Italy Street Food: Florence Pork 🇮🇹

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it is pork o'clock I'm in Florence and I've actually been here for about a week I've been to benezia I have been to Florence have been doing a little tour with some friends of mine but I did promise you guys I was going to start filming every day so this is my first stab at daily vlogging now this place I'm about to show you I've been here before two days ago with noodles but I did not come here with my camera and I'm not gonna make that mistake twice because this is a very very unique little place let me pan the camera around here so you guys can see the beautiful thing lo and behold the beautiful Florentine pork last time I was there noodles was the one who ordered so I'm not sure what type of pork dishes they serve and so on but it came in a sandwich we had a glass of wine as well and I'm just gonna have the exact same thing I had back then so hello you remember me I was here a couple of days ago with my with my fat Korean friend but he what he was the one who ordered so I mean I don't remember what I had the number 3 is the best sandwich and the most popular sandwich the number 3 with what type of pork yeah it's this one yeah can I depend my camera over here so we can have a loser you can that is beautiful thank you I'm a big fan of pork okay I will take your recommendation yes is this your shop you're the manager I saw I remember seeing some sign here from 1916 it's from Perugia and it's been in this location for one year one year famous pork yeah awesome then I also had a wine I think I had a smaller bottle that would be great well there's a pork you hear now I'll get out of the vise and you can serve the other the other clients the white wine cold awesome this is three euros yeah and the pork seven euro seven to ten all together alright I'll just let the other people order and then I'll be back when it's ready okay all right enjoy the pork pork o'clock I feel that pork o'clock is catching on you know there's a lot of health benefits to porridge tons of vitamins there is minerals there is pretty much everything I think you can survive on only pork if you want to and highly recommend that you try and do that let me tell you one more secret here because I probably have to ramble on for about a minutes before it's ready ooh a market fancy a market and maybe that give me my video for tomorrow yeah the health benefits of pork if you eat roughly minimum I'd say three pork chops per day your skin just starts exceeding this almost divine glow that I have tried tested this and it's proven irresistible to women so if you're struggling with the ladies you need to up your pork intake my friend Wow so as soon as I came for pork o'clock now there's a big queue at this place should we ask this guy's water careful hello guys are you here for pork o'clock are you from Italy are you here for pork o'clock no I thought you being up for the pork you're not alright I'll be there then let me see how we prepare sit here for me one slice were you over the skin Oh well we can maybe we can start with a whiner let's see what it's like here Rafael oh did you guys buy a bit well I'm so used to when I'm filming just to put in to people's conversations and being rude like a lot of your comments you know react and how can you just butt into other people's conversation and so on and yeah I know I do that but I must say in some countries that it's harder to do than others and just being one of them you know people here are actually quite cultured and refined and I get a lot of skepticism with the camera but you know what I'm gonna try my best to make an Italy series at least hear from Florence I'm gonna try and make maybe 10 and 15 videos from here because this I think that Italy is actually an underrated country before I came out here I just checked the number one destination for tourists in the whole world and another one is actually France with 80 million people Italy gets something like 50 million people but you know what France has nothing on Italy Italy has everything it's just a much better country I'm sorry France so if you're planning a holiday to Europe don't choose France over Italy big mistake so this is my first time here in Florence and I am before I came here I was in Venice for about four days I only made one video there because it wasn't a filming holiday it was a holiday that I just wanted to hang out with some friends people have helped me with my youtube channel early patrons and so on but the reason I chose Venice is because I think Venice is the greatest city in the world but now that I have seen Florence I think Florence is gonna give Venice some competition here for the title greatest city in the world let's go back into the other fork is going are you here for pork o'clock what a lively Bunch there we go [Music] I think he was here for pork o'clock he stepped up to order now white wine beautiful the only problem here with this little shop I'll look at this is that there is nowhere to sit that's why I'm gonna title this video Street food so you kind of have to be a bit of a rebel stand in the street like the uncouth tourists that you possibly are I take it that you are since you're watching my videos with a wine and pork in hand but if you want to eat this pork that's how it has to be done let's get the money ready here I don't want an Sam for too much for this man's business is it getting there ready almost ready for the guy I'm to do you say ah we do mine afterwards okay [Music] I'll give the camera a little rest and then when it's just me here then I'm gonna throw the camera in there and then we can see how he makes them see you in one minute all right he just called me back and he said he's your thorn that is right John yes I appreciate that I'm ready here it comes out of the album here we go down on the table can I ask you how long this lasts one Pig oh yeah you sell it for in two days or three days oh I have a medium one pig in one day why forgive me yes one whole pig in one day how many sandwiches from one Pig 300 is the medium 300 million people will take it and a little bit slice it for them 300 grams but I can't wait for this but the medium is that's crazy it's a lot of pork the people from Italy and from I think only part in the world they love it this food you love your pork and I love that you love your report thank you so much thank you so much thank you here we go they were on point or do you have it I have it I have it that's good thank you so much give it take it thank you thank you so much anything you didn't have to do that Wow pork o'clock it's a crowd here now USA you guys are Americans right yeah so a wine and this one for 10 not bad not bad where you from Norway nope not Alabama yeah that's what you get thought you guys basketball players were you guys at karaoke a couple of days ago ah as I ran into some three days ago Americans out drinking singing karaoke night can water you help me out I'm making a video and people always if I buy foods and don't show them that I eat it they say that's the best part so it's already filming just hold it like that what's the video for you have a youtube channel yes this is for I don't know what I'm gonna call this maybe pork o'clock or something like that virgin so let's see this is what it looks like guys they have a new cameraman from America right here yep basketball team at Stanford University everyone stay below or did you take a bite if I want some Instagram followers now would be that I'm I really Neal Peggy Mitch James to Isaac Louis why D beg to one add Sam Baskin absolutely better get a couple follower okay you're gonna get more than a couple okay yeah I need a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 okay yep to one decimal point you know like five point two six you very meticulous about your pork right side right yes yeah we need that one by the yes out of 10 which is one decimal point after the first bite like the first line here we go one bite ever knows the rules little New York flop there we got a little flop yeah good little flop looks solid though huh interesting how's the cheese 10/10 you can't go ten because then you can't have any better another interesting point it's not with that fork than this Wow good I'm gonna get better bread and cheese oh this poor how's your buddy I'm gonna tell just one baby look at the wine okay wine that's big they wash it down right what kind of wine are we looking else no wine is zoomin on the wine here we got to see one the wine is uh maybe a five out of ten I'll get the job done he's gonna get the job done sir all right thank you thank you so much for being a cameraman absolutely love these guys my friends my channel okay little break here I'm gonna talk to these guys off camera then I'll continue the tour down to put it to vecchio bridge and I'm probably gonna have some more wine and maybe a cake see you there it is still pork o'clock and I'm now surrounded by the American team who all of them decided to get some pork party gone okay I hope now you take this tradition with you back to America and introduced the term pork o'clock it is always pork o'clock thank you guys so much bye-bye remember to subscribe to those guys they're here for a basketball tournament I'm still eating it's very good the whole team they also love it and they listened all over all of them God sorry I will fix that I will fix it I was I was eating and we were all standing and I guess some pork fell on the on the ground I'll fix it but not approving only we do not see that so many part oh I don't edit it it's all gonna be unedited I'm gonna show everything so we're all standing here surround all eating pork the whole team outside this shop but now it kind of looks like this and the lady came out and complained understandable so I was gonna put this down and fix it but are you gonna fix it I'm sorry man this is how Norwegians and Americans eat all right I will I will come I'll come back tomorrow and I will show you the video all unedited teacher makes something nice for the clothes the video for example thanks for watching thanks for watching I'm so sorry for my English work then you're doing fine listen guys if you're in Florence this is right next to the market what is the name of that market that one if people want to find your shop how do they come here really male 4 for example two councilmen and the Palazzo is right there so it's easier to find so I mean the whole basketball team they love the pork I love the pork I'm now finally gonna finish this and put the camera down so if you're in Florence guys I mean please come here check it out highly recommended thank you so much for for being a good sport with everything you're welcome okay signing off bye bye guys I'm back as soon as I clicked for stop recording I heard behind me mr. holder and this guy said hello hey are you from of London - London yes before you and the bankrupt one yeah he's where we feelin rush isn't he's an Avenger Russia he was here though he was in the net sir mister so who's your favorite me or the world in the bankrupt one also you really yeah you hear that mr. bankrupt give us mr. Buddha go tell me where to go to eat tonight here try this for the oh yeah looks good alright I'm gonna have a have a chat for this guy off camera I don't want to film every interaction bye bye guys next time we'll be on the bridge
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 357,715
Rating: 4.8144679 out of 5
Keywords: Italy Street Food, Italian Kitchen, Food in Italy, Pork in Italy, Sandwich pork italy, Florence restaurant, food of Florence Italy, Florence
Id: ipYuReDGRzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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Pork O'clock

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