Itachi Uchiha's Abilities (Naruto)

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this video was made in collaboration with narutopedia for more information check out the link in the description [Music] Itachi uchiha's abilities from Naruto even within the famed and battle Adept Uchiha Clan Itachi was a genius of such talent he consistently showed prowess well beyond his Years effortlessly Learning new Jutsu from simple observation and Rising rapidly through the ninja ranks his prowess rivaled shisuiuchiha who was well regarded as the strongest Uchiha of their time he was highly proficient in all three main ninja skill sets and gained praise from allies and foes alike Orochimaru one of the sanin openly admitted Itachi was stronger than he was Obito revealed that despite being weakened from illness and Sasuke having absorbed orochimaru's Powers Itachi could have killed Sasuke during their battle if he wanted to even while restraining himself a team of joanine were still pushed to their limits against Itachi welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over Itachi uchiha's abilities before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos chakra and physical prowess Azan Uchiha Itachi's chakra was naturally strong it's unknown how his actual reserves were affected by his terminal illness just three uses of his mangekyo Sharingan in a single day made him unable to use his Sharingan and he would require significant rest afterwards to regain his strength this also prevented him from participating in prolonged battles Itachi had very refined chakra control however which compensated for this even able to perform his techniques with one-handed seals although not his preferred method of combat Hitachi was very skilled with taijutsu enough to easily defeat three members of the konoha military police force at the age of 11. he had exceptional speed and reflexes able to compete with shisui who was well famed for his own speed his quickness was particularly noted with his hand movements able to make hand seals too fast to be perceived normally even skilled Sharingan users had difficulty following him his speed could move great distances in an instance as if by displacing himself giving his opponent little chance to react or initiate a counter-attack Itachi also showed remarkable fortitude despite spending years Afflicted with a crippling disease he was able to maintain his composure at all times and still battle at near perfect form ninjutsu Itachi could summon crows which he would typically call forth in flocks to swarm opponents and distract them he even integrated crows into clones of himself that would draw opponent's attacks Hitachi was also well versed in fuingjutsu particularly those that would activate in the presence of a specific person's Sharingan from his time in anbu Itachi became proficient in stealth infiltration and assassination bukijutsu as a fully trained konoha anbu Itachi was skilled with a sword which was his primary weapon during the Uchiha Clan downfall like many Uchiha he specialized in shurikenjitsu which he was especially Advanced at even as a child Itachi could perfectly hit an intricate set of eight targets one of which was hidden in a blind spot by accurately deflecting his projectile off another one to redirect both projectiles paths in mid-air his throwing speed was imperceptible enough to negate the advantages of the summoning lightning flash blade creation he was equally comfortable with kunai able to use them to spar with opponents wielding swords in the anime he learned Advanced sleight of hand from shisui to give his opponents even less time to react nature transformation Itachi's nature Transformations included fire water wind yin and yang release as nuchiha he had a natural affinity for Fire release mastering the Clan's great Fireball technique at a very young age he would often coach shuriken with fire to increase their offensive capabilities with water release Itachi could perform the water dragon bullet it technique without an external water source as well as shape existing water into tendrils to strike his opponents from all directions genjutsu consistent with his pacifist nature Itachi specialized in genjutsu where Illusions would typically involve crows regarded as one of konohakakure's best users even without the aid of his Sharingan his Illusions have remarkable potency able to seamlessly affect his targets without them realizing it while on guard he could also perform them by merely pointing at his Target he is noted by owa to have reached such high prowess that he could use genjutsu to control other individuals outside of the range of even the sensor division Itachi could also use genjutsu to share information or psychologically disable opponents letting him end the fight instantly Sharingan Itachi awakened the Sharingan at age eight after witnessing his teammate Tenma izumo's death and soon after mastered it from a young age he demonstrated skill and power Superior to most members of his clan in the anime his prowess and exploits with it earned him great Fame as Itachi of the Sharingan he tends to keep a Sharingan active near constantly with minimal drain on his chakra levels the Sharingan allows Hitachi to see the flow of chakra predict movements as well as facilitate the use of genjutsu against other genjutsu users he could turn their genjutsu against them also with the Sharingan he could perform izanami a counterpart to the more dangerous Izanagi mangekyo Sharingan Itachi awakened the mangekyo Sharingan after witnessing shisui's suicide its design was three spiraling curves around the pupil with both eyes he could use tsukiomi again Jutsu that trapped opponent's Minds in an illusory World altering their perception of time with his right eye he could use a matarasu igniting whatever he looked at with black Flames that would burn anything including fire itself he had the ability to extinguish a matarasu having awakened the mangekyo in both his eyes Itachi could also use susano with its simplest manifestations he could produce extra arms or bones to improve his options in a fight when used in full Itachi was surrounded by a spectral Warrior that could protect him from damage in addition to the chakra swords and yasuka magatama comment al-susano Itachi susano wielded the sword of tatsuka an ethereal sword with the ability to seal any person pierced by it into its gourd Hilt and the yada mirror a shield that was said to reflect any attack by changing its chakra nature to counterbalance and attack the simultaneous use of both weapons made Itachi susano essentially invincible using any of these techniques required large amounts of chakra if you use these techniques too often in a short span of time itachu becomes so fatigued that he would deactivate his Sharingan altogether every time he used his mangekyo Sharingan his eyesight deteriorated a process that would progressively worsen on each occasion early uses of the mangekyo would only cause his eyes to bleed but by the end of his life he reached the point where he was nearly blind most things looking to him like mere blurs he does not suffer these shortcomings after his reincarnation and can use all his mangekyo techniques without problems intelligence Itachi was a highly intelligent individual having the second highest scores in the history of the academy behind Minato namakazi despite the differences in age at the Academy with Itachi graduating at age 7 and Minato at age 10 compose and observant he thought very quickly and remained calm in a fight enabling him to respond with maximum efficiency and with the smallest likelihood of misjudging circumstances even at a young age he was always calculating and methodical in his approach to the situation at hand leaving little room for error he took several precautions for Sasuke and against Toby that he planned would activate after his death even Toby admitted if he didn't keep some secrets from Itachi he would have been killed by Itachi's trap during his infiltration of konoha Itachi was also able to subtly leak akatsuki's skulls to Kakashi kuranai Osama and Jiraiya without arousing kisame's suspicions personality from a young age Itachi was calm and insightful showing noticeable maturity for his age and knowledge on how to deal with every situation for all of his accomplishments talent and fame Itachi was a rather humble man never arrogant about his own abilities nor underestimating others most things he said would be unbiased and accurate if an opponent exceeded his expectations or posed a legitimate challenge to him or his abilities Itachi would freely admit it as a seven-year-old his reasoning was on par with a Hokage having studied history not just of his clan or his village but of the world he gained a broader appreciation of what was important learning so much enabled him to understand how events of the past came to happen and when he applied that same understanding into the future he became very concerned for where things were going at the same time Itachi was still fairly naive as a child in many real world scenarios and as such was willing to learn from his peers on how to differentiate situations he lived at a distance observing individuals and ideas without getting directly involved so that he could fully understand them although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many people it enabled him to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions instead evaluating things strictly on their own merits in the anime Itachi unintentionally gained many friends and admirers for his genuine concern for others despite his passive nature he would think about Shinobi and origins of the village and its future for this reason he never became arrogant about his own abilities or accomplishments to which most views or statements he made were usually well based seeing the situation for what it was from this he had no self-righteous loyalty to his clan that was so uncommon among the Uchiha though he loved his family and wanted the best for them he knew there were more important things than the uchiha's personal aspirations hitachi's dream was to become Hokage though he kept it hidden from others Itachi was also one of few villagers of konoha to hold no grudge against Naruto Uzumaki believing Naruto to be the greatest victim of the Ninetales attack and showed him kindness whenever they met by chance a pacifist at heart Itachi did not actually like fighting and would avoid it when he could when he couldn't he would end the fight as quickly as possible all the while holding himself back as much as possible despite this Hitachi felt his own needs were secondary to the greater goods and to that end he became a Shinobi he trained tirelessly to improve himself as quickly as he could and subjected himself to all the Shinobi life's inconveniences without complaint for the simple motivation of being useful to others his commitment bordered on recklessness due to training privately and using extremely deadly methods such as dodging a barrage of kunai in the anime being so accomplished as a ninja enabled Itachi to approach problems less violently than others would satisfying his peace-loving nature these two extremes of his personality came into conflict as events moved towards the Uchiha Clan downfall he did not want to harm his family and sought a peaceful resolution but knew that the path with the least Bloodshed would BB Clan's extermination when the Uchiha Clan refused to deter from their plans Itachi was pushed over the edge and is normally polite attitude to his klansmen became more violent criticizing them openly and lashing out at them for the choices of that sealed their Fates and his own despite his natural pacifism and kindness Hitachi was possessed of a wrathful and merciless side when those he loved were hurt or threatened in Revenge for yashiro uchiha's cowardly manipulations of his father from the shadows and helping to provoke war against korakakure while keeping free of responsibility himself Itachi used his tsukiyomi to force him to experience days of torture in an instant after making him realize how weak he was in comparison to Itachi himself Itachi would later use a matarasu to execute the helpless root members tsugaru in Revenge for sugaru poisoning shisui despite the traumas he endured from killing his own family Itachi did not blame those among konoha's leadership who gave him the mission though he did not trust danzo on a personal level he knew danzo only had The Village's best interests at heart but Itachi partly out of the necessity of his assignment to join Akatsuki was greatly changed after the massacre rarely if ever showing emotion he became more prone to displays of force and permitted certain violent habits of his partner Kisame under the pretense that it further Tootsie goals Itachi could not and would not fully shake his pacifistic ways and would run from confrontation or reign in Kisame in the likelihood of collateral damage becoming too high for themselves or others in addition Itachi would continue to show his morality at times as he expressed disgust at orochimaru's lack of care for human life while Kisame would sometimes protest he considered Itachi a good friend and would listen to his instructions Itachi also had a decent partnership with his previous partner juzo showing respect to him and after his death placing the remains of kubikuri bocho in juzo's hand Kono has peace and protection was always Forefront in Itachi's mind but it was his dedication to his brother Sasuke that took priority in every situation from the time of Sasuke's infancy Itachi tasked himself with looking after him in the anime Itachi even correctly guessed Sasuke's gender before his younger brother's birth they had spent whole days together in the woods around konoha having adventures and accomplishing self-appointed missions when Hitachi became an accomplished ninja and took much of their father's attention Itachi would make special time to fill in their father's shoes for Sasuke's benefit at times even refusing his father's wishes in order to make Sasuke happy in turn Sasuke wished to be just like his older brother and would often ask Itachi to train him in the Ninja Arts Itachi would almost never do so poking his forehead and promising to train him some other time unfortunately none of these promises were ever kept it was Sasuke's safety that ultimately convinced Itachi to go through with the killing of the rest of the Uchiha believing his own damnation was worth it if it ensured Sasuke's survival even though he did it for Sasuke Itachi wanted to be punished for his crimes and selected Sasuke as the one to take Vengeance against him to push Sasuke in this direction Itachi withheld the true reason for his actions and instead took on the Persona of a man who had no love for his younger brother per the Persona Itachi cared about Sasuke only because of the eyes that he could take to gain Eternal mangekyo Sharingan his actions in Akatsuki Were Meant to reinforce this Persona whenever he met Sasuke over the years he would taunt his weakness and encourage him to get strong enough to kill him his plan was that once he had been killed Sasuke would be hailed as a hero Hitachi never wanted Sasuke to learn the truth surrounding the uchiha's massacre and if he did he hoped the memory of a hateful older brother would cause him not to believe it Itachi's constant Pursuit Of Peace coupled with the Paramount secrecy of his missions and his capacity to care about those around him LED Itachi to take on every burden himself believing he needed no help from comrades after he died and was reincarnated Itachi discovers that his plans largely failed Sasuke is not a hero he did find out the truth about what Itachi did and now he aims to destroy konoha for its role in Itachi and the Uchiha Clan's suffering he then begins to see the flaw in his original plans he had been trying to manipulate Sasuke rather than be honest with him and Trust in his own strength acknowledging the mistakes Itachi is free to be himself instead of the Persona he fabricated being openly kind to others and displaying a dry sense of humor even in stressful situations he puts his trust in Naruto Uzumaki to stop Sasuke from proceeding further down the path of darkness and after Naruto proclaims that he will stop the war himself warns Naruto against forgetting the value of his friends like himself and Modera did reminding him how those he loved helped him come so far it Itachi later even shows empathy to his enemy kabutoyakashi likening kabato's arrogance and belief and nothing Beyond him to hitachi's own living self telling him that such a path can only lead to failure at the same time finally acknowledging his true self for who he is and forgiving himself for his mistakes Itachi further displays a reflective side refusing Sasuke's claims that he was perfect and telling him that Perfection can never be obtained by one individual Itachi came to believe sometimes two people of completely opposite personalities are two sides of the same coin that when they learn to work together they can succeed in things they are unable to accomplish alone a possible reference to how he and Kisame were complete opposites but were capable of compensating for each other's weaknesses he is also finally open and honest with Sasuke during their final meeting admitting what he did and even sharing information Sasuke didn't already know he apologizes to Sasuke for failing in his responsibilities as an older brother wondering if being up front with Sasuke from the beginning might have allowed them to avoid the uchiha's destruction in their final moments together Itachi tells Sasuke he does not need forgiveness and that he will always love him no matter what did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos miyamagi and 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 639,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Itachi, Abilities, Powers, itachi, itachi uchiha, naruto, shinobi, Konohagakure, Anbu, Sasuke, Mikoto, Fugaku, World War, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Obito, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, uzumaki, madara, shippuden, rin, rin nohara, minato, namikaze, anime, manga, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, fire, first, Kakashi, Hinata, Sakura, Nagato, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Yamato, Sai, Sarada, Shino, akatsuki, Izumi, Chūnin
Id: -Vghiqd6oDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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