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Meilyne: "I want to talk to you about the Trash Taste Initiative"

👍︎︎ 958 👤︎︎ u/kurosaki004 📅︎︎ May 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Garnt confirmed on his last stream that Ep 100 is the Awardw episode, and since the boys are out of the country we might not get the Pewdiepie special for a while

👍︎︎ 470 👤︎︎ u/jm_salen 📅︎︎ May 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Mey: So have you heard about this awesome company called GeeXPlus?

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2022 🗫︎ replies



👍︎︎ 137 👤︎︎ u/probablybybobby 📅︎︎ May 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Man, must be nice to say “my dogs are too fat to fly with me, so I’ll just charter a private jet instead!”

Not that I dislike him for it. Used to watch his old amnesia the dark descent videos when I was in college. Seems like a good dude.

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/rharvey8090 📅︎︎ May 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/MarieLyTor 📅︎︎ May 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

After he is done with all the paperwork and his house is ready I hope we see him interacting with the boys and Chris too.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ShadyOjir95 📅︎︎ May 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

You all are getting way to excited. He will not be on in a long time. Specifically because after the wedding they will go to USA so expect first other people from USA to come before pewdiepie

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/pocoyoO_O 📅︎︎ May 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

Trash Taste Episode with Pewds soon?!?!? I’m getting excited!

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/OtakuVince 📅︎︎ May 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
we're going to london today is the day we get our visas we have all the papers they finally open up they were closed we got an appointment good vibes good vibes we're going to get our visas right today's the day can't go wrong i'm not driving to london one more time ever in my life this is the last time i drive to london the last time you here [Music] [Music] you gotta do a countdown how will i know when you start one more time one last time going to london this is the last time this is the last time how does it feel amazing i will never drive in london the last time we're going to get our visas now we think we don't know actually so it could be another time oh god we'll see [Music] we're going we're going we got approved i'm so ready oh so happy it was worth driving to london wait let me take a screenshot i'm what's happening the dogs because we left them in the car so now we just gotta figure out how to get the dogs there and i gotta sort out all my boring taxes because everybody want my taxes this is huge we were only for like 10 minutes but i can hear her kiss through the phone why did i put your phone there you made it we're going guys we were approved you had water man we're gonna drive through the tightest part in london where the bridge is like like that and if that range rover hesitates for a second london etiquette says you have to honk like your life depends on it is it going it's so tight dude he was not hesitating i ain't i'm gonna hesitate just look straight felix you'll be fine you'll be fine let's go you london it's pretty bridge though i need to address this i feel like or at least explain we didn't want to bring our dogs through cargo because pugs already have difficult breathing and we're not going to risk their safety just because because of that so the other option is to bring them in the cabin which should be totally fine but the problem is every single airline's maximum weight for a dog is eight kilos edgar is 10 kilos so it needs to be eight kilos with the carrier as well and i swear i've called every single airline in the entire universe even though american ones have nine kilo i've called them all up and they're all like no he's too fat so we're flying private jet because my dog is too fat it is april 2nd i am freaking out because uh the last thing is obviously that we need to bring in our dogs to japan and that's uh a long process if you're planning to do that you need at least one year ahead and we had that but then you know kobet happened so all the vaccines expired so we had to get a booster for them we did this complicated process but now we had to do it again uh which is fine but the problem is the lab broke down the wrong date so i'm speaking with japanese immigration for dogs and they're like here it says 15 but you wrote down 14. somehow the lab wrote down the wrong date so i'm trying to explain to them but you know they're great i don't want to complain but it's not it's not easy to explain these things like they messed up the lab messed up not me i was hoping i would receive the email today but i think tomorrow they'll respond and i honestly don't know because we're not going without our dogs so so complicated we're almost there so after countless emails weeks later we're finally there i think they haven't approved yet but i'm pretty sure now we wait today is the last day we see friends so we're going bowling is the last time we see all of us we might meet people outside but since the only thing stopping us from going to japan at this point is getting covered and we leave technically 10 days 11 days or something it's the only thing that can stop us and it's not happening so we want to meet old friends now and then japan and we can film hey we live around here guys just so you know it doesn't matter because we out of here that's the first place we lived in in uh brian you whoever lives there they were the worst people that went from my ass they were so stupid they wanted to claim my videos because uh i showed their wall and it's there i don't have license to shoot and it's like what are you talking about that's the fire the burnt down pier it still confuses me that's the day i came here 10 years ago why is it still here and they built that stupid thing while we're here why it looks like an industrial chimney good vlog we're going bowling and then i don't film it we're back and we're going back now but we saw our friends we had so much fun right this is uh now it's like kind of sad because we're leaving them and we're having so much fun but in the next life you know we can bowl again yeah this is a good night uh we're still gonna see friends but uh you know it's part of the journey say goodbye it's not always easy we're getting there we're getting close are you fading out that was good no you should have kept fading that was perfect getting out we're leaving we're fading away oh just got the dog approval five hours ago we got approved we're the dogs what's that oh she's not here we leaving two days and we spent we spent all the day just going through documents there's like uh dozens of papers for all the dogs and it's insane bringing dogs over i am so nervous about it we saw last minute that they want the original documents and it's like oh i wish you told us that earlier now we're kind of we got them authenticated by our vet but we're kind of i'm kind of freaking out like is that going to be okay or not march is a way of getting our covid test collected now which luckily our kobe test came negative because if if they came positive we we couldn't have even traveled so that's a huge really but yeah this step by step so we got one hurdle down we got many more to go and that's just what we're dealing with today i'm so tired such a long day you guys are a lot of trouble basically marcia just wrote me she got the forms nice [Music] maya i need to wake up we're going to japan my out today's the day i'm walking the fuggies for the last time it feels weird i always take a mental note whenever i travel far like i'll think now and then i'll think back here in like 20 hours i'd be like oh yeah i used to be there very nervous today anxious there's always some hurdle to come past we're i'm we're both concerned about the dogs mainly uh mainly maya really trying to think positive it's gonna go well today's the day look at maya so glad she's calm and edgar are you excited [Music] are you gonna behave that game yeah he looks like a good boy our next move is cut our shares in half sell to glockenstein and then we'll execute our initial thoughts what do you think [Music] all right worth three hours until we're done i think just chilling with the the dogs everyone's happy everyone's doing well martial sleeping in the other room which is a weird thing to say on an airplane hopefully everything goes smooth when we land and um a little nervous not gonna lie fingers crossed hold your thumbs that'll be okay the first glance of lane my i guess a little morning i wanted to put on a shirt for all the immigration it's my wedding shirt i got along that's crazy god damn we land in 30 minutes very exciting i hope it goes well i'm still [Music] you guys did great we're landing we just left the dogs they seem really really nice yeah so they should be okay we have to do our kobe test now we're supposed to spit in this why am i filming this [Music] i'm so happy you guys are ashamed we did it why are you so calm look at it he's so sleepy archer yet lag what's he doing [Music] [Music] all right that's the end of the vlog thanks for coming along we made it safe maya she looks like she wants some food for so long we doubted whether we could even make this move and we went through all the ups and downs and obviously it's been a really long journey but i just uh really really appreciate everyone who were supportive of us going just meant a lot that people were cheering for us you know i i just want to say thanks i really appreciate it it just feels amazing to be here finally and we're going to take some days to settle in but yeah we can't wait for the next chapter of our lives until then
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,405,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: N2N5ZwX6U20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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