Italian train system - An easy way to use Trains in Italy

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good morning everyone today we've got a cool show we're gonna be talking about how to travel in Italy by train stay cute so today we're talking about trains in Italy yes lots of people are asking us how do you travel anytime by train it's confusing how it is actually it's very simple well sure I think part of the confusion is that perhaps people might not be familiar with being able to travel between cities you know and having so much connections and then having all of the names of the different train stations but today we're gonna clear all of that up exactly let's talk about the two types of trains yes so first of all there's two types of train there's the high speed train and the regular trains the icepick trains have two main routes because from north to south and east west so the North house is Milan Bologna Florence Rome and now reggio calabria that's pretty south it's pretty tough broad tracks the tracks were the area yeah but they didn't finish it until now because of kovat yes actually so so that's the main north-south or east-west goes from Torino Milano bass so these are the high speed train they go to up to an hour oh they're really fast it takes about two hours from Milan to Florence at about an hour 45 from Flores to Rome so it's actually really really good sure and and it certainly beats taking an airplane yeah because you can just show up and sometimes even last minute we'll get to that in a little bit my ticket for the high speed train there are a few ways to do it like online you can check our website for that we've got - link there or you can buy the train station yeah and there are two main companies there's italo and Trenitalia they're both actually really good they're both for a reliable very good trains great service so just check on which one is cheaper and which one is most convenient for four times typically though ETL oh I found to be a little bit cheaper than Trenitalia but Trenitalia seems to be more comfortable yes so if you like a more luxury sort of travel than the first class on Trenitalia is the way to go yeah it's absolutely beautiful yeah yeah and then these trains have different classes of service they are like usually they have a prima which is the first class and then they have a business which is something in between their flats or comfort or smart - depends on the company they have different names and then they at the regular secondo which is the class the difference is like meniscal and the for us I think the main difference is in Prima or in business class use it as no kids which is much wider right and on on some of the trains that you can have area silenzio so using silent like cars that that are silent so you have to turn your phone's off no kids no barking dogs and so on and so on and they're actually quite pleasant particularly on the longer routes if you want to nap or something like that if you're doing for example in Milan to Napoli which is probably five hour train ride you want to go into Silencio zone definitely definitely so for this kind of train you must buy your ticket in advance you can now just show off and catch the train and then try to buy the ticket on board because seats are signed and you cannot stand so if there's no seats you cannot buy the ticket right and so he's getting a lot of trouble we found that usually the sooner you buy the ticket the cheaper so if you're planning on going in a month check for tickets right away yeah actually I noticed that the the first class is often significantly cheaper further out so if you booked if you if you have lots of time like we're talking about you know two months dance you can book the first-class ticket yeah you know very cheaply and I think the going on the on you know when should you go in first class on a train anything more than I don't know an hour yeah well it's up to you separately depends on what how much you want to spend and basically but sometimes the difference like a really minimum like we talked about five-year or difficult so is it worth it sure we travel from Reggie Amelia which is our large fast high-speed train station to Milan quite often it's a 40-minute run and it you know we it's a toss-up what a class we pick so I mean it could be the regular class or it could be first and the difference could be exactly you know five euros but for forty forty minutes who cares exactly right what are they trying from Jamelia to Naples for five hours then maybe we should consider five first class because it's much quieter you can have a little rest close your eyes and it's it's much more exactly exactly cool and I will talk about the regular trains all right so regular trains or the intercity original a probe in chali these trains are the ones that go in between the smaller towns and smaller cities if you're traveling to Italy from from North America you're and you arrive by train somewhere to a large city like Rome or Florence you're gonna arrive by most likely by high-speed train but let's say you're in Florence and you want to go to Pisa it's good to see the Leaning Tower yeah there's no high speed train to go this is 40 what 86 km/h channel for this kind of training so if you take every turn on a train you do not need to book a ticket in advance you just show up at the station buy the ticket and there you go seats are not aside so you might end up standing up if the Train is very busy you further or not but they might be mine sure and if you don't want to to buy it at the station you can actually buy it on our website Travel addicts slash trains and we'll put a link there that's you to get the Train Italia for the intercity and the Eurostar you can buy ticket in advance in the seat assigned so which are much better but those have less stops than the originality written on even if they stop in every single town they are more like commuter kind of train and they are slower but if you want to go to the smaller cities or destination that's the way to go exactly there's some specialty train like the train that connects Airport to downtown like the Fiumicino Express that's right Leonardo Express will take you from Fiumicino to Rome eternity those long non-stop incredibly cheap yeah and that's all it does it just goes back to make it back and forth those are specialty train or the train in cinque terre for example it's little local trying to stops in every single one of the Cinque Terre that's right from the specia all the way down to it stops in every single bondage but there are a lot specialty trains are meant to be for tourists to go from destination to destination and are actually quite comfortable by nice showing tan teaching with their own guessin so very pretty yeah however if you're planning on going to cinque terre i highly recommend go by boat yes actually that's one thing to mention the smaller trains in the summertime can get a little warm if the air conditioning isn't working it can be problematic but on the high speed trains not super comfortable but last year we took the train from roma termini to civitavecchia when we color our boat to the mediterranean and actually it was extremely comfortable in our train ride it was I like that's right nine euros vs. hundred fifty euros right so it's not very convenient to stopped a lot but it was an hour and we didn't really mind it short and and it worked out really well yeah another thing to note about the train stations is that if you're if you have lots of luggage yes might be problematic especially if you have mobility issues one thing in Civitavecchia last year we went to so we were catching our cruise to the Mediterranean and we had to cross the tracks but in order to cross the tracks we had to go under the tracks like this little so little was gonna kiss ya staircase it was an underpass yeah exactly an underpass that's that's the word I was looking for and both of the elevators on either side or under maintenance so these poor old people going to their trains with 17 pieces of luggage had to to go up the stairs on foot without it with the luggage so just keep that into consideration if you have mobility issues and if you're carrying lots of luggage yeah trains might be problematic especially the smaller ones that's correct that's very strong so once you have this ticket you book your ticket your Booker CQ book your train so what do you need to do when you get to the train station so first of all you have to check with truck is your train going it gonna be two on there's a usually science everywhere there's like screen that tells you with the train number the track number just go to the track five minutes before and there you go but actually here in Italy they call the track Benari o bean are you and it might say B I n so you'll want to take a look at that it might say bi N and then a number then you just show up there yeah for the guys B train usually they have an English announcement as well but for the ground training who knows sometimes they do sometimes they don't so but actually after kovat I noticed a lot of new recordings yes ma both in English and a town Thank You Colvin so it's forced to train companies to rerecord everything with safety measures and this time and the other thing and of course they have better directions now yes on where passengers should go correct so if you have your seat assigned just look for the car car number and then you can see your seat in that cars what is it right if your seat is not assigned just sit whatever you find in your class of service Prima or secondo and the car number in Italian will won't say Carl's in Kurata so just remember karatsu is car examined and that will be what you that will be the area that you want to stand perfect yeah and that's about it for travelling by train in Italy if you're planning of spending lots of time in Italy maybe a summer MA and month in the summer and you're planning on taking lots of train then I would suggest you to download the app for the train company you want to go with either in Italia or return or both that's gonna make your life much easier especially the high speed train you can go you're getting your ticket paperless so on your phone and the app is very good for that sure and even if folks buy the ticket online they can then move the ticket into your Apple wallet for instance or into a PDF file or however else you know you might store it on your phone so in that way they're pretty they're pretty up to date there is one thing that we need to mention for the commuter trains that's super super super important if you happen to go and buy the a commuter train ticket at the train station not online when you go to the train station to buy it you have to validate that ticket right there that is very important if you don't validate your ticket and you get on the train and they ask you you will be subject to a fine yes so check the little machine at the train track and validate get tickets right there a reason being those tickets are not based on dates or or special seeds they're just like it's just a ticket it's just a ticket and the ticket is valid for an period of time so before using it validated like a bus right yeah so you could potentially use it 17 times and this is one way to prevent that yeah although I don't understand why it is that they can send a ticket to the phone and that one is okay that one doesn't need to be validated like if you have an online it doesn't need to be validated but the one if you that you buy at the train station for the smaller trains not the high-speed trains those ones need to be validated that's the way it is we don't know but maybe someone that's gonna leave a comment with the with the reason why I do knows maybe maybe this whole coded pandemic thing will change even though you have the better exactly well I think that's it for the claims if you have any more question just need a comment down and we'll try to answer the question for you for sure and if you like what you're watching if you like watching us give you tips about travel definitely go ahead and hit the subscribe button that way you never miss a video exactly and that's it for today anything thanks guys thank you for watching you later
Channel: Travel Addicts Life
Views: 29,736
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Keywords: Italian train system, Using the Italian Train System, Italian Train System how to, italian train sytem, how to take the train in italy, Trains in Italy, italian trains, train in Italy, Italian Train, italy train, traveling in Italy by train, Trains, traveling by train, Traveling in Italy by train, Travel Addicts Life, fast trains in italy, Canadians living in Italy, italy high speed train, high speed trains, italy travel tips, Rick and Andrea, train in italy
Id: 49meuKfokIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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