Bill Denbrough is the brave leader of the
Loser’s Club that fights Pennywise to avenge his brother Georgie, but in the book, Bill
isn’t written to be as much of a good person as he is in the movies, stick around to the
end of this video to find out why. IT, the ancient evil that terrorized Derry,
Maine, singled out one individual opponent above all others, and that was Bill Denbrough. Bill was the leader of the Loser’s Club,
a name given to the group of 12 years olds who decided to take on It by the town bully,
Henry Bowers. My name is Andy Muschietti and today on Horror
History we’ll be covering the main protagonist of IT and his short-lived little brother:
Georgie. Despite his speech crippling stutter, Bill
was probably the bravest character in the book, but he wasn’t always that way. To understand how Bill came to be, let’s
take it back to the birth of Big Bill. In 1946, Derry hydro-electric worker Zack
Denbrough, and classical pianist Sharon Denbrough gave birth to their first son, William, who
would eventually go by a nickname: Bill. At a young age, Bill was in a minor car accident,
which his mother believed was the cause of his stutter, but it’s unclear if that is
actually true. Bill had a very close relationship with his
parents when he was young, and that bond was only strengthened when Zack and Sharon gave
birth to their second son, George, in 1951. Though they did not always get along, Bill
cared deeply for George; and George loved and looked up to his older brother. In October of 1957, when Georige was 6, Bill
was sick in bed and used this free time to make a papercraft boat for his brother to
play with in the rain. Georgie was thrilled that his brother would
do this for him, and took special care not to lose the boat, so when the current swept
it away to the intersection of Wicham and Jackson street, Georgie took after it. The boat fell into a storm drain, and Georgie
was disappointed to lose the boat that his brother had worked so hard to make for him. Then, he heard a voice inside of the drain
and saw a man in clown makeup standing there. The man introduced himself as Pennywise and
tried to get Georgie to come down into the sewers with him by offering balloons, cotton
candy and rides. Georgie said he has to go, but when Pennywise
showed him the boat he decided to stay for a little bit longer. When you’re down here with me, you’ll
float too!” the clown told Georgie as he reached for it, and Pennywise ripped off his
arm, ending the boy’s life prematurely at age 6. This event had a huge effect on Bill for the
rest of his life. And this feeling stuck with him even after he had forgotten how his
brother had died. In December that same year, Bill snuck into
Georgie’s old room to look at his photo album, and thought he saw something move in
one of the photos, but still wasn’t sure if it was his imagination. Georgie’s death had a negative effect on
Bill’s relationship with his parents. His mother gave up playing the piano after
Georgie’s funeral, and the void he sat in between his parents when they all sat on the
couch together felt longer and colder without Georgie also there next to him. One day, his parents got into a fight when
his father tried to remove the toys out of Georgie’s room, and they both ended up sobbing
in separate rooms, paying no attention to how this was affecting Bill. One could come to the conclusion that because
of this awkward home life, Bill started spending more time out of the house, and he became
pretty good friends with an asmatic kid named Eddie Kaspbrak. One day, 8 months after his brother’s funeral,
Bill and Eddie were playing in the Barrens when three bullies, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins
and Henry Bowers came running up to the embankment and asked if they had seen a fat boy anywhere. The boys destroyed the dam that Bill and Eddie
had been building and beat up Eddie, giving him a bloody nose and an asthma attack. After the bullies left, Bill meets the boy
that they were looking for, Ben Hanscom, and asks if he’ll stay with Eddie while he goes
to try to get his medicine. He grabs his bike, Silver, who he’s named
after the horse from The Lone Ranger, and when he rides Silver, he becomes like a new
person, which resembles his adult self. He rides fast, but with reckless abandon,
and I think that without the power that silver holds, he would likely have been struck dead
in the traffic. Bill’s stutter is so bad, that he must write
request to the pharmacist on a piece of paper in order to get Eddie’s aspirator. When he gets back, they’re amazed at how
quickly he made the run, and Bill and Eddie become friends with Ben, bonding over their
beatings at the hands of Henry Bowers. That day, Bill decided to take another look
at Georige’s photo album. He’s been starting to have visions of Georgie
as a monster, which I think are a result of It trying to rattle Bill hoping he could be
a future target. Bill flips to Georgie’s school photo, and
it winks at him, causing him to drop the book, and blood drips out of the pages, though Bill’s
parents would not be able to see the blood. The next day Bill helps construct the dam
at the stream in the Barrens, and introduces Richie Tozier and Stan Uris to Ben. As they all relax by the stream bank, Bill
tells the group he needs to tell them something serious, and tells the story about the photo
album. This is part of what makes him the leader
of the group. They’ve all seen the influence of Pennywise,
but none of them are brave enough to acknowledge it and talk about, because that makes it real. None of them, besides Bill, who musters up
the bravery because he’s sick of tip-toeing around the subject of his brother’s killer. Bill doesn’t know it’s related to Pennywise
or the murders at this point though, and thinks it has something to do with Georgie’s ghost. They are interrupted by Mr. Nell, the Irish
Cop, who tells them their dam is disrupting the drainage system in Derry. Bill tries to take the blame, but each one
of them shares part of the blame. This is an indicator and Bill’s selflessness,
which comes into play for him later on. Bill and Richie walk home together, and Richie
asks if he can see the photo album. Bill originally says no, but after a heartfelt
conversation with Richie, he agrees, a small hint about the power that the Losers Club
can gain when they are united. When they go into Georgie’s room, Richie
is able to see the blood stained pages. Georgie’s photo is missing, instead, there’s
a picture of downtown Derry from the olden days. A pair of sailors walks down the street, and
they have Richie and Bill’s faces. The picture begins to move, and they turn
towards the canal, where a clown pops up from over the edge like a jack-in-the-box, but
with Georgie’s face. He reaches towards the sailor Bill, and real
Bill reaches into the photo, before Richie yanks his arm out, and Bill’s hand is bleeding. I’d interpret this as a warning sign from
It to Bill. He wants Bill to draw that association between
the murder of his brother and what he percieves as the monster, because that’s going to
make Bill more afraid than he was before, and Pennywise feeds off of fear. However, Bill doesn’t shy away from the
challenge as It expects. Early on in the summer, Bill is not able to
join the others in seeing “I Was A Teenage Werewolf” at the movie theater because he’s
busy taking a speech therapy test in Bangor. His mother would continually urge him to repeat
the phrase: “he thrusts his fists against the posts, but still insists he sees the ghosts”. This is something theater performers commonly
use to warm up, and it’s supposed to help Bill overcome his stutter, but he’s also
able to use it to overcome other things, such as fear, doubt or evil. So Bill misses the werewolf movie, but he
does get to experience the werewolf anyway, when he and Richie go to investigate the abandoned
house at 29 Neibolt Street. Bill brings with a pistol that he stole from
his father, but it isn’t effective against It, which uses the werewolf form and wears
a Derry High School jacket. Bill accuses It of killing his brother, to
which It responds, “I’ll kill you too.” It ends up chasing them down the street, and
they try to escape on Silver, but It, now in the form of the Clown, but still wearing
the Derry High School jacket continues to gain ground on them until they get near a
busy street and It disappears. The event is traumatizing for Bill, but it
does give him a clue he needs to help take the fight directly to Pennywise. After the altercation at 29 Neibolt, Bill
and Richie looked back as they were escaping on Silver, to discover that Pennywise had
just disappeared next to a storm drain. I think Bill was probably the only one who
could have put this together along the location where his brother Georgie was found to determine
that It is somehow connected to the sewers. He asks his father, who works for Derry Hydroelectric and he explains that the pipes are mostly
empty except for during the Spring floods. He also tells him to stay out of the sewers,
warning him that he could easily get lost in there. Bill also does some research of his own, and
on July 3rd, after getting together with the Losers at the Barrens he explains his findings;
that several other cultures seem to have different versions of It. The Irish have a creature known as a Glamor,
the Plains Indians have the Manitou, the Himalayans have the Talus (even though I thought that was only in Breath of the Wild), Central Europe has the Alack
and the French have the Lupe Garoo. He explains that the Himalayans used something
called “The Ritual of Chud” to defeat their Talus. They would overlap tongues, then bite in so
they’re stapled eye to eye. They must then tell jokes and riddles back
and forth, and the first to laugh loses. “The rule is simple. You laugh. You die.” Actually, Felix is kind of right, and I think
I just died. If the human loses, he dies, but if the Talus
loses, he must go away for 100 years. So at this point Bill started gathering up
Tik-Tok videos to show Pennywise, during the ritual… OK -- I think I died again. On July 3rd, the losers get together to shoot
off some firecrackers, but Bill tells them to put them away because he senses something
is going to happen. I think this is Bill using The Shine, which
is the psychic clairvoyance that comes up in a lot of Stephen King novels, most prominently
Danny Torrance from the Shining. I think they all probably shine a little,
but Bill’s is the strongest, and this actually kind of ties into the reason he has to be
the one to perform the Ritual of Chud. He tells his to create a stash of rocks because
he feels like the Bowers and the bullies are going to attack, and what ensues becomes known
as the Apocalyptic Rock Fight. Bill plays a big role in it by not flinching
away from the notorious fastball pitcher Victor Criss and hitting him with a rock that causes
him to run from the fight. The Losers talk more about how Pennywise could
be defeated as they build their new clubhouse in the Barrens that July, where Bill develops
a theory that they can kill the monster using a silver bullet. It’s something that works in the movies,
and as kids, they all believe that it actually works and go to the library to research more
methods. Bill also contributed to the completion of
the clubhouse by secretly borrowing some of his father’s tools from the garage. After completing it, Mike Hanlon brings his
father’s old photo-book to show them how Pennywise is scattered throughout Derry’s
history, and one of the pages comes to life and Pennywise rushes them and hangs on a lampost
in the foreground, threatening to kill them all. "I'll kill you all!" Everyone is trauma-stricken by the encounter. Stan is so deeply affected that he goes into
denial about it even happening. But if you analyse Bill’s reaction, it’s
different than everyone else. Sure, he’s shaken up by what happened, but
he also feels that IT is scared of them. On July 17th, the Losers are seeking advice
on how to fight It, and they decide to perform this Indian Smoke Hole ritual in their clubhouse. The idea was that they’d breath in the smoke
and have visions that would help them. I think the homeless population in LA has
a similar strategy, and I don’t think it works. As they’re trying to decide who’s going
to be the one to do it, Bill shows his leadership and protectiveness of Beverly, by arguing
that it shouldn’t be her because she’s a girl. They all pick out a match, and whoever gets
the burned one is supposed to stay up top to pull them to safety if anyone passes out,
however, they all pull matches, and none of them are burned anymore, so they take the
hint and they all go into the smokehole. Bill stays in as long as he can and sees the
inside of the tiny clubhouse start to expand to the size of a ballroom, but eventually
he can’t take it anymore and he’s is the fifth one to jump out. Bill was definitely the biggest threat to
It, but it just goes to show that he wasn’t strong enough without the shared power of
his friends. On July 20th, after Eddie got his arm broken
by Henry Bowers, Bill gathers up the gang to go visit him at the hospital, where Eddie’s
overprotective mother ambushes them and tells them off. They wait out until that night to try again,
in the meantime, developing the plan to melt down some silver dollars to use as ammo for
Bill’s slingshot. From what I understand silver dollars were
much bigger back then than they are now, so it actually could have been effective. However, Bill himself wasn’t a great shot
with the slingshot "You're in the lead right now with a pathetic 3/10" "Richie, will ya please shut up?" So it's decided that Beverly will be the one to handle It. It was midway through the summer... No... not that Midsommar. when Beverly
approached the others in a panic after seeing It take out one of the bullies, Patrick Hockstetter. They go to investigate spot in the junkyard
where Beverly saw it happen and find a threat from Pennywise written in blood. Maybe he had just had enough of being the
victim, or maybe his mind connected the sight of Patrick’s blood with his own brother’s
but this is where Bill snapped and screamed out, “we’re gonna kill you!” He asks his friends desperately for their
help and they all join together in a hug in the rain. Three days later, everyone goes to Bill’s
place so they can make the silver slugs, and although Ben was the one to physically make
them, Bill used his creativity to help them get away with it without his parents finding
out by setting up a Monopoly board to make it look like they were in the middle of a
game, which they could rush inside to sit around when his parents came home. Two days later, they arrived at 29 Neibolt
Street for the first time since Bill and Richie’s werewolf encounter earlier that summer. Bill’s bravery and determination to avenge
his brother caused him to lead them in crawling under the porch, where they could climb in
through a basement window. IT started to play tricks on them as they
made their way through one corridor. The hallway elongated. The eyes of the elves on the wallpaper started
to bleed and the ceiling closed in on them, causing everyone to freak out. Perhaps it was Bill’s strong shine that
allowed him to stay calm and realize what they were seeing isn’t real. He punches up to where the ceiling appeared
to be, and when he did so they could all see that what they were seeing was not true, and
this fixes the room. The others perceive Bill’s strength to be
a result of his love for his brother, but he reminds them that they all have their own
quirks that help them fight back against It’s manipulations. Eventually they make it to a door, and Big
Bill is the first to approach it. He hears pumping machinery coming from the
other side, just like the sound of the pumping stations, or as they call them, Morlock Holes,
in the Barrens. I think Bill, with his knowledge of the Derry
hydroelectric system acquired from his father, was the first to realize what was behind this
door. This… was were It came from. Behind the door was a dilapidated bathroom,
but this was no Saw movie, this was where It connected to the world on the surface. They were attacked by It, once again in the
werewolf form. Beverly missed her first shot, and It sprang
at Bill, knowing he was the leader and seeing the chance to demoralize the group. Ben steps in front and It ends up slashing
Ben before Beverly hits it on her third and final shot, causing It to scream death threats
at them as It retreated into the sewers. Beverly’s blouse is damaged, and Bill offers
her his shirt to cover up, once again showing the seedlings of their attraction and Bill’s
protective nature, which we would see more of when everything went down a couple weeks
later. On a mysteriously quiet day in August, Richie,
Eddie and Stan run into Bill with his bike in the middle of town. Mike later shows up too and then all of the
sudden Ben and Beverly are running up to them, telling of how Henry Bowers had snapped and
chased after Beverly, and were now skulking about in the Barrens. Bill makes the decision for the group, they’re
going to reclaim their play spot. It was at this remark that Eddie started to
think that Henry wasn’t the only one who was losing it, Bill was drifting towards madness
as well. If we analyse his character to this point,
he’s driven by the desire for revenge for his brother’s death, crippled by grief for
his friends and classmates and shaped by all the adult situations he’s already had to
face at age 12. He’s even subconsciously ridden his bike
in a dangerous way through busy streets -- a very subtle beginning of suicidal tendencies. So it’s likely that Eddie was right, and
Bill was starting to lose his sanity a little bit that summer, but unlike Henry Bowers, Bill
was able to get a grip on it, and actually use it to his advantage to write horror novels
as an adult. They go into the Barrens and get attacked
by rocks thrown by Victor and Belch. At this point Bill realizes that It is the
biggest source of what’s wrong with Derry, and asks Ben to lead them to the pumping station
that connects to the sewer. Eddie’s arm is still broken, so Bill carries
him on his back down the ladder. They shake Henry Bowers and go into the inflow
pipe underground, an image that would stick with Bill through the years and end up in
one of his horror novels: The Black Rapids. They venture into the dark in a line, keeping
one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of them to stay together and unknowingly
following the path of the paper boat Bill made for Georgie almost a year ago now. They come across a small door leading to the
lair of It. Bill is unable to see It’s true form and
interprets it as a giant spider. Bill is the one to cross the room towards
the spider. It tells him that It is eternal, an eater
of worlds. Bill is heaved across the chamber, into the
blackness, the cosmos of the universe. He faced off against It on something described
as “the ballroom floor of eternity.” He was thrust by It, deep into the macroverse
-- and although Georgie’s physical form had long since deceased, he could feel his
brother had a place in the Macroverse. Bill was caught by another celestial force
called the Turtle, who didn’t want to engage in the dispute, but did give Bill the advice
he needed, by telling him to thrust his fists against the posts, and still insist he sees
the ghosts -- the speech therapy technique that Bill could often be heard using. The Ritual of Chud doesn’t happen in the
movie, but there is little reference to this line. “He thrusts… his fists… against the
posts… and still insists… he sees the ghosts… He thrusts his fists against the p-p..." As the
human voice of It fades out, the alien language of the deadlights, the true form of it, fades
in. Bill establishes a mental connection by biting
into It’s metaphysical tongue and using the “teeth of his mind” and begins the Ritual
of Chud. Although Bill should not have been able to
stand a chance, it was his belief in all of the childish things he believes in -- like
the silver bullets, the power of his bike, and the phrase “he thrusts his fists against
the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts” and helped him overcome It, causing it to
scream and beg for Bill to let go. They return to the real world, where It retreats
further into the chamber. The losers decide that it sounded like it
was dying, but Bill is unsure what to think. They try to flee before the pipes fill up
with rainwater and drown them, but get lost on the way out, and Bill remembers his father
warning, to never play in the sewers because it would be easy to get lost, but eventually
they do make their way out of the sewers, where the sky is starting to clear up. This would be the last time all 7 of them
were ever together in the same place at the same time again, and the leader of the Losers
Club would make one more request that would forever change the course of their lives. He asks them to promise that if It were ever
to come back, no matter where they were, they would return and try to kill It again. They make a blood pact, before breaking off
one by one and returning home. When Bill leaves, he thinks he never wants
to play in the Barrens again. Just like when Bill would ride on Silver,
defeating It opened the gates towards adulthood. Over the next year, Bill would lose his stutter,
and it was gone by the age of 13. One by one, the group moved out of Derry. Bill attended a college in Maine to study
literature, listing influences like Edgar Allen Poe, HP Lovecraft, and Richard Matheson. He’s a C student, occasionally able to earn
a B. One day he calls out his pretentious instructor in front of the class.“Why does
a story have to be socio-anything? Politics… culture… history… aren’t
those natural ingredients of any story if it’s told well?” “I mean, can’t you guys just let a story
be a story?” You know what Bill? Yes…. but I’m still not gonna delete my
channel. The instructor has a much ruder reaction though,
humiliating him in front of the class and suggesting that he has a great deal to learn. That week, Bill writes a story called “The
Dark” about a small boy who kills the monster lurking in his cellar. I’m not sure if he realizes he’s told
his own story about defeating the monster under Derry and downscaled it to the single
house level, because at this point some of his memories about Derry, Georgie and It have
already started to fade. The teacher gives him and F and calls it “pulp
crap” so Bill decides to send it to a magazine where it receives praise. He sends the feedback to his instructor alongside
his drop card. During his senior year, he writes a novel
and gets it published. At the age of 23, he’s already a successful
writer. He starts dating his agent, Susan Browne and
works on a second novel called The Black Rapids, which he sells the movie rights to and has
the option to do the first draft of the screenplay, after which he is invited out to Hollywood
for further rewrites. Susan begs him not to go, but he ends up leaving
Maine for the West Coast. An actress named Audra Phillips is cast in
the movie and Bill ends up marrying her. He would go on to write more novels. Based on the titles of his books, I think
they are all a result of the horrifying experiences he had as a child: The Dark and The Black
Rapids could be about the journey through the sewers, The Glowing refers to The Deadlights,
the true form of It, though that one could also be a parody of The Shining. There’s also a werewolf novel whose title
is not mentioned, which could come from the Werewolf form of It that they battled. He also has an original screenplay called
Attic Room, possibly about the encounter he had at 29 Neibolt Street with the others. Bill’s life is going great, he’s successful,
he’s married to a superstar, and he’s long forgotten about the traumatic childhood
in Derry. All is well until 1985, when his old buddy
Mike Hanlon calls him up on the phone while Bill is shooting a movie in England with some
horrible news. It… has returned! After Mike fills Bill in on everything remnants
of his childhood re-emerge in the 39 year old Bill Denbrough. His stutter comes back, scars appear on his
hands where the blood pact was made and he remembers for the first time in years, how
his little brother Georgie truly died, but not all of the memories come back right away. He abandons the production to board a plane
to the US, and suddenly it seems apparent that the inspiration for all of his horror
novels was Derry. On the cab ride over from his hotel to the
restaurant they’re all meeting at Bill’s apologetically foul mouthed cabbie, who by
the way is probably my favorite character in the book and deserves his own episode of
Horror History, points out how Derry has become more of a small city over the years. By this point, everyone already knows about
how Stan offed himself, but when he enters the room with the 5 remaining Losers Club members,
Bill feels like there is a 6th somehow, perhaps a clue that despite losing most of his memories
about his childhood, he seems to have retained a little bit of his “shine”. And no, I’m not talking about his now bald
head. Mike starts explaining about the murders that
caused him to believe that It was back, and when he tells about the death of Adrian Mellon,
Bill is the only one to realize that the one who pulled up his body, Harold Gardner, was
the son of Dave Gardner, the man who found Georgie. Mike also tells of another death where police
found a photograph of Georgie is found near the body, and Bill realizes it’s the same
photo that disappeared from the album when he was a kid. At the end of the meal, Bill gets a bad feeling
about the fortune cookies, which I found similar to the bad feeling he got before the rock
fight in 1958. The contents of each of their cookies is specific
to their fears. Bill doesn’t open his but he can tell it’s
a mutant fly, like from the George Langlahan story, “The Fly”, which scared Bill a
lot. Do we have a clip of the movie? Mike has them walk the town to try to regain
some of their old memories, and Bill meets a kid with a skateboard who tells him he heard
changing voices coming from one of the pipes near a pumping station and warns him to stay away. The kid seems surprised that Bill is privy
to the thing that haunts Derry. I think Bill and his friends are unlike other
adults in town because they made the promise in 1958. Bill asks to try to kid’s skateboard, but
at the last second decides not to, and the scene is symbolic of how Bill no longer has
the childlike energy that got him through the encounter with It the first time. He continues walking, then asks a little girl
what her favorite store in Derry is and she tells him it’s Secondhand Rose, Secondhand
Clothes. He goes over and sees his old bike, Silver,
in the window, and for the first time in a long time, he thinks about the phrase, “he
thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.” After buying the bike, he gets permission
to store it at Mike’s house and together, they fix up the bike, adding childish frills,
like playing cards. Adding Childifsh.... Adding childsh I sound like ****ing Bill right now... They fix up the bike, adding childish frills like playing cards. Mike opens a new pack of cards and it contains
two Ace of Spades, one with a blue back and the other red, as if was a mixed deck. I think this represents the elements of Bill’s
childhood starting to manifest themselves in the adult Bill, similar to how his stutter
and old scars came back. This night, after and catching up with everyone
some more at the library over drinks, and after having another scary encounter with
It, who uses the form of Stan Uris’s head to threaten the Losers Club, they call it
a night -- starting to feel better about their chances after recovering more of their lost
memories. Before leaving, Beverly starts screaming about
their hands, and they realize all of their hands are bleeding from the scars where they
made the promise. They all hold hands as crazy supernatural
occurrences rock the library, and Bill gets the feeling that this would be the last time
all 6 of them were together, just like the promise they made in 1958 was the last time
the seven were together. After this happens, Beverly claims she now
remembers everything that happened in the original battle with It, and Bill is dismally
aware that he was falling in love with Bev. The two decide to walk back to the hotel together. Beverly asks for a kiss, and Bill becomes
aware of how much she looks like Audra and kisses her. I can give Bev a pass, because she just left
an abusive husband, but pretty uncool on Bill’s part. They end up going back to Bill’s room and
they go all the way. Obviously, this is a pretty crappy thing to
do on Bill’s part, but in terms of what it means for his character, he’s realizing
that the woman he married is very much like one of his first attractions when he was younger. OK, that sounds weird to say. What I’m trying to say is that Bill realizes
he never lost the youthful energy and mindset that helped him defeat It, just like how his
creative mind was a big part of his childhood and he became a writer to continue channeling
that energy even after he had forgotten about Derry. Bill gets a call from Eddie’s room in the
middle of the night, and show up to find his arm broken once again, and Henry Bowers dead
in the hotel room. They realize It must have broken out Henry
and decide they can’t wait until tomorrow, they have to kill It tonight, before one of
them gets killed. They call over to the library to tell Mike,
but the police chief picks up -- they were too late. Henry had put Mike in the hospital. The remaining five of them pile into Eddie’s
limo where It taunts Bill over the car radio. Each one of them had fears as children, and
each of them have new fears as adults, but Bill’s fear has stayed constant -- he fears
losing someone he loves ever since he lost his brother, Georgie. It uses Geogie’s voice, screaming things
like “you let it kill me!” to rattle Bill. This wouldn’t be the only thing It did to
expose Bill’s fear though. When they arrived at the manhole Bill finds
a familiar object, it’s his wife Audra’s purse! She had come after him, against his warnings,
and It had abducted her, knowing that Bill just couldn’t handle losing another loved
one. I mean… I would say he shouldn't have cheated on her
if that was the case… but… I’m not supposed to have an opinion. Bill once again has to carry the cripled Eddie
down the ladder, just as they did as children. The sewer systems have changed over the years,
but the old unused pipes are still in place and the five members of the Losers make their
way back to the lair of It, but there would be one more challenge for Bill before they get there. get there. There were instances back in 1958 where It
threatened Bill with one of his worst fears, claiming it would take the form of George
in order to drive Bill insane. However, unlike the movie, It saves this trump
card for the sewers in 1985. Bill held up his match and saw Georgie approaching
him in his yellow rain jacket, crying and looking for his boat. When Georgie cried, a strange garble of sounds
was heard, but Bill was too heartbroken to notice that something was off. Bill felt he deserved to die. All the others can do is encourage Bill to
realize it’s not really Georgie and fight it. Bill’s stutter is hampering not only his
speech, but his rationality, but he’s finally able to successfully recite the line: “he
thursts his fists against the posts but still insists he sees the ghosts,” to overcome
both his stutter and It, which retreats back into the inner lair. There was only one thing left to do now: the
final confrontation with It. As Bill, Ben, Eddie, Richie and Beverly get
into the spider’s chamber, they realize that they no longer needed the matches, as
there is something emanating from it. The Deadlights. The nightmarish spider descends from above
and Bill finds Audra strung up in the webbing. "They float Georgie.." Bill confronts the spider and finds himself
being flung out of his physical body and back into the void. It tells him that the Turtle, who helped him
in 1958, died a few years ago and won’t be of any use this time. It threw him again, and Bill tried to mentally
seize It’s tongue to engage in the Ritual of Chud, but this time he misses his grip. Back in the actual physical chamber, Richie
notices Bill’s face contorting. His spirit is in another realm, so Richie
runs up to the spider and tries to distract it, but he to it whacked into the macroverse. Richie is able to engage in the Ritual. Richie takes Bill’s hand and they hold tightly
onto It, which returns to the real world and they get back to their physical bodies. When they arrive, they find that the spider
has already maimed Eddie, and he’s dying, but this time they can’t let It get away
and they follow it into the deepest part of the chamber. The deadlight is leaking out of It now, and
it begs them to let it go, offering them the chance to live for 500 years, but Bill, with
his child-like innocence only wants to see his brother’s killer brought to justice. It’s only fitting that over 27 years later,
Bill is the one to punch his was into the spider’s chest and crush his heart with
his bare hand. After helping Richie back to the others, Bill
finds his wife and discovers she still has a pulse, but she’s become catatonic. Eddie is dead, and without him, they have
a much harder time navigating their way out. Bill is the one to eventually realize there
is light coming in through small holes in the top of the pipe. The street above them had collapsed in the
epic flood that took place while they were fighting It and they are able to pull themselves
up onto Main Street. Beverly tells Bill that she hopes Audra is
going to be alright, and they share one last hug, which is photographed by a reporter documenting
the damage and appears in the newspaper with the caption: survivors. Audra is taken away in an ambulance, and Bill
runs into the skateboard kid from before and tells him it’s alright now. At first, this seems like an insignificant
interaction, but I can only imagine how good this felt for Bill, after being driven to
destroy the monster under Derry for so long because of what happened to his brother to
let the new young generation know they don’t have to be afraid anymore. With IT dead, the remaining Loser’s club’s
memories started to fade once more, this time much faster than before. Within a few days, Bill was unable to remember
Stan’s last name, or Eddie’s health condition. Bill had one last thing to take care of. Audra was released from the hospital before
Mike. She was able to eat solid foods now, but she
was still catatonic, so Mike let them stay at his house to try to rehab, but she wasn’t
making much progress, and Bill began to fear his wife would be a vegetable forever. He had one more idea to try to save her, something
that had saved him, something that had saved Eddie and Richie too. His old bike: Silver. Decked out with all of his childhood fanfare
like the playing cards, basket and horn, he sat Audra in the carrier and did what he had
always done, rode fast and recklessly downhill into a busy street, picking up speed instead
of braking -- and just like his belief in everything from his childhood saved him once
before against It, Audra comes to and hold onto Bill, whose stutter has completely disappeared
and they embrace. Bill was the centerpiece of the Loser’s
Club that finally defeated the scourge of Derry, Maine, laying IT to rest. His bravery and leadership shined through
even the bleakest of scenarios, and he was driven all along by his love for those close
to him: his wife Audra, before that his best friends Eddie, Richie, Stan, Ben, Beverly
and Mike, and through everything… his little brother Georgie. So that’s the entire known history of Bill
Denbrough. Your homework is to let me know in the comments
who I should analyse next on Horror History and click the playlist on the left for my
lessons on other characters. Remember to subscribe to CZsWorld for new
horrors every week, RING that deathbell for notifications and I’ll see you in the next
one. Assuming we both survive.