Italian Grandma Makes Ravioli

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Oh Tommy Gina University my grade or they want me to make a radio so I'm gonna read a mate okay what's on your apron oh my all my grandchildren that's why they give a middle rather they prefer makers make pasta ravioli now we start and now if we need a little water in a little water little more water first mile to the south and then we make up four eggs six feet and I will can stop measure the salt women to spoon you the song the one investor to spoon you to solve like this no the two large tablespoons of salt how much water do you have about a cup I want to say go number four what about a half a cup it's s cup okay this is you can put a less oh you know you know not the poor okay okay now we pull our you do to this proud very proud the problem of today going well no and no anything like this before ever all right so go all right I put foreign to here now we can start below this you are worth something here so you're making the dollar I met blow I did we need another because I put too much flour okay sir but the flour I know made oh that's right you didn't measure the flour so you're mixing it till you get the right consistency so this will be the pasta for the raviolis yeah that's a pasta that's a good dog no how many where we always do you think you're gonna make for six people I don't know what you think when we make we see how much of a gun so we don't know but we'll find out who taught you how to make this huh who taught you how to make this your mother oh we got it tonight know who taught you how to make the ravioli ah oh my god they want to all make and they want Omega Omega mu bake so did your mother teach you how to do this these raviolis hi your mother yeah my mother my grandmother and wallet all the family we use of the make we also make any Dali anyway okay in Italy we may go on bake everything years ago we know you go going to start by the pasta maker make a car dealer we make a Jean you know what the song and now real one we all time we make up oh yeah that's right that's what everybody likes now it's all the homemade stuff they wanna almost make the stuff and now we out of time with the mega we make that's great so you're kneading the dough you got a what allowed on the dog got to work it yeah have one though and then you got a nice the middle of a buffoon but ten minutes I forgot a rest a little bit me Jess illusion de la pasta yes the doke it's like to get shiny look shine oh okay so you keep working it till it starts the gunshot I'm at the pasta it come a nice shine the shop for gesture better making heck sighs a look yes yes I see oh boy lot of exercise he made it aside like this can our knife one knife you can make it to ball when we start with pickle it one time it had less sustain the plastic a day they keep a tender the keep food they make a knot crossed another then it's a little warm hey Brenda class they show me the boss show me the ball to ball ok and it's a damn of the dog it may be like this let's say a flower and then you work it we make a reveal ok wait a half hour Wow can we make a video ok so now we're going to wait a half hour to let the dough rest yeah and then we'll start out of the stuff okay I'm gonna ask you for a bit of the stuff before the reveal ok ok we're back now we make the stuffing so 2 pints of the ricotta every pond 1 eggs so yeah with you we need two eggs our cat okay putting the ball and put the wait two eggs mom a 2 2 X now we make one cup of the parmigiana cheese ok we make a Lydia not depend on our dependent we just a little bit we want little paper just a little bit like this that's all make a spoon we make a soft boy we got a taste I know a partially your parceling and say and people help each other not too much the DFO boots RL because the raviolis they call up cheese review on the suppose test we called the cottage radio okay so it's not a half a pound of cheese Oh an embosser oh that's single challenge yeah but Syrah okay it the wave so that that's of the stuffing okay that's the stuff assault on you over the pace than others when you finish the mix you tasted put a salt that you taste okay okay this is it okay now we sad babies yeah we're all set go hey um look doc I know it's my fault now we start with the dollars already and then we got this you do like this they big enough like this little thing you have a little flower fire we need flour no no it's in the dish my brother put on the hand oh now here's the mush okay she's a bit of a stop no useful mush what number do you have the machine on what number is the machine no no more clue number two okay the last Lyman normal six last one will be six okay so what to be safe look I said maybe five five or six five or six now we said okay no set seven of those more so then our first kid now we put another no one is as cool now a metaphor right that's a five that's fine that's fine okay we're gonna go right to five five but your bandana quad because I've used us you just stick belong okay drag on wow it's getting wrong but my cool Oh Fatima Fatima Bob all right this one I took to his face Xena yeah but where's the right foot from his face you're gonna go to six or now I'm not what about Shannon oh hi Dora I got this another thumb one more time okay put the little flower on it okay now at 6:00 why is it something like that video quanta so dope sit up take it it out oh go on listen Moon crystal up assault and go oh I stopped the clock gotta go around the table this doesn't make the solution okay so one on top one on the bottom it's a noble to see so their pin number 6 number side machine ok ok ma give Matt the stuff finger Christy little water here so mom see good time like this ok mmm a good healthy spoonful it is is only Riley already got a pull like this okay you can do like or not support to do this all right ukulele wire to hear me waiting here this just plain old water they got a stick got a stick so with wet okay this one's about and of us don't best percent at the time they are put on the top okay stop me here okay press around it seal it up easier but it all will creep at our little alley cause then take the table call report all day and then when I make a you put one of my learning put all of it ah okay that's what okay keep the put one holiday but Bouchard because it this is all it's an hour reading good then need to get your Noah yeah we need to know what I need it's not that sharp well Isamu novelty most of us takua you take like this put back in the plastic lose the trust and then we do it again no me yeah pulling the plug then you redo that so and okay then we keep going what's more close you're a hot dog okay so then we keep going till we're all done right yeah that's a same thing come off with it okay so then I die but you wanna die I'm not gonna okay don't there one more oh my gosh okay we're doing another one nice oh yeah and then we make this supposed to be long without like that one okay we want to throw down when I'm already I pass it on down now we put that's a nice long no for the Napa okay okay sometimes you can use of the brush you know just like this little word now use of a thing why because you want also little brush okay to like this I brush it probably be easier right say pulling the brush okay yeah all right so then you're going to keep doing them till they're all done yeah I put it everything out of town they got a dry a little we cook with a gravy we okay all right so later we'll shout all right okay say bye good bye good bye all right so we're lining them up here to get a little dry all right now we finish to the one there are many on the grind the path the board and we put the ravioli okay these are the ravioli Saturday hey now the water is boiling the water is boiling and we put them in the boiling water is there salt in the water yeah they'll play me okay all right we got some salt in the water okay we've got it need the time when I pass up mm-hmm oh yeah come on your dog will talk just out of four okay that's a less yeah okay now we let them boy now that got bored let me take up to the biggest fool you know what it would be cool just to move a little bit gotta move a little big car okay okay all right so yeah the let's look I got the spaghetti now just forget it okay we had some leftover dough yeah we can make another time of this and so we made spaghetti yeah make another famous spaghetti well show you how that was done on another video okay David killed on a moment I will get your move okay so we gotta wait for the water to get away from their mom ah it's gotta come on man it's about ten minutes okay I'll get out now the one throw me on a bit cook okay now we put out to sea they cook all away low when the warning they already know then okay you got them in the colander to to drain it Saturday okay okay finish of this pot we make a dish okay gonna make a dish and take some raviolis how much I make five we H 1 that sounds good 5 in Chauhan 5 6 7 make one make one show us how you make one okay then we put the cheese oh sorry sorry I am I'm a fat dude you put the cheese you like this nice little pecorino romano pecorino romano and then we make up the dough make almond make salsa this is homemade tomato sauce oma made a couple money the sauce sit down Abbey yes it okay and when I say everybody can almost ran me over come on hey anybody give me one of you okay thank you for showing us so okay say bye bye bye wanna pity them okay I wanna pity the can ciao ciao ciao
Channel: Buon-A-Petitti
Views: 706,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ravioli, raviolli, italian, grandma, homemade, homemade ravioli, petitti, gina, easy, italy, cook, cooking
Id: n68W0bVolmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2016
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