It Doesn't Really Matter // Judah Smith

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my name is Judah by the way I'm married to Chelsea we have three kids one that's almost 14 12 and 10 that's our that's the Smith family and school ends in three days thank you God true confession I took the kids to school at noon today because I'm like that doesn't like one of the kids my son Ellie got up early as I go back to bed bro let's just sleep these days that don't matter you know and I mean education matters generally speaking but yeah we and then and then I and then we got the car I was like let's not go to school let's go to breakfast so then we went to breakfast and then I dropped him off at school and then they were picked up about an hour later so I'm really on fire today as a dad this is great all right so we've been doing I think this is like the seventh talk we've done the seventh of message or sermon around the subject what I wish more preachers would say and I think it's I think it's related to my age at my age which I think I mentioned every single time we get together cuz I'm proud that I'm 40 I feel like 40 is like a moment it's like you know what I'm 40 now and I want to say some stuff I've been wanting to say for a long time and so as a preacher picking on preachers a little bit we've done now six different sermons on what I wish more preachers would say this make this may come as a shock last week I said I wish more preachers would say I think about money a lot and we talked about that one week was I wish preachers would say it's not fair one of my favorite things I wish preachers would say is I don't know either preachers are not supposed to be the answer men or the answer women we're all in this together so here's here's what I want to go tonight I do actually wish more preachers would say it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter you matter but it doesn't really matter and I'd like to talk about the fleeting meaningless vain aspects of our life here on earth are you pumped or what you glad you brought a friend man all right so I'm gonna go to no doubt the most discouraging book in the entire Bible in fact it's so discouraging I have never heard a preacher preach from this passage in my entire life and I have been in more church services than you could ever possibly imagine Ecclesiastes you like Ecclesiastes must be going through a very difficult season all right Ecclesiastes and then I'm gonna talk for a few minutes and then the the band will come back and we'll sing some songs that we believe to be true about God and then we'll we'll go about our way I want to say hello to everyone watching on the app and everyone watching in Seattle we are one Church in a bunch of different locations in people's living rooms in auditoriums in Seattle LA it's pretty awesome thank God for technology so good morning good afternoon good evening good night wherever you are in the world we love you welcome to church home are you ready quite possibly one of the more challenging sermons I've ever preached and you're gonna find out real quick listen to these 11 verses this is written by Solomon and he writes the words of the preacher of the son of David King in Jerusalem vanity vanity of vanities says the preacher vanity of vanities all is vanity we're off to a great start what does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the Sun a generation goes and a generation comes but the earth remains forever the Sun rises and the Sun Goes Down and hastens to the place where it rises the wind blows of the South goes around to the north around and around goes the wind and on its circuit the wind returns all streams run to the sea but the sea is not full to the place where the streams flow there they will flow again it's beautiful but it's haunting let's be honest it's beautiful but it's haunting next verse all things are full of weariness and man cannot utter it the eye is not satisfied with seen nor the ear filled with hearing what has been is what will be and what has been done is what will be done Wow and there's nothing new Under the Sun maybe you've heard that one is there a thing of which it is said see this is new it has been already in the ages before us there is no remembrance of former things nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to be among those who come after verse 12 I think or is that the last verse yeah that's okay well we'll stop there oh I'll throw in chapter 2 listen to chapter 2 Solomon's really on a run here he's really encouraging he says come now we'll test you with pleasure enjoy yourself but behold it also is vanity the word vanities use five times in the very first verse of the entire book of Ecclesiastes this word is the Hebrew term called hobble about and Hubble is a picture it's a it's this layered word that describes vapour vanity mist meaningless pointless absurd and is a very strong Hebrew word and Solomon is using a bell to say that's what life is I want to I want to look at this passage and it's gonna get good or okay it's gonna get better some of you are already just like deflated at all I was really hoping for one of those encouraging ones this is not encouraging I think it could get encouraging potentially that really depends on you but I think it could get encouraging but I do I wish more preachers would say it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter we pray with me Jesus I thank you for the moments that we share I ask that you would really show us your love and your goodness and we don't just need church service we need you we really need you and I'm asking is we kind of wade into the vanity and vapor aspect that is our life that you'd help us to gain understanding and wisdom thank you for your grace thank you for your love we need to see you Jesus thank you for the sunshine thank you for the summer time it's gonna be so wonderful Lord for every single person from LA to Seattle to around the world in the app who's looking for love and marriage may they find it amen may they find it who's looking for marriage I mean might as well who's looking for it's looking for marriage well if you don't raise your hand and you actually want to get married that's part of the problem speaking of marriage my wife and I got in a fight today I'm not proud of that but it makes an absolutely wonderful illustration for the sermon this true story the day got started pretty late we slept in did some extracurricular activities tuna now is not the time to talk about morning sex but one of the reason we took the kids late to school you get it okay you get it all right god is good man so faithful so faithful listen I'm tired tonight I'm not gonna lie to you I'm a little tired okay so anything could happen it's gonna be great it's gonna be great such a good morning so um so finally got the kids out the door went to breakfast came back to the house Chelsea was making sure I brought the car back she was on her way to a lunch appointment when I got back we I got I instantly got frustrated because of something said and she turned back and she says you don't make this emotional and I'm like don't make this practical and immediately I go into a dissertation can you imagine even for a moment trying to deal with me on a daily basis okay it's just one dissertation after another okay so I'm getting into it I'm like babe that is unfair honestly you this is not it and I start going into it and she goes stop right there and I go it's okay and she goes let's seriously let's stop I don't want to fight and I'm like I don't either but I want to explain my side and she said this she goes stop it doesn't matter I'm ready to move on if you're ready to move on and I hate it when she does that because you cannot win with that right because it's like are you gonna be a big person are you gonna be spiritual and she says again honestly babe it doesn't matter and I'm thinking to myself it does matter because you're wrong and I'm right and I want to explain myself and prove to you that I am right and I am better it doesn't matter now it mattered to me internally and emotionally for the next like three to four to five to ten 15 minutes where I'm still stewing like I just just frustrates me but it's amazing once the emotion subsided she was right it doesn't matter think about all the things we do we say we think about we crave we gotta have we obsess over we complain over we worry about that really doesn't matter I wonder if the moment I said that phrase if everything started to come to mind it doesn't really matter I mean what are the chances someone's watching right now on the app or someone into in Kirkland our Kirkland location or another location Seattle you're listening to this sermon and you walked into this environment you came to this auditorium an auditorium in Seattle or you clicked on the app you turned it on and you wanted some help because there's some pressing overwhelming frustrating challenging just really upsetting you and you were hoping to get some aid from church home only to realize actually the moment I said it doesn't really matter you might need to apply that to the very thing you worked up about does it actually matter it doesn't really matter why don't we say that more it doesn't matter like what Chelsea said that it was like she's so right right and I want it I mean I wanted to get into it I want to beg you listen to me and then she just diffused the whole thing herself right yourself and said it doesn't matter is there something right now in your life that you could actually just put it in that category it doesn't really matter I want to I wonder if it would take the sting out a wonderful it would take the poison out I wonder if it would take the anxiety out wonderful would remove the worry if you got honest about this thing it actually doesn't really matter I wish it wasn't true but I mean I can't it the list is it's too long it's it's it's it's it's it's it's an exhaustive I I'm constantly worked up about things constantly preoccupied with things that I think actually don't really matter like if you get nothing else today from church just take that phrase home with you wherever you call home and start putting it on things in your life it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter now that was hard today when I lost to Rai good bye approximately 14 shots on the golf course and a couple of clubs slipped out on my hand but so whether it's golf for me whether it's an argument with my wife it's amazing how many things preoccupied my emotion my energy and my strength when in big picture in light of eternity they don't really matter they don't really matter why don't why don't begin why don't we do this more why don't we avoid this reality in life that doesn't really matter it's a car it doesn't really matter you ever I love people like this and I'm very inspired by people you ever run into someone who like you you you hit their car or or you you you you you you ran mud all through their house or you ruined one of their pieces of clothing or you did something that was kind of in there like a it's just a rug it doesn't matter and you're like oh a guy don't do that by the way if you have mud through my house I'm gonna be very very upset I'm gonna fake it because I do that because I'm pleaser and I want people to like me but when you leave I am gonna be so mad at you and if you get ketchup on on any of my clothes we won't be friends anymore but I'm inspired by people who are like hey it's a car who cares I got in a wreck one time literally and and I'm just like oh and the person that we hit or they hit us I can't remember like hey it's a car not a big deal you guys okay and you're like oh yeah that's that's right it's a it's a car it doesn't really matter man oh I look at my day to day how many things consumed me today emotionally mentally and big-picture it doesn't really matter why do I not do that more why don't I use this tool that's clearly given to us even from ancient king solomon who's like trust me I've had all the ladies I've had all the money I've had all the wine I've had all I mean this is the most powerful wealthy probably the wealthiest man who has the wealthiest person who has ever lived on the face of the planet and his conclusion from it all it is a vapor it's meaningless it's absurd what are you saying that for why don't we listen to Solomon more I got a couple of theories one of them is we conclude that we are the exception to the rule I know I do I'm like but but see see I'm different I'm different like people are like oh it's not about money it's not but when I get money it's gonna be different you know people say like you don't want status and I agree status is nothing but the reason I need it is because I'm not gonna fall for it I'm gonna use it and I'm gonna shine like a star for Jesus right and we do though we do we do this all the time I'm the exception right we talked about money last week and with our relationship to money we keep telling ourselves internalized we keep telling ourselves money won't ruin me right I'm self-made this is what I want and we pursue things that we already have a wealth of data research and information on but why won't we listen to the thousands of years human beings have been pursuing things that don't really matter any crazy think about please meet these guys and gals they did it all Solomon you want to talk about parties I mean Solomon has done it all and Solomon says it's all a vapor it's all absurd and we go Solomon don't notice is 2019 please you don't know Solomon can't relate it's a different day how many things if we could add them up just in this room let alone people watching on the app or in Seattle right now can you imagine is there 10,000 things that really don't matter collectively that we are all worked up about I just wish more preachers would tell people in the church hey I'm really sorry you're worked up about it doesn't really matter I don't think that's gonna go over that well I don't think preachers like the may not be liked but I wish Christians would tell Christians more hey it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter well no no I'm gonna be different from probably not probably not think of all the things that don't really matter that we think about crave get worked up about worry about fear about I would just like to declare it doesn't really matter so that leads us to Ecclesiastes and I honestly don't know if I've ever heard a preacher preach on Ecclesiastes because it is quite possibly as I said a moment ago the most discouraging piece of literature ever it is basically Solomon going you know what I tried it all this sucks it all sucks he um I don't know I don't know if this is okay to say but Ecclesiastes is definitely one of those books I'm like you know like in your like some of you do the yearly Bible like I tried that for so many years never really completed it like you get to Ecclesiastes in your Bible reading plan some of you've been in church long enough to know what I'm talking about right you're all doing a Bible reading plan in your small group and everybody's like yeah and everybody gets Ecclesiastes they're like oh I skimmed it a little bit this time I didn't really dive in cuz so why does Ecclesiastes exist why was it inspired by God is this just a book to discourage us no no this is a book to help us see the world for what it really is it's just we don't want to hear it that's why it discourages us right I mean I want to go see Aladdin again and again I could show you the world folks this is my favorite song shining shimmering splendid [Music] when did you les don't you dare close your eyes I want a magic carpet and I definitely want three wishes from Will Smith absolutely nothing could be better I don't want Solomon to tell me that life sucks I want a magic carpet and I want a genie and I want my life to be a music oh don't make me force don't force me to see the world for what it really is III I'm not not without standing that the world has beauty but the world has meaningless this and we have to face it maybe maybe we don't have to preach on Ecclesiastes every time we get together but there are times it is important for us to say this is what the world is furthermore it helps us Ecclesiastes is there to help us understand how God intended us to relate to this world furthermore it sheds greater light on why he put us in this world so please yeah STIs is very important even understanding the Hebrew term Cobell it's going to be critical for us as we navigate through our human experience because there is a lot of Abell there is a lot of absurdity vanity vapor meaninglessness and emptiness to this life and if we can learn to accept that and see that we actually will be much better at navigating our short stay here on earth in ancient Rome from best we can tell some from research and stories that are told in ancient Rome they would throw these ticker tape parades for winning generals in the ancient Roman army in these ticker tape parades it was a East it was a celebration it was a parade through the streets of ancient Rome and it was almost some writers say like a form of worship they would see these generals and in all of Rome would worship these victorious generals and they would show the spoils that were won from the battle they would even reveal the prisoners that were now in captivity and the all of Rome would celebrate something very interesting is recorded throughout history that during these celebrations it was required that the house servant of the general the Roman victorious general would stand with him in his chariot or float or parade and would be whispering in his ear the entire parade and it was obviously not in English but I'll translate it and this is what he whispered the parade could go for an hour two hours ago he would he would say this in the ear of the victorious God like general he would say this in a whisper tone remember you must die remember you must die and Rome thought it was important to face the brevity of life even at your Zenith experience Rome thought it was necessary to remind even a God like general you too will die this life is a vapor and I wonder if Ecclesiastes stands out as one of those books whispering in our ear as we navigate this life remember you too will die you will then live forever but this life is coming to an end faster than you could even imagine but what do we do now we we avoid the brevity and the fragility of life we don't even want to face it and so we don't much of what we find entertaining helps us escape the reality but Ecclesiastes stands out as one of those inspired books given to us by God using the vehicle of King Solomon to tell us remember you must die all will pass start reading these first 11 verses and it's kind of overwhelming and basically the writer Solomon says hey everything's vanity everything's passing everything's meanness and then he kind of loses the fact that we too will go and I don't know if you noticed this but he's like one generation will come after another generation I had a friend recently whose father his aunt his aunts his father's aunt just passed and when she passed she was the last living person who had ever seen his grandfather walk talk and live now officially my friend wrote me and text me and said we no longer have anyone else on the planet alive that ever knew saw or lived with my great grandfather it's gone and that's what Solomon is trying to say and that is that's why it's really quiet in here because that's wild all the sudden I heard a preacher once say your kids they they stand as a testament when you're gone that you once we're here Solomon says people will forget people will forget then no one will be left knowing what it was like to hear you talk or to see you walk life is a vapor do you see what Solomon did with nature how about this he goes rivers flow into the ocean it never fills up they do it again it goes on and on and on you ever considered how indifferent nature is to the human existence like let's imagine you go stand by a river that rivers been running been running since before you were a concept it's gonna be running after you're gone and that river doesn't care about you that rivers in it's been set in motion by God think about the oceans the current the waves that just keep pounding right now across countries and continents all over the world though we are not there to hear it see it or even take account of it ocean waves are crashing right now over and they've been doing this for thousands of years and that ocean cares nothing for you knows nothing about you that ocean is just in motion Solomon is almost saying you humans should go out by the moving waters and creation and ask yourself how meaningless redundant all this is a mountain stare at the mountain the mountain cares nothing for you it's just been there nature is indifferent to the humans that occupy it it just stays in motion and Solomon's alluding to the fact and so do we we just stay in motion whoa about this time it's like do you think like the sermon will like have a good end or do you think we're all just gonna feel small in light of the rivers and the oceans and the mountains by the way that's not a bad thing that's not a bad thing the earth declares its glory and we can learn from from nature I want to I want to suggest there's a few things especially that preoccupy our time attention our emotions and our thoughts and our focus that really don't matter and Solomon makes this clear we won't get into all the nuances as he goes on and on throughout the book of Ecclesiastes but I like the first thing that really doesn't matter but it seems to like be one of the most important things in this whole life is acquiring stuff acquiring stuff it doesn't matter it doesn't matter now just because things don't matter just because things are meaningless there's nowhere in scripture where God says and so you should never have them or even be around them or think about them I want to thank all of you for bringing stuff to this auditorium called closed I appreciate that very very much right it's please hear me now as we go further Jesus will will speak in his teachings to the people and he will teach them about clothing he will teach them Matthew chapter six Sermon on the Mount in other places and and and what Jesus is trying to get us to see in Matthew chapter six and what Solomon is trying to get us to see in Ecclesiastes is is is is do we see these things for what they are that's all do you see these things for do you put them in their actual place in light of the cosmos right do you stand at an ocean shore and go my car doesn't really matter can you see the basis of God when you look through a telescope or just look up on a dark night and see the Stars millions of miles away do you for a moment go I'm okay if I don't get that pair of jeans because we should write acquiring stuff how about this achieving status these are things we will destroy each other over we will use each other to achieve status take it from the wealthiest man the most famous man the man who had probably the most women and the most wine Solomon says it's meaningless I'm still me right I'm still me still right here having to deal with me and acquiring all these things achieving status it's a vapor it's a vapor how about not only achieving status how about arguing your opinion this one's really big right now Judah don't do the whole social media thing we get it it's crazy it's wild like every preacher preaches about that now this is this is one of the biggest parts of our social experience now have you noticed this a friend of mine a couple days ago we were we were doing some shoots for the app and he said I posted a compliment of Alex Trebek from jeopardy what a legend and immediately it's as if people did not read what he posted their response was their response was hey man he's going through a lot have some respect and he was like he looked back at his postings like he's a legend respect because that's just the way life now that's like a thing now arguing your opinion is like a it's like a symbol it's like a way of life it's like a knee-jerk reaction no I disagree oh my gosh that's so bad this is ridiculous and everyone now there's this groundswell and everyone sharing opinions are proliferating and Solomon says it's meaningless it's a vapor it's empty using think about am I the only one that has gotten worked up about perfect strangers I don't even know same things to me and I didn't have time for my wife for my children because there's perfect stranger in middle America has said what they said and I'm angry indignant and you're like what are we doing you know how many people came into this auditorium today and the thing you're worked up about is someone arguing with you about their opinion and you are I am I'm prepared to post [Applause] like let's let's get worked up about humans that are dying in the world let's get worked up about in Justices and hate and racism and bigotry but we get worked up about our opinions come on man right like but this is and Solomons like whatever you it was happening then let alone now and how about this one just consumed with attempting to stay young I'm gonna be home forever and I got so much makeup on right now way too much hairspray trying to keep my hairline as long as I can right like I'm trying up here okay so and then wrong with trying to look your best but again it's when fleeting empty things replace the things that actually matter and we're making an exchange we're in a culture now we are exchanging status and wealth and opinions and sexiness for what actually remains forever we're making a bad trade this is a bad trade we are not getting the right end of the deal here as we trade away things that last forever because that's where I want to end the next few moments then what does matter and the answer that we talked about last week God's definition of treasure God's definition of value God's definition of what matters is simply this whatever you can take with you into forever and that's it so again the Sermon is this can you see these fleeting things for what they are can you see the things that don't really matter can you can you honestly accept all right these things don't matter put them in their proper place and ensure that your priorities are anchored to what you can take with you now if you can do that I sent you enjoy your car get you another house I don't care get you more clothes whatever as long as you see it for what it is see it for what it is that's where generosity comes in because generosity has an extraordinary way of prioritizing for you automatically if something's got ahold of you give it away give it away give it give it away give it away seriously here have it because it has me and I don't want to just take it just take it right so this is possible now where we can anchor ourselves to what we can take with us here's just four things you can take with you four things you can take with you a couple of these it just just thinking today I was like wow that's right I got to remember this number one you can take your soul with you your soul is gonna go with you now here is the false notion of eternity based on all of my research to study about eternity we think eternity works like rebooting we think we get to heaven it's like I've been uploaded I don't even recognize me oh my word right oh I want to be where the people are you know and we're suddenly just like not a mermaid anymore and we're just like ah no you take you with you it's a redeemed you it's an eternal you it's a renewed you but issue part of you is your soul your mind your will your emotions those will go with you your sense of humor will go with you some you're like yes some like room yeah what does it profit a man Jesus says to gain the whole world and lose what he can actually take with him so you trade your eternal soul for cash bad trade unfair trade you've been duped you need to read Ecclesiastes you will not be encouraged but you will face the truth vanity vanity vanity vanity what do I take your soul are you protecting your soul are you guarding your soul when I say soul it's synonymous the scripture with heart a center of who you are it's what makes you you are your gardening are you watching over it are you tending to it the way you would a garden do you have friends that also help you prioritize your soul are you so busy down here grinding to build your career that you are willing to sacrifice your internal well-being stability for that is my ceases my season to grind and we tell ourselves crazy things we tell ourselves I'm different I'm wired different I can go I can go long I can go it's I don't need to rest how many vacation make yourself around here vacation I don't need time I won't sabotage Sabbath Sabbath is Old Testament Sabbath this is law I don't need aside what I need I can just go go go go go as far as I'm enjoying that's what I do I'm out here in these streets do you at least have one friend that says you're an idiot and actually being at this restaurant is hard because you just can't stop shaking and moving because you are living on adrenaline just a thought number two you can take your soul with you you can take your relationships with you you can take your relationships with you so all the investment you're making in relationships down here it will be continued I was gonna say up there but there's gonna be a new heaven and a new earth so by the way if you love I don't know the Bahamas you're gonna love eternity okay I actually believe in eternity wherever you want to be on the new earth there will be no pain there will be no disease there will be no sin of all kind all of this will go back to its original state and if you want to be somewhere I believe you'll just be there yeah Maui Pam just like that top of Everest Bam Bam right free soul Oh Pam like climb the climb the wall um you could take your relationships with you so the investment you're making into friends friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them yeah you can take your relationship are you trading forever friendships for what is fleeting have you allowed status to change friends that are good for you right have you have you allowed these fleeting temporary things to displace and replace what goes on forever third thing you could take with you your memories did you know that a lot of us believe that we're gonna get to heaven it's like all the men just won't dawn oh my gosh where am I Who am I this is crazy what was your name Jesus you look like God this is crazy no you're gonna take your memories with you now a lot of people ask will they'll be bad memories in heaven what I'll say this that the book of Revelation says in this place called eternity in heaven the trees on the streets the leaves are for the healing of the nations which leads me to believe that there actually heaven will be a place of healing where those hurtful painful memories will now be seen the exact way God sees them through Redemption and perfection and now even those bad memories will well though that won't be there'll be no more pain there'll be no more and I actually believe is eternity goes on and on forever like things you forget in this life those things will fade covered redeemed perfect healed whole and restored and you'll actually I was doing right good today we're gonna remember playing golf forever ain't it funny though we will not make memories so we can make money I'll make memories once I get my be careful now you might get into a rhythm what you like making money so much or you like status so much or you like that you never get around to making memories memories are forever make them my brother-in-law one time we rented a house he said I'm renting this house but I'm not renting my memories I own those and I was like give me a reason to rent more real estate you know but I'm not renting my memories I know you know we've heard this so many times but are you making memories let's make a memory when's the last time and I know it becomes cliche but it's actually scriptural let's make memories remember when best part of memories is sitting around remembering them man that was bad right it's something that's bad something it's weird something that's just crazy something it's like uncomfortably like what's gonna be a good it's gonna be a crazy memory right and by the way if it's gonna be funny then it's funny now it's a good rule to live by memories I wanna how to make memories I'm not making enough memories cuz those those I can take with me am i busy arguing my opinion being consumed with being sexy and young that I forgot not that I am sexy and young sorry I that came out wrong but um thank you thank you lord I I hear you man I've I've gotten so worked up about my opinion and my looks and my stuff I forgot to make memories ever been on your phone and someone you love is trying to talk to you and you're like yeah yeah uh-huh yeah what'd I just say what what did I just say you said you said a lot of good stuff what'd you say have your stop just for a moment and ask yourself who am i texting what post am i reading what app what sporting event am i so that I'm not investing in the woman of my dreams now folks it's not real every day is not gonna be like right like sometimes you got to go on your phone do your job I'm staying that but I think we all need a little bit of a checkup a little bit of a checkup how many times my kids are trying to tell me stories and I'm like yeah just second yep second second dad's checking the golf app right now need to see when the tournament starts I missed a memory I missed a moment I missed a memory lastly do you know you can take your understanding with you forever did you know that you know they'll be learning in heaven we will grow in our understand that swai that's why in all you're getting the Bible says and all you're getting wealth status opinions all you're getting make sure you get understanding cuz you take her with you into eternity if you will are you getting understanding because you'll take that are you getting wisdom are you getting into conversations are you learning are you a learner that's forever I think we think we all just get to heaven and we all get the same upload we're all it's like Boop yes we all have the same knowledge I love heaven no more studying and though we will our capacity will be endless and eternal we will grow in our understanding in heaven one preacher said like this you'll pick up there where you left off here whoa so while you're getting get understanding man that's why I like do do you take time to talk to other people about what they understand about God tell me what you understand about God because I want to understand more tell me your story tell me how you met God or God met you tell me - and why is Jesus real to you what happened yeah I was like 16 and I felt whoa whoa whoa whoa where was this I was at my parents house and we just Wow wait God healed you I had a friend a few days ago so Judah have you ever text me have you ever seen a miracle I said yeah he goes didn't tell me one right now all right no and I told him about this miracle one time Chelsea and I were young and married in thousands and thousands of dollars I've told you this story before was due for taxes and we had no no dollars and thousands were due I got a check from a pastor from Oklahoma I had never met on my front door the next morning after Chelse and I prayed oh sweet baby Jesus lord help mercy we have know thousands and the country wants thousands and the next morning we had a check I'm not I'm not lying FedEx on our doorstep front doorstep open the door I said what's this I opened it up it was the exact amount to the dollar of what we had to give and so I'd even had the Pat I looked up the pastor on Twitter and I DM to my said pastor who told you he said told me what I said why did you send this money he says I woke up one morning cuz I'm aware of who you are and I I knew your father and I was praying for you one morning first I was like you were why were you praying for me and he said and God dropped his dollar man he says send it in the mail today and I was like and I told my friend that miracle he's like okay he's like um I'm open to my front door tomorrow morning well let's get understanding that's not just it's not just reading but it's also listing and learning and talking and conversing and sherry let's be these kinds of people here's the conclusion Matthew chapter 6 the words of Jesus now I'm done I'm done Jesus says this Matthew chapter 6 starting in verse 30 this is such a beautiful here's after all the things we've talked about just let the words of Jesus sink into your soul and I'm done if God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers we're talking about fleeting stuff here most of which are never seen don't you think he'll attend to you take pride in you do his best for you what I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax Wow to not be so preoccupied with getting that's meaningless so you can respond to God's giving people who don't know God in the way he works fuss over these things but you know both God and how he works so steep your life in God reality God initiative God provisions don't worry about missing out who don't worry about missing out you'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met give your entire attention to what God is doing right now and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes what if we lived like that so this is the end of my sermon and thank you that's all I got so here's what I'm gonna ask us to do everyone watch it on the app everyone in Seattle everyone right here at the Saban theater could we'd this week they're like Judah you about to hand out hope if we could use this gift we have it doesn't really matter you could take that phrase and start like a sticker put it on the things it relates to in your life and just let yourself see these things for what they really are a vapor meaningless empty let them fall into their proper place in the priority scale and consider all you can take with you let's be those kind of people Jesus thank you for the moments we share thank you for what you're doing in our community we love you Jesus thank you for the moments we have to reflect and consider what really matters most in this life what I pray for anyone watching on the app for anyone watching in Seattle anyone in this room right now who right now in this moment are about to make a decision to follow you for the rest of their days make it real persuade us of your reality if you're here watching Seattle anywhere in the world or right here in the salon you said Judah I'd like to become a follower of Jesus I believe that Jesus is God is the only one that can forgive me of my air am i wrong and my sin and I want to spend forever with him I want that you cannot earn this you cannot deserve this it's simply yours if you accept it and receive it if you'd like to accept the forgiveness of Jesus receive his love his friendship and secure your place in eternity on the count of three I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hand wherever you are even if you're in a cafe watching right now on your laptop I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hand and put it right back down one two three if that's you just shoot your hand up all over thank you thank you God you see these hands we thank you for the free gift of forgiveness the frigate it flows freely here at church home and we thank you for that we thank you for that and lastly Lord just before we take time to reflect and sing consider you I pray for our church that we would be a church that is completely under what that is completely unwilling to replace what is eternal with what is fleeting we're not gonna make that trade anymore help us Lord to prioritize what we can take with us in Jesus name Amen [Music] it's the subscribe button if you press on it you subscribe to our YouTube channel then you get to watch it and we get to have fun and we get to be friends I love you
Channel: Churchome
Views: 41,115
Rating: 4.9018407 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance
Id: d8bwZDbKZiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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