Italian Songs Compilation Part 1- The Maestro & The European Pop Orchestra (Performance Music Video)
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Keywords: music, live, video, the maestro, andre rieu, a song of peace, world peace, song, peaceful music, peace, performance, live music, music video, andrea bocelli, 和平之歌, 世界和平, 歌曲, 和平音樂, 和平, 音樂, 視頻, 生活, 性能, 音樂視頻, 現場音樂, 安德里亞·波切利(Andrea Bocelli), 安德烈·瑞, uma canção de paz, paz mundial, canção, música pacífica, Paz, música, stage, violin, celtic music, traditional, classical music, violinist, dublin, instrumental music, 都柏林, 愛爾蘭洗衣婦, 安德烈陰霾, 愛爾蘭人, 小提琴, 洗衣女, 傳統的, 聖帕特里克節, 愛爾蘭, 古典音樂, André Rieu, Andrea Bocelli, viver, desempenho
Id: yKz92JOOb8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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