It hurts my soul to plow crop under, BUT....

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[Music] we have got this CRP land here that is right down just to the south of our building site a lot of this used to be farmed it's been in CRP now for about 20 years what that is is it is the Conservation Reserve Program so we get a small payment per acre for not farming this and for having it planted to native grass that 20 year contract is up so this is no longer eligible for CRP what we are doing is it's been resurveyed out and it is actually going to be set aside as a permanent easement that the government will have to replace wetlands and maybe some habitat you could say for some wildlife when farmers want to go in and tile out a wetland in their field they pay money to get a certain amount of credits depending on how the system has worked in in their spot so they get credits and then the acreage that they are tiling out is replaced then with this stuff that is in a in a permanent easement so we will no longer be able to farm this we are not going to tile this out and make this better land than what it was this is going to end up going into a permanent easement and it will stay as prairie grass and wetlands so some of the field here you can see it was too wet anyway I'm trying to block the wind with one hand but you can see through here this crop is not real good so that's why these flags are marked out here to mark off because we're going to actually extend this land and bring it out a little bit because this isn't great field anyway it needs tile put in it in order to be in order to be a good spot of the field so we're going to put it in that easement but this is going to be seated down to some native grasses so what I need to do is get in here and actually till this corn out of here [Music] we've still got the Monday go hook tup to the back of the 8360 and I think that makes the most sense as far as what to seal it with anyway we can get in there and leave a pretty nice level area for seating down the grasses and I just think it makes the most sense plus it's hooked up we've got the night cast speed build that matched that exact moment including the weathering and everything so the toy tractor x which is actually Jason from big tractor power he and I have been working together on that thing getting some details done there's going to be a limited number of those available this fall so we're hoping probably November we will have die casts of that exact tractor available I think that's pretty cool see if I can remember how to work this thing don't spend a whole lot of time for these big tractors during the summer during the growing season other than the sprayer which we are done spray and corn now will be on the soybeans here in a couple of days as long as the rain holds off which I don't think it's going to which is a good thing we still need rain oh I guess it kind of hurts my soul to plow crap underfoot what do you do one of those things that's gonna do it here now I've got this phone 7/10 of an acre tilt and they will come in and see this down here soon then we'll help we'll have some acres I think I'm gonna take the the woods battling out and probably take out some trees down in there now that we've got it surveyed out and just tinker with that a little bit because it is supposed to rain tonight so it's just gonna get wetter down in that area where it's always too wet anyway but luckily we've been super dry so this was no problem today we do still have the Monday go storm here we really like that machine it does still belong to Monday Co but we really like that machine as I was saying and we got some plans for it this fall one of them includes possibly incorporating some cover crop with that thing on some of our drier soil to see if maybe we could plant green into that next spring I think that's going to be highly weather dependent it'll affect the amount of time that we have to do it and and how the test turns out as far as not just a cover crop but planting into it in the spring but that is one of the plans we have for it we are going to run it over a fair amount of our acres I hope this next fall but right now I'm going to take this woods bat weighing out here eventually now this will all be cleaned off and cleaned up down in here but we want these trees on here we want the Prairie we want the wetlands we don't want a lot of trees there's a lot more trees in our area than than there is in some areas I always get chewed out whenever we touch a tree but I just want to say there's a lot of trees in this area so I'm not destroying the only trees on the entire landscape here these are garbage trees and thickets and brush and crud that we just need to clean up now this mower is supposed to be able to take up to four inch trees no problem so these little one enters I'm mowing down now or not an issue for it I do worry a little bit what those stumps are gonna be like when we come back but I'm not too worried I'm concerned that's all but I'm not gonna stop alright let's test it a little bit more here hey what I'm used to working with fairly wide equipment do you think is there any way you could make me like a 40 or maybe like a 60 foot wide batwing I got I got a lot to do here [Music] well a couple hours of that was fun but it's definitely not easy on equipment so I'm going to pull out of here I've actually got a an online milk flippy cup challenge that I need to really prepare for I'm going up against evelyn of the new york farm girls and i need to beat her in order to move on to the next part of the tournament we're raising money for feeding america it's going to be live on instagram you can go there and probably watch because it'll be long done by the time you see this but you can go there and watch it on IG TV i think we're going to post it on there as i said raising money for feeding america we've got 16 different farmers involved in this and it's just a fun thing to do it's a great thing so I'm looking forward to dominating against Evelyn and moving on to the next round well I got into the they got into the tall trees and it push the mirror back so I how do i hi this uh probably sounds like I'm joking but I need help getting out of a tractor oh nevermind found a second door I'm in the little tractor it's got the door on the other side so I'm okay I'm gonna make it alright thanks for your help that was a close one I'm very lucky we are supposed to get some pretty dang good storms here tonight and it's hot and windy so I'm gonna park the sprayer in the shed just to be safe because I don't like anything getting hailed on so I've got some flip cups now I just need a little bit of milk so I better head to the house get some milk by the way I just found out that our our map our farm simulator map is going to be coming out tonight oh that sounds cool those girls obviously I got my five cups here set up I got my milk ready to go but I got my secret weapon here chocolate chip cookies there's no way I can lose that milk flippy Cup when I got chocolate chocolate chip cookies in the house here goes nothing I also have my super fancy camera mount setup ready to go so this is like an official law studio it didn't work all my preparation and training did not pay off Evelyn's beat me but only by like one cup which actually I mean I'm really being honest with you I I didn't think I had a snowball's chance in heck so hey that was fun we raised a little money for feeding America good luck to the remaining eight out there and I'm gonna push for like a loser's bracket what else do I have right it still hurts a little you know now what are you gonna do okay next thing I want to do here is easy get out my new edger this is a new Milwaukee fuel power head I got I got the trimmer attachment I got the pole saw which I have not used yet and I got the edger which works awesome and I think if we hadn't waited 22 years to run the edge or on it the first time it'd probably work even better I'm gonna need a battery I really just love landscaping stuff trash my wife nuts by the way we got the pool fixed the water is cleaning up a little bit still a little cloudy what you doin Anna definitely took some work but this is about the first time I've seen the kids not in it since we got it fixed three four days ago look at this edge back here as Alan the lawn care nut would say that's an extra crispy right there look at all this material that came out between that pile and that little pile down there this thing is pretty sweet got this one all trimmed up nice it's a special feeling when a man can be proud of his lawn and his edges watch this that is incredibly satisfying you gotta fix the lawn a little bit now you wouldn't believe how many jobs I can come up with to keep myself out of the house time to clean up the dirt piles got to get rid of these before it rains tonight not even done with the job and I've got almost a full bucket boat there I'm gonna make things efficient here and fill in a couple of holes down at the end of the driveway in the lawn in the trees not in the driveway itself we took a tree out here a couple years ago and we've been short on Phil ever since [Music] ha ha I'm sweating
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 605,607
Rating: 4.939918 out of 5
Keywords: It hurts my soul to plow crop underground, millennium farmer 2020, millennium farmer, mn farmer, mn millennial farmer, the millennialf farmer, farmer, millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer funny, tractor attatachements, farm equipment, woods batwing, woods equipment, farming, mn millennial farmer equipment, off the husk, #peoplegottaeat, bush hogging overgrown field, polaris, rotary cutter, Lawn mower, john deere, john deere green, john deere tractors, bUT....
Id: k3gWEr_w1zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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