It is all in the small details...(renovation for my in-laws)

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so I'm back wer at Philips F and Dad's today and today we're going to work on a little bit of the backsplash and do a little more progress in the entryway I think it's going to be so nice to get that finished up the last couple days we have had a really high heat wave here in Nova Scotia we even lost power it's been so hot and philis and D came back from their trip needing some rest but I wanted to come over and get a couple of coats on and just kind of get a little bit more progress of this going as we go here I had a lot of questions as to if this backsplash was fit finished you saw that I hand cuted all of these hand painted them all there was a lot of questions that why didn't I paint a bunch of boards and then just cut out the triangles once they were painted instead of hand painting every individual tile and the reason was is because I needed the sides to be painted as well and so it was just easier to do it this way and so every one of these has been hand cut hand traced out hand sanded hand painted it really is like a work of art and it turned out just how I thought it would but we definitely are going to need to grout these and I'm going use a white grout line but we're going to be a couple days before we can grout this because there's a step that I need to do before I do this typically when you use a ceramic tile it's going to have that really shiny you know clear coat that's on top of it so that when you use grout it can wipe off of that surface and you just get your grout lines but with wood if I put grout on top of this all of my beautiful paint job on all these will not be quite like this once we do that and so what I need to do is I need to put several coats of clear coat on it first almost make the tops of them look like a tile and then in a couple days once it's cured I can go back and grout it not affecting my nice paint job so I'm going to use this veranee diamond finish and I've just chosen a satin I don't want these to be like high gloss and I'm going to paint these on which is why I wanted to do the side edges because I think it's important that I do those just in case some of them are out just a little bit more with the grout it would it has some variables to it unlike if you were going to buy tiles that were exactly the same Dimension and so I just didn't want any of the coloring to you know raw wood coloring to show on the sides if I didn't paint it so we're going to clear coat this and going to wipe it all down with a cloth make sure there's no debris from sanding it or anything and then we're going to get to adding this to the top coat [Music] [Music] this is a non yellowing which is why I selected this because I don't want any of my lighter ones turning colors down the road once it cures just looks a little bit milky I want to do thin coats I'm going to try to go all in the same direction that way I don't have any Brush Mark lines so we're going to do several coats so I don't need to slather on a really thick coat I would rather do thinner coats and then do more thinner coats [Music] [Music] I'm just going Side by each to make sure I don't have any drips in between the tiles and then I can do my last swish over each tile going the direction that I want which is just go straight across [Music] [Music] so the goal here is to start filling a whole bunch of the spaces between the beadboard wall creasing plywood sections make it look a little more seamless before we put on the final coats you can see we've done a lot of puttying here but please for the love of goodness don't use a non- paintable dap when you do this like the previous owners so now we have a lot of Corrections to do so I'm definitely using the paintable dab so that we can then again paint this and not have it repel the paint when we're done you can see this space here is pretty bad we're going to fix this there's a lot of this on the main floor that we knew wasn't going to dry in time to get it done for Mom and Dad so let's get back at it this is that non paintable dock that they used before or a silicone so all it does is repels the paint which is why my paint didn't stick [Music] [Music] [Music] today I had a really productive day at Philips swi and Dad's place I was able to get two coats on the back of the tiles that I made and I think that's going to give me a good head start for letting some of the curing happening so that hopefully on Sunday or Monday I can go and grout that and then that part of that kitchen space will be complete once I'm done making that mess I'm going to go ahead and do the clear coat and then actually have to do one more coat on the cabinets and a clear coat on all of the cabinets I just don't know if I'm going to make a mess with the grout where I'm going to want to backtrack and so I just don't want to even do the clear coat on the cabinets on the lowers until I absolutely know that I haven't dinged anything or gotten anything dripped on anything while I'm working on that GR in the backsplash but that's okay by the end of day Monday at the late everything in that kitchen space should be complete and then that's going to be another thing finished for good in Mom and Dad's place and they are absolutely loving it I know that when they've been coming down in the morning they just feel like they're at a hotel it's still taking them some time to get used to the fact that their house now looks like that and they just absolutely love it so it's so rewarding to hear how much they're enjoying everything that we did but there's still some things to do it's all in the small details that will make a really big impact in the end result of when the main floor is completely done so today I went and did a whole bunch of dapping I spared you a bunch of the footage and how much it time it took me to go around with the cocking gun and do all of the paintable DB around a whole ton of seams I did show you a little bit but oh my gosh I could have been there for 3 Days doing it so I did a whole bunch today we're going to let all that dry catch up the painting in those areas and then go off to the next section I think it's just better than making a huge mess all at one time to be able to do that but I just knew while we were doing the makeover that if I was going to DAP everything it would take 2 or 3 days for everything to dry and then we wouldn't have been able to finish the paint and make it look like it did coming in for the reveal so we're backtracking just a little bit but that's totally fine you can see around me that our bug season today is in full effect we' have had insane heat the last couple days so we've been trying to keep all the animals comfortable ourselves comfortable let Mom and Dad rest from getting back from their holiday but yet still get some of our progress done on their house I was able to get another coat on the staircase armor which now looks so good and Mom loves the color that we're doing and so does Dad so the background being that blue gray color all the way up looks so cute and I was able to get a lot of the first coats done on that whole entryway and then do some touch-up paint jobs to do a second coat on the white ceiling in that entry space so quite a lot of work to get done today and I was flying solo today while Philip was here attending to all the animals taking care of the boys they are just finishing their last exams today so they're officially done coursework for this year which is so exciting that we're going to have them home for the summer so I can't wait for that so I want to let you know at the end of this video I'm so excited that in the next couple of days we're actually going to pick something up for our Homestead we're going on a really big road trip the boys and I are going and we're going to be picking up something or some things or many things I'm not even going to tell you so you're going to have to take a guess in the comment section but we're going to be welcoming something or some things or many things new to our Homestead in just a couple of days and I am so excited to show you and tell you I've known for about 8 weeks now and I've been able to keep this a secret I can't even believe that I was able to keep it a secret from you guys for this long because I never really keep secrets I always tell you guys when something new and exciting is happening but I'm so excited so take a guess something some things many things not going to tell you any clues coming to our Homestead in the next couple of days what do you think it is gee I wonder so exciting anyways I love you guys thank you again for always cheering on my family Hudson and Lennon are enjoying the evening light today it's starting to cool down a little bit right now that it's the end of the day thank goodness and I will see you on tomorrow's episode
Channel: Elysia English
Views: 4,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elysia english, house renovation, house transformation, secret house renovation, renovation vlog, transforming an old house, redoing my parents house, big surprise, home renovation, make an old home brand new, renovating my in-laws house, surprise renovation, surprise makeover 2024, surprise makeover, house tour, extreme home makeover 2024, gifting home makeover, family, family vlog, BEFORE AND AFTER, HOME MAKEOVER REVEAL, start to finish makeover, ombre staircase
Id: wSOd3A4t_vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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