It Should Be Illegal To Build Aphrodite Like This! - SMITE Support Gameplay

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I used to have this friend who always insisted upon playing Aphrodite every time he had to go into support and the thing was how it used to work with healers is that the power that you had would scale up your healing nowadays that's all universalized right your healing just automatically scales by itself and I think that's much better however back then oh man not so much now Aphrodite is someone that I actually haven't tried and support since they changed the healing and stuff cuz I never used to play her in sport because well that healing didn't used to really work so you would go in and you'd build a bunch of prot ction so you could actually be tanky for your team but then you would just get beat up and you wouldn't be able to heal anybody for anything meaningful so it didn't really matter too much but now we should be able to do some good healing and on top of that we're going to try a crazy build today I had this comment right here that was kind of like hey you should try this out and I was kind of thinking of the build anyways myself and I was like yes I agree other people are thinking about it too let's give it a try essentially rejuvenating heart is an item that lets you transfer some of your life seal uh healing to your teammates and it just got buffed it used to be like 33 or 35% of your life steal damage was then like transferred you know to your teammates as well but now it's 75% which is pretty dang good so we're going to give that a try I'm pretty excited I just played one match of this and I I have sex at like 15 minutes or something because oh gosh my teammates are pretty cool people like I got in they were like let me cook and I was like okay let's let's cook I'm so excited I'm cooking too it'll be fun oh my god dude please get off of Hades for 2 seconds you clearly play too much Hades what the heck my Medusa might have her stuff hidden hopefully or else she's never played medus before and I'm kind of scared or I have a Freya I don't know what's happening let's just see um but I might have not got the good team here Lobby balancing it makes sense um but yeah the match kind of fell apart I was like okay I don't have a mid laner here pretty sure I was still top damage which I was building mostly power and stuff so like it made sense but I was still top damage at like the end of the game and everything and it was just yeah it was tough and I was like all right I'm just going to scrap this one and try it again and I actually tried this build in mid the other day and that one I also did not make and do a video because it also just did not meet my standards like if a video I'm starting to record and something doesn't meet my standards cuz I don't think I played well enough or you know just my teammates are like too you know salty rude annoying whatever it may be you know I just don't think the gameplay is good enough whatever it may be any answer there I just scrap it cuz it's like I want you guys to have at least something that I felt good about you feel me um she's got the plan go in The Chins chop down those tanky boys over there I think that's a good idea all right so we're going war flag we're going to go straight into a pythag piece I had this build in my recommended year see I built this build but for more so mid lane so we're going to change it up a little bit rejuvenating heart we're going to go here you can see that after healing an Allied God within oh sorry that's last gr life stealing off of enemy Gods heals yourself in nearby allies within 40 units of You by 75% of that healing so that's really good has to be enemy Gods though let's keep that in mind but even still should be really good in the middle of a fight if I can land my three on somebody and then we're going to get a sleepus too which going to give our teammates some cool down and healing dealt will be increased by 30% so we're going to get both of these which will be a good health boost for us a good Mana boost for us a little bit of Life steal especially mixed with the pythag that'll help our teammates too by giving them power and life steal so yeah we're just going to do a bunch of stuff like that we'll probably get like a bfts in there and that is just going to be uh essentially what we are going for we'll get three of each right here I could get four mon if I really wanted to since we're going to be using a lot of Mana but it's okay we'll figure it out I don't know if we want to go any tankiness at all might even get like an Ethereal Staff maybe we'll just kind of figure out as we go and see what we need as the match goes on but you can see here we get four physical props and four magical props reach friendly or enemy guy within 70 ft of us so that's pretty good stuff right there so we can just let all these enemy gods and stuff pour in towards us uh and then you know get some extra props which you know it's not a bunch like if we're in Lane you can see Medusa just walked up to us and it's like you want to grab purple or green I'd rather honestly as a support I'd rather grab green I keep seeing my other like laners and stuff they want to keep grabbing the weird wrong buff like I think ADC should grab purple and support should grab green um but I think usually support grabs purple because they're not a ranged God for the most part so then it's harder for them to grab green you feel me but when you are a mage support you have the range basic so you can easily go ahead and grab the green and it's it's not difficult at all so in my opinion the supports Mages should grab green but you know that's just how I feel about it because like see how fast she started chopping down I missed that it's okay we'll just start healing and hitting the wave we're going to have really good clear here I could have started my two or got my two after my three but I think it's better to go this start so I can kind of link up with her give her my MP5 give her stuns when she needs them like right here we're going to go ahead and just start shopping this girl down people think they're so tanky but once you can get your little combo going there a little bit then they start getting beat up but uh it's we're going to take some damage here especially against asserter it's could be a better Lane for us but it could be a lot worse too we go ahead and hit that on her some more damage need to get out of this fire from him early gank here could be really good I'm going to use my horn Shard here so we can get some cool Downs going and we'll just focus theer cuz now he's stuck oh my God Thor y hit your double tap I went to go stun the serer and the Thor just took my my stun okay work I meant to say no problem cuz it's it's fine like it's okay might even try to bait them with my low Health here but oh go there's a Thanos Retreat I need them to be careful we have our two now I might have missed some of that wave did I oh yeah we didn't clear it all the way ah I need to Shell why are you saying be careful you're full health bro help us what what is he doing he's back up dude you're getting pushed from your side by a Thanos you can't just keep running at them and wave ah tried to enemy behind us he didn't pay attention I'm going to let this wave walk in oh nice God that sucks so bad just because of how afrodite 1 works I wasn't able to you know secure the stun on that serer like that sucks so bad we need to get our purple and I think she realizes that but we got to clear this Lane first I'm just going to pop a bunch of damage into him cuz like why why not I also hit the front uh Warriors so I'm not too worried about it it's not like a terrible start like it could have been worse obviously it just wasn't great though wow you really just like don't have damage or something apparently let's go do our Buffs my thre is up level two now we'll start clearing a little better with that and we need like 1850 or something 1750 for Pags which is a good bit come here dummy oh it's okay you don't have to walk all the way over here but I appreciate it nonetheless there you go you hit the last okay do the last H you get more golden XP that's why I was trying to give it to you Tower that's too bad a Freya Hades mid is a really weird matchup but they're making it work we'll keep healing here and is this up no they did that shoot I wonder if uh yeah she's portal Camp too she wants to go over there this despawns at 8 minutes I believe I'm sure they did it but oh they did okay cool we'll just use our two here and clear this a little faster let her get last hit there we go yeah so you don't get very many of those throughout the match so it's good to just clear them whenever you can we need 300 gold so we can get this so we'll probably do one more wave and then probably back to okay bro just died to the [ __ ] Centaur bro died to the freaking centar ah darn it's okay we're clearing good with my three now so I'm not too worried I have my horn Shard back up so we could do something there hit the minions hit the minions it's okay we're not too worried about her ah I missed that pretty good damage to him though and we got healing so we're we're chilling we're chilling mana's doing okay we got to keep an eye on that but again we don't have the best cool Downs that's a good thing about our sleepy is that 10% or a cool down is quite an interesting thing just doing some damage to him and he'll take extra damage from Medusa when I hit that I can show you my one here if you'd like see we have jealousy damage there so right now she's doing 5% extra damage to anybody that I Smit which I love smooching people use my three here I want to use my ult even just so she can catch up to him nice good job Medusa I'm scared of the Thanos coming here but I'm going to say attack this I'm going to commit cuz I want I want the farm I don't want to give them any farm when they get back that was such awesome follow up from her though I really really really appreciate that I'm going hit her with a your kill in it because I actually think she is That's So Dope I love all my adcs you're just like on top of it following up and just like being badasses like that it's just so much fun all right lat let's grab some Wards and let's get out of Base here looks like they already did his other yellow but he'll probably go to his back yellow now yeah I can meet him there I can help him clear and I can heal him so that's pretty cool let me go ahead and do that oh I even got scepter I was trying to get scepter that's why I initiated that fight to under and you can see that I pushed them out of it with my two which is what you're trying to do uh um and then I was able to secure that scepter I'm not doing any farm on the way here cuz I just want to get there and help her oh shoot a little late on that but it's fine we're going to set up a ward there I should probably do a further back Ward hello now she has some extra life steal by the way cuz I have my pyx up H that was such a good to she had there she completely stopped his back which freed me up to just go and smack him like that was really good of her yeah want to do that I'm fine with that yeah you got some life steal now I can tell you that much you're welcome looks like door's coming over here it's fine let's just let's focus the purple and stuff cuz he's just kind of clearing without paying too much attention which is fine we only have a yellow Tiki right now which I don't love uh Freya might be in a little trouble on Mid still I I can rotate now we're at level seven we're 6 minutes in and we have a little bit of a lead from this Lane in my opinion so I could rot say and that's kind of what you're looking for that's good thing I wed okay he's backing up see that now we're at the point where we're starting to hit hard on him okay ready back up back up back up back up back up thanks careful yep that's why we Ward we're just going to Bonk him up a little bit not too worried about it even sometimes you just kind of take the damage that's okay worries I'm just going to go ahead and three this really quick she doesn't need me to heal her cuz she's at full health she can clear the wave at the same time as she'd like to BK let her last hit this there you go oh I didn't mean to say Retreat I'm meant to say you rock oh she's retreating anyways I really like Medusa she follows up really well I appreciate that when to hear something really funny it will make me look a little stupid but it's okay cuz we're all a little stupid sometimes um the first time I recorded this I bought last gasp instead of rejuvenating heart in accident and then I went like 10 minutes into the game and I went oh shoot I finished my sleepiest right and I go why is this not like healing I feel like I should be healing more from this uh life steal and then I go oh I don't have the item I don't have the item that would explain it he ults I can always just use my ult on her we'll counter that he's laughing at me okay oh nice timing on her ultimate there oops I'm going to use my uh three on this Bastion here behind us shoot I messed up my Al there we both die and that's on me oh he yeah yeah yeah yeah get out get out get out enemy uh that's too bad well she's running this Lane over here and left I don't even know where New is there she is on her purple it's a good War them do placed that's too bad that's too bad so I could even go um the es sleepus first but the rejuvenating is cheaper um so we will go that first and then we'll head back and we'll Loop onto oh no medus are you good I'm going to start walking towards left just so I can get there and I can heal her on um and then as well as the fact that I was walking there because if she died then I could just hold her Lane for her afterwards so that would have been [ __ ] you are absolutely kidding me talk about it later ah F off you little homunkulus literally nobody likes you love the no sound effect yeah that's [ __ ] tough all right I need to go hold these Lanes I don't care if I lose a [ __ ] green buff uh I don't think they're doing gold but yeah they're not cuz n's there they're probably going to think about it it's okay that'll clear the backs and everything there we go I'm going to plop a warington probably here they took my green red buff is down but she's not paying attention which is too bad oh okay got be careful about that if you don't have your link on somebody then your cool down of your kiss is really long so it's like now I don't have my link on her gosh dang I'm going to go to the tier two if he wants to crash down on me then he can but he's going to be in hot water the only other thing I'm worried about is Thanos she really just she won't grab a red buff she won't back up she's not paying attention it's a tough matchup for her she's just getting kind of stuck in there at the same time like what do she [ __ ] she she built an Aegis you don't build an Aegis against the Hades you need to be able to get out of his ult you can't just sit there in an Aegis and she thinks her she thinks her Al is enough of a counter but you're just counter Ting every time like no no no no especially when you and I've seen her do this use that ult for Chase down a few times please get your damn red buff why is there a freaking serer minion here just razing my balls grow up literally why are you here whatever we'll just heal that up these serer players are such little Peach Pit [ __ ] sometimes they just like never go away she's a little fast I can't there we go he's trying to lock down the kiss on her I'm yoinking this I don't like having a chance to fall behind yeah we need to get this sleepest and get some cool downs we can heal her up though let's see [Music] okay that's fine look at that we're healing I think those plus threes are the healing from the life steal worries and yeah I'll stick here with her for just a second here help her clear this wave really quick and I might even just use the TP and get to Medusa get out of there I don't know where this new is but I know that I'd like to heal her so we'll just go ahead and do so 41 for tick ain't bad right now it's obviously Max like it's not really going to go too much above that except for the esus will actually raise it a little bit um is this Camp up I highly doubt it but oh yeah it is oh I could camp this corner huh yeah you want to do it you want to do it you want to do it let's do it there we go I'm going to use my okay there's a Thanos coming we'll he her with some life seal and the regular three heals again every time we use r two on somebody by the way too kind of a cool interaction when we're leashed to somebody r two damage comes off of them as well and whenever that damage is oh my God we'll heal her not a problem you're Stellar player oh shoot oh [Music] baby I'm literally not worried you're a [Applause] [ __ ] that was so sexy oh my God I beat a bit that's amazing know the to this that is absolutely amazing I peed a bit that's so funny I'm looking at Gold Fury solid gold that's funny ni say gold um mulan's like committed get that coup she's like screw a tower I want the coup I respect that I'm sorry I'm not trying to make your your pole weird here I just want to grab a h actually I'll go Blue it's a little early where I'm going to go green Tiki you want me to gank again I'll do it I have no quals I thought that noise meant that somebody was coming through the teleporter we just got to wait for her Dash to get out before we use our stun oh oh that's too bad I use my Autos here no the rout okay you're better you're just literally better all right rp5 isn't too bad at this point but it's not like amazing I'm going to get out of here though mulan's in base so I don't really need to teleport to right it won't do me too much I will use the Sentry word here and we'll put a regular W here hopefully that spots out without some of the uh stuff this stos is doing if I can even just kill one of these oracles and that means that they can't secure both and you're like well if you're say help really quick I'm going to say enemy spotted there it is on my ward too so now she sees it I'm going to link up with her cuz she is like literally the best dude we could get a big kill on him ah okay I'm not really talking this fight so I apologize for that we're going to go say gold Fury right after this I'm just going to spam it and they will listen to me because they're good players I might actually let uh let her tank this for a second but it's completely fine we could even juggle it if you don't know what juggling a gold Fury is it's pretty simple essentially you just stand on both sides of it and as you get low Health you walk out of it and trade it to the other player uh it's a very simple technique where you could take two players and you could completely do a gold Fury by not taking too much damage between you and just trading off the uh the pry of the tank but we're not going to need to do that because luckily I have my heals am Medusa is there to be an absolute G so we appreciate that that fight could have gone a little smoother but it was completely good for us so I'm not going to complain after all if it ain't broke don't fix it and if you ain't losing don't try to to win too much and then lose yeah I don't know what I'm talking about whoa hey she broke my freaking thing is ready on my yeah we need to be careful here can you see this N Shoot I'm going to use my B there and I use my three for healing but I'm out of mana and that's bad that's too bad I should stop trusting this Freya I think she's our weakest link although I haven't no I have seen the Mulan fight and I think the mulan's pretty freaking good I think Mulan might get a kill Here There It Is she hits her Arrow o she missed her Arrow I think that's okay let's get our sleepious that'll knock our healing up some more and then we need some more life steal I was thinking going straight for a bank cross which is like the classic obvious good answer right there we could go for a soul gim too because the thing with soul gim is it's proc will heal our allies but not for much so it's like you know I'd rather not do that but I'd rather just get more life steal overall and we just need to be careful in the future about fighting uh we actually where's where's the thing they took out curon what does uh none of these decrease healing on these people now oh horrific I'm going to wait a couple seconds too for my goal just so I can grab this and we'll go ahead and do that I could get Wars instead but I'd rather just bump that up a little bit because what's the jump there 6% magical life steal to 7.5% yeah but 25 power to 55 is the thing that really matters for us no one saw that I literally did not but you know whoever did I hope they are sworn to secrecy at this point I think the key to these things oh hello there Tower attack back off pal I don't want to use my Al for this so she needs to be careful although that's great damage and an AIS on Hades careful I'm going to say enemies incoming though cuz oh okay ultimate ready what if we just do pyro what if anybody pays attention to me we just do pyro what if yeah there you go I appreciate it I'm going to use my heal immediately on this and I might need to give this tank off to her for a sec okay immediately I'm going to stun stun him and I'm going to all her as well I'm going to use my heric on them and my shell I'm using all my relics on her because I just want her to live I have my stun I actually got to use my stun twice there before I died cuz it went on to Thor and then I went on him he's too [ __ ] strong do they have anti-heal we actually lost pyro there too by the wayy I wanted to drop the tank and I did but then Freya kept sitting in it oh as strong as Medusa is no she gets with she gets with uh Mulan here M's level 16 that's not good why why is she so far behind that's weird is she like beating that hard oh wow she is okay interesting that was not a smart all in my opinion she's level 16 she doesn't have the tankiness I don't think to just walk through that but I'm going to run straight there Hades is still in middle so it means he's not even part of the equation if I can get to Medusa I can just heal her up 66 ticks now with the rod of es sleepus on us and if we can get some hit with our three then we'll do even more healing to her with some life steal there middle Tower has I need to hit some more uh or some better stuns I like to walk around with my stun on and then right when I see somebody I can just cast it some people use it on instant cast but it's not my cup of tea he's level 19 it's the only thing for me with this kid are we on a ward careful there we go oh yeah shreking a little damage out there does he have tankiness not quite oh shoot how did I not see that coming they all want to do stigan I didn't want to go this way I wanted to head through mid because I think we would have got there faster but fortunately they they made it work hello there have some of this huh we can't go for fire right now I can take this I'm going to actually switch to Green I like the cool downs but it's okay all right go go go hit hit hit we need to Giant or maybe even just attack fire giant going switch back to Medusa I trust her I want to see if my link breaks what if we just do fire like is this a crazy call part of me is like what if I just start this at the very least we just bait them in right be careful of that fire thing then knock up he's going to do two knockups there's the second one pretty good tank so far there is a Effigy up by the way okay are we sticking this Retreat I don't want to stick this we'll just heal up really quick they might take it though Bonk I lost my connection with the Medusa I might shell everybody here in a second I actually just stunned him big from me big if true is true whoa I'm immediately going to uh horrific here Ching Autos I'm going to connect to Freya I'm going to heal her oh my life steal is going off too I'm going to stun him right when he lands if I can reach him which I can't okay there's a stun Bonk okay this is free fire I can't tank this I need to remember that yeah he knows he knows who's tanking apparently me which I don't love I need to make my main pryo just not dying to this thing which I think is fine think I live please kill it do this do this do this oh no I can use my knockback on this to stop its channeling right there of that ability and I'm going to return to base arm is doing pretty good so we'll push down left lane now that was a good uh chain of events we'll get our Spartan flag and we'll get a regular Ward and a Sentry Ward I'd like to hook up with her because she's sexy and also it help us get out of Base faster but she's not playing yet cuz I think she's looking for what items she wants to buy which is fine so we'll let her do that and we'll just go ahead get out of Base here uh if they want to do middle lanee it's fine I'd prefer to do left lane oh shoot just kind of wish I had a blink or something I couldn't even hit my stun half the time in that fight just cuz all the people were in the way of me oh no worries all right that's fine uh if they want to back I'm going to go farm because I can get my buff at least there's bonus Farm there too oh okay that should be the Thanos I know it's the Thanos because I can show you here on leader boards he has eye of the Jungle and once that jungle Camp died I saw it place down a little mini Ward which means we know Thanos that killed that buff pretty fun we're going to head up to Medusa here I could go for the Thor just because he's more in there but I really like Medusa and I want to be able to keep her safe if she gets thenos aled on or something with my ultimate and then my healing uh the other cool thing that we've been seeing in these fights that you saw in that last one uh you can even go back and Rewind and kind of look at it and see all the green numbers flying off was the healing that I was doing just spread out across the team when I like use my three if they're just standing near me the rejuvenating heart is just throwing life steel heal at them which isn't a ton but you know it's cool and it's something okay it's a free Al out of her I'm going to actually connect to Mulan perhaps As I push this we're going to go ahead and all here I'm going to go ahead and shell the whole team and I also horrific the enemy team but it wasn't enough I don't think I don't have cool Downs I need cool Downs Jesus Christ I really expected after Ting the Mulan that it would oh no she didn't do her last Auto let's check out what kill me there oh that goes so bad I do I get anti heal on my last column that's like I kind of don't want to do that blah give me this first I think I was just barely out of range my ALT I can stay connected to your left Tower is under attack I think I just might want to stay with her cuz she like hits so hard I'll just clear this wave I don't think they're ballsy enough to push now that we're spawning they're a little scared and they they should be okay just a tower not terrible yeah no it's not a big deal the worst thing about that is that we lost our fire Giant they're probably going to do gold Fury I'm not I'm not even going to call defend on it because I don't want my team yeah there it goes to push over there all together and like die or something I got to switch back to Blue Tiki I feel like it's just like looks like Arthur took the crit bait and I'll swap to peen I'll swap the peen she'll swap over after you finish spectral okay all right uh Pyro's coming up I'd rather do pyro I'm just going to call it so they know that's where I want to go MP5 is still fine I'm split as what I want my last item to be because I like need cool down I'm feeling but I need maybe anti-heal do we have anti-heal why didn't she go in venomed is that not the game maybe I'm stupid okay where's Medusa I want to get back on her it's a nice Ward from him but it's um it's not a Sentry Ward like I'm going to place right here which will actually catch out their a w we need to pay attention to that kind of stuff careful I need her to just kind of wait a second I need to get my kiss back this is what I mean like also my kisses take forever we can't really bait this like I want to I got to be careful fire here it'll cook us up [ __ ] I don't want him to die [ __ ] me come on oh my God I can't I can't save them if I go in they all die and I die Jesus Christ come on team H I shouldn't have tried to help that Thor I almost got my ALT on him yeah I should not have tried to help him put a word right here I think they're doing fire I don't see why they wouldn't be but the thing is I'm not going to step in and die I should just stick with the Medusa she's just such a better player than anyone else on the team feel like I'm just throwing by not sticking with her may we El get cut yeah I will never leave you now on okay I want cool down I can either go Kronos or I can go Genji um I think I'm going to go gronos sparkles I think I could really benefit from that power or from the uh defense but I don't know at this point I kind of just want the power and the passive of coronal to back me up so we're just going to go from there okay be careful did they get yes I think they got enhanced fire that could be a good gank if we can catch her out I don't usually do this but like I don't usually go this deep in the jungle when the enemy team has a fire Dr like this but if we can catch someone alone H in point do you see how much damage he just did we just got a free new out of them look that's that's dead okay awesome that needs to stop happening I'm going to die to him he's going to go hard for me I can't even get my [ __ ] shell off that's too bad talk about a like oh there should be a Brawlers there should be a Brawlers too I really thought someone else anti-heal never taken that much damage fromes oh goodness yeah it's it's a lot of damage isn't it I mean yeah it's a good bit I don't know what he can really do here hopefully he can hold out if he holds out for um 10 seconds then Freya comes up but I don't really know if he can I don't really care either way it was a good match for a little while it's just like it's just unfortunate that had is going to got to run free this Freya didn't get anti-heal but also my Thor and my Mulan didn't build a Brawlers I could have got a Divine at some point but it kind of messed up what we were going for with the build I could have got a pestilence last but even then I didn't finish my last item so that wouldn't really make too much of a difference and then what I wanted to go with this build I kind of had to go what I had earlier it was still good he wasn't even a good player that he he's he was very mid he just got lucky every [ __ ] time he like he did nothing and got to succeed from it you know what I mean like all he did was just do his regular [ __ ] combo with nothing special about him uh I think that the character is probably just really um strong right now GG Canadian got to [Music] recast yeah that's too bad I mean he really yeah he just such a mid player it's kind I hate losing to stuff like that when it's like he did [ __ ] nothing you know and he got paid for it yeah that brought it to hood he really made his power go through the [ __ ] roof and sacrificial shroud too which I think is kind of slept on item right now and know I've used it in a couple of builds lately because I really do think it's amazing but either way it's a pretty good match we just kind of got op diffed I think and uh a little built diff because she didn't even have her starter item upgraded well I guess let's call it like it is we got midi this Freya wasn't really a character uh if we look at Stats yeah she barely had more player damage than me in fact nobody on her team really did damage except this Medusa it was just why I was trying to stay with her and I should have just never even like that one fight in the right jungle I shouldn't have tried to help the Thor cuz like he would do some good stuff he had some good ganks early and everything and when I see him in fights it was like okay he can play the game but nobody on this team can play the game like that my do so good so I should have just stuck with him but it is what it is either way I hope you guys enjoyed did you want to be like or subscribe I very much appreciate that that's going to do it for me today so as always have a great [Music] day we
Channel: Rogers Aquarium
Views: 5,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smite, moba, SMITE, MOBA, nu wa, nuwa, gameplay
Id: QGeujcHlK4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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