IT Band Syndrome (Outside Knee Pain) Exercises & Stretches. (Iliotibial Band Syndrome)

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top Brad the to low speed this is a good biz today hi folks I'm Bob short personal therapist red hiney physical for the most famous physical therapist on internet and our Peter correlations Brett thank you today Brad we're going to talk about IT band syndrome iliotibial band syndrome and we're gonna show you the exercises and stretches and we're going to show you a test to see whether or not you might have a tight IT band right but generally what this refers to is knee pain on the outside of uni by outside I mean that way we called the lateral side by the way Brad I just saw some new people out there they artists yeah if you're new to our channel please take a second to subscribe to us we have a subscribe button here on the left side of Brad your right side we provide videos how to stay healthy fit and pain-free and we upload every day excellent all right let's talk about IT band syndrome bread and Hawaii why it occurs and what we're trying to do with it you need to understand this right so we got we're pulled here and we got a wonderful line Bonaparte all born apart yeah and this is a just a really nice anatomical model here I think right we what you have around your whole thigh here is a what we call the fascia Lata and it's made out of a tough fibrous ligament type material right Brad right you know that from school I still will remember that it goes around the whole leg but you just refreshed your yeah it's very and it's very thin on most parts of the thigh but as it gets to the outside of thigh it's a very thick okay a very sick ligament and that's the IT band iliotibial tract right ligament so we got the ilium here and we get the fibula so it connects the two pieces of anatomy now gets its name there's two muscles that attach into that band for sure once the glute max you'll see your butt muscle for asically large muscle ER and then there's a tensor fasciae latae that's all we always have to say at the school it's a lot like that I like that yeah so what the reason that's important is because when I don't know that you can stretch this band that well it's very tight you're right it's very thick right it's a ligament it's wide and it's I mean right it's tough it's a very tough you want to stretch the muscles that go into the ligament so we're so by stretching the band I think you're stretching the muscles so we'll do stretches but we're also going to show you some things that are specific toward the muscles sure the reason why this band gives you trouble on the outside of your knee so comes down attaches into the tibia here dirty stupid crow yeah man as you can see as it crosses over the outside of the bone here it can rub against that so you see that right here there's a pump or tuberous they call it on the outer bone of the femur the condyle and they just what you see passed 30 degrees right at 30 degrees it's right on the top of it okay so when you go past 30 degrees it's going to be behind it it slides over it yeah and when you go less than 30 degrees it's going to be in front of it right so you can see like there's kind of getting hung up but when you straighten it out it goes past it and you have less pressure so right I can see where if you're a runner you have continual you're you're crossing that 30 degree mark repetitively and that's why they get it's big in runners it's it's big in any sport where you have a lot of flexion extension going on when you're biking would be the other ones very common in bikers if you are going up hills a lot or constantly but if you're a skier to sort of flexion extension going on so you're going to want to make sure that this you know if this band is tight really quiet it's going to rub against that or more than anything else though so we'll talk about some other things that you can do besides stretching at the end of the video but let's start showing the stretches very so you know what the first one I think we should show Brad I don't we should show that where you can use a tennis ball across ball yep and you want to show this sure just tensor fasciae latae and also on the group's we just called it a TfL bar all right we couldn't pronounce that big word okay I hope the tennis ball core cross balls a little Esav but you can use a lacrosse ball and it's easy to see cuz we've got a nice bright yellow one here I'm going to start on that TfL it's more towards the front right so I'm going to face more down you may not be able to see it in there but you know when you're on that muscle whoa and you're just going to work you can work right to left forward to backwards up and down and you'll do this for 30 seconds a minute depending on how long you can tolerate it now I'm going to go to the glute Max and now you're going to shift and work about 35 degrees there and you're going to work it way up towards the Beltline because that group muscle does goes all out there and all the way up to that ilium or the pelvis muscle of that wide paddle-like muscle yeah I may seem a little strange to people that you're working up here in order to stop a problem down here but exactly up exactly right so they stop yes you may stop all right I will not show the wall stretch Lonnie if you want to you can catch me over here so I'm gonna stretch this side yep and very simple you can do this a couple of ways one you can just put the elbow to the side here and then I'm just going to lean the pelvis over this way sure like this and can you see how I'm stretching that all right so I got connected here it's wrapped up around here and he does it stretches just just as you can see it's stretching his pants it stretches the tissues in this right and what I like to do better even Brad is to do it this way cross over like this and go like this now I can really stretch it and it gives you a little more balance - I think right exactly no good 30-second stretches you know works out really well all right I'm going to show one on the bed here now Brad that's a print well not to them they don't they don't know that this table again because we're trying to stretch the tensor fasciae latae with it which is this serve as a flexor bread you can lay on your side like this grab your ankle and pull back like this okay and you're getting things stretched more in the front right and it's stretching the quad obviously - but it also will stretch the tensor fasciae latae of it so how about a older stretch over the bed there you go so on this one I'm going to stretch this side now this side here and always on the lift up like this bed and I'll anything a blot of oil and like and I let it hang down like that so you need to get close to the edge of the bed and let that leg cross and you'll feel it it stretched right up and here this one is can be a little uncomfortable if you just you know use your judgement and as you can see Brad I don't think - very title though my pelvis is is collapsing down so it's really hard to tell whether or not it's right or not another one Brad you can hook this foot behind the knee I'm gonna stretch this side and your bring it over like this and kind of pull over like this okay I'll get in that group again more a little bit of your IT band - sure yep yeah again you got a hook there and yeah it's hard to see it in the camera but that's what he's doing pulling over here and you're trying to keep your already best boy yeah all right when I do bad I love you did this one where you put it across like this and you lift up like this all of y'all figure four I do have this one so I'll do it on the other side you're going to cross your leg over I'm pulling up on the opposite leg and it's stretching on this one right here take your time with this one it should not hurt it should just be a stretch feel alright and then you can do also a Prohm stretch this way Brad or you can do a prone quad stretch where you go like this again give me more of that tensor flash a lot on that one sure so Brad I want to show the the older test so we can tell whether or not your tensor fasciae latae I mean your IT band is tight so I want to pull this out so I can be on this all right yeah let's do that so all right tell me what once you lay towards facing toward me supine yep nope on your there you go that's like every time yeah sideline we call that sideline so we're testing the IT band on this side sure so there's two ways people do it they call it once called the over test and once called a modified position so we're going to bring it up and you bring it up into extension a little bit here and while I'm in extension here I'm going to hold on to the pelvis here Brad it'll stabilize I'm going to stabilize the pelvis because if I let the pelvis cool it's just going to collapse down and it's going to go all the way down to the right so you know you're not isolating right so I'm holding this on and now I lower it down and we'll see a bed now cute let's keep it bent Brad bent okay and does yours go any further well if I relax so Brad this is actually that would be a negative because it in other words it's not tight because my knee is going down right and I think a lot of times you'll press both sides to compare one day so again sometimes people bring it a little bit and up into abduction a little bit extension now they also do it what they call the modified test where they keep the knee extended Brad straighten the way up straighten leg don't let the foot turn down because that would throw it off sure you're gonna go ahead and just bring it back like this and I'm gonna lower it down I'm gonna hold the pelvis again Brad's just not tight sure that you're disappointing me Brad I'll happen to find it is you have tight muscles Bob but not that area but you know therefore those things that probably you're going to a therapist is going to do you're not going to do at home by yourself because you've got understood you got to put your hands on proper landmarks and whatnot all right all the things you can try bad is you can try icing you know right here move more and after treat our before and after running where that that IT bands going over that bone and rating that tender spot you're going to want to you know if you're running you really should stop ideally I know that possibly I thought runner that's not an option you know what I'm saying yeah ideally you know it often happens after you've increased your distance or wherever you started doing Hill so stop running on hills also you don't want to run on pitched surfaces Brad's right like it often comes from a track running on treasure but also just normal roads have that rain run all at crown yeah and so you want to if you go down one side you want to come down the same side so your evening out basically right is if you're always on the same side of the road that's probably the outside leg of a probably one that's going to be irritated if you have one leg that's longer than the other that's a correction and you know you're gonna have to have someone determine that for you you may want to have that corrected by putting a little heel wedge in the shorter side because that also will will play into it you can also take oral NSAIDs in other words an anti-inflammatory IB program to help to try to help calm things down so softer running shoes avoid running downhill or on hills basically well though you'll just keep running up and up and up how would you get home just and it's that time of the video these are the things I got to put up when it's over all right well remember we can fix just about anything oh except for that broken herd but we're working in there we got that video coming out don't look at brain - we can fix that either thanks yeah we other video coming out [Music]
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 560,166
Rating: 4.9273162 out of 5
Keywords: effective stretches, IT band stretches, IT band syndrome, IT band syndrome stretches, IT band syndrome exercises, Iliotibial band syndrome, Iliotibial Band syndrome exercises, Iliotibila band syndrome stretches, bob and brad, famouspt, physicaltherapyvideo, famous physical therapists
Id: ERylaMvyDbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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