reaction from members of her staff there I haven't seen any members of her staff either coming or going from the palace today there are signs of activity within the palace but I imagine they're all very much keeping themselves today keeping quiet trying to come to terms with the news themselves Helen writes Kensington Palace thank you very much indeed well Suzie Parsons the chief executive of the London light HAP's charity the country's biggest project for people with the HIV virus and a special concern of Princess Diana's is with us now Suzy Parsons as we said that a special concern of Princess Diana's you must have worked with her closely over the years absolutely she's been a terrific friend and supporter to London lighthouse both at the level of doing public things for us for example she came to launch our capital appeal for more money to extend our building just last October but also and probably more importantly a very great friend to many of the people who use our services who've got to know her on a very informal basis over the years when she's come on private visits and we've been talking over the course of the morning of her effect on people when she walked into a room where some totally sick people were what how did they react and have a she react but it was quite extraordinary I've never seen anybody with such an ability to create a rapport with people so quickly I mean she could come into a group of people who were perhaps a bit nervous about meeting a real princess all the glitz and the glamour and and all that and within a couple of seconds she'd have them relaxed and laughing and joking and the one thing I would say is that whenever she came we always had a lot of fun you know it wasn't a very solemn occasion it was always great fun and that that's how we'll remember her and she also in the early days of discovery of the AIDS virus she made a big breakthrough didn't she just in holding people in touch innately there was in the early days there was a lot of fear and prejudice and discrimination against people with the HIV virus around and you can't underestimate the impact that the Princess of Wales sitting on somebody's bed and holding their hand had in terms of dispelling that the myths around AIDS and the fear and the prejudice I mean it was just an overwhelming effect on public opinion but also for as I say what we will remember is the effect that she had on the individuals who she came into contact with his just gave so much caring and love and support to and I hope too that she got something out of her visits to us I'm sure that she did and that she she drew strength from the rapport that she had with the people who use our services and it goes without saying this news will come as an enormous shock to the people that work on the lighthouse project terrible terrible terrible shock we were expecting her in fact to come for a private visit the week after next which would never have gone into the press or on the television nervously that won't happen and it's terrible to think not only that she won't be coming in a few days as we were expecting but that she went becoming ever again it really is devastating is it they're an important part of her legacy that your work continues that your efforts are redoubled almost absolutely I'm sure that she would want us to that to carry on and to do as much as possible to support people with HIV and AIDS and to help them to to live well and to die well because that was very very close to her heart Suzy Parsons thank you very much indeed thank you reminded that we've broken into the regular schedules to bring you this special program on Diana Princess of Wales who was killed in a car crash in Paris early this morning she and her friend Odie fired were being pursued by photographers on motorbikes when their car crashed into a tunnel alongside the river CIN shortly after midnight the princess died in a Paris hospital from severe internal bleeding Dodi Fayed died at the scene of the accident Caroline Kerr reports on the night's terrible events it was here in an underground tunnel alongside the River Seine that the fatal accident occurred in the early hours of this morning the Mercedes in which the princess had been traveling with Dodi Fayed was wrecked beyond recognition it had veered out of control as it entered the tunnel apparently traveling at high speed police said they believed the car was being pursued by photographers when the crash happened in spite of the efforts of the emergency services mr. Fayyad died at the scene of the crash along with his driver the princess was treated by paramedics at the crash site and then taken to hospital she said the year in prison when arrived at the hospital she was already suffering hemorrhaging in the thorax then she suffered a stroke the lung vein was badly injured despite the care and the heart massage which was administered for two hours the British ambassador who was also at the hospital confirmed the tragic news tonight tonight's accident is a terrible tragedy the death of the Princess of Wales fills us all with deep shock and with deep grief and our thoughts and our prayers with her family and friends and with the family and friends of the others who died in the accident at the scene of the crash French police seized a number of motorcycles seven photographers all apparently French were arrested they're being questioned at the city's crime squad headquarters as witnesses to the accident no charges have been pressed as yet as the wreckage of the princess's car was towed away in the early hours of this morning the French Interior Minister paid tribute to Diana a woman whom he said was well-loved in France and who will be greatly missed outside the British Embassy in Paris the Union Jack was flying at half-mast as Paris and the rest of the world wakes up to the news that Diana Princess of Wales died here last night Caroline Kerr ITN we got some news just in the Prince of Wales it has been confirmed will fly to Paris later today to accompany the body of Diana Princess of Wales back to the UK buckin palaces just announced that Nicholas Owen is with me Nick that would be an awful journey for Prince Charles well it will be an absolutely ghastly journey won't it come one say about it except that it does show that the Queen said that that after the divorce the Princess of Wales was to be regarded as a member of the royal family still and here they are courting another full privilege or on or whatever you like in death of being accompanied back I have former husband but it is going to be an agonizing trip for him it's going to be them the most by far the most difficult tasks to confront him certainly and I think you know one must be careful of exaggeration in these occasions because history sometimes catches us out but I think this is the biggest disaster to fulfill the British royal family well shall always say the century I think it makes the abdication look pretty sort of unimportant in many ways so that is going to be that is going to be a terrible journey for him as you say and and and we were talking earlier about this business of the funeral and so on it's likely to be I would reckon about a week away and it will probably take the form of a service at Westminster Abbey and then the Princess of Wales will be interred at Windsor George's Chapel Windsor to lie alongside other senior members the royal family that is unless on the very outside chance that a young woman in the prime of life with everything to live for had actually expressed a wish to go somewhere else I very much doubt that and everybody I've spoken to had a chance to talk to on this matter this morning is pretty sure that that forum will be followed and that's how things will be this country is going to go through that period of mourning it could last you know seven eight nine days I would imagine the next probably over next weekend and I I think you know the scenes we've seen this morning at Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace is just the beginning I think everybody is going to be so stunned and here we are with football matches being canceled and whoever remembers really in that sort of recent lifetime not only that happening but of course that did happen at the time when King George the sixth died 1952 but but that's but he was a man in his 50s and so on and a sick man clearly here is a stunning blow out of the blue robbing this country of this brilliant brilliant star we've been talking a lot about the effects on the royal family there there's a course dannis side of it yes there is very much so them to consider as well quite an impact oh of course of course it will be has to be remembered that the Diana's early life was very much conditioned by parents divorce and a lot of people have said you know playing as a psychiatrist as everybody's Titan climbed to do this explained a lot of her own sort of insecurities and discomfort in life but but there was a close family there's no doubt about that my brother recently has been out in South Africa and he has had his had his problems there and with his own marriage and so on but yes one must pause and think so much of their grief as well and do you remember back at the wedding in 1981 the way that the royal family this terribly grand bunch of people embraced Diana's family as well at the time of the wedding and they were allowed to play their full part particularly her father accompanying his fairytale bride up the aisle I'm sure that will happen again now that every opportunity will be afforded for them to play their full part in the dreadfully sad events that will come in the next week or so after her doubles did she in a way get closer to her mother I don't really think she did no to be honest I mean it's very difficult to know what Diana did do she was desperately lonely at times and this is my dhoti fired and perhaps have been other chaps as well but certainly Dodi Fayed came as such as a such a great thing for her she was a very lonely woman at times Christmas Day you know there was a time when just after her divorce she still went up to Sandringham and joined the royal family there for Christmas and then in the afternoon she went back on her own to Kensington Palace and she sat and watched I think it's the bumper edition of is it EastEnders or one of those soaps that she was keen on just like so many people in this country are and you know she said to me she told me the story as well she said I sat there and watched it and he said all my say ma'am that was a bit miserable for you what we want you alone yes completely alone there was that most adored of women it's most photographed of women this most cherished of women in so many other ways and such a such a person and yet on Christmas Day in the afternoon she was at her lowest and lonely if there was a awful lot of that I think she found it surely difficult to establish any any rapport with anybody really we've got some more pictures now of the Princess of Wales let's have a look at these oh yes now this was after her first holiday with Dodi fired last month yeah that's right she came back and this was a Norfolk Park I think hospital and it was a cancer charity for children and there she is dazzling away in a super frock that wonderful gown she wore clothes so very well didn't she everybody looking on and and she relaxed and smiling away there she was obviously very very happy at that time I mean people did comment on that and it has to be said that people say well seems to be a man in their life who's important and well again what a wonderfully human thing that was and that was absolutely super you know she's done to everyone I think the innocence mr. Wright was he mr. rawhide did you say oh I don't know I'm not sure she'd reached the point of knowing that you know I I just not sure that that she did as she knew whether that was so or not I think a lot of people felt that she was in the early stages of that relationship she'd had to endure you know the problems of having a former girlfriend come out of the woodwork and say oh we promise to marry me and all of that but she did she endured all that and you know it has got on with the relationship as it looked as though that was the thing that mattered so very very much to her and now she and the man she seemed to have come to love have perished together in these appalling ly tragic circumstances that we're discussing they also ought to remember that y'all fired family yes believed yes mam doll father's lost his eldest son Dodi Fayed and he said didn't he that this was a most appalling thing and and what he described as a thoroughly needless death referring of course to the pursuit by paparazzi which caused the accident yes of course the al-fayed family deep mourning as well okay Nick thank you very much indeed for the time being our political correspondent Tom Bradby is in Downing Street now so are many more reaction from there no there's been no further reaction since the prime minister made his statement outside the church in Sedgefield this morning many people of course would have listened to that he was clearly very moved his voice breaking with emotion I think the real question here is is it starting to become this whole question of privacy again I was listening to what Bill Neely was saying there earlier about what actually happened the tragic events themselves in that tunnel it's obviously too early to say exactly what happened but a lot of people here are starting to discuss the question of whether she was pursued whether they were trying to get away from the paparazzi and the this government of course prides itself on responding very quickly to public demand so I think it's a racing certainty that there's going to be some kind of review and we've already had mr. Cook's comments this morning suggesting that they were going to look very closely at the question of whether aggressive the aggressive pursuit of this car did contribute to the accident so I think we're going to go over that debate again and referring back to conversations I might have had in the past with senior politicians I'm not sure this whole question of of the fact that the princess sometimes used the media or sometimes wanted media attention is going to hold much weight with them I think they're going to be concentrating much more closely on the fact that she was hounded day after day after day and I think from now on the debate is likely to be anchored by these tragic events I think in the past people have looked at the downside of legislation the whole question of dampening down legitimate journalistic inquiry if you like but from now on the debate is obviously going to be anchored by this and people are going to look at it and they're going to look at the future for example with Prince William and say look we just can't have this in the future we've got to change the law in some way it's dictum clearly these are questions that will be looked into over the course of time but more immediately what happens to political life now we heard from Mike Brunson that possibly campaigning in the devolution referendums will be suspended and the house isn't sitting at the moment but in a way politics seem irrelevant after an incident like this I think that's absolutely right the whole question of the referendum is a difficult one because of course it's a very controversial subject in its onset the essence of politics is controversy that's not for 10 days or so so it's not quite clear what decision will be taken about that but obviously Downing Street a face to you know at the moment everyone is so shocked by what's happened it's very difficult to make sensible decisions about what's going to go on it doesn't seem as if Parliament itself is going to be recalled but it's very hard to say at this at this stage Tom thank you very much indeed now we are crossing to Balmoral where the royal family got the terrible news overnights the Queen and Prince Phillip are expected to be driving across this bridge shortly going to attend a service at crappy Church the small Church just a few hundred yards from the main gates of Balmoral they see the crowds gathering in very somber mood indeed the Queen and Prince Phillip were told wanted to continue with this service as planned it's not expected that Prince Charles and Princess William and Harry will be going to the service we will come back to this as and when the Queen and Prince Philip arrive well let's go now to Buckingham Palace Tim you--it is there the crowds are gathering Tim a somber mood yes indeed Dermot in fact as you can see since you last joined us here the crowd has got large to the extent now that we're almost completely surrounded they are in fact changing the guard at Buckingham Palace at the moment as normal and of course a lot of the people who are here would have been here for that anyway but there's been a great outpouring of grief here this morning dozens scores of bouquets of flowers probably hundreds by now I haven't been over to the main gates for 20 or 30 minutes but huge amounts of flowers left at the front gates of Buckingham Palace and as you say a very somber mood we're still awaiting word from inside the palace from the Lord Chamberlain's office as to what funeral arrangements are going to be made and so forth and that is going to come we expect later on today but for the moment a very large in a very somber crowd here Tim you talked earlier about a slight hostility from some quarters of the Grider towards the press clearly after the events in Paris is that still apparent in any way I'm sorry Dermot I couldn't hear you tell me actually we do want to cut out of you anyway we want to go straight to bow model where we are still waiting for the Queen and Prince Phillip to arrive at Kathy Church for the morning service there Nicholas Owen is with me in the studio Nick you know this area quite well you know Church the Balmoral the gate the gate of Balmoral is just to the right as you look at that picture behind the blue sign they come across this little bridge over the river dee Dilek setting and where we now with a bit of luck we'll be able to show you yeah they are there's the sign that says river dee quite clearly another TV cameraman across the road and here they come this will be the they be in the third colour there indeed the Queen and Prince Philip it's a bolt upright they go up the road their little turning across it across a main road and then up that little hill to the little craft church just out of just out of sight run that around the around the top of that rather hill there crowd they're watching them as they go and pray and prayers no doubt yes said and many many thoughts obviously of what has gone before well there was a glimpse of our correspondent there David Rose but let's some talk first with Nicholas Owen with me in the studio um important that the show must go all in a way for the Queen and Prince Philip well yes that is that is certainly true as well done I mean this you know the tired of events sweeps on as we said before and of course there will be the business of the funeral and so on the prayers and today and then the funeral to come and all the arrangements for that and everything else and in the middle of all of that somewhere those two lads who were back as far as we know in Balmoral digesting the news and then their father off today as we've said he is going apparently to Paris and we haven't a official sources in Paris say that the princess of world Diana Princess of Wales's body we'll come back to this country this very day later on presumably this afternoon just continuing on that service um if it goes a jeweled how long does the service last the church service there I think all three calls on hours perhaps David Rose our correspondent they can give us a clearer picture on that David rose up at Balmoral can you answer that question for us do we know how long the the church service is likely to last if it's a normal Sunday morning service in Scotland I would expect it to last about an hour I did incidentally see because I gave you wrong information in the first piece I did from here I did see Prince William in the car we were led to believe that the princes would be staying with their father in Balmoral in the brief seconds as they went past it wasn't possible to see it and everybody but I can confirm but Prince William at least was there and I suspect Prince Harry was as well and any information about what happens after the service very vague information indeed a lot of rumours that Prince Charles may be leaving may have left already to go to Paris but quite honestly we're getting very little information David thank you very much indeed well the Herod's boss Mohammed al-fayed said the death of his eldest son and the princess had been an appalling and quite needless tragedy he pointed the finger of blame for their death directly at the press photographers who'd been pursuing them he said Dodie had been a kind gentle and decent person who'd had a tremendous regard for Princess Diana Mark Webster now reports heir to the Herod's Empire Dodi Fayed found himself the subject of intense media interest as soon as his relationship with Diana became public until then his reputation had been that of a millionaire playboy who dated a string of glamorous women but he was also playing an increasingly important part in the running of the Harrods business he was seen by his father as the natural successor to the highly successful Empire he'd built up Mohamed al-fayed had long been a close friend and confident Diana and had apparently encouraged the growing friendship with his son frequently a controversial figure Mohamed al-fayed and his brother Ali had come from humble beginnings in Egypt to take charge of Britain's most famous store recently Mohammed had been embroiled in the cash for questions route and had earlier fought for the right to become a British citizen something he'd been denied but the media interest in his son had also focused attention on a previous romance would form a model Kelly Fischer who alleged she'd been engaged to Dodi at the time he began his relationship with Diana today the flag was flying at half-mast over the Harrods department store at Knightsbridge as the Alf fired family tried to come to terms with a death of those they loved Matt Webster ITN while Nicholas Owen is with me in the studio I royal correspondent Nick we've seen scenes from Kensington Palace from Buckingham Palace from Balmoral crowds gathering outside the more flowers piling up there's Buckingham Palace there are an enormous outpouring of grief well I think there is I mean the thing that strikes me about those pictures Dermot is that that crowd is unusually still really you know it's not sort of there's not the usual hubbub it doesn't seem to me there's been the changing the guard there this morning which always does attract a crowd but there's no doubt at all that an awful lot of people will just feel that they want to be there at this particular time the news of this enormity does of course take a while to sink in I think I think the disbelief that most people will feel is just to sum total really it's isn't it like surely losing a member of one's own family I mean you have to say that this is the sort of impact that the death of Diana Princess of Wales has had and will have as people get to hear about the information there is also as we were discussing earlier anger as well well there is this business of the paparazzi we know that they're in the they're in the crowd this morning there were people being pretty cross about the press and you know cameramen and photographers and so on were you know not exactly the targets of criticism but there was a bit of hostility towards them well like we've got some more information just invite count all throb Diana's brother had this to say a few months ago it was with profound shocking and subsequent death in Paris early this morning all those who've come into contact for Diana particularly over the past 17 years will share my family's grief she was unique she understood the most precious needs of human beings particularly those that suffered and her vibrancy and sparkle combined with a very real sense of duty and now gone forever it is heartbreaking to lose such a human being especially when she was only 36 this is not a time for recriminations but for sadness however I would say that I always believed the press would kill her in the end but not even I could imagine that they would take such a direct hand in her death as seems to be the case it would appear that every proprietor and editor of every publication that has paid for intrusive and exploitative photographs of her encouraging greedy and ruthless individuals to risk everything in pursuit of Diana's image has blood on his hands today my heart goes out to the families of the others killed in this incident above all my thoughts are with William and Harry and with my mother and two sisters who are showing tremendous bravery in the face of senseless tragedy I would ask you please at this time to respect the fact that diana was part of a family and amongst the general mourning at her death realized that we'd to need space to pay our final respects to our own flesh and blood for that we will need privacy finally the one consolation is that diana is now in a place where no human being can ever touch her again I pray that she rests in peace thank you why can't all flock there Donna's brother clearly very very angry indeed pointing the finger of blame firmly at the press he said the press killed his sister in the end well news of Donna's death was first released this morning by the Press Association here in London and for many years Tom Corby was their court correspondent unroyal expert he's with us now why can't all throb angry pointing the finger of blame very clearly at the press very emotional and he probably feels it's very justified it because it was done had a love-hate relationship with the media almost a schizophrenic relationship obviously I very sad this morning I went around the world with her and now there's this huge void but what he said was highly emotive but there was a grain of truth in it I wouldn't say they killed her but well with some of those newspaper editors that the by count was fulminating about will they take any of that on board one would hope sir obviously there's going to be a huge debate now and the whole question of privacy media intrusion is going to um be very very high on the horizon how it's possible to judge I suppose but Nicholas own royal correspondent I wasn't speculating earlier about just how big a story is this in terms of royal reporting you've been reporting for many years this is enormous enormous I know if I'd doing my old job I'm you know I wouldn't know I would have had had wings on my heels as it well yes an enormous story but what a tragic end snuffed out like that very much lived her life in the spotlight died in the spotlight strange lady in many ways very attractive personality one half of a very reserved almost reticent the other half seeking publicity Nicosia is beautiful and she liked she'd like to be photographed doesn't any beautiful woman I submit against the transfers and the boy is I mean God what father has to break that news that must've been terrible did you get to know the princess at all in a professional way I mean I mean I covered virtually everything she did for almost eight years wherever she was in the world yeah she was always devastatingly charming very very nice and she made my life much easier by reacting and responding did you abide though by any unofficial rules were the things that you wouldn't report on or places you wouldn't go PA correspondent had a strange job you you were in and out of the palace all the time you didn't have to give any official undertaking about doing anything about not to doing anything other than they said well report the truth and don't write flies if you're not sure about them in return for that you were first with the big ones the engagements the deaths the divorces the separations it was a strange job but very exciting and yes she was very much so much part of it the pivotal part of it for so long what will the effect we've been talking about the intrusion talking about the role of the paparazzi yeah in her death do you think we will end up with some kind of privacy rules regulations even a law well this is obviously this as a catalyst isn't it it's going to spark off this huge debate we might but I think III be totally against it because I as a journalist your tamper a free person anybody who's worked in the country with it isn't a free press I always make this point these people who talk about trivial laws work in a country with it isn't a free press but it does seem doesn't it the time and again the press have tried to or the Royals have tried to do deals with the press will let you take a photograph of us here if you leave us alone for the rest of our holiday but the time it again and especially in the princess's case the press just couldn't resist it they couldn't leave her alone she was too good a story the pictures were too good I don't think so much it was the national newspapers and the staff reporters and the staff photographers the perhaps of course had an entire different role and there's an in tourism that slightly disingenuous all because after all they because after all the tabloids would buy the pictures from the paparazzi when they say they could hold their hands and say it wasn't our photographer all I can talk off is is the the a tropic itself I mean they're ever known as the Rat Pack and but there are full of very genuine people and they treated her with it was with respect I think there's a great difference between there also a great difference between the British paps and the farm perhaps the fact that the farm perhaps are dealing with a star it could be Nicole Kidman Tom Cruise anybody our perhaps were dealing with a member of the royal family or be it in the last couple of years a semi-detached member so there was still that restraint in my view I did it with a Nick agrees I mean he's been around on this and he knows as well as I do but there was still a degree of restraint with our paparazzi and they knew her so well as she knew them okay there were spats thank you thank you very much indeed Tom Colby we're going now to Washington our correspondent john irvine john as the news struck america what's the reaction well of course millions of americans are just waking up to this news millions of others know about it already that's because the american television networks have been running this story all night breaking into normal scheduling that's because princess diana was so popular here she was idolized by the americans no other member of the British royal family came close the President and mrs. Clinton are said to be deeply upset by news of her death they're on holiday on Martha's Vineyard of course at the moment we're told they were attending a party last night when news the Paris accident came through we're also told that they embraced one another and left the party quickly after that the clintons have released a statement the president has extended his sympathy and that of his wife to the princess's family her friends and especially to her two sons the princess did seem to form quite a relationship with the Clintons she got on very well with Hillary Clinton of course yes of course with not just the Clintons but the entire American the entire American people it seems for them for many of them she was the most glamorous person in the world they have a long term love affair with Princess Diana they had married her for her chic her style and of course for her compassion her sympathy and the common touch that she possessed I think it's fair to say that the American people would have adopted Princess Diana if they could have there was a genuine wish I hope here that if she had ever chosen to leave the United Kingdom she would have come here to the United States people greatly admired her work for humanitarian causes the work she did on behalf of AIDS sufferers and of course more recently she championed the cause for a worldwide ban on landmines she discussed that very subject with Hillary Clinton when she was here in Washington in June mrs. Clinton said afterwards that the discussion had helped persuade the President to look up the whole issue of landmines once again I think people here genuinely trusted the princess there were no doubts about her there were very few skeptics here people trusted her sincerity they believed that she tried to use her privilege in her position to do good was there a sense of puzzlement in America about the way the princess was treated by her own press the British press yes I think there was there's no tabloid press as such there are no tabloid everyday newspapers here and people just didn't quite understand why there were these doubts about the Princess of Wales there was a great sympathy for her I have to say she was something of a of a Jackie O type figure people recognized that she had suffered during her life she'd endured some sadness but people admired her feisty spirit and the way that she came through I have to say also that people here did not regard her relationship with dodi fayed as any any kind of scandal people here wanted her to be happy it's on a line in Washington thank you very much indeed I'm now being told we had a statement from William Hague the leader of the Conservative Party that's crossed in it and I think we should all recognize this morning that she did a great deal of good we should pay tribute to the tremendous work that she did for homeless people for young people for people suffering from drugs or AIDS and she did a tremendous amount of good work for the arts as well and we should salute that and remember that she was a shining spirit who will never be forgotten in this country it's one of those times now at which politicians of all parties pull together and forget our differences for a while for an appropriate period and in the light of that I am canceling my trip to Scotland which would have begun today to campaign in the devolution referendum it's a time for all politicians to bury our differences for a while how long do you think that's a suspension of campaigning should go on for well I don't know that depends on the arrangements for the funeral and so on so I can't say but I do think it would be an appropriate for me to set out on a campaigning trip to Scotland today so as an initial step I have cancelled that just take my I asked you what your most vivid personal memory of Princess Diana rings well she was just an extremely warm person who really was interested in people and really always let people feel that she was interested in them it wasn't just an act she was really passionately concerned about people at the work that she did for so many charitable causes did actually reflect a genuine human warmth and compassion and interest she had a lot of love for people and that came through so as I say she was a shining spirit and she'll never be forgotten and do you think it's too early to say in your view whether lessons can be learned from this about the way that Media behaved I think it is too early to say we will all want to ask questions we will all want to know exactly what has happened but we don't know and I think it's too early to start having a debate about the law this is a day of national sadness and reflection and we should take the time to to do that thank you very much serve ative leader William egg they're paying his own tribute to princess Steiner the princess of wales at his constituency in north yorkshire and also confirming that his party will be suspending campaigning in the Scottish referendum polls well as we reported earlier French surgeons fought for two hours to try to save Princess Diana but were unable to stand the internal bleeding in her chest British medical experts say everything was done that could have been done and it would have been impossible to keep her alive chris Roberts has our report one look at the twisted remains of the princess's car and it's obvious the extent of the injuries caused in the accident were massive bleeding profusely in the chest area diana was transported to a local paris hospital where doctors operated then applied heart massage for two hours it was all in vain however and the princess's death was officially recorded physicians in Britain believe French doctors could do little to save a patient with extensive injuries the surgeon of the Paris Hospital would have been presented with someone with severe breathing difficulties a very low blood pressure and probably a heart which wasn't working effectively and so he would have had major problems in trying to resuscitate someone as badly as injured is that so really he was the chances for the princess were slim very very slim at almost and their way a no-win situation under the armed police are now guarding the hospital where the body of the princess lies it will be flown back to Britain later this afternoon chris Roberts ITN well dr. Tim coats an accident and emergency specialists from the London helicopter emergency medical services with me in the studio now dr. Coates presumably in France they follow similar procedures to here how would your service have reacted in the event of a similar accident I think in a very similar way to the French the French pre-hospital system is called samu that is quite a sophisticated system they have a series of doctors in land ambulances so they can provide a doctor at an incident scene both during the day and at night the service that I work with provides that sort of specialist intervention early on during daylight hours and in the UK at night we have a system of general practitioners in an organization called basics which can provide a medical response to this sort of incident in such serious incidents time presumably is of the essence time is very important and it's important to get the patient to specialist care as quickly as possible the problem is that if the patient is trapped in the car for a period of time in this case perhaps several hours then it is very difficult to move the patient to the hospital so you've got to move the specialist care to the patients side so what can be done a generally depends on the state of the crash in the state of the victim but what can't be done at the scene at the scene it's very important that the fire brigade work very closely with the medical team so that you get a combined medical and physical rescue going on in a coordinated fashion if you put the right medical team at the patient's side then you can perform at the accident scene most of the procedures that you would perform in a hospital resuscitation room and are the emergency services well rehearsed at working in unison here there would have been the police there the fire brigade there the ambulance service they all know exactly what to do save those vital seconds yes and if anything the French system is more integrated between those different services and system that we've got in the UK why is that because they're really working under the same organization controlled by the same organization that paramedics are a part of the fire service whereas in the UK we have to have sort of regular training between the different services to enable that sort of cooperation dr. Tim coats thank you very much indeed for that thank you well on the phone now is the revelant John Hawthorn from st. Mary the Virgin church near the Prince of Wales home at Highgrove in gloucester ship the princess was an occasional worshipper there dr. Hawthorne your memories of the princess as a very lovely person and we have created her death here with enormous sadness and shock my own particular memory of her is of a wedding a few years ago and I came out of church after the wedding and there standing on the corner leaning on the wall with a one of our boys on either hand and all three of them psyching high screams she was there like any other young man with their children watching the bride come out nothing at how probably most of us around here will remember her someone as part of the town part of the family someone who went into the local shops who weighed the local people and was very much loved and indeed respected and adored really how has it affected members of your congregation during the great sadness this morning I mean we had two services this morning as usual there was a great sadness among them and and normally after the service we serve coffee which we did this morning but there's usually quite a buzz but there was none of that buzz this morning everyone with utterly shocked and staggered but it is a great tragedy and it's just it's right the culmination of so many tragedies that have happened to the family and do the princess in particular and so our prayers went to the family and to the Prince and to the boys and as we began our services with a few members of silence commending her failed to garden praying for the family have you any plans to hold a special service I haven't thought that far ahead yet at all no and I mean there in came as such a shock and as I say I've had two services this morning this is really as far as my thinking has gone but then I got no thought about that one yet Reverend John Hawthorne at st. Mary's Church in Gloucestershire thank you very much indeed let's get the latest from Kensington Palace the princesses London home Helen right is there Helen what's happening hello Helen I don't know if you're hearing me hello yeah hello yes I see a enormous pile of flowers they're building up behind you that's right for the past six hours people have been bringing flowers here and still are doing as you can see the bouquets hundreds of them now cover almost the entire pavement outside the palace here I can see messages once are simply goodbye friend another you were a wonderful shining example to us all and another I can see right down at the far end of the this huge mountain of flowers free at last free at last my Diana's free at last echoing the sentiments expressed by the princess's brother that's ago when he said where she is now nobody can hurt her Helen Wright at Kensington Palace thank you very much indeed well let's now go to I D end zone newsroom where Mark Webster has been monitoring the enormous amounts of information the tributes that have been pouring in from all over the world over to you man what does he rightly say and the tributes have been pouring in from absolutely everywhere we have confirmation for today's Premiership match between Liverpool and Newcastle Anfield is going to be called off as a mark of respect but the personal tributes are obviously pouring in for as well there's one from Jemima Khan as you remember the daughter of the late Jimmy Goldsmith she was saying she's very close to Diana she was an amazing a remarkable woman a loyal friend and a genuine Crusader who did a great deal for others it's a tremendous loss to the nation but and I think this reflects the views that have been expressed by just about everybody above all she says my thoughts and prayers are with her family and especially with her two sons who've lost a wonderful mother whom they both adored now we do have confirmation to that the Royal party the Queen the Queen Mother Duke of Edinburgh the Prince of Wales and both his sons Prince William and Prince Harry have arrived at church they aren't Church now near Balmoral we also have confirmation of how the news of Diana's death was broken to her mother Francis Shan kid because as we've heard a lot of sympathy for the royal family but of course other families have been very badly touched by today's terrible news she was actually in discussion with her local parish priest father Shawn McCauley from st. Columba's Cathedral and he said after he talked her he said i phone Frances at 4:00 a.m. in France atomic donna had been killed she heard about and then told me she had her friends with her who driven down during the night to be with her a mother losing her child is a terrible thing said a parish priest I didn't have I know I don't know how she feels I wonder it's being too but she said the death of a child knows no words we can say that whatever comfort a parent so it can only be compared to Our Lady losing her child Jesus as so from all around the world all around the globe have been endless tributes pouring into her both I think has been said frequently about her enormous good work but also about her extraordinary personality and the way that she did manage to touch the lives of so very many people during her time and her work for charity mark thank you very much indeed well David and Elizabeth Emanuel who designed Diana's wedding dress join us now in the studio um you dealt with a very young a very nervous 19 year old princess lady Di's she then was what are your memories offer during that period we saw her very beginning almost well before it was announced that she was actually gonna get engaged to Prince Charles so I suppose we in the privileged position of sins a young kindergarten teacher working with her at that stage through the announcement through the wedding day and onwards so we saw this kindergarten teacher woman emerge into into a woman of known around the world did Elizabeth Mona just give us a sense of the the excitement the anticipation that was surrounding that whole Royal Wedding that really pulled the nation together I think it was the transformation because when we met her she was a nursery school teacher and she was just so sweet and nice and kind of like just like anybody else and and then one minute she was like that in the next minute she was transformed into the most famous woman in the world and it was just it was magical those moments and we were very privileged to have been part of all of that and this is also there were a wonderful time and we've got just incredible memories she was just so so much like an ordinary lovely nice person and very kind to David in myself and it's just kind of such an Xterra boishakh for us I believe we have found some pictures of that dress the wedding dress which is some known exhibition supposable it was actually actually at the moment is in Kensington Palace it says it's her property if you remember when when she did the big sale for the AIDS benefit room but when she when she actioned of her gowns and it was speculated whether this would actually be approached but no it's in her private private keep you have to remember that day it was wonderful people were so excited people wanted it to be a joyous occasion and Elizabeth at the time it promised to make her in a romantic fairytale bride and so many memories one of them Emmy she took the trouble to write a little hand note you know on on a honeymoon and entered to phone us and say thank you so much she came he loved the dress yes and and you know I will always remembers full of life full of life she was a great wit she were always cracking jokes and was sweet had some energy and what was wonderful she's just so much giving when you think of all the love she's given to the people around the world so what were those fittings like who's the princess came in you're sticking the pins in dress the resolutions just in a very excited teenager wasn't it you know she was terribly excited and very very much in love and it was fun and she kept it fun you know I mean we were young designers she was young and and it was a moment where quite clearly that the scale of the gown we could not fit in our tiny showroom so I said to her well we haven't got any room what we you know can we do it a job place and she said I better ask so we ended up doing this extraordinary fitting sealing off our entire floor Buckingham Palace which had never been done before and she said you think and say okay and I said I think you look great and always caring always taken the trouble to say thank you you know just very unusual because a lot of people you know when they're in that privileged position of having something wonderfully made people take it very much for granted and don't say please and don't say thank you but she did it's a very warm very natural very welcoming Elizabeth Immanuel um I actually I remember do you remember when we were in Clarence house and we ruled there and she was getting dressed ready for the wedding and we were watching the crowds on the television and she was looking it was kind of like amazement because all these people come to see her and I think it was just then sinking in really what her life was going to be about that she was going to be a very much public person belonging to the people and I've just always remembered that day but I haven't been the the formulas fashion icon in the entire world I'm pleased to say and I think she she's superseded that didn't she and she's now sorry to interrupt you here but apparently the Prime Minister is just coming out from the church service he has been attending at his Sedgefield constituency it he spoke earlier before he went in I think there's going to be no statement from the Prime Minister now there he is uh sure in his family into the car then we're told it's back to checkers and clearly clearly moved mr. Blair when we heard his statement before he went into the church but very much from the heart off the copper back there the Princess of Wales that he'd come to know both his prime minister and as as a friend he said he was utterly devastated yes mr. Blair and
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Published: Tue Oct 16 2012
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