IT’S NOT OVER, YOU'VE GOT WORK TO DO | Best Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

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foreign you can only exist within the walls you've placed around yourself so question where have you placed them think of the concept you can only hit targets that you aim for and expand it out because my point here is you can only exist in the plane that you have deemed to be real for you that you have decided is reality and if we think about that just on a common sense basis it's pretty apparent right people don't do things that stretch beyond their perceived identity if I don't think I'm capable of accumulating wealth for example I'm simply not going to do the things or take the necessary steps required to accumulate wealth why would I if I don't think I can help or add value to others I'm not going to do things in an attempt to help or add value to others using that example that stuff would exist on the other side of those walls I've placed around myself that's why deciding what those targets are is so important deciding what's real matters because if you set the scope too small if your reality is void of all possibility and Imagination even if you win you've conceded too much the promise you've been basing your entire existence and your decisions on is so limited that you can win there and still lose overall still leave everything on the table and there's you know a ton of examples of this um you know I I commonly hear people refer to it with their work I'm not crazy about what I'm doing but how do I fix it how do I learn to like this job how do I exceed expectations in my role how do I get a promotion uh so that I can bring in more income now all all valid questions certainly valuable questions if it's where you should be and I can tell you I remember asking those same questions to myself and the conclusion I finally came to was no what you need exists on the other side of those walls in this part of of your life it's critical that you move Beyond those parameters [Music] that's not what lights a fire in everyone but it's what lit a fire in me I was asking the wrong questions right was go over there and and start your own business start your own journey start sharing the things you want to share so what Alex hermosi refers to is playing a different game altogether and it's kind of a weird concept to grasp you know that you can win the game you're playing and still end up losing you know because you never thought to look for more you never ventured to peer out over what was directly in front of you this is a matter of self-reflection at its finest because you'd never see those walls unless you really took the time to think about it to be alone with yourself and ask those questions it's the fun what ifs what if I stopped doing those things I don't like and started doing what I love what if I didn't accept this as what I have to do and it instead took a different path altogether what if I was capable of playing a different game and what we find is that we're capable of some pretty incredible transformations we're capable of taking what matters out of a less than ideal environment and recreating it somewhere that is ideal that is conducive to our success in our growth and our Evolution and our contentment instead of conceding so much and asking so few questions why accept those limitations [Music] so again I ask where have you built your walls and why and what if you push them back like lines in the sand meant to be redrawn [Music] see perhaps the the income coming in is a direct result of you feeling like hey that's just what I make perhaps your Fitness level is the result of you thinking that's just how I am perhaps your friends and the people you surround yourself with are a result of you saying it's just who I know but there comes a point when new targets must be set and new lines drawn at least if any type of evolution is going to occur you don't have to perpetually navigate the revenue streams Fitness levels and friend groups you have now you can play a different game again it's not always asking how do I live Within These Walls exist within these circumstances [Music] sometimes the question is how do I step into a new Arena entirely I've always been amazed at how much life can change with a small perspective shift you hear something the right way maybe even something you've heard you know a thousand times this time you just hear it differently and suddenly the light bulb goes off suddenly it all makes sense I was talking to one of my friends recently about how we threw discus in high school and he was incredible at the sport but for you know a long stretch he was inconsistent with his release coach after coach after coach would try and help him with it but it wasn't until one said to him hey instead of sprinting to the release think of it as a scissor motion right now I don't know much about discus but for whatever reason that clicked for him the gear started turning he went to States had the best performance of his life all because he looked at the same situation through a different lens he found Clarity in what was around him now you might be thinking what does that have to do with me well I'm of the thinking that in our own lives right the battles we are all individually fighting the struggles we are going through you know amidst that storm we are uh one little light bulb moment from the clarity we need to re-engage to create momentum We're Never As far from what we need as we think but what we do is we convolute thing we tell ourselves that you know the the change required is monumental it's some Larger than Life transition you look at my friend the difference between a good season and an amazing season it wasn't a year in the weight room away it was a small mental shift and even in your world if the shift is just the beginning great everything of substance does in fact have to start and it's arriving at that point giving yourself the gift of clarity in a Pursuit that becomes critical I've always visualized that epiphany as me sitting in a dark room Pitch Black which is intimidating it's intense feels you know even helpless at times but understanding there is always a light switch in Arms Reach away there's always the thing that will be transformative we just have to keep reaching keep stretching keep feeling around for it because it exists and with an outstretched arm the very thing necessary to get us out of the dark and into the light is waiting and that's just it you know we can't conflate the goal with the Delta between where we stand now and the goal no one can run a marathon in one giant step it doesn't matter how strong you are you're not leaping the course and Diving through the Finish tape no you're running thousands and thousands of little manageable steps but we come face to face with situations in life where we know the Finish Line whatever it is in your particular case is way out there in the distance and it's overwhelming it's intimidating it places us back in that dark room where we're surrounded by the unknown and inundated with Stories We Tell ourselves about how difficult life is this is where you need to reach out and look for the light switch it's where you need to remember you're not responsible for the Finish Line because how could you be humans are only capable of moving forward one step at a time it's where you have to understand that the greatest impact on the discus right now is a change to your release point a perspective shift something minimal that gets you the distance every time I've been stuck or lost it has been an adjustment to the way I'm looking at the world around me that's ultimately made the difference a little reminder to take the pressure off at least in the sense that we can only control what we can control and usually that's the step right in front of us so my suggestion is to stop looking up at the mountain and look down at the very next step because from where you stand there is a path to get you there but the process calls for you to one believe it's possible and two make the little adjustment in real time that will put you in position to do just that you're never down and out not so long as there's air in your lungs and blood pumping through your veins you are rather one decision away one Epiphany away one flick of the light switch away from recapturing momentum and finding yourself again foreign [Music] car recently with my sister Ally her girlfriend Alex and her girlfriend's dad Jeremy we were on our way to dinner in Naples Florida simultaneously driving and kind of looking through different places to eat and no one really knew the area well right so we get to the point where we're pretty sure we have a spot we want to go picked out when Alex suddenly looks up her phone and says to her dad you know it looks like the place we're going tonight is a little fancy and so for contacts right they're both from London their accents make this one million times better and he hears or he looks back over at her and says uh well we deserve fancy don't we darling and I'm like oh my God you guys are a real life movie and don't even know it I thought it was just such a beautiful thing moments like that are everything reminders to immerse ourselves in the moment in what matters with the people that matter this of course wasn't about the restaurant but how evident it was that he was grateful to be there [Music] I remember seeing a quote that said if you can't find joy in a cup of coffee you certainly won't find it in a yacht so how's that for perspective you know it's the little things that hold the value the ones that become the big things and while our eyes are fixated on mountaintops life is about the climb or as it's put in another anecdote we live not for the destination but for the journey and see this is a very timely topic for me I woke up today having hit the Milestone of 500 000 subscribers on YouTube which is uh honestly been a goal of mine since I started doing this in 2014. I woke up so excited so happy so grateful for every single View for every person that stumbled upon my message and saw somewhere in my journey a little piece of Their Own but as uh today's gone on it's been interesting I found myself more and more Unsure how I feel because on one hand it is representative of that exact thing the journey the ride I feel like the luckiest human alive with friends and family that have truly carried me through the valleys of life and if anything Milestones like these honor them and the light they bring to the world but on the other hand a part of me couldn't help thinking oh okay I guess one million is next and trust me I wish that wasn't true but it is I remember reading in The Allman Act of Naval ravacon a passage where he said essentially that the excitement of acquisition isn't in the thing we're acquiring it's in the anticipation of it the build up I believe you used the example of a Ferrari implying that waiting for it was the fun that's the rush getting it is just kind of okay now I have a Ferrari and that's what makes these benchmarks we create so interesting they're everything and nothing simultaneously reminders that Finish Lines aren't a value for their own sake they're valuable because they remind you of the race you ran the highs you cherished and the lows you fought through life Ebbs and it flows and I'm continuously fascinated by its duality by the overlap we need to live in how two things can be true at once and so often are I can sit here today and tell you I think in a lot of ways societally we've gotten a little soft too soft so we often fail to understand that the road to what we want runs through the very landscape that will push us to be more than we've ever been that we have to get comfortable being uncomfortable or that the beauty of being human is that we can make sacrifices now for that which we desire in the future all this as far as I'm concerned is absolutely unequivocally true but there's also that existential question yeah but for what if you're not living cherishing the little things finding the miraculous in something as small as a cup of coffee then when when darling will you let yourself deserve fancy no I'm not going to claim I have all the answers I do not but if my time on this planet is a test case well here's what it showed me when life is all about the destination the 500k Milestones the money the growth the status the world becomes Hollow in manned as it hollow out fast things mean less and while sure they're often a valuable direction to point the compass they are not life and on the contrary when it's all play in no Direction all wandering and no learning all chaos and no building that subsequent meaninglessness emerges again it's in balancing the two life is incredible but only to those who make a point to see it as so and God is that easy not to do it blows my mind how easy it is to miss the things that are most important that's what this day has taught me the Finish Lines and 500 000 Milestones though few and far between are a celebration but they do not point to themselves they point to the little things they point to the people they point to the times you were walking through hell and kept walking they point to the sunrises sunsets and times you sat back and thought wow am I lucky after all there's a reason the view from the top points right back down to the world below shines a spotlight on the various scent you just endured as if highlighting what really matters what life is really about and so today by default a new ship has left the port towards a new horizon Compass aimed it let's say one million why not but it's essential to remember that that is the North Star that guides the journey it is not everything I challenge you to point your compass accordingly to whatever it is in your world that matters that excite you that lifts you up and when you arrive let it be not the goal in and of itself but a celebration of the joy the happiness contained along the way the fact that you did look around and smile did cherish those sunsets sips of coffee that you treated yourself to fancy and that you paused every now and then to say to yourself thank you one of my favorite anecdotes or mantras is work hard in silence let success be your noise that idea in my mind is perfection let your growth your Evolution and yes ultimately your accolades do this speaking for you this always hit home for me for two reasons one because things of value come with a hefty price tag we know this Excellence requires sacrifice it is in many ways both a daunting and worthwhile Pursuit and two well because we often conflate flailing around with progress in fact some of my favorite books whether it be deep work by Cal Newport Relentless by Tim Grover the obstacle is the way by Ryan holiday part of what captivates me with these is the emphasis on what we are willing to do in silence behind the scenes that's where true meaning and value materializes it's also where it's most difficult to commit and continue forward because in silence there is no audience clapping for you there is no validation when you're building and reading and improving when you're at the gym or on those calls establishing that Foundation putting in the hours it's easy to look around and have doubts and our brains go I did the work where's the reward I sacrificed so where's the payout it's not intuitive to understand that hey it's not visible yet one of my favorite metaphors the lily pad pond in which there is a pond with lily pads doubling in size every day and on day 30 the pond is completely covered with them so what day was the pond half covered and if we're thinking quickly we might be inclined to say well half of 30 is 15 so it was half covered on day 15. but that's wrong because if they're doubling every day that pond wasn't half covered until day 29. and only a quarter covered on day 28. meaning every day before then the change was so small that perhaps it wasn't even visible to the naked eye so small that to onlookers the prospect of it one day being covered might have seemed far-fetched but what was at work was the necessary change to set the stage to start what would ultimately become the exponential growth that is noticeable impactful now of course lily pads are not human but little thought experiment let's say they had been I'd like to believe that talking about their growth their plans right them screaming about how great they are and what they will someday be would not have helped them grow faster in fact it might have potentially even distracted the necessary evolution the growth was not them versus the world it was them versus them and that's the idea right it's okay to work on you to make a deal sign a contract with yourself that you are doing something now that only you understand that won't be visible until a later date let success be your noise because there's often zero correlation between the loudest person and the one making the greatest impact let success be your noise because you can't fake competency let success be your noise because leaders don't need to Proclaim they lead and winners don't need to prove they've won and virtuous people don't advertise their virtue it's in the doing that's where we pay the price the Steep price I've always said the last 10 years for me the hardest part wasn't failing it was not when things didn't go as planned the hardest part was simply not knowing it was the whisper that hey all this could be for naught that I'm wasting my time that the whole idea is a car without wheels and that's what hurt but if I could go back in time talk to my younger self I would say you know all this all of it the UPS Downs highs lows it's making you who you need to be and if something doesn't work or go as you planned it originally relax you learn you adjust and you move forward that's how the doubling of lily pads right using the same metaphor occurs you're learning you're growing and that's a you thing I talked a few weeks ago now about the difference between a fee and a fine as discussed in the psychology of money by Morgan hausel the weight of not knowing it isn't a fine it's not a penalty it's the fee it's the cost to get into the show the ticket to something greater but you have to walk through that door again it's a decision it's personal it's a commitment it's nothing that's screaming and seeking attention brings you have to trust yourself believe in yourself right your effort is doubling in size it's compounding exponentially and you don't need to convince others you need to stay consistent and build yourself up until the world has to notice trust the mission you're on as long as you're the one moving forward and two learning and adjusting you are destined for something Greater by committing you have stacked the deck by believing in yourself you have rigged the game foreign and believing that voice that says there's more in store for those who take it and you are capable of that that's the decision that will ultimately ring so loud it will let go through time [Music] I was listening to Alan Watts the other day and uh he was referencing a Zen Parable and he asked this question I thought was pretty cool he goes uh when a flag is flapping in the wind what's moving the flag or the wind the answer neither it's the mind that moves it's how our minds interpret our experiences that create our realities and the reason this reminder is so important to me the reason I don't believe we could ever hear it enough is because keeping that understanding front and center in our lives tells us how powerful we are sure we often can't control the situation we all know that but we can always control what this situation means every event is open to interpretation [Music] and that's what's so incredible you know yeah sometimes it takes a while to get to the value especially when our minds want to uh default to the negative or what's missing or what's lost but if you're willing to look underneath every occurrence is exactly what you need and so take for example something we can all relate to right losing something that truly mattered that we found meaningful whether it was a person a job an activity a physical impairment right when asked what does this change mean the Mind goes loss it defaults to I had it I loved it and now it's gone but underneath that there's a chance to take the pieces of what remains and go down A New Path to find something just as or even more beautiful the same loss can mark the beginning of an adventure is it ideal at first no but it's usually not the ideal that prompts are most important change it's life's turbulence that pushes us to seek out something new [Music] and I love taking this little trip down memory lane right because you know it's the business ventures that fell apart that caused me to look in the mirror and choose to be more it's the projects that Dan just didn't end up being that good right that allowed me to see this journey as a creative one or hey some projects hit some don't but it's not personal it's a ride and what an opportunity and it's the breakups I went through and while sure a few were definitely brutal they gifted me with an opportunity to personally level up to dial in my understanding of what really matters to me I can think of physical setbacks monetary obstacles all these things that hurt in the moment now I'm not sure I could have controlled the initial emotive response right the the human reaction but learning to ask well how can I get better from this that's a different question how can one month from now be amazing because of this situation regardless of how it feels in the moment it's not the flag or the wind that moves it's my mind so how will I choose to paint the landscape around me how will I choose to give meaning to the things that will ultimately comprise my reality that's power now I've always felt it easy to conflate like finding value in our lives with being happy all the time but again we're emotional creatures and life can be challenging for all of us I don't think it's possible to be happy all the time that's not the goal the true Victory is in finding gratitude along the way in pausing and asking how can I take this seemingly unfavorable result and find a way to win from it because guess what the sad truth is most people don't do that most people walk right by that stuff most people chalk up the L's as L's and leave the good stuff behind if you know there's a win in everything and you ask that your mind look for it the reality you create will be one much different than someone undergoing the exact same circumstances with their eyes closed remember it's the mind that moves it's you who writes the script who controls the narrative and that's not a burden that's a gift it's what makes you more powerful than you could ever imagine [Music] [Music] I put on my shoes stepped outside and as I made my way down the street for my midday run I felt the wind at my back Tailwind my first thought well nice this is convenient especially running along the beach where it can be pretty windy it's definitely a luxury to have wind at your back sure enough my mind went oh but that leaves me a headwind when I turn around and come back up the coast my mind started to wander I started imagining what it was going to be like turning around at that 6.6 mile mark I was doing a half marathon that day and knew that you know the way back would require that I level up and every once in a while the thought popped into my head sort of reminding me of the inevitable and sure enough the moment arrived the sun pressing down onto my skin the humidity wrapped around me like a blanket I hit 6.6 miles turned around on A1A and there was that headwind but the first thing I noticed was not the force pushing back against me no in that moment I felt the breeze the coolness it was refreshing and there Underneath It All was my light bulb moment what we are presented with day in and day out is a question it's a choice would the wind become my adversary something that yeah pushed me forward on the way down but then held me back on the way up or would it be what pushed me forward on the way down and then cooled me off as I made my way up and if you think that mental alteration or perspective shift is just nuanced or too small to matter I suggest you give it a go when you're doing whatever your equivalent of total exertion is whatever your mental stressor is that pushes you beyond your state of usual comfort when you're in the middle of let's call it hurt whether it be physical activity or a personal situation entirely unrelated to Athletics how are you internalizing the world around you it's become clear to me over time that winning during our most trying moments comes down to mental shifts so small that they seem almost laughable in normal conditions but your mind will always stop you before life will so why not put yourself in a position to win everything around you is trying to help you in some capacity allow that to be the case remember that what you look for you'll find so if you look for resistance and obstacles and adversaries they'll be everywhere but if you look for and seek out value you'll see that you were surrounded by nothing but value even those metaphorical headwinds become hands reaching out working to cool you off as you make your way to greater things so understand that when they arise those headwinds the ones that typically hold you back they hide within them small wins small wins that will be the difference the deeper one descends into chaos the more important it is to find those victories the ones hidden in plain view the ones that look to many like problems but you'll know you'll know just how malleable this world around us is the world seems to provide not definitives but tools so which will you pick up what will you build with them see life is never happening to you it's happening for you so keep your eyes open keep your feet moving and remember that you will win not despite the headwinds of life but because of them because you've trained yourself when those around you seek can't and won't to find a way to pull from the chaos the very thing you need most life gives you the canvas but you are the one who must paint [Music] thank you there's an old quote that stays 80 of life is showing up now showing up means many different things to many different people but the idea is not complicated you can't do anything of significance unless you have first and foremost arrived which brings me to today see I had a list of uh Concepts I've been excited to talk about things that I've either read or have been recent epiphanies in my life and I can't wait to share those with you but this morning oh let me tell you about this morning all right finding the energy to do anything felt like trying to squeeze blood from a rock I woke up with a headache exhausted because I didn't sleep at all the night before and you know that feeling like when you didn't sleep at all the night before you're oddly constantly reminding yourself the next day that you didn't sleep and everything just felt off [Music] and realism speaking now things still kinda do and so I got up and I sort of played with the idea of taking today off altogether right maybe I'm due for one anyway I thought about resting uh the the little devil with the Pitchfork on my shoulder continuously uh reminded me how great sleep would feel and I was sitting there you know kind of weighing my options took some ibuprofen started the coffee sat down on the couch uh just kind of looking at the wall what to do what to do but realistically I knew and I want to explain why over the years I've taught myself through repetition that's sitting down and writing and recording unless I plan intentionally to do otherwise is it non-negotiable it's helped me see that the goal in any meaningful Pursuit should be getting to the point where despite the circumstances you show up Stephen pressfield whose voice often echoes in my mind when I come face to face with these situations he wrote Art Is War between ourselves and the forces of self-sabotage that would stop us from doing our work the artist is a warrior artist being anyone bringing something to the world that does not yet exist and he goes on to describe the battle with the Mind Over sitting down in that chair in writing when we know we must write but don't want to when a tired or distracted mind begins looking for off-ramps as mine clearly started doing this morning [Music] seemingly trivial moments when any rational Soul could argue for the validity of postponing their date with Microsoft Word will they come to matter more than ever because greatness is a byproduct of intentionality if you become accustomed to breaking promises to yourself if you leave that door cracked for exceptions here and there will ultimately be kicked open and that's why I inject little reminders like that into my life to keep that mental muscle working for example there can never be dishes left in my sink when I go to bed why because if I skip it once there will always exist reasons to skip again it's a very easy thing to not care about because here is the reality progress is a lifestyle growth is a lifestyle at least if we're talking about any meaningful type of evolution I just finished reading uh it takes What It Takes by Trevor moad one of those three to five hour lessons on Audible depending on how fast it's playing it really packs a punch and I'm gonna be diving into a few of his Concepts a little more in the coming weeks but one thing he discusses that I found incredibly valuable is the illusion of choice and what the illusion of choice highlights is that there are a set of behaviors that must be carried out to be effective the idea of alternate routes is an illusion there are no choices when it comes to what's necessary we know what must be done to win now knowing that is one thing knowing that and having to propel yourself to action when you feel like garbage is something different entirely but that's why it's so valuable to get to that place where you can take the emotion out remove the internal deliberation and automate the things you know are going to help push you to be that better version of yourself in other words you show up for you period and that is a non-negotiable that's the level we all need to get to and I'm thinking about their strong parallels to a lot of different aspects of my day right the interval training I have this afternoon when you're exhausted 40 minutes in and are switching from squats to mountain climbers or whatever it is right instructor makes the announcement I don't think about anything I don't give myself a chance to try and rationalize any weakness I know if this is important to me keep that door shut no thinking just doing next simply doing what you always do what you've signed up for cannot be self-perceived as some Monumental sacrifice no it's just what you do it's neutral sometimes you feel like it sometimes you don't but you do what you do and that puts you on track to accomplish some incredible things and so remembering this ultimately pushed me through that studio door this morning and placed me down right in front of my mic sure I had to adjust some things definitely picked some you know mellower music there's going to be no crescendos today or my head will explode but this is not torture in fact I'm really happy with the way the episode's turning out I would have missed out on something that I think is going to be pretty valuable in a variety of ways but what I'm telling myself is that this is not a victory it's certainly not defeat it's just what I do and so the question worth asking yourself when facing the adversity life presents then whatever Arena you were in is are you willing to show up for you can you turn that internal deliberation switch off when it comes to the Necessities before you minimize that rationalizing that I battled with this morning we don't need or want that there should be no thinking no crack doors no metaphorical dishes in the sink if you decide something is important and you sign that dotted line when it's time to execute you act and then you move directly on to the next the goal is to not even negotiate with weakness now that's not to say press Field's aforementioned war of Art won't rage on as you Journey to the New Horizons you've set out for but just like anything it's an understanding that will help you focus we'll help you say no to the distractions in the minutia and continue writing your story constructing your reality line by line and piece by piece [Music] foreign [Music] you can allow yourself to be distracted or as Robin Sharma suggests you can do incredible things can't do both you can stay where the Safety and Security is or you can risk what you have in pursuit of your dreams but you can't do both you can remain the character depicted in yesterday's story or you can take those lessons experiences and craft a news story but you cannot do both life is a game of trade-offs where any decision to go in One Direction is a simultaneous decision to not go in another a commitment to X is necessarily a rejection of why at least in that moment making this question all the more important what is your North Star I ask because everything you do is bringing you closer to or holding you back from capturing it [Music] one of my lifelines over the years has been clinging to the quote or idea that Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication right consistently trying to arrive there why because when things get complex in my life I don't know what I'm choosing clutter means I've lost sight of what's necessary versus what's trivial I become unclear on those critical trade-offs I'm making and we've all experienced this right the simplest questions are always the hardest to arrive at we can talk in circles about the details but how often are we honest with ourselves about the why I remember job interviews in college going on and on about the books I read the papers I'd written current events but then falling flat on my face when asked so who's Eddie Pinero uh a dude doing an interview like what do you want from me my brain had never gone there or even less formal I'll never forget a friend of mine a few years back ask me what my perfect day was just casually as we're driving I said I don't know Tom I've never really thought about that he goes then how are you ever supposed to have a perfect day if you don't know and how simple and simultaneously incredible who wants a life without perfect days right like like what is all this for the world is infinite and you can be ruled by its variability and its complexity you can run around adhering to all its rules hoping you're doing the right thing whatever that is or you can identify carve out and rule over your own little piece of it your own kingdom you can choose you if you take the time to uncover who you are what lights you up and then as Emerson Advocates hits Your Wagon to that star the best investment of our time is to truly understand and decide what we should be saying yes to because if we don't know what matters then nothing does here's the famous dialogue from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland Alice would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here that depends a good deal on where you want to get to said the cat well I don't much care where said Alice and it doesn't matter which way you go said the cat so long as I get somewhere Alice added as an explanation oh you're sure to do that said the cat if only you walk long enough beautiful passage if you don't care where you go any road will take you there and see it's not wrong to not know it doesn't make you bad or mean life is a waste of time it just means you're taking a large portion of control which is one of your superpowers and tossing it up into the ether it means you are bowing to Hope and I know that no one here wants to live every day merely clinging to Hope this is not a we'll see how it goes Channel or podcast right this is about the little changes that take life from a six out of ten to a nine or a 10 out of 10. it's about using what's around us to maximize the miracle we are living and breathing every day again life is complex so for you to take the time and simplify to remove what's unnecessary what an advantage yeah I could do this or that I could go here or there but guess what I've spent the time thinking asking myself the tough questions and now I can be more deliberate in choosing my path so that I arrive at a correct destination a destination that belongs to me that means something to me that lights me up and excites me that's living and of course this isn't a one-time light bulb moment a permanent move no as we grow we change what we want shifts hey sometimes the current path even reveals itself to be the wrong path it's happened to me plenty but when you're consistently in tune with what matters to you who you are you can make the adjustments you can be deliberate no more shooting targets in the dark because life is too short our days numbered are arrows finite live life like each day means something because each day is transporting you to your something let's use the pieces around us to build our own skylines etch our own stories into the sands of time if a decision to do one thing is a simultaneous decision to not do something else make sure to have that North Star in scope so that you don't amidst that chaos of Life unknowingly turn your back on yourself who you are and be as patient as possible working for that answer because as far as I can tell that information is the key that unlocks infinite possibility it's knowledge that opens the door to life on your terms [Music] [Music] lead yourself first [Music] before we can influence before we can ever persuade or change anything externally we have to first lead ourselves and that means delivering on the Promises we make to ourselves it means showing up when we tell ourselves we're going to show up it means putting ourselves in an environment conducive to growth there's an old metaphor from Wayne Dyer about an orange where he essentially says that it doesn't matter what you do to an orange it doesn't matter how hard you squeeze it or how many you have or how you manipulate it grapefruit juice will never come out of an orange and only orange juice can be emitted and similarly we can never give or contribute what we do not have inside ourselves we can expect Our Lives to look like anything other than a culmination of the tiny action steps and decisions we make on a daily basis the external world is a product of the internal world and the internal world is not realized until we learn to rule over ourselves and our lives with conviction you can break this down in many different ways right charcoal willing says discipline equals freedom John Maxwell talks about a leadership lid where success levels can never exceed leadership capability and sure it applies to teams but it also applies to self-leadership are you searching for and committing to the little hinges in your life that is W Clement Stone says swing big doors that make the difference are you taking responsibility for your shortcomings like leaders do are you learning to trust yourself are you seeing past the Trap of perfection and committing to progress are you taking the little things seriously because at the end of the day all things are comprised of little things and only little things the bottom line is that we Master nothing until we Master ourselves trust ourselves the bottom line is that we win when we lead ourselves to hold ourselves accountable for the little things that matter even when it hurts or we're tired even though no one's going to come up and reprimand us for falling short right there are often no visible consequences when we let ourselves down so let's manufacture that urgency if you promised yourself you'd get up when that alarm clock goes off it it becomes no longer optional promised yourself you'd go down the road that scares you it becomes no longer one road of many it is now the Lonely Road even though it may be scary or intimidating it's the darkness that must be confronted you are more powerful than you know you are more capable than you understand but you must lead yourself to your potential those little things matter and so while the Temptation is to brush them off as insignificant while the rest of the world Ebbs and flows through life like jellyfish with the tide your superpower will be to see harness and multiply those little decisions like they are gold your strength is that when it's easier to run [Music] you'll be the one that instead stands up [Music] and leads yourself to Greatness [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 82,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, motivational speech for success in life, motivational speech workout, motivational speech morning, motivational videos for success in life, your world within motivational, keep going, motivational compilation, best motivational speeches, motivation for success in life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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