ITOWN TV Season 2 Episode 1: Tithing

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♪♪♪ Adam Bender: Hi, everyone, welcome to "ITOWN TV." My name's Adam, and I'm one of the pastors at ITOWN Church. Today we're going to hear an important message from our pastor, Dave Sumrall, on a topic that can so often get twisted or perverted, but it's a really important subject. Today we're talking about money and the importance of this principle called the tithe. Now, I wanna encourage you not to cash out, but listen with an open heart because I know that it could be a huge blessing to you and your family, check it out. ♪♪♪ Dave Sumrall: It's fascinating to me how, when we talk about the subject of money in church, it seems to be a problem for people, and yet there's a lot that the Bible has to say about our finances. In fact, 16 of the 38 parables are actually about money that Jesus taught. You may not realize this, but there are 500 verses in your Bible about prayer, and there are more than 2,000 about money or possessions. So if I honestly was a better pastor to you, bringing you a balanced diet of what the New Testament deals with, we'd be talking about money every few weeks around here because it's a very, very important topic. And I have this thought for you today. I wonder, I just have been praying and wondering, like, why are people so upset about the subject of money in church? Well, the Bible says this in Luke chapter 16. This is Jesus teaching. Verse 13, he says, "No one can serve two masters, for he will hate the one and love the other, or he'll be devoted to one and despise the other." And then he says, "You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money." Now, there's nobody here at any campus that would identify, self-identify, as a person enslaved to money: "Oh, that's me," hah, "I didn't realize that money owns me, definitely. I am greedy, and I am goin' after money." I would not say that at all, but what I would submit to you--jot this down if you're takin' notes at every campus--is the principle that money is spiritual. Money actually is spiritual. And I think one of the reasons why we have a problem with it, why it's so sensitive, is because of what Jesus is actually saying. If you go back to that text, this time, it's the New King James Version. He actually uses the word "mammon." "You cannot serve God and mammon." "Mammon" was the Syrian God for wealth and riches, and so Jesus wasn't saying that you can't be rich and serve God. That's not what he was saying at all. What he was saying is that you cannot be enslaved to riches. You can't make money your god and still have God as your God. And the truth is, I think, there are a lot of Christians who actually are trying to make this work. And I don't think it's a conscious thing. I think it's a cultural thing. I think it's a subconscious thing that happens to us, that tells us that mammon actually would make your life better. In fact, there's probably not a person here that wouldn't say that your life would be better if you just had a little bit more money. We all believe that lie that "I would be more independent, I would be more significant, I could make a bigger difference, I would have more freedom with my schedule in life if only I had more money," because, see, mammon's goal--jot it down if you're takin' notes--is to control. The God of wealth, by default, the spiritual God that controls the financial system of the earth and has since Adam turned it over all the way back in the garden, its goal is to control your life, and to be honest with you, it actually gets to the place where it is successful. If you study Revelation, the Bible tells us that there'll be this antichrist, the person that rises up, full of the devil, that actually controls the entire world. There's only one way that he actually gets control of the entire world, and that's because there's a one-world government with--what? One currency. If you haven't studied it before, the entire world, the Bible prophesies, will go to one currency, and then the devil will actually control the human population by forcing people to put a credit card in their hand or in their forehead. So you go to Walmart and get all your groceries, and at the end, you, "boop," checkout, and if you don't do that, then you can't buy and sell food, the Bible tells us. So mammon will control the world through the power of money. And I would submit to you today that mammon is already controlling our culture. Mammon's already got its teeth into American culture in a very deep level and controlling even some of us as Christians the way we view the world and the way we live our lives. In fact, there was a study that was done several years ago, and I brought this to you before, but humor me if you remember it because I think it very telling for where we're at as a country. The title of the survey is "The Day America Told the Truth." So they surveyed a whole bunch of people and said, "Anonymously--you don't have to identify yourself--what would you do, what would you be willing to do for $10 million? If we just gave you $10 million, no questions asked, what would you do?" Well, disturbingly, 25% said they would abandon their entire family. Some of you are like, "That don't sound bad." I looked down the aisle today-- might not be bad to attend alone. All right, so 23% said they'd become a prostitute for at least a week, 16% said they'd give up their American citizenship, 10% said they would withhold testimony and let a murderer go free, 10%, so they would let somebody go free. But here's what's worse, 7% said they themselves would pull the trigger--7% of you have a neighbor that would come over and shoot you in the forehead for $10 million. That's a problem. That is a big problem in our culture today. Here's the disturbing one, the most disturbing, 3% said they would put their children up for adoption if you'd give 'em ten million. Some of you are like, "Man after the morning I've had, I'll do that for free right now. Meet me in the lobby." Put that child tag up, I dare you. Keep them kids. Money. Jesus said you can't serve both. And I just wonder how many of us are subconsciously trying? We're trying to serve both. We can even make it spiritual actually. Think about it: the multilevel marketing scheme, think about how much you would love your life and how much better a parent you would be if you didn't have to go to work. Work from home or work one day a week. You'd be more present in your children's lives. You'd be able to serve at the church more. You'd be able to fund the work of the kingdom. All that sounds amazing, but the problem with that argument is, at the core of all of it, is that your life would be better, not if you serve God and did what he told you to do, but if you just had more mammon. Money's in charge. Money's the secret. Money is the key. And so what happens to us is while, as Christians, we should worship God and use money as the tool that it is 'cause money itself isn't evil, instead, we worship money, and then we use God. As Christians, we leverage our lives to put money first, and then we go to God for miracles, and we go to God to touch our marriage, and we want God to save our kids, but at the core, we don't have him first. And some of you right now are goin', "Man, I knew it. Just a matter of time, ITOWN's like all the rest of them. Every church is after my money. I knew he'd be after my money. I just knew it. I knew that eventually, if I came long enough, they'd come after it." And I would submit to you that the thing that's so funny, first of all--I don't know if you've noticed this, but I'mma pull the wool away from your eyes. Everybody in the world is after your money. You think that Disney created Disney+ to bless your life? Everyone in the world is after your money except for your God 'cause he's the only one that doesn't need it 'cause he made it all. He doesn't need your money, but he wants your heart, and we have to understand this principle 'cause Matthew chapter 6 says it this way: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Most of us misread that verse. We read it as "We give to things that we love. We put money in things that we care about." That's not what that verse says at all. It says that your treasure is where your heart will be. You see the difference? The Bible's not saying that you give to things you love. It's saying that you will love the things that you give your money to, and there's a big difference. Your heart follows where you put your money. So God says, "I wanna see where you put your money because I care where your heart is." God doesn't need your money, but he does want your heart. And there's one thing that he put in place. There's one principle that we're gonna talk about today that can change all of that for you. It does both at the same time. It can break the curse of mammon, the God of riches that pulls us into always wanting more and consumed with greed and messes up our lives. It can break that off of your life, give you God's blessing, and put your heart in the right place, all at the same time, and it's a principle that people don't often like to talk about. It's called the tithe. I just wanna give you a couple of warnings, all right? First of all, don't just build all your spiritual walls, like "beep, beep, beep," texting a friend, "Don't come today. It's not the--" skippin' the next three weeks, not watchin' the podcast, "delete, delete," no. Here's what we're gonna do. I want you--I'm asking you to just take a journey with me. I've never worked ya, I've never asked you for anything. I've always been honest, and I want you to read the Scriptures for yourself, and I don't want you to trust me. I want you to trust God's Word. I want you to decide, as a person and as a family, what the Bible says, and then do what the Bible tells you to do. Have your own conviction about it 'cause it shouldn't be mine, it should be yours. But I'm also going to apologize because I have not taught this principle as strongly as the Bible teaches it, to break this off of your life, just because I have been worried what you would assume my intentions are. And so I apologize as your pastor for not teaching you the truth that you need to hear that would change your life because it's something that Kate and I live out, and it is the reason why we're blessed. It's the reason why our church is blessed, and I, too, want you to be blessed just like your God does. If we go to Malachi chapter 3, it says this: "You're under a curse," because you're in this wrong system. "You're robbing me," the Bible says. And you would say, "How do we rob you, God?" And he talks about the tithes and the offerings. We come back to the verse that says, "'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me. See if I won't open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessing that you will not have room enough to store it, and I'll prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your field will not drop their fruit before it's ripe,' says the Lord. "And then all the nations--" everybody will look at you. The world's economies and countries and people who are not Christ-followers would look at you and say, "There's something different. You have an anointing. You have something on your life. There's a blessing on your life that I don't have on my life. What is different about you?" That's God's plan for your finances. We're just gonna break down this verse, and we're gonna address a couple of the issues that I find pop up every time you talk about the subject of the tithe. First one that Christians will often say is "I'm not gonna tithe because that's an Old Testament law. That's Old Testament. We don't do that anymore." And if you read that verse, we're like, "Oh, this is the Old Testament," that would be awesome. I'm so proud of you for knowing that that's in the Old Testament, great job. I do regret the fact that it's, like, just a few pages from the New Testament. It's like, "Man, God, why couldn't you just put it over a few?" 'Cause then it would help people, but, no, God put it where he put it because he needed it to be there because it's a step of faith. We'll talk about that in a minute. Let's go all the way back to the garden of Eden, 'cause I would submit to you that there are some principles from God's Word that predate the law and postdate the law that were also included in the law, like it was always bad to kill people. Then the law said, "Don't kill people." Just because we're not under the law doesn't mean now it's cool to kill people. Y'all trackin' with me? So, all right, it's quiet in this Presbyterian Church. That's all right. We'll keep goin'. So, "The Lord God commanded the man--" this is the garden of Eden, God's original relationship with mankind. "Hey, Adam, take care of the whole garden, and you're cool to eat from any tree in the garden but," verse 17, "you must not eat from one, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, 'cause, if you eat from that one, you'll die." What God is saying is "The whole garden is yours. You have to care for all of it, but there's one portion I'm asking that you set aside. There's a part that's set aside just for the Lord, and when you take what is God's, it brings death into your life." So I would submit to you a different perspective: tithing is not law, 'cause this obviously predates the law by thousands and thousands of years. Tithing is actually life, not law, because to not touch the tithe, to reverence or set aside as holy what is the Lord's actually brings life into your life. That's the principle that God is teaching Adam. Genesis chapter 4, we go to the next generation: "Abel kept the flocks." These two brothers, "Cain worked the soil." So, one was a farmer, one was a shepherd. So it says, "In the course of time--" that's an important phrase-- "Cain brought some of the firstfruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. Now Abel also brought an offering, but he brought fat portions, which is the best part of the meat, from the firstborn of his flock." And then the Bible says, "The Lord gave favor to Abel and his offering, but not to Cain." And so you'd wonder why did one get favor and the other did not? It's simply because it was over the course of time that one was brought, but Abel's gift was first. He gave God the first. And I want you to know that's what God is after. It's a principle about putting him first. Go to Colossians, Colossians chapter 1. This isn't even about giving. It just says, "Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created. He's supreme over all creation. He is the beginning, supreme over all who rise from the dead. And so he is--" read it with me, every campus-- "first in everything." Come on, read it again. "He's first in everything." God wants to be--what? "First in everything." Now, this is fascinating. That word "everything" in the Greek is the Greek word "pas." You may wanna write that down, P-A-S. You ready? It means "everything." Some of you missed that--everything. That word "everything" means everything. Now, that's deep. I don't care what you say. God says, "I wanna be first in everything. I wanna be first in your day. I wanna be first in your year. I wanna be first in your marriage. I wanna be first in your home, and I also wanna be first in your finances." God wants to simply be first. And so what happens with the tithe--Deuteronomy says it plainly: "The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God first place in your life." So it's a universal principle. Jot this down. Number one, tithing is a principle that just puts God first. It's a principle. It's not a part of the law. Yes, it was in the law, but it's not restricted to the law. We see Jesus affirm it in the New Testament. We don't have time to go through all the Scriptures. The writer of Hebrews talks about it in the New Testament. It's all throughout the Old Testament, Abraham tithed. We see all these different people outside the law and inside the law observing this principle. It's a principle, and it's important that we put God first in our lives, why? Because the first, whatever you do first has the power to bless the rest. So here's the second thing that I hear from people: "I can't afford to. I think it's a great principle, but I just can't afford to tithe." And I would submit to you that ten out of ten Christians, when polled, who do tithe, do your tithe, every ten, every person out of the ten. And I'm encouraging you to go ask people, go interview people. It's kind of fascinating. People who say, "Yes, we tithe," the answer is "We are blessed." Ten out of ten Christians that you poll, "Do you tithe?" who say, "No," every one of 'em can't afford to. Here's why: Haggai says, "You're in this place. You gotta give careful thought because you plant much, but you harvest little. You earn wages, but you have holes in your pockets." That's the condition of the non-tither, why? Because Malachi says there's this curse on the financial system, to which some of you may be arguin', "No, Jesus reversed the curse." Yes, I would say you are right that Jesus gave us the ability to be free from the curse, but we have to walk in the principles that bring us the promise. Just because Jesus set us free from sin doesn't mean you have never sinned since you made a decision for Christ. Just because Jesus overcame sickness does not mean that I don't have a head cold today. There are things that we still experience in this fallen world, and the cursed system of finances is one of them. If we don't walk the path that God gives us for financial freedom, the curse remains. So he says, "You're under this curse, and so you have to bring the whole tithe." "Tithe" means "tenth," for those of you that have never heard this teaching before, "tenth"--is why? Because God says, "Equal sacrifice," not equal amounts. That's not fair. Equal sacrifice. So everyone sacrifices at the same level, "the whole tithe," and here's the key, "into the storehouse," so there's supposed to be food in my house." We're gonna get to this in a minute. But that clearly says that you don't just give it wherever you choose. It's where God chooses, and God says it's supposed to be in the church, his house. So you can be a person who gives away 10%, but if you don't give the first 10% and if you don't give it to the body of Christ, a local church, you're not tithing because that's what the Bible says. I'm not tryin' to get legalistic. I'm just tryin' to show you what the Bible says. He doesn't say, "to an orphanage" or "to the person that you see who needs money" or "to the people that don't have food." I think all those things are important. We give to all those things, and you should too, but you can't give your tithe. You bring your tithe. It's not yours to determine where it goes. God determines where it goes, and he says, "You have to return it--or bring it to the storehouse." And then I love this phrase. He says, "Test me, test me." It's the only place God says in Scripture that you can test him. It's a test for us where our hearts are at, and it's a test for God: Will he fulfill his Word? "Test me in this and see." You had a test, you had to put God first 'cause look, it doesn't take faith to give the last 10%. God's not lookin' for leftovers. You can give 10% and give it last or give it to somewhere besides a local church, and you're not tithing. "Test me in this and see if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessing that you would not have room enough to store it, and I'll also prevent pests from devouring your crops." That's your investment. That's your finances. That's your car. That's your house. That's your air-conditioning unit. God protects it. "And I'll keep the vines," your investments. "They'll not drop their fruit before they're ripe." So the opposite of this is that, if you're not tithing, then your life is open to pests devouring the investments and to problems coming into your life. And I can tell you, it doesn't matter how many zeros are at the end of your paycheck. If all it takes is a little disruption to keep you from giving the first and the best to God, the devil will keep you in financial bondage. You can make seven figures a year and believe that you don't have the money to tithe 'cause the devil will keep you in that place perpetually 'cause it's not a principle. It's a mind-set. Now, I understand math and that you can add it all up and not have enough money at the end of your month. Some of you are like, "I got way too much month, Pastor. You just need to cut it down to, like, 15 days, I'll be cool." I get it. That's why it takes some faith. God says, "I wanna be first, and then the nations will call you blessed," putting God first. So what you put first, as I mentioned earlier, it has the power to bless the rest. Proverbs chapter 3 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first of your crops and then--" so put him first. After that, "your barns will be filled to overflowing, and then your vats will brim over with new wine." I don't know what "vats" or "brimming," but if you want that to happen in your life, you're gonna have to figure out how to put God first. I don't have any vats, and I've never seen anything brim. But anyway, the point is that it takes a step of faith. Tithing actually builds our faith. And I would challenge you, don't listen to me, and don't trust me, but you do have to decide if you are going to trust God or not, and this is the only place in Scripture that he says, "I dare you to test my reality, my goodness, my character, and my existence. Test me. Test me. Test me and see." Every person, every person, every person, every person who tests him, every person who trusts him, every person who tithes will tell you that they are blessed. Doesn't mean they don't have problems or adversity. Doesn't mean there haven't been times that things are tight. Doesn't mean they have a million dollars in the bank. Doesn't mean any of that stuff, it just means that they are blessed, that they find favor. Their dollar goes farther than they ever expected. Financial miracles come into their lives, protection over their family, peace in their marriages. There's something that happens in your life when you stop serving money. Before we go, the last thing I hear often is "Well, the church doesn't need my money." And I would say to you, here at ITOWN, that you would be partially correct. If everyone here continues to participate financially at their current rate, we did build enough margin in that we'd be able to afford a place like this, but the Bible says, "Bring the tithe into the storehouse 'cause there needs to be food in God's house." You know why? Because, just last month, there was a couple in our church, faithful givers, faithful people, both husband and wife, same time, lost their job. And so, you guys, because of your generosity, you paid their house bill, and you paid for all their utilities, and you paid for everything their kids needed, and you kept their family afloat and every expense that came through, and because of that, now both of the couple, both husband and wife, have new jobs, and they're back on their feet, and you guys bridged the gap because of your generosity. And that's not one story. That's hundreds of stories that happen every single month in our church, and we don't tell you about it 'cause we don't want your friend that's sitting in the aisle with you to be embarrassed. We are constantly paying electric bills, gas bills, car notes, paying off hospital bills. We don't do it to get glory. We don't do it for you to think that we're great. We do that because it's what God's called us to. You know, there are people who are alive overseas right now because you dug a well for them to have fresh water, and then you built the church that's next to the well for them to find Christ, and then you built the orphanage for the kids to live in that wandered up to the well that didn't have anything, anyone to care for them, and then you paid for the food that the kids got to eat and the educational books that they learn from as they grow, and their lives will forever be altered, and you'll never meet them face-to-face until you get to eternity because you gave. There are so many things that we are doing, and yet there's so much more that God has called us to accomplish together. There are people who are addicted, there are people who are homeless, there are people who are hurting, there are people that today may be fine, but six months from now might find themselves in financial trouble that are a part of our spiritual family, and it's on us. That's why there has to be food in God's house. Number three, tithing simply is designed to provide for God's work in the church, and he always intended for it to 'cause there's so much that God has called us to. I firmly, with all of my heart, believe that, if it's God's will, it's God's bill, so I'm not here today to raise money from you. Honestly, my heart's not connected to this message at all. As a human and as a leader of ITOWN, I couldn't care less if you give or not, but as your pastor, as a person who prays over your family, as someone who loves you, I want this for you more than you could possibly imagine 'cause I don't want your family to be exposed. I don't want your heart to be messed up. I don't want you chasin' after money 'cause the Bible says this clear: it'll never be enough, and it'll always leave you empty and broken and hurting, and, yes, at the end of it all, we'll still be here for you to love you, but I'd rather save you the heartache and break the power of mammon off of your life just by simply believing in the principle of the tithe 'cause God does have a great plan for your life. Adam: You know, we really do believe that God has a big plan for your life, and it starts with giving up control to him. God wants to give you a brand-new life filled with joy and peace, free of guilt and condemnation. In fact, God sent his only Son, Jesus, to this earth to die on a cross to pay the price for our mistakes, to wipe away the past and set our balance back to zero, all so that we can have a relationship with him. All you have to do is ask him into your life, to give up control to him. If you've never done that, I wanna give you an opportunity to do that right now. We're gonna pray a simple prayer, and you could just repeat after me. Just say, "Dear Jesus, I give you my life. I turn from my old ways, and I turn to you today. Forgive me for what I've done in my past and give me a brand-new life, in Jesus's name, I pray." And, God, I pray that you would be with each and every one of us. Lord, help us to put you first in everything. Give us the faith to put you first in our finances. And, God, I pray that you would bless each and every one of us beyond our wildest dreams. Thank you so much for speaking to us today. We love you so much, in Jesus's name, amen. Well, if you just made the decision to give your life to Jesus, we are so proud of you, and it's honestly the best thing that you can do with your life. Our church is built to support people just like you on this journey of faith, and we'd love to come alongside you and support you on that journey. The easiest way we can help is if you'd grab your cell phone and text the word "HOPE" to the number 63566. We'll send you a link to a quick video from Pastor Dave with some next steps you can take to help you grow in your relationship with God. I'd also love for you to join us live in person for a Sunday service at a location near you. You could also stream services live online, and more details for that can be found at Finally, if you call ITOWN your home church and you wanna put God first in your finances, then visit Thank you for your generosity, and I know God is going to bless your life. Well, we hope to see you soon, but until then, we love you so much. We're praying for you. God bless. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ CC by Aberdeen Captioning 1-800-688-6621
Channel: ITOWN Church
Views: 334
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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