It's a Brand New MONIKA! | Doki Doki Literature Club Mod: A Brand New Day

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I'm finally getting to join my club Oh getting you to join my club today I don't remember saying that I would join well I clearly remember hear you say yes especially when you heard we were bringing cupcakes cupcakes did you just say cupcakes flower he wants me to check out some clubs specifically her Club I start to daydream up little cupcakes the start to daydream of little cupcakes jumping in Jimena [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live GT live a new day a new week a new you today we are continuing with tokidoki literature club because it's a game that we all love to play at the game that you all love to watch and it's a game that has a lot of really fun interesting mod versions to it and as you guys know here on on GT live we like to cover mods that the community around the game has created so we finished the one where we got to save everyone you know punch him in the face grab knives out of their hands with our bare hands Oh sorts of exciting moment to sleep over in order to save their lives I'm told that the one we're playing today Doki Doki a brand new day as you've seen the Segway there well how would you just this one is fun Chris snappy it's perky goofy goofy okay like goofy rather than sadistic but I don't matter new season is over over sadism whoa it feels like I'm in a dream I see a dark voice we're already starting different it's gonna say this doesn't see this is the goofy version we're already starting differently I appreciate it cuz every every other one who started like beben it's it's it's the morning it feels like I'm in a dream I see a dark void nothingness everything is cold and dead around me I feel a voice speak directly into my mind maybe he Monica uh I'm doing what I can to help you it's up to you now oh it's time to be a flippin hero I wake up in a cold sweat feel my skin crawling I feel my sins crawling up my back you I tried to shake off the dream but it was too real crap I'm gonna be late for school I'm pulling a C or E oh not a holiday Yuri but she's the worst I'm busting out of my my seams my bow is all the tussled they're jiggly patzers like wiggly pets are flopping all over the place Bo's a Kimble that's just not let's just not continue it this just love them yes here ha I finally beat you out here I've had a cold I'm not gonna be able to do say Orie very well your whiskey or say or even so long you're normally out here before me are you ready to go yes they are you sorry about that yeah you better be Maddy patty are apologizing to oh there it is there it is where comes that gear comes that Wiggly grabber there must be something wrong with you oh man Maddy Patty's become a good person and that's why hey he's not an abusive jerk old cool yeah what got you out of bed so early today sleepy idiot dummy cookies well today is the opening ceremony for seniors this year I know I sound like I'm too and I'm finally getting to join my club Oh getting you to join my club today I don't remember saying that I would join yes you did don't you remember silly uh no I don't remember it all honestly dummy well I clearly remember hear you say yes especially when you heard we were bringing cupcakes cupcakes did you just say cupcakes cupcakes my only weak only weakness well that man and cute girls I clear my throat and adjust my uniform as it became disheveled from the cupcake inning well if you put it that way I'll come visit the club at least let me partake in one of your cupcakes say re let me partake in one of your cupcakes hands off my cupcakes yo I want my hands over all of your comics - oh this is so gross your cupcakes bring Maddy patty to the yard that's right we're better than ours grubby mitts off everybody's cupcakes what yeah a man is allowed to appreciate a fine set of cupcake fine well asking I think dangerously of cupcakes whoa I really think this may be a metaphor all the places that I can put those cupcakes in your mouth in the other side of your mouth I start needlessly drooling while staring at se re thinking about the promise of cupcakes flower he wants me to check out some clubs specifically Hair Club I start to daydream up little cupcakes I start to daydream of little cupcakes jumping into my mouth i delightedly follow say ory across the school and upstairs a section of the school I rarely visit being generally used for third year classes activities say ory full of energy swings open the classroom doors nearly ripping the doors from their hinges she's excited about her cupcakes too damn this girl is crazy strong I gotta remember not to get on her bad side so punch me with her cupcake right she'll pay me back for all the punching I did back in the last month fresh meat is here remember to join our literature Club this was supposed to be girl power forever now you brought some worthless man meat into the fray oh man hey let's stop talking about my man meat okay what's up hey pretty girls let's move the conversation away from the man meat which can be hollow very underway hold on small one extra small sorry I mean slightly less huge huge huge a huge issed you're mad meat covered today but only if it's a petite filet uh-huh Maddie patty what a nice surprise I mean welcome to the club so welcome back to the club ah ha ha ha Maddie patty nice to see you here again oh hi I can't seem to shake these shivers down my spine like I felt like I felt had this repeat before hundreds if not thousands of times what does she mean again I try to shake it off like a swift shake it shake it shake it shake it off the sugar subside oh and then the convulsions begin all words escape me in this situation this club is full of incredibly cute upcoming girls so why are you here it's not just for the cupcakes right I'm like there's lots of different kinds of sizes of people of cupcakes Oh oh crap she knows she totally likes nope no I came here to check this I came here to check this place out because they already keeps wanting me to check this place out and joy and so I finally gave in are you sure about that my cupcakes are to die for I'm Maddy patty didn't you know she doesn't senior and done haven't you noticed that already Siri says that quietly into my ear but she's so tiny how is that possible I sit next to Monica Wow hey Joyce Monica looks in shocking me um Maddie patty why are you sitting next to me wouldn't you rather sit next to sing or II know there a problem with me sitting here well this is new to me I really don't know what to say I wig i wink wow i wink back in monaco it's just like that the wink the weak ones just like that it went over great all over really well when I ate she was totally attracted late oh yeah it's getting intense netsuke lifts the foil off the train to reveal a dozen white fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little nan cat's dead mean guys dead meat cheese pies won't be putting you guarded knuckles on there yeah antennas forever okay dad Lancaster thanks Gary I Karen the cupcake around my fingers looking for the best angle to take Maddy patty is a cupcake connoisseur netsuke is quiet I can't help but notice that some weird OCD sneaking glances in my direction is she waiting for me to take the place viciously devoured the nyan cat cupcake with no mercy while humming the nyan cats that's impressive well humming the man [Music] there it is your hair is holding up really well today thank you it's really high thank you you baked this netsuke amazing with those cooking skills you'll make a wonderful wife or a wonderful executive chef at your own restaurant Maddy patty you god oh dear vacuuming skills that's all I can really tell me hips how's the hips wide and birthday or they light a birthday near wide birthing hips away from the camp when they fit a large or extra-large game theory underwear eek she carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before setting down the tea pots next to the cupcake tray her ability to serve makes me think that she will make an excellent wife material just putting the words in Manukau oh no it's not my fault you gave a hope you set in this classroom don't worry the teachers gave us permission after all doesn't have a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book sure I like that actually a nice warm drink and help relax the mind and the body don't let yourself get intimidated Erie's just trying to impress you well certainly working how come you decided to start your own Club you could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs oh like a secretary the kind of work women were made Stephanie that's only the single women okay the real women are the ones vacuuming and cooking okay ah ha ha well you know to be honest I can't stand all the politics around the major clubs it feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events and my little girly mind just can't handle all of this that's right you usually like to write about cute things don't you Natsuki what what gives you that idea when you left a piece of scrap paper behind at the last Club meeting it looks like you were working on a poem cute alone and give it back fine fine your cupcakes your pom everything you do is just as cute as new more sorry sidles up behind netsuke and puts her hands on her shoulders oh gosh I thought it was something else what did you think it was I I didn't I thought she was gonna like grab her like a big bear hugger sure but you thought it was gonna be hands on her cupcakes didn't you you thoughts they re sidled up behind that Sookie and put her hands on her cupcake and hands up no I thought it was gonna be like a big like awkward say or a squeeze that would have been a say awkward hands on cupcakes would be an awkward savory squeeze I guess that's true I have an idea everyone that Sookie and Yuri look quizzically at Monica let's all go home and write a poem of our own then next time we meet we all share them with each other that way everyone is even hold on there's still one problem I haven't tested all the cupcakes uh-huh what's that now that we're back in the original topic of me joining Club I blood Lee come forth with what's been on my mind the entire time I never said I would join this club but the cupcakes were so delicious see or II may have convinced me to stop by but I never made any decision I'm so overwhelmed on all the pretty girls around me I kind of freaked out about joining a bi I lose my train of thought all four girls stare back at me with rejected eyes but I'm sorry I thought hmm you all I'm defenseless against these girls how am I supposed to make a clear-headed decision when it's like yes that is if writing poems is the price I need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls you know what this is a brand-new day for me a brand-new modern day that on me I raise a cupcake in the air okay I've decided everyone I will join Velma treasure club one by one the girls eyes light up Suri wraps her arms around me jumping up and down yeah that's what I thought she was gonna do it with that Sookie hey that feels welcome whoa okay whoa hey that feels completely platonic actually that feels kind of good actually I don't know that a completely appropriate and platonic you really did scare me would you two like to grab me and jump up and down Yuri I will make my own good fortune and not let anything tried to take it away from me and I guess that starts with writing a poem tonight no boy I'm dreaming again the same dream I hear a voice you are doing great you can change I will help you and never forget what you need to do I will help you remember write a poem right tease me really not I wake up my head hurts a little bit I take some painkillers to kill the pain very admirable I get up and get ready for food for school included food first cheese cupcakes on the brain again that's true waking up is just so hard sometimes when you stare at the window and think to myself why even make the effort if you want I'll come into your room and wake you up every morning that wouldn't be creepy how about that say Orie how about that no one recognizes this laughing a half yes a Horry well done sir well spoken way to have a sense of propriety figures as much trying to be helpful and that's thanks I get yeah trying to be helpful are you ready to go I've been waiting for an hour so I guess so are you sure Horace are they still able to get to school on time I know our dad like how early did he plan on getting to say Orissa right are you sure you're awake yes I'm hi she's woke af I'm I'm I woke a up we need a good we need a good F word uh back just focus fast yeah that's too close that's gonna get us demonetized I guarantee it now tsuki slides a bunch of stacked books and boxes across the shelf manga sweet you read manga right hell yes I do heck yes manga is life so it Shrek I get a closer look at the box set box set she's admiring parfait girls it's a series I've never heard of in my life I wonder if it's like Sailor Moon but with desserts perhaps cupcakes cupcakes what should I expect from this is there gonna be applause well obviously you think I would enjoy something that didn't have a plots of course not well okay I guess I know what you're saying a lot of the beginning is about simple things like there's a really funny chapter where they're obsessed with a guy at an ice cream shop but that just helps you get to know the and besides it's still entertaining but later on there's all kinds of drama like when they get into all their backstories and when some of the romance starts to happen that's really what makes its so [Music] good so good there are so many touching parts and parts touching what sounds like you really know what you're talking about maybe I underestimated you as a girl hey hey hey wait what's that supposed to mean oops my misogyny got through he gives me a little shove I just meant that I haven't seen you at your full power yet oh good save this chapter seems like it's about baking this is just guess but is there a lot of baking in this manga well that's it he pauses for a moment as if she doesn't want to admit something yeah why does that matter it doesn't I was just curious since you enjoyed baking - right that's just a coincidence I just happened to get into baking around the same time I got this manga like I would ever like I would ever get into anything because it's in a manga I feel bad for anyone had that's that I feel bad for anyone that impressionable oh definitely not a coincidence oh I like how Natsuki literally like has no nose she has one pimple like toward the side of her her cheek there and no nose that's what I'm interpreting that s we read on for a few more minutes I finished a couple chapters at this point vomit are you sure this isn't boring for you it's not even though you're just watching me read well I'm fine with that if you say so I guess it's fun sharing something you like with someone else I don't even know what my dad would do if he found this at least it's safe here Sep Monica has to be a jerk about it oh I just can't win can i well it paid off in the end didn't it I mean Here I am reading it and I am the true prize here well it's not like that solves any of my problems maybe but at least you're enjoying yourself right and if you ever have any problems you can talk to me okay that's nice almost slightly better no I'm your friend - Natsuki Jesus is getting a little too close for comfort I can be your friend that's a key I'll trade you this coin for not holding my hand anymore I can be your hero that's okay baby you can take it oh god I hope and buy you forever no thank you Enrique Iglesias and their gay glazy as I don't want you to take away anything but just leave your love take my coin away okay Maddie Patti always gives it his best as long as he's having fun if he's not having fun then he's just a big that's true he helps me with busy work without me even asking like cooking cleaning my room folding your underwear what sorry sorry what I'm he's helpful okay busy work helpful with the busy work your underwear needs to get folded maybe not women's underwear coz it's like weird and stringy and you know women's underwear it's just strange strange underwear what it is as a guy I don't understand it it's like is this even doing anything for you what what I'm Chris am I wrong oh I was just gonna let him go on to see where he ends up he's ended up in a great place what what what what you agree with me I you know I know you agree with me it's weird is this it's like what's it doing nothing straight I'll just bring it together [Music] philosophy I'll save you how dependable [Laughter] so we've made it almost through day two yeah it's interesting and it's it seems more like I'm wondering if we'll get more choices as we go on yeah did say it's a demo of the Mon do you know Krista's does this go all the way through or is this it has more days than the game itself here okay hey guys thanks so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want to see us play another doki doki literature club mod well then click the box to the left to see us play through just mana calm it's just Monica it's just awkward is more like it yeah punch him in the face and don't forget to punch that just Monica subscribe
Channel: GTLive
Views: 710,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doki doki literature club, brand new day, doki doki, ddlc, a brand new day, doki doki literature club ost, doki doki literature club ending, doki doki literature club game, ddlc mod, doki doki literature club: a brand new day, doki doki literature club song, doki doki monika, doki doki game, doki doki literature club gameplay, doki doki mod, getting over it gtlive, walkthrough, lets play, gtlive, gt live, matpat
Id: atFNwE4meJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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