'It would be GAME OVER' | King Charles fumes and threatens to CUT OFF Prince Andrew in new feud

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now there's been a bit of a brotherly tussle going on in the Royal household King Charles has given his controversial brother controversial yeah one word to describe it uh brother prince Andrew and ultimatum he's threatening to cut ties he doesn't move out of his 30 room Royal Lodge in Windsor well joining me now is Royal commentator and broadcaster Rafe hael Manu Rafe thank you very much for joining me on a very special day because Rafe I'm raising your toes because it is your birthday today so happy birthday thank you so much going to sing cuz I don't hate you that much I don't hate anyone that much to sing but happy birthday and for coming in on your big day now front page of the sun today uh the Royal squatter King tells Andy to quit Lodge well you know this unfortunate Saga is being dubbed the siege of the royal Lodge and it's you know just another reminder that Harry and William aren't the only Royal brothers having a slightly strain relationship uh I mean the king loves his brother very much the Duke of York but certainly they've had some awkward Encounters in recent years as the king's had to deal with the uh fallout from his brother's relationship with the criminal Jeffrey Epstein now prince Andrew lost almost all his Royal titles positions and offices but he retained Royal Lodge which is a vast Mansion 30 rooms seven bedrooms 90 acre estate previously the home of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and unfortunately now that he's no longer a working Royal the security is being thundered by the king personally to the tune of3 million on top of which there's also a living allowance that prince Andrew receives from his majesty and the king of course is very keen to keep costs low and to make the monarchy value for money and so he thinks it's much more advisable for uh the the dukee of York who lives there with his ex-wife Sarah duess of York to move to Frogmore cottage which of course is now vacant following the departure of Harry and Megan they made some important refurbishments of the place so it's ready to move into and mo most importantly that's actually within the Windsor estate so there's no security Bill attached to it because they already get the Royal security from that there's also a growing belief that perhaps the prince of Princess of Wells would be better off living in Royal Lodge rather than their four-bedroom Adelaide Cottage given the size of their family so there are great reasons there really why the king wants prince Andrew to move out because I mean this is being built as as a sort of like a battle between the brothers but I always got the impression that Charles was quite Keen to to have Andrew back in the fold I mean you know he invited him to to do the sounding on Christmas walk to the church thing which didn't necessarily go down well with a lot of other members of roal family not to mention the public the King has been very you know very keen to make sure that his brother knows that he is welcome in the family at least maybe not in a public setting but uh you know he has taken part as you said in the king Constantine's funeral he led he led the party there but this comes down more to actually expecting prince Andrew to accept reality and face the facts that he's no longer a working Royal he he has a much more diminished role justifying living in such a huge property when the the bill is being footed by his brother does seem to be something which needs to be addressed now legally prince Andrew has a lot on his side he purchased a 75e lease on the property he's not there at the king's pleasure as a grace and favor apartment he paid a million pounds for it he invested 7 A5 million pounds repairing and refurbishing the property um and he's got another 50 years left on his lease he been living there for 20 years so you can see where from his position there is some justifiable argument and it's legally a very strong position however it costs £400,000 a year to run and the king of course controls the pur strings so if his majesty decides not to uh give that money to to prince Andrew then it's not clear where he will find the money what is the end game here because if if King Charles does decide to get tough with his brother and say look this is common sense you need to move to the smaller property and Andrew still refuses what's the end game there well I think that's that's it's game over essentially I mean I think you can only dig your heels in for so long but you know Prince Andre only has a very modest Naval pension he didn't get any great windfall from the estate of his mother when when The Sovereign dies the estate goes almost entirely intact to the hirs and successors so it's pretty much one of those games of chicken to see who's going to Blink first but I think ultimately the king will probably Prevail and talking of the king he been the king and the Queen have been at the EPs and Oaks um and watching the racing so it's good to see him out and about yes and of course we've got great news coming up of course we have the King's birthday later this month where his majesty will be attending in the carriage not on Horseback but that's going to be wonderful to see and rumors now also that there may be a chance sighting of the Princess of Wales as well um who uh if she feels up to it may make an appearance from the usual balcony from which she watches well she you know previously she's been a participant as Colonel and- chief of the Irish guards we saw her in a wonderful green dress last time but she may make an appearance out of window this wonderful to see at ra how Manu thank you very much
Channel: GBNews
Views: 62,936
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Keywords: GB news, uk royal, royal family, royal, royal news, royal updates, king charles, prince andrew, royal lodge, frogmore cottage, harry and meghan, prince harry, meghan markle, family feud
Id: UcqwxqNUjbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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