It is Time to Choose!!! What's It Going to Be?

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hello you guys over how are you guys doing oh there we go because for whatever reason on my end i couldn't see our comments they're just now coming through hey you guys hi [Music] so i have a message for you all but before i continue i have my fan on because it's a little toasty where i'm at and for whatever reason you know heat rises so it don't get as cold upstairs can y'all hear my fan is it a distraction can you guys hear my fan no no okay great good because your girl is hot and i did not want to turn it off okay so this message is actually um it's kind of like a follow-up to the message i gave when i first came back i want to say in february and the name of that video was um they're spying to betray you many of you i don't know if you saw it but that video got like 80 000 views but i end up i took it down um because there were some bible thumpers in the comments and of course me i don't ever want to come to you guys incorrectly now godzilla revealed to me um the context in which i used the scripture was incorrect but i was correct in why i chose to use it um it was more so his way of um because i was new to the faith it was more what more so one of his ways of showing me what my dream meant so i took it down but i will link it in the description box if you want to see it but it won't be on my main page just to give a recap of what that video was about for those who missed it um that video talked about it being someone around you who is not trustworthy and um basically this person is not to be trusted you know uh there's a judas amongst you and they've been doing some things and have gotten away with it and you don't even know and in that particular message i kept saying you need to cut this person off because they're going to do something if they haven't done it already and it's going to hurt and i said that if they've done it already do not retaliate for some of you uh that message if it resonated it was just you and one other individual and for others it was um a third-party situation where maybe one person had to choose between two people or they did and the first if they already did they may have made the wrong choice because they lacked um clarity they like information or maybe they just made a really bad decision or it could have been from a place of judgment not really sure but i will say this with this particular follow-up message if you are having to choose between two people two options to choices to groups to opportunities some of you have already made your choice others if you have not but this is going to be your clarity and your confirmation on how to move forward there's a scripture in the bible um and i want to say it was a parable used by jesus but please don't quote me on that and it talks about um seeds that an enemy planted on a farmer's you know um you know farm or whatever and the workers noticed that it was wheat weeds growing up with the wheat and you know they was asking hey do you want us to pull it up from the root he said no because if you do you would destroy it all wait let it grow together and we'll separate the wheat from the tear well with that being said whatever has transpired in this last season for some of you um when i say season time the time may vary uh seasons are not calculated based on physical uh timing it's in the spiritual right and so something transpired you may want justice um you may have been trying to figure something out or like i said make a decision this is imperative i don't care how good a person looks i don't care how good a person speaks i don't care how good an opportunity seems to present itself in this hour god is separating the wheat from the tear you would know them by their fruits if an individual a company or whatever this situation is has not buried any good fruit or any fruit at all that is not the way you want to go i don't care how pretty you want to dress it up i don't care how um how nice you want to try to or they want to try to make it sound or seem or uh because some of these people are going to try to deceive you it is about deception again some of you this is this has already happened i feel like i'm talking to the people right now who are about to make a decision okay you want to make sure that these people look at what they've done because this last season has determined uh what they have sown because you will only reap what you have sown so if you've sown a lot of you know if these people have slown a lot of negativity or false hope or lies deception in whatever area in life it doesn't matter in this hour you're going to start to see what it is that they have been doing behind the scenes things that they think that people don't see that they don't understand that they don't know they think that it's going to stay hidden no look at their life look at the situation is it producing good fruit is the question so that is the question you want to ask yourself when you're having to make this final decision for some of you this is confirmation because again you've made this decision already this is your confirmation to go in the direction that is bearing good fruit even if you don't know much about it um you're not sure that's the direction because in this hour i feel like god is doing the impossible he is doing um things that don't make sense right now the miraculous that's what you want to go with all right not what seems comfortable not what looks good you know not what feels good immediately just look at what has been what they're reaping and that's all that i can say about that now for those of you there on the flip side there are some people who did make a bad choice in the past i talked about this in that first message they made a terrible decision they chose the wrong opportunity the wrong person the wrong group what have you and they're starting to see for themselves what this particular choice is reaping now they're starting to see oh my goodness a whole season i went by and this is what they have produced i made the wrong choice because in the beginning i gave this analogy in the last message when the seeds are planted in the ground you can't really see them or it's what they are they look the same but you don't start seeing it until it has you know grown so now that a whole season went by the fruit has grown the wheat the tear whatever you want to refer to it as for these people okay um you're starting to regret it now here's the thing can't you fix it for some of you yes you can the issue is is you're gonna have to put your pride aside in order to do so because pride is going to be a hindrance to a few of you for the people who got overlooked please follow me because i hope you're following me for the people who got overlooked for the people who did not get chosen or what have you you're gonna have to forgive now for the people who are gonna have to forgive you are gonna have to make sure that you are in tune with holy spirit to let you know do should i or do i need to allow these people back into my life because you may just be getting closure with them coming back but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are ordained to go to this next season with you the people who made a a bad decision and is not meant for you to go back or even if you do go back and try to make it right to reconcile and is not destined for you to go with that person or that opportunity or that group what have you um by you even allowing yourself to step outside of that space of pride you're going gonna be given something else okay that was just gonna be more so of a lesson for you to learn not to judge too quickly or to allow god to lead you and not your flesh to lead you for the people who is not meant for these people to go with you to the next season you got overlooked or what have you um you're going to be restored with something so that makes it i it's going to be so beautiful so i just wanted to come on and um give that message because it was a follow-up and we are now in that season where god is beginning to separate us this could be with friendships this could be with habits this could be with family this could be with a job this could be with uh i mean what have you it's time for you to start separating yourself and you're going to know that it's time to start separating yourself because you've outgrown it it no longer resonates they're not producing good fruit it's not producing good fruit it's time okay so um and for some of you i have to say this if you were over looked look down on betrayed that whole ordeal um i would say every person who did that to you may not listen to god and reconcile you're gonna have to find that within yourself and god god most definitely can heal you of whatever hurt pain or any of that good stuff but i feel for the most of you who fall into that category you've already done that you've already went through that process and so now it's just time for you to move forward okay that is the message that is all are there any questions before you know i get off you're welcome you're welcome you're so welcome but it's time to choose y'all it's time to choose what's right for you um so if you haven't made that choice and something or a person has been holding you back you know i'm gonna say i gotta say this before i get off because this is really weird heavy on me some of you are allowing people that you have known since however long you could have been children teenagers college early adulthood you know you've known these people for a long time but the thing is you you've outgrown them and you know you have but you for whatever reason continue to try to hold on to them um i just want you to know they're hindering your growth it doesn't mean that you have to be nasty about it it doesn't mean that you know you have to be rude if you see him in the future or anything like that no it just simply means that you can't go with me you're not destined to go with me you're not equipped to go with me to this next season and i'm telling you if you don't choose to follow what god is telling you it is going to affect the rest of your life because this next season is not one that you want to miss it is going to catapult you into a different space and it's going to be so beautiful but a lot of you don't want to let go of the familiar and it's crazy because some of these situations that y'all comfortable with these folks are manipulating you you don't know it or maybe you do and you don't care they're abusing your kindness they could be abusing you but a lot of them and i have to say this a lot of them are holding on to you because they know they aren't destined to do the things that you're destined to do and so as long as they feel like they can keep you around they'll receive the blessings that you're going to receive but it's not meant for them to receive it because they haven't sown good seeds that was weighing so heavy on my heart to say that yeah some of them are gonna be heartbroken yeah some of them are gonna feel like you don't love them or you betray them or how could you but no how could they because i'm telling y'all these some of these people that y'all got around y'all they ain't it because this judas reference came back up again today and i'm like really god really i thought we was past this but i feel like this is the time in the season where the judases are being exposed and you're gonna have no choice but to let them go others of you you know there isn't a judas um it's just time to let them go but others of you judas is being exposed and they have to be exposed because otherwise you wouldn't let them go and for some of you i feel there's this sense of empathy the reason why you keep them there you may see who these people are but you feel bad for them and you keep them around because you feel like well if i let them go they won't you know they can't sustain themselves no that is not your job that is god's you can't feel that void for them they have to go to god they got to go and find themselves in god you can't do that i stated this in one of my live videos but i had to get down i said i wasn't gonna be on here long but here we go you may not have the anointing to help a person get through a particular season in their life you may not have that anointing you may not have the spirit to be able to elevate them a person yes has to go to god but god can and will use a willing vessel to do so so you have to ask yourself do i have the anointing to help this person get where they need to be otherwise it is nothing more than a codependent relationship because some of y'all feel the need to feel needed you feel like well i'm not doing nothing or i'm not fulfilling my purpose or i'm a nobody if people don't need me and little do you know that's a void that you have within yourself so while you're trying to go and feel somebody else's voice you need to go and feel yours and i'm saying that with love i i wholeheartedly mean that with love you cannot walk around here thinking you can fix everybody that is a void that only holy spirit can do so again ask yourself ask god god have you given me the anointing to help this person in there in this particular season in their life or in their life in general do i have the capacity to withstand and withhold all they come with can i withstand and withhold all they come with because if i can't it's going to destroy me and i had to take a moment of silence right there because i needed you to really think about what it is that i said ponder on that for a minute really let it sit in marinating your spirit now i'm not saying go out here and be all willy-nilly and just cut every single person off no really go back to the father pray about it ask him god i need confirmation i gotta let this person go some of y'all he don't give y'all confirmation already okay and maybe me saying this is your confirmation but for those of you who have no clue it's time for you to go through your rolodex your spiritual and virtual rolodex and ask god okay what needs to be tossed out and what can stay literally it's time for some of y'all to let it it hasn't been a thought because you thought everything was all good right but it's not is not and i promise you everything that i'm saying is i'm saying it with love because i want to see you win some of these people that are on my line and some of the people that are going to come and watch this later on you are destined for some things that are that are beyond anything that you could even fathom you're going to surpass a lot of family you're going to be the first to do something in your family the first to do something in your neighborhood your city your friend circle everybody's level of success is different but the point is it's going to bring you out of that space of comfort and you can't achieve it in that particular atmosphere so it's time the choice is yours all right now that's all i have to say there is nothing else i hope that the people that need to hear this it gets to them in a timely fashion and that they really take heed to it and they're open and receptive to what it is that god is speaking in this hour you're so welcome you are so welcome as a matter of fact let me tell you what scripture that is so you can go and ponder on it give me one second i'm about to tell you is matthew chapter 13 and he gets it was a parable that jesus said so it's matthew chapter 13 uh go and check that out and read it and really let it resonate and keep re-reading it and re-reading it because as pastor mike says i love him uh repetition brings revelation so sometimes you may read a scripture and it may not resonate with you in that moment but continue to read it and you may get the revelation that you're looking for all right i love you guys and um i will talk to you all later as a matter of fact i think i'm going to come back on for a q a so stay tuned
Channel: A Minute With Mila
Views: 2,873
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Id: Uew358UznfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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