Italy VS Norway • MEN

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Hello Youtube and welcome back to my channel. Today I want to speak with you about men, because living in Norway and living in Italy I have discovered there is like two types of totally totally different people, and especially when it comes to men. So, let´s do a NORWAY VS ITALY - MEN ! MEN So, I have been dating both Norwegian and Italian men; Now I´m gonna tell you about my experiences and how I feel, so if you want to know about facts you have to go and Google. Not here. Now maybe many wonders about: Are the Italian men romantic? Are they like you see in the movies or you see on the TV? And in fact this is true, the Italian men are super romantic. GO AWAY! GO AWAY! HEY, MORNING PRINCESS! Italians are really into fashion. They care a lot about how they look, how the hair is, how the clothes are. In general the looks. And this is giving them a really nice expression in front of other people. For the Norwegian men, it´s actually more difficult because of the weather is really cold. It´s always raining or snowing. So you have always to be technical. You will find guys with the long beard, with the long hair, with really really technical wearing. But the Norwegian men are about like 6 cm taller than the Italian men. So they are really, really short but the Norwegian are really, really tall. This is like from genetic stuff long time ago in history. As with the Italians to be really romantic they show a lot of emotions. In both positive and negative way. They are showing how much they love you, how much they care, and they are also showing how angry they are if this is happening. They are in general like always all over the place. Speaking with the hands. They are everywhere always. Norwegians are quiet, not telling a lot of stuff. Being a bit more like in their own bubble. Telling sometimes nice stuff. Sometimes they get angry, but they are not like the Italians. (wæhwæhwæh) Crazy all over the place. When it comes to giving compliments, i have to tell that i don´t know if i prefer the Norwegian or the Italians one actually, because the Norwegian ones are like almost never giving a compliment to a girl, but when they are actually doing it, they really really mean it. Normally for them is to ask do you have a new pair of shoes, do you have a new dress? not to tell like; ah! this dress, this was beautiful! Compared to the Italian ones which is telling always all the time. “Ah you are so beautiful! you are so amazing. Your eyes are beautiful, everything with you is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.” Almost too much, and this is because they have a culture of giving compliments all the time, it´s kind of nice, but it does not always means that they really mean what they are telling, like they really care. So, i don´t know if you get a compliment from a Norwegian guy lucky you. From the Italian one. Hmm, maybe don´t care too much about it. Since, the Italian is really really into fashion, really into nice clothing. This comes to a bit more difficult when it comes to in the home or if you need some help with some stuff, because as a girl you maybe not always want to do all the stuff yourself. For example if you have to build something inside the house. Or fix the car or like this. The Norwegian ones can be a bit more, because they are really technical wearing, a bit like viking already. They are gonna come out help you. They don´t get scared to dirty their hands. Compared to the Italian ones which is gonna, hmm yes, ok i can try to help you but in the end the Norwegian ones are the ones who are able to a bit more "handy" then the Italians. So, the kind of dating we do in Norway is normally that you go to the bar. You get kind of drunk. You have a couple of drinks. And after you maybe choose to join someone home, like one night stand. This is happing really really often with people in Norway. This is the way. And you kind f meet someone is friends with someone or maybe you meet a guy, and you decide to for example go to the cinema together or something, and you go on a date, this it the date you go to the cinema. Of course you will buy your own ticket. Because men and women are equal. And they are not really buying anything for you. This a shit, get it together guys. Really. But, if you go on a date with one Italian, this is the opposite. They will tell you where to meet, or else they will come and pick you up. He will bring you to the restaurant, you will drink wine, he will maybe give you a gift or flowers. And in the end, he is going to pay for the date. Here the Norwegian guys have a lot to learn. Ask the girls one a date, pleaseeee! it`s not so difficult. I remember the first time i meet my boyfriend. He was actually cooking dinner for me. It was really, really, really nice and everytime in the first times, if we would go to the restaurants or something, he would be paying. He got me gifts. This is what everyone wants to. This is real Italian romantic. He is telling he is not really romantic, but he actually really is. The Italian men, loves their mamma. And the mother is the first woman in their life always. They will always care about them more than you. But in Norway if you are in a relationship and you get together you are like connected, you are like two. But in Italy, you always have to add one extra person to the relationship. And this is the mamma of the man. The mamma is super, super important for them. So, do you like, you are a nice girl like this, but you are aways going to be number two. I´m sorry. In the end i think all mens are quite similar, but this was some of my small differences between the Norwegian and Italian ones, comment below if you like, and click here if you want to watch my video about 10 things to to do in Milano when you are coming here for visit. Subscribe below, and I will see you again soon. CIAO!
Channel: Ida Møsth Jonassen
Views: 364,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italy vs norway men, italy vs norway, italy vs, men, raoul bova, lasse matberg, girl, cute, blonde girl, love, relationship, italy, italians, norway, norvegia, norwegians, How are italian men?, How are norwegian men?, Norwegian men, Italian men, norge, norsk, experience, men differences, men stereotype, men stereotypes, stereotype, stereotypes, how are italian men, italian, romantic, italian lovers, lovers, dating, international dating, date culture, trondheim
Id: 4LwMgZ-9Dn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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