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hi we're playing Mega Man with punching but soon after a discovery of terrible power emerged oh no outnumbered and unarmed we were unable to stop their destructive march this is exactly what happened to Mega Man with power-ups circuits something I can't read the conflict was long and devastating in the end only one of our Guardians remained uh jump cannot be the a button no we can't have this jump the B button wait yeah attack we can make this the a button a run is important isn't it I think I want a run to be that hook shot seems important left trigger sure yeah an hour ago okay now we're good now we're happy power [ __ ] talking baby see I got all I got my three buttons here and then burst is why I don't know what burst is the command run feels really good I'm like I'm losing a lot of Health here is there a double jump oh hook shot yeah ah you come no you come here no you come here no [ __ ] I need some help damn it wasting all my damn lives ah getting hit by everything I forgot the grappling hook is also like a ranged attack can I block this oh can you hit it back hit me nope I don't know what made me think I could do that I am one shot dude you come with me I'm gonna need you oh wait I could just use this I gotta hit these guys with the grappling hook instead of just running head first into them there we go see I threw that one guy at the other guy oh God ow did not think that would hit me there okay ow I said ow before that even hit me get away from me ah oh he's almost dead oh he's almost dead there you go Shield oh it's his shield the whole time oh I didn't realize [Music] let me get a one in chat if you like these a little silly Hub worlds in 2D games a lot of 2D games have these now and I I just don't feel like it's very necessary where you just get like upgrades and stuff but they're like upgrades you should probably just have in the field you should probably have access to this stuff like you know when you're out and about okay all right are you ready to do what it takes I feel like this guy is gonna be a bad guy blah blah blah ah so let me play the game hey I wasn't expecting him to jump like that give me give me you and go over there ah don't I thought I had enough time hey we know the recommended level to beat Mr monatoly in EarthBound sounds like some nerd [ __ ] music [ __ ] it slaps though oh I gotta help this guy no problem dude anytime I got you check coupons you know I kept saying this is like Mega Man with punching but it's got a little Sonic in it because he's so fast dude look how fast dude the momentum feels good dude how much money do I oh I got a lot of money let's let's just use it oh give me help damn it ah give me help damn it give me Health thank you that's I gotta do that a lot more I gotta do the the top down slam they call it they call it the [ __ ] old mess around God this part's nutty holy [ __ ] Hill oh no I gotta use my like charge shot yeah yeah head for that God damn get me in there he hurts a lot this guy no I miss no I missed I don't have it now I'm [ __ ] dead God damn it get me over there no get him [ __ ] get him [ __ ] he was invincible how's that supposed to even know God dude holy [ __ ] do I buy these yeah I do perform a multi-hitting uppercut that flies up at an angle that's cool grab and pile drive an enemy after a short Dash that's cool dude interrupt an incoming attack and deliver a counter with high knockback I like that release balls of energy in an arc I like that can I buy more stuff okay I got a bunch of stuff so who's in there now oh God who's in there you know what I don't wanna I don't need to find out can I just leave can I leave so I don't know who to fight next it's not like you get an ability to like fight the next guy right that was a power plant that was electric guy so steel Shore this guy's got big shoulders what's this looks like Mighty number nine haha you're so funny we just got a floor dude we just gotta floor it [Music] [ __ ] you I got a grapple dude all right hold on go back we're going back [ __ ] you man owies [ __ ] owies [ __ ] piss [ __ ] and piss [ __ ] and piss this guy [Music] what did I do oh that was a dumb move I [ __ ] up my two special moves he's just go this guy's just going everywhere no oh that was luck that was luck no you don't wait to be [ __ ] you oh I thought I could have cucked him at that oh I got a grapple out of that why didn't you run the double tap dude [ __ ] now he's so good at that I was getting like one HP his lasers match the Grid in the wallpaper okay dude there's a lot we're running dude I'm gonna find a boss we're just running run [ __ ] [ __ ] where was I supposed to go there [ __ ] he was winning speed god dude no it's so hard dude is one shot I keep why was he invincing why did he have high frames holy [ __ ] all right I'll fight the d-pad guy oh he's the next guy okay this is [ __ ] up [Music] now what am I even supposed to do here you know when all that shit's coming down on me like what do I do it's what I do baby that's what I do how many clicks do I got give me the farm give me the grandmas d-pad hell yeah brother all right what can I buy where's the shadowy guy come here don't care don't care Oh stand in place and recover some health need it thank you how about armor we talk about how about armor what you mean how about armor is there somewhere I'm supposed to be going to get like other upgrades oh what I didn't know there was a whole thing here okay damn jump again yeah yeah I want to do that God damn what do you have anything no you're useless just give me what I need reduce repair costs and improve health restoration efficient recovery I like that is this a lot of money or something 750 dude I got it become a invulnerable for the duration of a slide iframe slide hell yeah I'm running out of money how quickly you think I can beat this guy [ __ ] it let's let's let's let's speed run this guy okay we're moving we're schmooving I don't forget I got upgrades now dude owies what is this freaking Sonic His ice cap Zone what's going on here we're flying we're zooming we're cruising we're speed running hell yeah dude don't forget how's my cookie clicker we got it we need a mine now we got a farm we got grandma's and we got cursors and we're good and we got a lot of cookies and now back to the game and now here we are [ __ ] I was on a roll the cookie cook the cookie clicker break man was not worth get me up get me up get me up get me up ow kill this guy die please ow what happened we kind of plowed through that level hmm that's awfully cold of you okay all right dude all right let's see what [ __ ] this guy's got I'm just gonna take my time avoiding his attacks we're gonna avoid all of them we're not gonna try to hit them we're just gonna try to avoid this is the learning phase double jump is really helpful look at how many cookies we got though holy [ __ ] all right just dodge just dodge okay don't get hit by that oh my God cool cool cool get on the ground so I can beam you put three of them he's dead he's dead dude he's a piece he's a game baby game if you defeat the second try you gain my respect what if we beat this and cook and get 162 000 cookies at the same time what if that and then what if we buy a factory what if then who's that oh that's me is there a save or are we good quit out of the game with no regrets okay save and quit thank you thanks for hanging out we're done [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: WULFF DEN Clips
Views: 3,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wulff Den, WulffDen, Wolf Den, WolfDen, Wulff Den Clips, wulff den live stream, wulff den twitch, twitch clips, gameplay, lets play, Gravity Circuit, Gravity Circuit Boss battle, Gravity Circuit Gameplay, gravity circuit nintendo switch, mega man, new mega man game
Id: gi3cd_DXNWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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