It's Time To Get Unstuck, Be An Overcomer, & Learn To Thrive! | Julie Kay Kettles

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a life coach and I started off as general wanting to help people I I really care about Spirit soul and body I'm an ordained minister I love the Bible so I use that as part of what's helped me um it's part of the package of my mental health for sure and I don't know what I would do without it but I care about you know physical health I think is so important and spiritual health so but I'm here to talk about mental health and it affects every area of our life it affects the spiritual it affects the physical it affects the relational it affects work it affects everything so bottom line I have moved more into a grief and lost specialty but it's mental health all around so many people come to me with the loss of a loved one and but yet we move in and we help them all around so I really love um that's why I call myself self Thrive coach sometimes because I love to help people to learn how to thrive through all circumstances and all situations in the past present whatever I think we can learn to be Overcomers and Victorious and be um healthy and positive and at peace even in the midst of hard situations and that's what I learn to do for myself and I try to help other people with so if you want to one-on-one I do a complimentary consult for anybody no obligation completely for free um online or in person because I'm in New parichi so if you are interested in that I just want you to know that you can reach out to me PM me me on messenger or Instagram or um or you can go to info@ Julie because my website is right behind me uh move that over I don't know if you'd be able to scan that that's a QR code for my website
Channel: Julie Kay Kettles
Views: 15
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Help To Find Peace, Support and Your Way-- Experiencing Grief & Loss? | Julie Kay Kettles
Id: Va18c0eR_gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 43sec (103 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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