Its all getting a bit civilized - EP039

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hi guys welcome back so today we're going to be finishing off the um the spray render on the front of the house which we started um last week we've got all the stuff that we need now um and i've just been prepping the front of the house masking off all the beams and windows and stuff so we don't get um any render on that i'll show you i'll just show you what i've done there so i've put the foil in the window and mouse off the window frame and here this is where the wooden lintel is so i've masked all that off so it doesn't get full of horrible concrete and and stays nice and we can stain that same with this window as well and covered up all the window masks off the lintel and there's actually an old lintel still in there um quite far back so what i've done is put some mesh over it and hopefully that'll make the render stick to it um obviously because it's wood but we're going to put it quite deep anyway so i'm going to make a start on that now [Music] so so that's wheelbarrow one done and my handles come off my sprayer which i'll just show you that which is really annoying and seems like only one only two of the holes are actually firing stuff out which is really annoying but it's still working at the moment so put this handle back on and just keep going [Music] not [Music] so [Music] so i finished for the day we finished all the sand and cement that i bought so we need a little bit more take a look so only a tiny tiny bit left to go and it's made such a difference maybe you'll see it better once it's dry let's just brought it all together so i know as well some of you have been asking in the comments um about why we've used cement um and i totally agree normally on these old stone buildings you'd use a lime um and sand mix and that's what we've done everywhere else but see this facade in particular all down here was breeze blocking cement all the bottom here was cement um on the top and all the back of this wall has been cemented before we even bought it so it was only very small patches like here that were actually stone so we decided well if 80 of the wall cement already let's finish it off in cement and then the rest of the walls we're gonna do in a lyman sand mix so they hopefully should be done properly so yeah so that's it i'll give you a little view tomorrow of when it's dried so the morning after and it's looking really good it's just kind of brought everything together um and i'm really really pleased with how it's going uh sorry by the way the lack of footage of actually rendering it i took a load of really cool time lapses and then i realized as i was watching the footage back my bum crack was out for most of them i thought well kind of after the after the vlog of having my flies open maybe maybe people have seen quite enough of that so that's done now what i'm gonna do now um because it's sunday we can't get any more sand so what i'm gonna do now is this area here so if you remember back to the last vlog where i did the garden plan this bit was going to be like a seating area like a circle seating area so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna bring in a load of this blue sand and this is let me just show you so this sand is not like the normal yellow sand we get it from the quarry and it's like compactable sand we've got a load where our swimming pool used to be so i'm going to take that bring it here and i think i'm going to search around for some kind of big flat um pieces of stone and try to just get a base going ugh [Music] so the plan is well i don't know yet just going to keep laying them down and see what happens right i had to call reinforcements desperate times right listen can you get get daddy a little stone a little one going in can you get daddy a little stone no no thank you maybe a bit bigger [Music] thank you thank you [Music] so kind of thought go with a circle idea edge it with the bigger stones shut up you not bad well one thing i haven't checked is actually that table and chairs fit on there all right hold that thought yes easy looks alright done it seems to work well i'm pretty pleased with that so far it's kind of one of those jobs you can just get lost in just picking up stones yeah it's going to be nice so anyway i need to go and get this edited otherwise there's going to be no vlog today if you're watching and it's not sunday i didn't do it in time so i'll see you next time when finish the path and the rendering will be done as well hopefully so see you then
Channel: Escape to rural France
Views: 29,784
Rating: 4.9841585 out of 5
Id: gHjpZeJBDlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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