It's Not Garbage (Remake)

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would Buckman make a poll here speaking to you from our sucker shop we're up on the third floor our printing staff is busy getting ready for the upcoming gift season this video has a bit of a twist the content might be slightly familiar to longtime supporters of our work or viewers of our YouTube channel why this is our first remake it's basically the same content as a video I made many many mm about 5 or 6 years ago but which deserves to be seen by our current generation of fans I'm going to start off the same way I did in the original version the company that makes some computer software I use every day as an interesting slogan referring to their product they claim it doesn't suck when I first heard that I was kind of underwhelmed was that the best thing they could think of to say about their product but after using it for some time though I'm learning that it was elegantly made rock-solid stable had a good feature set and enjoyed a very high reputation in the community I came to feel that the claim made sense the product is actually of wonderfully high quality but the understated slogan eliminating all braggadocio serves its purpose I want to take a leaf from their book today I want to talk about this one of our new gift prints it's not garbage let me explain the computer I'll use to edit this little video it's going to be used for a while and then replaced with a newer model the shirt I'm wearing now it'll serve a few years but will then be unceremoniously tossed out in the earlier video on the same theme I mentioned the fridge in my own a home it's actually still hanging on now around 25 years old but I don't think it's going to last much longer do you have a car how many years would serve you and then the next user a couple of dozen maybe nearly all the products we use in our daily life actually have a very short lifespan you can even make the argument that our factories the car factory the appliance factory the whatever factory they're all facilities for making garbage and of course we get some years of use out of all these products I'm not ignoring that but all of this stuff is actually ends up as garbage this is not garbage the print itself is beautifully carved and then printed on fine Japanese paper that will last literally hundreds of years that sounds unbelievable but it's true in my own unassuming collection of Japanese friends I have any number of items more than 200 years old we've even got stuff like that in our shop this is a print from Kunisada in his early days it was made in the 1820s the paper is still clear white and strong our museums and shops are full of old prints made on such paper still in a wonderful condition think about this who else in society gets to make stuff that is going to last 200 years this building don't make me laugh all of our modern electronic tools and phones whatever no way when you think about it most of us live here now in the present and the things around us the things we create are all going to fall by the wayside in a very short order but for those of us here at MOCA hongcun carving and printing these beautiful little objects things are different nobody ever throws our products away each and every one of our prints will be enjoyed and then eventually passed on or sold on to a new owner somebody else who will treasure it for many years before in turn passing it on to another generation and another two generations yet unborn for easily two hundred years people don't collect our prints for themselves only they are simply custodians I ask who else in society gets to be part of something like this who else has work that is as satisfying as ours now enough that about these difference here's how it works each one of the prints itself is on a backboard for stability it's packed in an elegant little folder like this it contains a story in Japanese in English to give you some back on it from this then goes into envelope which we wrap with a nice decorative paper at this point it can contain a little note which we could put in to mrs. gift recipient a small present from Japan sent by and this is where you come in name of the sender the whole thing is then prepared for mailing they can go to anywhere on this planet and we put on some nice commemorative Japanese stamps as a little extra bonus touch it's of course a beautiful gift for the person we sent it to and it is also a gift for their children and their children on and on and on my different price hasn't changed now for quite a number of years it's still $30 plus 250 postage - anywhere on the planet each year we feature one particular image from our catalog and this year it's a print it's an image by Mission Michelle salt from a book published in about 19 or - featuring plants for different seasons in Japan this is the plum blossoms in moonlight you will never ever find it better and more likely to be appreciated gift anywhere our monk an annual gift but available with my website now it's not garbage and never will be you
Channel: David Bull
Views: 313,467
Rating: 4.9515781 out of 5
Keywords: woodblock prints, Japanese prints, Xmas gift, Gift Prints, Dave Bull, woodblock printmaking, printmaking
Id: hIL3Xpaoe1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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