Italian Grandma Makes Gnocchi

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[Music] hello I'm Gina today I am into my daughter house if the kitchen I look at different the look because I'm here so this variable so they go hon in my daughter she said man you got to stay with me and we gotta stay inside and then hey we got a lease and everybody got released and anybody got to stay inside that's the way not yes Lee hey I had to sign the making your code for my son-in-law it's all let's have a triple dare he yeah but either out potater they motor dry it did even yoga come a bear I have a one in a castle I have 1 cup of the flour one cup of pecorino romano you know then you're not supposed to make a map because of my son a lawyer like a pecorino roma I put a pickle in a row man I have a little black pepper a little salt and EC you need it's a very similar summiting the symbol we press at the time you got place the time you gotta find a summer thing good to do that says he the Patera that's a to punch at the potato now I got I got cook see I put on over they in the water I I wash your every now put in the world and the cold the water I put in the water they keep along because of they big they keep along about 40 minutes or one hour I know you gotta check when it's ready you pour ah I put of your mail I put a mellow all the way when my day baller you put a medium me so this is you cover like it is hey you forget almost one hour you got it Jake okay and then we see later okay let me check out the Patera supposed to be done Anna yeah you see they still astray you got a check we don't want to overcook because when they overcook they all open it and they put the water inside we just took out then don't you start down there see they go through say not a go through this one you can go on this one you say they go through you gotta check when with the four cook go down then at the Patera is cook see look at the potato they cook depend on the size of the potato when they're smaller they cook more fast when they be good they cook they pick a time so now we got it now we take a wrap t we take a wrap okay I share a rough for the tale I have at this one of the draft of the world you just to pick her up at the Patera they put in here they drop the word and we got peeler say they're not supposed to do open up because of the water go inside they gotta stay like this now we bring at the Puteri and then we got a peeler we take the patellar dislocation to top it there here I put a Petare on my end like this you use some think because I know I thought that the ante okay hold of longer you used to like this and you start with the peel say you start with the P and this is the heart of appeal you can use of the knife you can use of the knife or like this say you gives you the knife you take at the time a little bit a time in a way so you get this right you do like this little bit with my finger am i naive okay huh you check everything is done you take it off everything's done you put on today you say that's a potato big thing that's why they take a long of a cooker and you take another one go here and you pee we finish the order all three these are two points of the Patera the big we gotta use this now we can smash with this because you measured up there first of all you make a like if you make a small one to put over there you got a smoke and then you take this you see that's the smaller screen they are one a little bigger but this is the smallest room you need the smaller screen you put the potato pull like this is a squeeze hmm you put more like this a squeeze in the squeeze you can do like this okay you can more little bit a time you know then you make it too much sure they know come out little bit that time okay the potato olefination a see now we put this at the patella now they gotta cool it down a little bit like maybe they gotta stay 50 minutes they cool down and then we started to do the rest all right just we gotta wait Lily okay the potato is cool Donna now we finish the dough now this is the potato Michael P I gotta make one a courser this is me a little bit like this makes a little bit make a little all in here you make a little hole like this and you put away okosan you put the excess in here and then you should do a little bit here like this and then and now we put a flower this is the eggs and now we put a flower the flower I use like this this is a black paper go here if this is the salt I put in the flour pour everything in the flower and now the flower I do like this let the flower and I do like this a I go like this yeah this is that's a 1 cup of the flour and now we started to the 1 cup we need the more of we put a more that this one is typical you know Romana because my son Lloyd like the pecorino romano they say that it's too plain when they either like this they have a no taste she wants a taste of the cheese yeah I put the tricks that's just a pecorino romano I put 1 cup ok hey that's a say and now we got we got a mix now we got a mix we start the with this just start to make run around and run around the column they got a mix that's it I started with a very delicate you know the potato it's a very delicate and by it you have the squeeze a little bit we make one cup of the flour when when the potatoes dry they no need to then have a no no worried they no need to too much flour when the potato it's more water they keep more flour you have all the time a little flour and dough on the side you need a you put a little flour they okay they okay because like I said the potato was right out there they're very dry you don't need too much crap you put another little bit of flour say like they're nice a soft a nice soft I make a longer line at this nicest but they're a nice a soft all right now we got a mega knocker not yucky all right knock I put the flower like I put a flower before I start I put the flower the place I got a pure say you put a little flower under the sheet you put a flower little bit up like this and then you put a little bit over there a little bit over there you you sort of flower okay and now we cut you can make a like this okay kids make a dish best of the time you old man keep it busy keep busy you ain't no squirrel or nothing that's a very bad mistake you got to stay home hey keep busy make something brother sister Ola to get made to make us something like this okay niya cut I like the knife you could put on like this some big some small so hey it's okay not make a difference Sam because guys some small see nothing like this you do you want you know want to make up frenzy you could cook like this but I want to make some like a do gracious I'm a fencing at this is use a little flour all the time a little flour like this and then you use of the for Carver for can way you use of the fort you put the flour and the Frog you take a one you just make like this you do like this just do like this and that make a decoration then back at the garage just to do like this and the camera like this and go wrong yeah you can make a more the bigger than this but when they cook I know on a big big alright I make a dish and I gotta pull over there Lou Caputo via nice even no one at the top button at one they can stay like all separate all spray all right now make it a rest now we can't go like this and we make it a rest okay i'ma finish all of Phoenicia nah nah I finished the pool yeah this one I got froze this one I put a little paper I got froze hey that one we cook because today we know we three people nobody in the lab so three people so we cook F and not a F we we coconut a time so I put in the freezer days these are putting the fries over there and they stick couple of our they death throes and then when they froze I put in the I put in the bag look this I make a last week there was the flowers I put in here now when I need we cook they couple of our defrost and we put in the bag all right today I gotta make two dish I fix it away the gnocchi I wanna fix the two way I have a did the pastor remember when I make a VCO when I make a disappear stir and then I keep it the frigerator man I you know it's because it's only volure daylily like froze i put out or maybe I forego fr ago I put out and neither here looking at that this processor there like this when you when you curry over the food early on the top and I told before now you need you you take this you take the like you need to this I care make a summer with with the best I may be couple of spoon you you take a couple of spoon you like this and you make it here and we make it a review or we make it the teeny okay then your key okay it this one making sure they have enough holy for next time you checked you check you see you have enough earlier for next time I see April you put it back and then you have the lover enough for livin they not go bad and you put it back in the frigerator that's the pistol knock over the paster now I'm I have a salsa to the rest I'm wonderful the pests are a wonder what the salsa because I want to the pace that my son a lawyer wants over the pad with the salsa a I make a salsa out of this yo I make a sauce I make a lot of salsa do you wanna watch me when I make a salsa because this I make a before okay and now this is another thing when you you pull the before you you put on technically they cook fast they cooker way they cook you have to prepare before this prepare before the dish and then you put the pasta in the world you put in your in the world okay this is this one of the poorer lead this I put little bit in the putana this is different this support little bit in the pattern like this and when the yuccas cook I put a straight in the South I leave it a little bit of a repeat put on the top I leave a little bit so this is this stay here this is stay here and this is stay here when it's all ready now and I put the New Yorker because then you could I cook a fast the Pat the ball you look the bat the ball you then I stick this let me put a little salt you gotta put salt like this and this is the gnocchi now I want to cook after the gravy fo the Pacer not pouring in the world war ii baller okay at this a netizen exit oh now you can't wait to another in your code that dance underwater the karel appel everybody up at the water than a day they cook just just a little bit you have a delight just a little better like this say they start already they cook fast they cook fast let me open about this Muslim ok little warmer after the salsa I think they done I think you did down see the OL on the top of the water say hole on the top of the world now you put it up I pick it up like this you drain a little bit I put in the search this is what the saucer you say I put in the south yeah and this is the Yakko the salsa nah I gotta okay this is a duck and shut it off this and then you put in here you put into this okay so this is a addition with the what the salsa that's in your core you the salsa there's metal good this matters good now we got a cook at the other one with a pacer now we gotta make a dish through the paste I put over there and then they I make up the rest of the the rest of the Nakayama here hey I'm mega the rest the PATA boria you can use the same award because I wasn't not too much anyway you can use the same award oh right now you gotta wait at that ball you gotta wait just in the beginning the juice to start a little bit to the move summertime it's one on the top at another one I just try to move a little bit let they come up that's just something we know make all the time once in a while once on whether you you feel a good I think they done you see they all on the top they've done but too many it's an order done like the very tender all right now put out a I put over there I hope to this shut up this rah did this is a they stood in York this was a Pesta now I drink of the yeah and we gotta eat and I bring coffee every girl all right this was the salsa it is sort of pista just do like this you want to use more cheese you can put more cheese on the top the way you want in the in the best day of everything a day all right this is he all work now we are here this is what the pastor the one I like this is what the paste I put some in the dish like this I put some in the dish at this what Assad enemy put in the dish to a salmon the dish to this end result okay couple more let me see now I want to put a little cheese let you see here like this a little cheesy here okay hey this is a this is a gnocchi you see let me test let me see what I paid the heater they're good now I want to test this to let me see this it's nothing at all they go that they got what I gonna say they go okay look the south side is very good the one is good so the New York especially the specialis oh no sweetie Alec all right this is he now we have a little it's a little tougher time what can I say everybody the inside and then we are able to stay that way we can pray stay inside and they they come and they come at a time of the time a calm everything's okay I want to say in Italy in Italia to talk to talk we stock esta su Tendo studied and repartee a chair studied and bambini status and ear idea need or ketu tapas era to toe to toe Becerra al normality Brima okay and we gotta pray we gotta pray there's some day and they no longer summer day everything is come back in normal something that they come in normal okay hey I see you next time I know it's a very hard day all the children they look at me they watching me Larry childred si that watching me and Big B we go the watch you make a pass at the time bye-bye I love you everybody back [Music]
Channel: Buon-A-Petitti
Views: 1,476,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gina, italian, petitti, nonna, grandma, cooking, homemade, cook, easy, italy, fresh, old, fashion, tradional, bake, baking, cooking italian, gnocchi, potato, potatoes, sauce, pesto, vegan, vegetarian
Id: jJKc-NPvD8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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