一口氣看完!【恰好你愛我】總裁放任其他人折磨灰姑娘,還害的灰姑娘沒有見到母親最後一面,灰姑娘終於死心瀟灑離開,誰知總裁終於得知灰姑娘就是他年少時的白月光,開始後悔追妻!#欣欣追剧 #都市 #追妻火葬場

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Is there anyone? Can anyone please give me something to eat? My grandma is starving to death. Where did this little beggar come from ? Come on, don’t dirty my clothes. Get him away quickly. Wait, I will return it to you. I'm waiting for you. My name is Chi Wan. Come home late at night . It turns out that you went home to get the piggy bank just to give it to him. He is so pitiful. Who are you , grandma ? My child, your mother is here to find you. You can follow her and live a good life . I No, I have to follow grandma, grandma, don’t abandon me. I have money. I will buy you delicious food. Lu Li, from today on, you are the heir of Nanze Group. You are not allowed to shed tears. Lu Li, president of Nanze Group, follows the great success of his artificial intelligence chip investment. Entering the live broadcast industry and expanding the business territory again. The net worth has reached 100 billion. Mr. Lu is dead. Get out of the way. Mr. Lu is here. Mr. Lu , do you have any news about the person you asked us to find ? Take me to her now. It’s okay here . The food is okay. Yun Brother Heng , something happened to me on the way. I won't have to send our company for dinner today . I went out to have a nice dinner with my colleagues. Do n't take a lunch break today. The boss notified the president of the group to come to our hotel to inspect the supervisor at short notice. I will be there soon . Stand still for me. Don't walk around and look at anything . If you weren't so beautiful and quick at work , a five-star hotel like ours wouldn't have the talent to open one of the best suites in your hotel. Please, dear , I think this hotel The decoration is too old and average. Why do n't we find another hotel? This hotel is my favorite. Besides, their red wine and catering are among the best in the country, right ? You wait for me here while I go to the bathroom. Who is she? She is me. One of my customers, you offended my customer, I won’t be able to bear it. Xie Yunheng, do you think I’m a fool? You accompany the customer to the hotel to check out a room . I ask you who is her husband ? Is my lipstick on you? What’s wrong with this clerk ? She asked me if I needed any special services. I said no and she kept pestering me. I didn’t expect that Chi Wan was the kind of person who thought that just because she was good-looking, she could buy and sell by force. Xie Yunheng, why are you so shameless? I’m your girlfriend and it’s obviously you. Go out to play first and stop me. How could I fall in love with someone like you? How could I fall in love with someone like you? What's going on ? You calm down first and let's talk about how unqualified your store clerks are. They keep pestering me . I've already told you that I have a girlfriend. It 's okay to let go . Good news. You are the eldest lady of the Gu family. You are not even qualified to carry your shoes. I'm sorry . You soiled my hands. Why don't you apologize immediately ? What's the use of apologizing ? If you offend Jiayin, you have to kowtow at least three times. This isn't appropriate. She kowtows once and I'll give you a hundred thousand . Kneel down and apologize to this lady and gentleman . Hold her down and apologize to lady and gentleman. What are you doing? Bring it to me. Let’s see how your appearance is different from that of a beggar. You still want to get involved with my man. Drag me down and stop . I’ll wait for you . My name is Chi Wan. What kind of onion are you in the evening ? Could it be that you are this rotten friend ? What are you looking at? I’ll tell you. You shouldn't be meddling in other people's business. Don't worry about what mistakes she made. She 's in love with someone else's boyfriend. I don't have it. I don't have it. You still have to quibble . I let go and let go . What are you looking at ? Why don't you come over and help Gu's Group ? But your biggest customer is missing. If you get this order, you all have to be laid off . Let me kill him. Let me see who dares. Husband, are you okay? If you dare to offend Miss Gu, you are dead . You must leave quickly . This is none of your business. I have no plans to leave the Lu Group today. There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the hotel. I believe someone is the most fair. No, if they come, won’t my relationship with Chi Wan be exposed? My hand hurts so much. I have to go to the hospital now . OK, OK. I’ll send you there first . Just wait for me. Miss Gu, why don't you walk slowly? It's you who should get out. I advise you to just close in. This is the Lu Group, let's run wild here. You won't know how you will die if you wait, right? What's going on with Mr. Lu? I'm here to help you recognize the wrong person. He is the helmsman of our group, Mr. Lu. Thank you , Mr. Lu. I’m sorry. We didn’t know they were your clients. Whatever happened just now is not the reason for your violence against your employees . From now on, you will be officially expelled from the Lu family. From now on, Lu family. None of the industries will hire you, Mr. Lu, go to work. I don’t need to give you things that others have used . Wait, you are an employee of Nanze Hotel. You go and resign. I don’t know how you got into Lu’s , but Your appearance does not meet the requirements Group Hotel We need a good image. Where is Chi Wan ? Assistant Qiao asked if there is an employee named Chi Wan in your hotel . I remember there was a certain Wan who seemed to have completed the resignation procedures in the morning . She is chasing Wanwan . Take a look. Someone came to collect protection money at your grandma's vegetable stall. If you don't pay me today , don't set up a stall here anymore . The old woman didn't make a fuss when she heard that . This old Qiao family is so pitiful. Her daughter became a vegetative state and she's been lying down for ten thousand years. This granddaughter It's still a wart. Then stop her for me. Wanwan, grandma, Wanwan, please let go. Grandma Wanwan, if she is really Chi Wan, she must be very disappointed with what she did to me. Qiao, let go, hurry up and hit the old one again. Here comes the little one. Are you giving money to this old woman ? How much do you want? I'll give it to you. Please let me go. My grandma is a hundred thousand . I really don't have that much money . Can you beat me less ? Stop it. Grandma , don't beat her to death. Boss, don't worry. We are sure of our hand . I dare you to bite someone, right? Big brother told me not to let him lose his appearance . Although he is a wart, he still looks pretty. Why don't you go and have a drink with me today and let you go? Why don't you go and shut up at night , old woman? Do you still want to be beaten ? Don't cry. Everything will be fine. Grandma, I only have you. You can't be okay. I'm going to pretend to be innocent. I've seen how many times you've been slept with. * HOLD ON FOR FEAR THAT. Hurry up. Wan Wan, are you okay? Thank you, Mr. Lu, Wan Wan . I want to ask you what your name is. Come and get it. Put it down. It’s my mother’s thing. You bad woman . Husband, this is against you. You stinky girl , your mother should have died a long time ago. Living is a waste of air, isn't it? Mom will wake up to the blue sky and daylight. What are you dreaming about? You go, walk away , ignore her. You really don't need to worry about her . The stinky girl will starve to death. Mom and dad don't want us anymore . I don't want to be that person in the future. Chi Wan, I want to be Mr. Qiao Wan, Mr. Lu. My name is Qiao Wan . Mr. Lu, the HR information has confirmed that it is Qiao Wan. Maybe he is not the person we are looking for. Chi Wan, where are you? Sorry , it does n’t matter. Mr. Lu, I am such a strange person . Why? I feel so familiar to you. What are you doing here? Get out of here. How can you talk to the elders? Are you educated? I am a mother-in- law. I am not well-educated. What’s wrong with you ? Oh, Laochi , calm down. Wanwan? She didn’t mean it . Yes, Dad . Let me tell my sister. I heard that you were saved by a man in the vegetable market. It was you and me who did it. Sister , no matter how much you dislike me, you can’t hit me . If you don’t ask your precious daughter what she did , just hit me. No matter what, Ning Ning is your sister. How can you be so stingy as a sister ? You three have shown off your happiness and now you can go out. Sister , let me tell you straight. Dad has chosen a good marriage for you. If I don’t marry you, I will betray you . Even if you beat me to death, I won't marry. Don't get angry with your father . How many people in the Lu family want to marry but can't get in ? Mom, do you think my sister will be willing to marry Lu Li? Although the Lu family is a wealthy family , After all, he is an illegitimate child. I heard that he likes to dissect things. He is a complete pervert. Do n’t worry , she has no contact with the upper class society. Of course she doesn’t know. Mom will definitely convince her. Then leave this blessing to your sister. Bad woman sister , if you don’t marry If you dare, sister , your father will pull out your mother's oxygen tube. If you don't marry, your father will pull out your mother's oxygen tube. If you dare, I will just say it casually. Why are you so mean to me? Your mother is old . A little accident is inevitable , and your grandma is getting old . She can't afford it. She lost her job, lost her mother, and needs medical expenses. The Lu family seems to be a good choice . OK, I 'll marry you. Give me back the jade pendant that you took away from me. I'll marry you. Mom, go back and buy you a better imperial green . Let's go and beg. Are you still alive? It's you . He is the pervert that Chi Ning said , but he is obviously a good person . You're sorry. I came here as a substitute. I'm not doing it for money , it's not that I hate being deceived the most. It's not that easy to get into the Lu family . You will pay the price for your actions. Mr. Lu , President Huaxi, has a difficult surgical operation. I want to make an appointment with you . Let's go now. But today isn't your wedding night? I immediately arranged for someone to do it. The Chi family is so brave that they dare to send someone over. Sister -in-law Li, call the Chi family and take him back. My Lu family cannot afford this marriage . It's so noisy. What are you like? Dad , they bully people too much. How can A Li marry such a woman ? Don’t you dislike A Li? This is different. You are Xiao Wan, right ? Then marry the right one. I have investigated and you are the rightful name of the Chi family. Your mother’s daughter ’s father is ready, and your mother’s will will only come into effect if A Li marries the daughter of the Chi family and the shares are donated. Currently, many people in the Lu Group are eyeing this point . You have to understand why you are still here. My Lu family doesn’t raise idle people. Madam , find some work for her . I'm not feeling well. I'll leave the kitchen to you. I'll accompany Madam out to the garden later, so I'll leave it to you. We both have to learn how to bake in the afternoon. I'll leave the bathroom to you to clean . Let's do this. Isn't it good ? She is also the young mistress of the Lu family. What kind of young mistress is she ? She might even give us a bonus and come and see me. Oops, sorry, I didn’t see it. Oops, you still dare to push someone ? Just look at what you are looking at. You are a concubine. Madam beats someone up and wants to leave you. Let go. Why do you have the young master's jade pendant ? I don't know what you are talking about. She must have stolen such a precious thing. There is no way the young master can hand it over to her. This is my own thief. Return the thing. You dare to hit me. Sisters, please give me the thief and the stolen goods to my boss so that I can hand them over. What are you doing ? Master , let’s break up the joke with the madam. Master , madam, she stole something from you . I’m sorry. I just saw it. Wrong. Qiao Wan, do you regret marrying into the Lu family? If you want a divorce, come to me anytime. It's impossible . He is a rich and well-off young master. How could he have fired those servants ? Then why didn't you do it in front of your wife just now ? It's okay. Madam , I'm just afraid that she has some fantasies that she shouldn't have. Is there any clue about the person I asked you to find ? You're still looking. I already have some clues. Please wait as soon as possible . I 'll return it to you. I'm waiting for you. My name is Chi Wan . Why do I think you and her are so similar to each other? It’s not good. The young lady fainted and called the family doctor. The young master took leave today and went to the hospital . Who said that the young master doesn’t care about the madam? I’m very anxious. I heard about those who bullied the madam today. They have all been kicked out , but two elderly people have been working at home for more than ten years. It can be seen that the young master is not ordinary to his wife. The patient is still having a fever and is weak due to long-term malnutrition. In the future, more attention should be paid to testing and evaluation to see if her legs have been operated on. Maybe it's good. The cheating started on the second day after the wedding. Let that good man from the Lu family know that you are there. Hey, Mrs. Lu , your daughter- in-law seems to have cheated on you . Why is it you ? Who do you want to be your lover? I don't know where you are. What are you talking about? What are you pretending to be? The person just now is still here. This has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with me. You marry the Lu family on behalf of the Chi family . If you offend the Lu family, what should we do if the Lu family gets angry ? I hope it's just right. The Lu family will drive you all away, you bad woman, let go. What are you doing ? Madam , it’s the two of them who are slandering the reputation of the Lu family . Bad woman , let’s see if that man from the Lu family will divide you into households. You say they are right . It’s the two of them, good men and women, who are ruining the reputation of the Lu family. Then what do you think should be done? Of course it would be best if they were ruined . Get out of Chengdu and not even step into Chengdu. They are so poisonous to each other. Madam , your Chi family has found someone to regret humiliating our Lu family. Forget it. Now you are still attacking us. Spraying dirty water on you, do you think our Lu family is easy to bully? Madam , I didn't mean that , then what do you mean? It's also your mother who was the mistress back then. I heard that you were born before Chi Ye was divorced . No wonder you think so . No ma'am, that's not what I meant. There's no point in pretending to be a little white girl in front of me. Today's matter is not over . Lu Li informed Chi Ye to come to the hospital. I have to have a good talk with him. He is Lu Li, the illegitimate son . It's my fault that he's so handsome and he's such a good aunt to this bad woman . Please. Forgive me. Don’t tell my father. Mr. Lu, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. Sorry , don’t dirty my clothes. Mr. Lu, I can’t do it . It’s like pulling and tugging. Why don’t you leave quickly ? Thank you, madam. Thank you for going through the discharge procedures . Mom, her. The disease hasn't healed yet. Do you plan to live with her for the rest of your life? Mom, I 'll contact the family doctor. The Lu family can't afford to disgrace this person. If it weren't for you, I would be so angry and mute here. I warn you that you are not allowed to say that you are the Lu family when you go out in the future . My daughter-in-law is angry when she hears this and looks at you. I heard that A Li fired the nanny because of you today . I don’t want to quibble. I tell you that our Lu family doesn’t need little white flowers that are harmless to humans and animals. If you continue to be so weak, I will Why don't you support your sister ? Her eyes reveal ambition. I believe she is very interested in A Li now . Treat marriage as a transaction. Have you considered Mr. Lu's feelings? Emotions are not a good thing. Your mother helped. After all these years, Chi Ye ended up lying in bed and became a half-dead vegetative person. Chi Ye used her money to support his mistress and daughter. Do you think your mother is a bitch ? Shut up. Qiao Wan, what are you doing? Does the young master and young lady’s meal need to be brought in? No need to count. It's better to give her some food so that she doesn't die at home. Mom, she needs to pay for her mistakes . In fact , my words just now were a bit extreme . No matter what, it is not the reason for her to hit people. I know you did this to block her. My mouth told me not to trouble her again in the future. You are my son. I know your thoughts. Don’t worry, I won’t trouble her again. Go and bring some food to the young lady. By the way, contact the doctor and let him come and take a look. Wait, Mom, I'm full. I'll go by myself. He 's really in love. Little beggar , Qiao Wan, are you okay ? Chi Wan, what is her name? Miss Chi Wan. Chi’s body can’t bear the pain now . Mr. Lu, I’m on call outside 24 hours a day. Wan Wan . I’m not a human being. Wan Wan . You hit me. I should have known better. My name is Chi Wan Wan. Wan Wan , hurry up and go away. Mr. Lu is here. Come and seduce someone else’s boyfriend. I’ve seen how many times you’ve been slept with. Thief, thief , please hand over your things to me. I’m sorry for causing you so many years of suffering. Qiao Song , go and investigate everything that happened to Madam over the years . Wanwan , I will help you get your money back with interest . You can’t fight my mother . Do you still think your daughter can fight me? She only deserves to live. You don't deserve to have such a huge emotional response in pain. Then let me end your pain. Your blood pressure has dropped and your heartbeat has stopped. Use the cardiac emergency device. Is the young master going to pick him up ? Have Dr. Zhang's family members been contacted? The patient only has one breath left. It's too late if I don't see you again. Okay, I'm going to contact Little Bear Jump now. Is it delicious ? Three little pigs , why are you picking up the phone now? Your mother, Ms. Qiao Jinyu, passed away just now . Hello, can you hear me? Mr. Lu, I found two. Ten years ago, Miss Chi Wan and Ms. Qiao Jinyu had a car accident on a rainy night. Ms. Qiao became a vegetative state. Was it August 1st? How did you know? Mom, Mom, don’t go. Mr. Lu , I’m sorry. I just dreamed that my mother was waving to me. Mr. Lu I 'm sorry. I know I'm wrong . Can you give me your phone? I want to confirm my mother's condition. Do you remember that piggy bank? We actually knew each other before . My name is Chi Wan . Your mother passed away . What happened ? Your mother passed away . No. My mother will not leave me, Jin. What's the matter with you? Your mother passed away and you didn't come even after such a big thing. You are lying. You are all lying. My mother will not leave me. You are all lying to me. I will send you all. You 're lying to me. If you had come earlier, you might not be able to see your mother for the last time. It's a pity. Mom , don't go. Mom, I can't leave you. Mom, Wanwan. It's you , it's you who caused it. I didn't see my mother for the last time. I'm sorry. You give me my mother back. You give me back. I'm sorry . I don't want a divorce. I don't want anything. I just want a quiet life. I have nothing left. You still have me. If you don't regret it, I will sign the divorce agreement. After a drink, you have to forgive me. I 'm sorry Wanwan. Ali, what's going on ? How could you be so depraved? What do you want from me? What should I do? Wanwan has already divorced me. Are you satisfied ? How dare she divorce her ? Why don't you dare ? Who gave me the piggy bank? It was she who gave it to me. She has been my light for so many years . She was the light in my dark world. She and her mother had a car accident that night after giving the piggy bank . I owed it to her. Since she can't let her go 09 , then go chase her back. You cried so hard. She shouldn't know, right? What did you say? I said my son shouldn't be a coward . If you want to chase her, go chase her and use the rest of your life to make up for it. She arranged for the young lady’s surgery to wait. Don’t let her know that it was my grandma. The doctor said that my legs can be cured . That’s great. How much will it cost? No need for the doctor to say it . It’s a welfare project. If your mother wakes up and sees your legs. She will definitely be happy after she is cured. Yes, she will be happy. Shall we go see your mother? Yes , she went to a better hospital. It is also a welfare project . That's right. Grandma , I will push you back. Are you ready? Don't worry, they are all high-end experts transferred from China. Wanwan, from now on, I will make up for it bit by bit. You start. I'm sorry. Did I see it wrong? Wanwan , wait for me . Why are you here? You are sick. Get out of the way. You have blocked my WeChat number. I want to contact you and contact me. Why is it not enough to be the son-in-law of the Gu family ? Wanwan , the person I love is you. The Gu family is just a springboard. It doesn’t matter if we don’t get married, right? I can support you , your mother. Don't you need money? Shut up. I haven't seen you for a few months. I'm so angry. I'm here to help you. Brother Yun Heng, what are you doing? Why are you so shameless? I'm already in the hospital. Why don't you let me go ? Good news . Forget it. It won't be a big deal for you. Have you fallen in love with this vixen ? How could I have fallen in love with her? I didn’t hit you enough last time. Is it because I don’t have the habit of picking up trash ? Also, lady , if you dare to physically attack me again, I won’t mind calling the police. She 's not crazy. Her leg is really healed. Stop here. I'm talking to you. Didn't you hear me? Why do you think your leg is healed ? Then you become so hard . Come on , people , please let go. This is a hospital. What do you look like when you make so much noise ? How do you fight? Man, let me tell you my name is Gu Jiayin and I am the eldest lady of the Gu family. I am here today to attend the shareholders' meeting. This hospital is run by my family. Are you sure you want to care about her? I heard that she is famous for her medical problems. Do you want to call the police? You don’t want to keep your legs alive. Isn’t it easy? You asked me if I break them all, can it be cured? Hold on , please let go and wait , you are so reluctant . Why don’t I help you personally? Seeing that you are so reluctant. If you don't want to, why don't I help you personally? Let her go. If you let her go, I will let you go. Who are you? Believe it or not , even if I kill her in front of you, you can't do anything to me. How dare you touch her? I'll make your Gu family regret it for the rest of their lives. Who are you scaring? Madman, are you okay ? Go and treat the wound. Don't worry. Today is just the day to avenge you. Control them. Who is he? What qualifications do you have to tie us up? Let us go . Believe it or not, I will make you worse. I want to see how you make me worse than death today. Mr. Gu, come on. Miss Gu is about to start a fight with someone. What are you doing? I am the eldest daughter of the Gu family. Even if Gu Boming stands in front of me, I won’t dare to do anything. Who are you? You dare to call my dad by his name. What do you want to do with these two people ? Call the police. They are too cheap. You want to destroy her legs, right? I will break your legs today. Stop it . Who dares to act wild in my Gu family's hospital ? It's over. Dad, they are such good men. It's over. I heard that Mr. Gu is the most protective of his shortcomings . Who says it's not the case? Miss Gu is almost spoiled to the point of being lawless. I'm afraid no one in Rongcheng except the Lu family dares to challenge Mr. Gu. Why are you listening ? You said that you are not good at raising your daughter. I will discipline and discipline you. You have no objection. What kind of person are you? You still educate me. Believe it or not, I will make you regret being born. Shut up. Dad, if you don’t kill them today , I will be angry. Yes, uncle and the two of them. That's too much bullying. Kneel down, Dad, why don't you kneel down and apologize to Mr. Lu today? I will pretend that I never gave birth to your daughter, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, I was wrong. From now on, I will discipline her well. I apologize to you on her behalf. She hurt my hand like this. How much do you think an apology can solve the problem ? You will lose 50% of the shares of the Gu Group. What do you think? Dad, you are crazy. Even if he is Lu Li, you will not interrupt. Do you know who Mr. Lu is? He is the world's top surgical expert. You injured his hand . No hospital can compensate you. He is the mysterious top expert that the hospital has cooperated with recently. This can't be Mrs. Lu. I know you were Mr. Lu who performed the surgery on you personally , let alone the surgery he performed on me . Isn't that right? What kind of benefits are there for the hospital? Please let Mr. Lu be so arrogant . I'm not a holy mother. Leave everything to the police. They should take the people away . Thank you. This is what I should do . It's your mother's business. I'm sorry. Stop talking. God, please sign it for me. Ziba has always admired your medical skills and I actually met you today. You are Ms. Qiao’s daughter, right? Your mother passed away very suddenly . I heard that you didn’t catch up , but don’t be too sad. Miss Chi came to the hospital to visit you that day . Is Ms. Chi under surveillance? It’s Chi Ning. She must have killed my mother. Don’t worry. We still need more concrete evidence now. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, everyone. Please click on me today . What day is today? I’m so happy. How did I find my husband? I wo n’t marry unless Lu Li. Didn’t I say that I let your bad guy sister marry her? I regret it now. She has to let me. Of course , I heard that Lu Li is not a pervert. You will know when you see him. It’s all rumors . If that’s true. Okay, your sister will let him out and her reaction is so big. Then let me end your pain. I will crush her to death. It is as simple as crushing an ant . Safety first. If you feel anything is wrong, you must call me loudly. Okay , the sun has come out in the west to celebrate my birthday. Chi Ning, who is this? It ’s so on time . Oh, you still know how to find someone ? This is my sister . I heard that Miss Qiao is having a lot of fun outside. Let’s enjoy it. Wan Chi Ning , I have something I want to talk to you about alone. Let's talk about it alone . How about brother go out with you and talk about it alone ? Sister , do you want to come and leave so easily ? What do you want, Brother Pao? If you say so , then take off your clothes. Let everyone appreciate the clothes. Is this okay ? Sister, can you take it off or not ? She has a good figure and it will be even better if she takes off a few more pieces. Hmm, okay , but I will be happier if you can have a face and a piece of cake. How does it taste? Well, I don’t know if I’ve ever had such a good cake in my life . I’d better say Ningning is generous. I’m satisfied. I ’m not satisfied with this . Is your sister crazy ? Hip i is really disappointing and can’t have fun. Okay, okay. I'm coming with you. If you're fart, hurry up. What's wrong with you? I came to you today to ask you to verify something. Was it Chi Ye's fault that my mother died ? What are you talking about ? Your mother died of illness. My mother didn't. After divorcing Chi Ye, the company owns half of my mother 's equity. As a villain, your mother is always worried and bewitching Chi Ye to kill my mother. It's not impossible for you to talk nonsense and hit your sore spot . Unless my mother dies, you will always be the villain's child. I told you to shut up. You , your legs are healed. How is it possible that you have been disabled for decades ? Let me guess what you think. Do you want to marry Lu Li? It’s a pity that my legs are healed now. You are one step further away from him, right? Can you still inherit your mother's tradition and be a villain? Your mother is a villain. I tell you , if your mother didn't have such filthy money, my father would never marry her. My parents are childhood sweethearts . And why is your mother such a bad person ? You know, she was strangled to death by me bit by bit like this. I tell you , she won't resist at all . You deserve to die. You deserve to die. You deserve to die. Do n't be late . Mr. Lu, she is going to kill me. She has a mental problem. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. What do you want to do? There are a lot of people here who are killing people . You will pay for everything you do. Sister, I don’t know what you are talking about. We have already obtained the hospital surveillance. What does it mean? What about what you said in person? You bad guy , you just angered me. I Just to trick me, Qiao Wan 's father will definitely exonerate me. The Lu family will stand by Wanwan. If Lu Li marries you and cooperates with me, you will get everything in the Chi family. Nothing in the Chi family is as important to me as Wanwan. Qiao Wan, do you think Lu Li will have such deep feelings for you in just these few months ? It's all a lie. Just a few months , please let me go, Qiao Wan, you bad guy. Ning Ning , where are you? Hurry up and come to the company today . It's your birthday . Dad has specially convened a shareholders' meeting for you and donated the company's shares to you . Hello, I'll be there soon . I heard this voice sounds like that Sangmenxing. You may have heard it wrong. Qiao Jinyu has passed away . The company's equity will be automatically transferred. Come to me, I decided to introduce new shareholders. I don't agree with you. What are you doing here? Is this the place you should come ? Of course I have to come to the shareholders' meeting . Who is this? I don't know him . He looks so similar to Mr. Qiao. Could it be Chi Wan? Everyone. Hello, uncle and aunt, I am Chi Wan, it’s really you. I hugged you when you were a child. Why don’t you get out. We are in a meeting. Wan Wan , just listen to your father. Don’t be willful. Don’t delay the business. As Qiao Jinyu’s daughter, I am very committed to the company. The shares enjoy inheritance rights according to the law. I have been doing this for a long time . You are here to seize my family property. You are a woman , your family property . Don’t forget who owns the company . That’s enough . Wanwan , you took Ning Ning and Lu away. Forget about the engagement at home . Now even the company wants something . I asked Chi Ning why she didn’t marry into the Lu family. How come Chi Wan is so cute and steals her sister’s fiance ? Chi Wan is so cute and even steals her sister’s fiancé. I steal Chi Ning’s. Are you sure you want me to tell the truth about the engagement ? The security guard kicks her out for me. Mr. Lu heard that the Lu family doesn't want to see Chi Wan. The opportunity has come . Mr. Lu, you are here to see Wanwan, right ? Oh, please take her home quickly . Yan Please discipline this child. He has had a bad temper since he was a child. He has a bad temper. I hope you will forgive me . Is it true ? Just look at it and you will know that he has a bad temper and bad conduct . Are you sure you are not talking about Chi Ning? Mr. Lu, are you kidding me? I have something to do with your company. I don’t want to get involved , but I can’t watch you insulting my wife. What’s going on ? Mr. Chi, if I remember correctly, you forced Wanwan to marry into the Lu family. How come now Wanwan snatched Chi Ning’s engagement ? It was always you who forced her to marry Chi Ning. Wan Wan married into the Lu family. Now, Wan Wan snatched Chi Ning’s engagement. I’m old and my memory is not very good. No matter what, today is the company’s shareholders’ meeting. Wan Wan shouldn’t come to cause trouble at this time . I came just to think about it . Take back what belongs to me. You guys can continue to have fun in the evening. Let’s finish our household chores and let’s talk about today’s meeting. That’s it for today. If you’re going to say it, please explain what else you want to say. This is a piece left by my mother twenty years ago. It’s impossible to gift all the shares of the company she holds to me through a gift agreement. It’s absolutely impossible. There’s nothing impossible. Go get something to eat . Tell me, Mr. SUPRA Zhang . I have to draft a gift agreement . It wasn’t until a few days ago that the lawyer came. The lawyer didn’t find me until a few days ago. The lawyer found you a few days ago. Why didn’t you come at that time? Why didn’t you come at this time today ? You are crazy. I am crazy because it was all you who forced your precious daughter Chi Ning to die. I can't continue to give in to my mother. Why was Qiao Jinyu actually killed? Seeing that Chi Ye was in such a hurry to transfer the shares , I'm not sure it was him who instigated it. You are talking nonsense. You slandered your sister . Oh, by the way , I forgot to tell you that your precious daughter is now . I have already gone to jail. I hope your family of three can be reunited. Woman , please give me back my daughter. Mrs. Chi , you should calm down. Mrs. Chi , you should calm down. I slapped you for my mother. You all will die. I and you. If you fight hard, you can give me back my daughter. The shareholders' meeting will continue. Lu's lawyer will assist my wife throughout the entire process to follow up on the share transfer. There may be something I need your help with. Jin , this girl is really pretty. She has the style of Qiao Jinyu back then. There will be a family dinner tonight. Everyone is waiting to see your joke. You can’t embarrass me. Especially your wife, CEO of the Lu family. Everything she says and does represents the Lu family. You can’t have stage fright . Remember , you can’t be bullied . If you are insulted , fight back hard. M. That cripple and Ah. Why hasn't Li come yet? Who knows why Hao Zi and A Li haven't come yet ? Maybe it's because that lunatic walked slowly. I really don't understand what Dad was thinking. He found an illegitimate son to inherit the inheritance and married another son. Isn't this self-humiliation? Who let the old man and the old lady spoil their daughter? An outsider changed his surname and became the Lu family. The serious Lu family wanted to step aside and look at the illegitimate child. Who is the person next to A Li? Isn’t it Chi Wan? How could he marry him ? Isn't he tall? Is n't he just an extra that A Li hired from outside to save face ? It 's the Lu family's family dinner. A Li , you don't take the Lu family seriously , are you an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf? The Lu family is here. What does it mean to others? He is now the president of the Lu Group , and there are so many people who are ridiculing him. How did he get here after all these years ? Hello, uncles and aunts . I am Lu Li’s wife, Chi Wan. I heard that A Li has found a wife. Why are you like this ? My legs are healed thanks to Lu Li. Why are they thanks to Lu Li ? What do you mean? What you mean is that Lu Li cured your legs. You said he kills people. I believe in healing . He can ? I'm sorry, yes , really. Pervert , I heard that he divided the pets he raised into households before , right? Yes, bastard, your dog is already dead, hahaha. I gave it poison and spit it out unless you dig it out from the belly. Hum, I told you not to bring this little pervert back . If you dare to kill dogs now, then you wo n’t be allowed to kill people when you grow up. Lu Li, relax , of course he can. Not only can he, he is also a top international surgical expert . Did I hear it wrong ? It’s impossible and I’m not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue. I’m still the best in the world. I’m still alive. If my uncle is sick, I can personally consult you. You man , how dare you speak to your elders like this ? Look, I won’t beat you and me to death today . Qingyun ’s father, Qingyun Luli, your uncle is going to have a bad day today. I’m not done talking to you anymore. Get out of the way. You really think you are a miracle doctor, right? Today, Divine Doctor Zhou is here to check the master’s health. Please come here. Divine Doctor Zhou is here to save people . Thank you. Doctor Zhou , this is just a temporary relief. Mr. Lu’s urgent heart attack, plus the accumulation of heart disease over the years, will probably require surgery. Quickly arrange for the best hospital. Doctor Miracle , you must do it yourself. I can’t do it. Doctor Zhou , you can’t do it even if you are not the most famous miracle doctor in the country . Then is my dad hopeless? There is one person who can definitely save him. Who is Dr. Zhou ? No matter who it is, no matter how much it costs, he will be invited to me. That is the top international surgeon who is said to be living in seclusion in Chengdu. I have heard of Dr. Li. But it is rumored that he only saves poor and orphaned families. He doesn't save the rich and powerful . What can I do ? Prejudice makes people crazy. They still can't guess that Dr. Li and Lu Li are all you , you, the broom star, if you weren't so angry. Your uncle, how did your uncle become like this? Dad , you regard him as your favorite. Now that he is in power, the first thing he does is to perform surgery on his own family members. He must not regard himself as the Lu family. He cannot do it. Doctor Zhou , this is Our Lu family 's own affairs have nothing to do with you. If you want to survive, just calm down. Why do you say that ? The top surgical expert from Li Shen Doctor you are looking for is me. AL continues to brag . He is really Li Shen Doctor's real grandfather . I can prove it. My legs were cured by Lu Li. Well , well, I sent you to business school at that time . So what? I also majored in surgery and medicine. I have been working hard over the years . Well, well, you are worthy of being a descendant of my Lu family. Everyone, continue. Ah, don't be cautious. Wanwan , this is your first time attending the Lu family's family dinner. Don't be cautious. Mr. Chi and his wife from the Chi family are here . They are making a fuss at the door. What are they making a fuss about? They said they want Miss Chi and the young master to divorce. You said we are making such a fuss. Are you sure? The Lu family won't be angry. Isn't that woman just relying on the Lu family to get on top of us ? As long as they divorce the marriage and don't let us do anything about it. The Lu family has good face , but they are afraid that she will lose face. Take the portrait. come out Chi Ye, what on earth are you going to do? My mother is already dead, why don't you let her live in peace? Lu family, please come out and speak. You are not worthy of your bad boy. Wan Wan , your father and I are here to represent your mother and seek justice for you. The Lu family He was so deceitful that he hid it. Lu Li's mental state tricked you into marrying into the Lu family . I believe your mother wants to know and hopes you can leave the Lu family. I heard that the grandson of the Lu family has some problems . It seems that the Chi family also really wants to save his daughter . Otherwise, Who doesn’t want to be related to the Lu family? Girl, don’t be obsessed with it. As long as you agree to divorce Lu Li, dad will agree to whatever you want. Is it true? Dad will give me all your shares in Chi’s. When did this bad boy become so articulate? Wanwan, everything will be fine. As long as you and Lu Li divorce, I promise you , let's sign the transfer agreement first. Chi Wan, we risk offending the Lu family to save you, but you take the opportunity to blackmail us . Isn't this going too far? It seems like It's a bit excessive. Don't forget that my husband is 4 yuan. He is the helmsman of the Lu Group. In the Lu family, I don't have to worry about food or clothing. If I get divorced , the Chi family will support you. Do you think I can believe it? Don't forget it. Who left me and my mother outside 20 years ago and didn't care? Is there such a thing ? There is some truth to Miss Chi's unwillingness to divorce. This bad woman, I don't want to tell you to let the elders of the Lu family speak out. The elders of the Lu family are dining inside. Please wait a moment. Tell Mr. Lu that if he doesn’t come out today, I will let the news media expose this matter tomorrow . Shameless, what are the Chi family doing ? Mr. You are a respected elder in Rongcheng. We are here today. There is only one purpose , which is to get Chi Wan and Lu Li to divorce. You really think of your Chi family as a sweetheart. If you hadn't been engaged to the old lady before , you still wanted to be the daughter-in-law of the Lu family. Sure enough, there is a chance. In this case, then Let's get divorced. I don't agree with the Lu family. When will A-Li have full authority to represent us ? Dad , don't confront Lu Li now. Be careful he doesn't operate on you. Sister Jinyu, I'm sorry for you. I didn't help you take care of Wanwan. If you do something in front of so many people, your reputation will be as bad as mine. I'm not afraid of some wicked person crying in front of our house. Why are you here ? She hasn't attended a Lu family dinner since Lu Li was born. Why did you come here today ? Mom , you two want to throw dirty water on my daughter-in-law, right ? What did you say? I , we are doing this for her good , and we hope you . How can you hit someone? I am doing it for her good , and let her If she has a clear head , what are she looking at ? She wants to throw dirty water on my daughter-in- law and insult my son. I tell you, as long as I, Lu Yaxin, are here, you will never have anyone come to you . Don't mess around. Send these people away . Thank you Wanwan . From now on , she is the daughter-in-law I am looking for . If anyone dares to bully her, let her pass me first . How about seeing her mother's methods of chasing women? You have to be decisive . Wanwan, let's go. I'll drive. You go. I'll chat with Wanwan for a few words. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those words before. It doesn't matter. I am Wan Wan from now on. I will be your mother. I will definitely take good care of you and A Li . What do you want to do to help me ? What can you do? Take Wan Wan away together. How are you tonight? Are you okay ? Let us go. I can give you money . Then let her go. She is not worth anything. I am a shareholder of Lu Group . I can ask Lu Group to give you sky-high compensation. If you don’t let her go first, I am. I am the wife of the CEO of the Lu Group. I am worth more . She really has a deep love between mother-in-law and daughter-in- law . Zhao Lan, you are breaking the law or not. It’s all your fault that you, a bad woman, dared to send my daughter in. The matter between us has nothing to do with my aunt. It doesn’t matter if I let her go . Well, didn't you have a great time beating her just now? You , you woman , what are you doing? I beg you, what's wrong ? Don't hit her. You are begging me, ah, okay, then I will give you a chance. This is a glass of poisonous wine and you will die immediately after drinking it. Who of you two is drinking ? I'm here, I'm drinking. You are really not afraid of death. Then go together and poison you. It's too easy. Master, are you here? Are they on the way ? Someone bring them up to me. I will do it bit by bit. Bury you alive and let you die slowly in pain . Let you never be reincarnated. This is what you will get for offending my daughter. Is there any news? After the investigation, there is no news. But there is news about the Chi family you asked me to keep an eye on . The Chi family invited a famous Feng Shui master from Hong Kong City to come over. It stands to reason that something happened to Chi Ning. You said they should hire a lawyer, right ? Keep an eye on this master. Oh, Master Zhao. Didn’t you agree with one person when you come ? Aren’t the two of them, Master Zhao, the same ? Two people consume more of my power. I won’t do it. Oh, Zhao. Master , I'll add ten million to bury my mother . Is everything going to be okay? I advise you to be kind and let them go to accumulate blessings. You just don't listen to me. Didn't you say that if you bury them alive , my daughter will escape this disaster ? But that's not what I said. Don't bite randomly. Go in and talk to the police. Wait, take them away . Just let me go. I can try to make sure that your Lu family will last forever . You are so powerful. The country needs talents like you. I'm hiring. I don't know anything. I'm just a liar. Please let me go. Let me go. Seeing how skilled you are at taking care of people's lives, it's definitely not the first time you 've kept these words in mind . Mr. Qiao and Mr. Lu asked us to go to the Nanze Hotel tonight. When discussing cooperation, we must specify that you go there in person . Come out and stand quickly. Stand still for me. You are not allowed to come in . If I remember correctly , Manager Is it business? Why are you stopping me ? That's because the wife of the president of our group is coming today to guide idlers. They are not allowed to enter the inland area. What the hell are you doing here? Why don't you get out of the way? This must be the president's wife. Welcome, welcome , warm welcome. You are worthy of it. It's a recruitment ceremony for a top hotel in the country. It's so enthusiastic . Hello, I'm here. I know Mr. Lu has arranged to go this way . Welcome, welcome, warm welcome. President , the car is parked . Why don't you go in and watch a show? A big show performed by a clown. Welcome , warm welcome. Welcome, welcome, warm welcome , wait a moment , okay , you're not done yet, right? Leave your things, what ? Are you here to interview for the PR department? What are you pretending to be? I'm afraid you misunderstood us today, Mr. Qiao , Mr. Qiao , I'm still Xing Sir, how can anyone be the boss these days ? Could you please tell me , Manager Xing , if I give you my resume, will you hire me ? For the sake of my old colleagues, it’s already the greatest kindness I can do you to keep your resume. If you want to stay in the Nanze Hotel and dream, go ahead and dream. Mr. Lu, you are here. Madam has been waiting for you for how long. We just arrived . You guys have just met. Hello, who can I give my resume to ? I am here to apply for your resume . Specialist of the Public Relations Department, Manager Xing, you are mistaken. It’s over. How could Chi Wan be President Lu’s wife? I’m sorry, Mrs. President, I’m Mr. Lu . How do I remember that this person was fired before ? What’s going on? I’m going to check it out right now. I don’t want to be here in the future . Lu's property sees this person again. Madam , I'm sorry, I was wrong. Can you please do it for the sake of your colleagues ? What did you say in that sentence just now ? I don't fire you personally, which is already the greatest kindness to you. I want to stay. Go ahead and dream. The hotel gave me real estate, gave me school and private hospital, gave me to continue. Why don’t you read it? I’m afraid I’ll keep reading. You even want to give me the entire Lu Group. On the last page , there are shares of Lu Group. Stop, stop, stop , I can't let you really want to divorce me. Why is there no movement inside? Are you sure how long they have been in there ? It's been more than two hours. What's going on? I took out all the things I packed at the bottom of the box. Mr. Lu and Mr. Qiao are in love with each other. If you have any news, remember to tell me. Then I will withdraw first. What is the next itinerary? Someone just invited you to dinner and I refused. Why is that person a deep partner of our company ? His name is Li Yaocheng. He has a very good relationship with your father. I'm afraid he's looking for you now and has some evil intentions. Good Mr. Qiao is going to see Li Yaocheng! Mr. Qiao heard that Mr. Qiao is young and beautiful , and he is really extraordinary. Mr. Li, you're so polite . Please sit down . I don't know if Mr. Qiao would like to have something to drink . Let's talk about business first. I heard that you intend to terminate the contract with our company. I wonder if you can ask me why Ms. Qiao is a smart person . I don't need to make it clear to you. I understand , then there is no need to eat this meal today. Wait, if Miss Yang can stay with me for the whole night, I will naturally consider renewing the contract. Seriously, of course, go and scum you, you will regret it when I come. Didn't Chi Ye tell you before ? In addition to being the president of the Chi Group, I am also the wife of Lu Li of the Lu Group. If you think you can control me, then you are wrong . Go back and think carefully about what to do if the company goes bankrupt. Lu Li's wife is tall. It can't be you Chi Ye, hasn't he told you? That 's right. Ye Ye , he always only cares about himself. He doesn't even know that my body has recovered. Mr. Li, my husband has come to pick me up and go home. You drink slowly Chi Ye. You hurt me a lot. You admit that you are my wife. It seems like it is going to snow. Come with me to see grandma. Grandma Wanwan . I know you . You are the good person . You saved me and Wanwan . This is what I plan to do with Lu Li. We are together. Come over later , grandma, and tell you something private. Can you find someone else ? Why is he not good enough ? He hits people so hard. There are so many people and there are not enough people to fight him. What if he won't hit me? What if he hits me ? If you do it, I can only be Pan Jinlian. No, I mean I will poison him. That's okay. Grandma, when did you become so cruel ? Anyone who bullies my granddaughter deserves it . Grandma , you will definitely treat her well. Grandma . Agreed, you haven’t been so relaxed and joking for a long time. He can make you happy. Please say sorry first. My husband has come down to wash his feet. Madam and Mr. are really in love. Yes , Mr. washes Madam’s feet every day. What ’s wrong with Madam holding water? You haven't been in this house recently , madam. Are you tired every day? Are you okay ? How is your strength ? It's suitable . You don't love me anymore. I don't have a fever. I don't have a fever in the first place. So what is the basis for you to think that I don't love you ? Please reply to me. Just saying two words is convenient for women . This is just blatant perfunctory boredom . Are you bored? How about we play some adult games ? Well , I still need to deal with you in advance . Lu Li , are you still a human being ? Yesterday, I was tossing until 5 o'clock in the morning. Why are you still here today ? Don't go to sleep. I'm waiting for you. Then you sit down for a while and go to sleep. Is it too late to regret now ? Of course not. Is she up yet ? I'll invite you now . No need . Let her sleep until she wakes up naturally. Mom, it's so early, so late. Come and take a look at these bags and jewelry SUPRA. They are all the new ones today. I bought them all for you. Mom , but I haven’t finished wearing the ones I bought last time. I just put on the new ones. Last time, they were all old styles. Thank you, Mom. Didn’t they all say that? Isn’t it hard to be the wife of a rich family? Why is it different here? You want a house but no house , a car, no car. Why should I marry you ? Why are you so materialistic now ? My previous ex-girlfriend brought me food every day and she didn’t complain. Look at others. Look at yourself again, go over with your ex-girlfriend. What are you looking at? Bao BAOAN. An, this is Mr. Lu’s wife. Bao BAOAN. An, take another look and be careful. Mr. Lu wants to settle a score with you. It’s not that exaggerated. Bao, our colleagues watched it more last month. They were fired in the afternoon after just a few glances , and those who were just trying to show off for nothing were all taught a lesson by Mr. Lu . People like Mrs. Lu are not the kind of BA we can afford. Mr. Lu, you should be more down-to-earth. You have already watched ten How many times have you used your cell phone ? Qiao Song , let me ask you, you said that if a woman doesn’t call her husband, has she changed her mind ? Who can save this love brain? It should be normal not to contact you for an hour, right? Madam, I have something to do, I’m not busy. I said madam, my wife and I are very affectionate, yes , I didn’t say madam. Is my phone broken? Didn’t you say you didn’t say madam? Hey, you missed me. Dear user, Hello Mr. Lu, did you not give madam a note on this phone ? She is the only one who knows the number . It ’s hopeless. It’s hopeless. It ’s totally hopeless. The president has a client but he ’s missing. Madam, it’s strange that Madam introduced me. Mr. Lu, hello . I was introduced by Mr. Qiao. Oh, hello, hello . You responded too quickly. I haven't finished talking yet. Is there anything you can do ? No, no, no. Let's chat inside. Madam must be waiting for me to take the initiative to contact her. The number you dialed is currently on a call. Please play again later. Currently on a call. What does "中" mean? I don't know, Lu Li, don't go too far. Do I need to work more than a dozen times a day ? Is there so much? Then I'll call you later, Mr. Qiao. Mr. Lu really loves you. It's a sweet burden . Yes , Qiao. The verdicts of Zong Chi Ning and Zhao Lan came down. Chi Ning was sentenced to two years in prison for intentional wounding. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for intentional homicide and deprived of political rights for life. Zhao Lan was sentenced to more than ten years in prison for kidnapping and all property was confiscated . The verdict Give me the result. I have told mom the news. Mom, the bad guys have received the punishment they deserve. You can rest in peace. Mom , I will definitely take good care of Wanwan.
Channel: JOWO欣欣追剧
Views: 1,327,921
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Id: WYVvvOOlwxk
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Length: 97min 39sec (5859 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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