IT'S UP TO NATSUKI! | Magical Literary Heroine Natsuki Saves the Literature Club! - Part 1

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so this mod is called magical literary heroine not ski saves the literature Club it's a long ass name I don't see what [ __ ] happens Mel [ __ ] know I had this mind here for so long never actually see what the farm was about see what happens language filter I think I'm [ __ ] thing we think I'm a [ __ ] lame oh yeah if it's an old one yeah I've had this for a while when did I actually download those know this for a while I don't remember one though all right it's time I said thank you just click new game zero well and we're dead this is the mod who's talking hey zero can you hear me hey wake up ah my Odyssey Nazi staring at me directly in the face alright fall asleep wait that happen remember going to sleep in the clubroom last thing I remember don't say are you saying something really strange well I got a donation from Doki Doki no court no nei kokoro knees donated $12 knock who's back [ __ ] welcome back Garry Nancy you were there then so was Monica for what she loves are still fuzzy as I struggle to recover from my unexpected nap my head high not ski she's zero see her wasn't kidding she said you had a bad sleeping habits are you gonna help me fix things you can't even keep your eyes open help you fix things understand what's going on where is everyone check out my last name right awesome I'm glad that I did want to try to piece together what was happening before I went to sleep the less sense it makes about that I'm there I guess there's no point avoiding it they're gone zero say Ori Yuri Monica they're all gone it's just us now just us what how where did they go this is a just not ski ripping just here no I fell asleep for a bit but my thoughts show off yeah what the process or not he's telling me in the way she worded it it's not like she meant something more than just going to get a snack yeah that's an understatement he's been asleep for a really long time zero I am sure how much time has passed since it happened I've been sitting you're thinking about a lot of stuff now they are awake they means it's time to start fixing things nice Tara now ski for a moment not ski I don't understand any of this that's it blinks in me it smells and scoffs lightly yeah I think that's what I said that that dork he did say would be easier than trying to explain it to you so he hasn't is gonna have to do it do what he what are you talking about Naz he suddenly poached my forehead with her finger and starts chanting oh my god nothing's transforming I suddenly wish I remember more Japanese because it sounds like vaguely like something out of them from Mahou shoujo manga hey where are you oh god did it work the [ __ ] just happened the [ __ ] did she just do I blink and look around except I don't know strange information is not swarming in my head I'm zero the main character in a game called Doki Doki literature club oh she made me aware nice and the game and I followed another character my childhood friends say Ori to join a new club I met several cute girls and attempted to romance one of them at least until the game story took our turn towards discussions on mental health issues psychological horror and meta textual references great it works now I have to explain that part also you don't need to recap the player is supposed to have gone through the game already so they should know everything - alright well Natsuki you hear my thoughts yeah well I can read them at least I mean like chop right down down here in this box and everything what oh yeah looks like they do was a banking them even and just weird wait a minute there's in a game but how are we here remember point where we were the only ones in the clubroom war where we became aware that we're characters for that matter and also did Monica to lead everything maybe say already did that part still seems fuzzy to me yeah came at two endings they both read pretty much of the same result goodbye literature club fortunately for us we're gonna modified version the game that keeps going after the original ending it's hard to explain I've been thinking about this part the most but basically we're here because the player was unhappy with how the game ended and wants to fix things the player all right or he needs something to entertain an audience that to remember that while I have my own distinct personality there's someone outside the game makes some of my decisions for me and it's also pushing buttons to advance the story okay that's me you can also see what I'm thinking right no hello nice to meet you nice to meet you too me right I also want to talk to you I'm not gonna be all coy like Monica and give someone hint to buy your existence not my style but I'm right alright you finish the game they installed a mother and now you're inside aside of how things ended I never got to go to the festive let's say Orie and you couldn't stop Yuri from you know even if you got the best ending see already still end up deleting the game anyway make it the save everyone it just never happened and someone tried more than a few stories I don't have frustrating that must be so you searched online I found this mod and well here we are Oh God that's basically what happen right yes I'll rescue all and get a real happy ending or sorta I missed all of your need to spend more time with you actually autumn or some weird core meta stuff this game's crazy now this helping plates us further right I'm just here to make y'all part of my girlfriend my staff eigen Jesus hmm honestly let's go with it I don't five I don't like five Rolla you rel is a pervert uh no no I missed all of you do spend more time with you yeah I go in second and I save I can't say I think I'll go with second yeah save all of you still but one more time when you're goes then he waited so long to play it [ __ ] the fifth one really well Siri did ask me to come visit again and that's what I'm doing visiting again Sorella I'm following what say already wanted you wanted me to pick five you want to go against the bun [Music] and now we'll get a chance to pick some of the awful things that happen to us I'm gonna happy ending yet so here we are myself zero and you hey before we get started would you mind telling me a bit more about yourself we prefer not to have to refer to you as just you for the next couple of hours okay I'm not gonna go crawling to your computer trying to figure out what your real name is not my style I get it it's not your style not you don't want to do any of the cool stuff the Monica did so just tell me and be honest okay first off are you a boy or girl actually I do we're actually multiple people I mean I won't say that but Monica's doing something right now so right now it's me [Music] that's what I figured there's anything wrong with you being a guy there is a lot of big deals that Monica never asked [ __ ] now I'm curious what have I said multiple people really that's right I forgot people even stream this on the I forgot people will even stream this on the internet who guys do well don't explain each other all the conversation with all of you at once I'm just going to address from whomever is pushing the buttons okay if more than one of these pressing the buttons yeah I'm just not gonna think about that one anyways second what's your name your real name don't worry I won't share with anyone nice you have to be a creep sir so what's your name it's zero oh I have to call them something else now I knew that was gonna be a problem I love it what that's my name now you're Mike now let's go Mike go get a mic no it's what the okay fine cuz be confusing otherwise I'm great okay they're out enough small talk I think going already Watsky what about me you're coming to see one needs to see an act on things well actually now I'm curious Lyman so I picked other bad options well if I put it I'm just hoping like doesn't this for the rider there is has the secrets the secret stage three intro what Noah nevermind [Music] wait let's say the secret stage three intro use ghosts a Orias zeroes names wanna see it directly well that's not secret they'll just happen apparently throughout the game you know what maybe this is a mistake the game thinks being honest upfront so that's all you want it out of us no wait oh donation Oh something else you know damn we all fought nothing come back look good you did good you did Rolla it's broken now we have to delete first one to leave my existing data braless fault up look I can't stop you from coming bout [ __ ] so you realize we're here just try nice of a creep this time okay yes ma'am I'm sorry I won't listen to a word let's just continue I guess we'll just sorta [Music] multiple people with we are multiple people we are afro zero and his Chad Mike come back Mike is here I'm the main character now penny get nearly enough screen time before and let's be honest Mike you're kind of an insensitive jerk for most of it yeah Mike hey then it could could help it's not like I got to pick my actions a dialogue yeah I know just a typical protagonist jerk so I can't blame you too much tell your brain shut it Mike no excuse but still it'd probably be best just like zero control your actions this time bad nothing my style and mannerisms won't be perfect if you have to get with your entire personality being changed house well just having replace with someone else so just let zero handle this okay it's kind of for them anyway we go an auskey means about that okay but are we going exactly we're going to save everyone no right I should explain I'm part of the Afro zero Lord just kidding yeah Mon you're part of my lord okay excuse me folks part of your lore right I should explain zero from your perspective the game takes place on Tuesday to Monday then it starts over again without say or even just Monica your live the same week Gardens just the same day several times but really shallow days is a separate part of the game there's scripts write lines of code variables conditionals yeah all that stuff it's not connected making a choice here changes an outcome there and as you saw with Monica if you're not careful and messing around with it Oh fuss bad things start happening we don't want that to happen so we need to be careful about what we do and we need to do things in the right order if we make a change but then go back and change something else earlier in the script I don't do the first change we made something worse let's see anything it starts a Orie right right I don't know exactly how we're going to do it but if you look around for ideas in the scripts were sacked I'm sure if we got some way to save her don't worry I'll make sure we end up places that won't screw things up or just by us being there and zero it can you take a breaking point it's okay I made him promise we won't have any awful nightmares while you're gone we'll just sort of go to sleep for a bit we're trying to go to the horror part after all so Mike zero ready to rock yeah let's do this I'm ready wait who's him anyways that's the guy who made this mob yeah who's in oh don't worry about that guy he said to say that if you asked about him I'd like to limit my involve me in the actual story as much as possible there's a story for you and zero not me also alter softens our plots are usually terrible put a dork right all right it's time for magical literary heroine not ski her sidekick Mike and the mysterious zero to save the literature Club slide kick yeah let's go wait what touching no I'm not no no I'm with Michael now one end first stage first stage it's different stages God guys let's go all right I'll say in the club that person that person tells you you're worthless don't get out of bed don't need to try to make friends you're worthless so why even bother you're not worthless and if that person doesn't understand we'll do whatever do whatever we can to help you see that you're precious to us and we love you the person tells you it's so easy get more sleep and exercise take a pill every day talk to someone about your problems it's so easy why can't you do them it's not easy you're fighting to make your life better I'll do whatever we can to help you until you can look at that person in the mirror and say I love you oh oh that's cute again second-stage oh [ __ ] boys the second-stage it's a boss fight song don't like it RPG ok so we're outside my house wait is that me in the distance a girl with the red bow in her hair and a boy next door walking to school it's obvious that that's a Orie and I've only seen the back of my head but I'm pretty sure that's me with her huh what happened if I went talk to myself forget it we've got enough to do it without creating some awful time paradox subplot ok ok so where are we I mean I know where we are but uh it's Tuesday morning right the beginning of everything I figure to be a safe place to start I don't think there's really a whole lot we can do today Mike join the club but the only thing that happened are introductions and monocles I did have everyone write poems and your cupcakes true ok we're pretty great but that's not what's important right now we've got to search the rest of the week for clues they have until Saturday in Monday you say Monday for last that leaves Wednesday Thursday Friday and Sunday one of those chefs something helpful sounds good where should we go oh uh oh [ __ ] I have to actually figure this [ __ ] out hmm what did she say live to actually pay attention nothing happens on Saturday Monday we say Monday for last leaves Wednesday Thursday Friday ok well this is going order we're in the clubroom it's empty son hasn't quite gone down yet but everyone has already left for the day oh yeah this is the first day we shared poems I was awkward I mean like that's what was a pretty good idea just because it wasn't something I was comfortable with meant it was bad there's also really stressful at first yeah especially when you and Yuri started fighting don't remind me hey what's this that's a big so familiar looking paper off the floor hey Mike it's the first poem you wrote all right yes actually zero wrote this I helped uh-huh that's over right again that's right most of the time it's time to jog your memory Brigades bone reads amazing remember rich Club memory spent the most time with we will read not ski blanket nimble wait let's say Ori parfait pink gaggle Hawaii dead phones milk summer sticky all not like Couture dance no music chomp sorry huh papa sorry hide it cook pop-up Katie say oh damn it I'm making it real I'm making a real Rella I didn't go say already first time this is you're hanging out with me now that I forgot or anything I guess just realized I'll be back in a little time you're spending with anyone else [Music] anyways Mike you should probably hang on to this sir who knows it'll come in Angie yeah we probably find anything else though let's try one of the other days okay let's go boys just go down the line going to Thursday now outside my house hear another voice in the distance one of them is my own house he grabs my arm and yanked me into an alley where we won't be seen you're sorry ask the media pretty awkward question after that we go to our separate houses for the evening that was weird tell me about it but zero tell me something when you pick that choice you honest of course I was I even told her that it wasn't just about liking someone else I would have walked home would say Orry but it couldn't just tell me that of course I was they even told sorry why I would still walk home with her I gotta tell sorry that I wouldn't walk home with our tour Hey it was they even told sir a wire would still walk home with her yeah I would I would do that I would walk over to hurry go to Sunday I don't want to go to Sunday Sunday's the last day you go to I want to see all of the options and we go to Sunday this mods were already gonna end good she probably would've been stressed about it no matter what you told her but I think she would understand if you're honest at least okay let's move on why would I go to Sunday that's out of order just wait Fox be paid you told me you were a patient Fox they're not showing it right now [Music] weird outside the club room and your voice is coming from the room wait think someone's leaving quick over here you duck around a corner we can have a good view of the hallway without being seen say re howdy oh oh oh no oh no this is sad look back the door for a moment it starts walking away quickly head down oh [ __ ] um I mean fellows this I say we [ __ ] go for it I'm going after Nazis understand but doesn't follow she didn't say anything to me at that time something that makes sense me to be there I'll keep my distance just be careful okay see if we might the Sunday wouldn't have changed anything I run down a bunch of similar-looking hallways until I finally catch up to her she doesn't realize I'm there and so I call out her name sorry wait a second Oh Mike I thought I told you to stay with the others you better be careful if I've got a call and you catch it and you'll be able to go to the festival sorry I didn't realize sorry hope you feel better soon you could've just looked after it dumbass or you could just be a patient Fox like you said you always are that's [ __ ] you know it what's going on here I'm a little worried about you're sure there's nothing like talking about you know what we gotta be forward with salary we gotta be forward oh [ __ ] never mind forward with bench Mike I've had a long day I don't want to talk about it right now okay Jerry's voice he's on a toner for raishin have almost never heard from before I'm going home please go back with the others oh [ __ ] we gotta be forward about it we gotta keep going Oh Marilla you have to stay strong well she's got to leave and she's gonna go be depressed I'm sorry you going we have to get don't push we gotta do something we gotta go horrible pushing it's gonna make it worse it's gonna make it worse sorry turns to Levi reach for her arm she realized I'm doing it pulls away unexpectedly quickly Mike Jones lost frustrated now and more cold can't even look me in the eyes she seems almost afraid I'm going to pretend that didn't happen okay I'm going home I could say or do anything else she turns apparently runs down the hallway well Mike look what you did Oh God it was Mike [Music] in any case actually what else happens afterwards I kill Mike was about to say or no wasn't like this time now it's always Mike guys got all blame Mike Mike are you [ __ ] done yeah Michael now guys you have to all blame Mike because if we don't then it's our fault so let's all just say that was Mike everything zero what the hell are you thinking yeah that darkness danowsky barely holding back from slapping me across yes Lapham that would have been meant for me you've got that right we started thing we just let Mike handle this instead no there I hope this is how you treat everyone you know yeah look let's take a few minutes for ourselves okay I want the same thing so take a minute or three to relax and calm down and come back to it okay then stand still wait for three minutes are we actually waiting for three minutes wait every all wait are we at Oh okay guys were in timeout no we're not redoing we're in timeout now this is lovely lovely weather we're having so uh how's everyone's day souffle earthbound a little bit of earth bound in the beginning me and the chattered about I see that and I guess I'm also a time out with you welcome to time out may we take your order yeah you're dead you're with us now we are venom we are one did you not learn from the mistakes honestly I just clicked it cuz the chat wanted me to that's like like that's why I click the further pry I already knew it was the wrong answer someone has depression better force it out of them because like keep going why isn't the chat again because I wanted to I sometimes listen to chat I'd give them chances because it's funny don't throw us under the bus what do you mean we're in this together yeah we're all in this together I'm apparently a part of this and I just got back here I didn't do anything what's time it's time out over here I thought you said you wouldn't listen to rel anymore hey sometimes I do wrong as a good man this is the final straw [Music] that's rude No can I get a number can I get to number nine can I get to number now so number nine Oh tale is the time up oh boy we get to play again now what did we learn now we put it again shut up a little worried about you you sure there's nothing you'd like to talk about stars expression brakes a little bit Mike thanks I appreciate it I really do I'm just tired and I don't feel like talking about the right right at this moment I just want to go home be by myself for a bit okay okay well if you change your mind and want to talk you know how to get a hold of me sorry I'm supposed to let you handle this but I'm pretty sure that's what he would have said right of course Mike yeah sure if you if you were to say the wrong [ __ ] answer my God look at Marty [ __ ] up we take the man out of a church yep sorry smells of me and it feels genuine we wave goodbye she walks back home and back to her Nazis waiting well I think it helped a little at least I hope so sometimes people need help and sometimes just need some time in space and to know that their friends are around if needed it's hard to find their balance sometimes but usually if you listen to what they're telling you you'll be on the right track yeah so what's next okay that's all we can do here let's go try a different day okay [Music] all you had to do was ignore well as zero all you had to do was follow the goddamn train CJ [Music]
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 11,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, Magical Literary Heroine Natsuki
Id: 8IUb1y1FKhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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