IT’S HERE! (I can hardly believe it)

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what is going on everyone welcome welcome welcome I am so unbelievably excited this will not be a very long live stream because it's it's like 7:30 at night but I'm still at the end my Gardener headquarters I was finishing up some work and I wanted to come to you guys because today I have got an absolutely amazing amazing announcement I am so pumped now you guys if you've been watching this channel you know that we have been working on what is called IG Garder 3.0 if you've never heard this term before let me first break it down IG Gardner 1.0 was amig Garder videos and creating a data library that you guys could reference and learn more about gardening have more fun in the garden and that is still going to of this day and my Gardener 2.0 was where we were basically building out the store of Mi Gardener we were basically working on what Mi Gardener can offer the gardening Community that's not being offered elsewhere things like seeds things like fertilizer things like you know super cool merch or you know whatever unique products that are being curated by us for you then we started entering Mig Garder 3.0 now 3.0 is our newest kind of our our newest version and I'm the most excited about it because Mig Garder 3.0 is building out the Mi Garder ecosystem partnering with super cool Brands doing really cool things that we don't have the resources or the need to do ourselves so prime example behind me green stock we're an official green stock dealer green stock makes amazing Planters and we became an official dealer as of last week so you can check out greenstock products over at Mig but today you guys know about what I'm gonna talk about most of you know what I'm going to talk about today Mi Gardener has officially partnered with bootstrap farmer so we talked about this about two weeks ago we talked about how we were going to be partnering bootstrap farmer and today is the day we've got cell trays we've got bigger cell trays we've got six cell packs we've got four cell packs 3in pots and we've got the the shallow micro green trays we also have the Deep Flats deep Flats so we also have to go with the plug trays corresp responding plug poppers these are super cool as well now that is everything that we're offering now we are offering in just black right now however in the very near future most likely in the next uh five to seven months we're going to be creating completely custom am my Garder colors in partnership in collaboration with bootstrap farmer now the reason why I'm making this live stream is not because these won't have any problem selling it's because today is the official day where we where we actually become a bootstrap farmer partner and it's a really high honor it's a very very high honor that we get to carry these amazing made in the USA products right here at M my garden meaning you can go over to Mig you can get your cocao to create your seed starting mix you can get your seeds to plant you can get your fertilizer to feed your plants and you can get your trays to start your plants and then you can move your plants into your green stock like this is part of our mission is to be a One-Stop shop so that people don't have to worry about am I getting good quality um what's the return policy what do you know do they stand behind their products um are they you know are they intentional with their mission right everything that we're doing here at am my Gardener is super intentional and so I want to showcase for those of you that have never seen bootstrap farmer I want to first talk about him and I'm going to Showcase them because I think it's incredible it's absolutely insane what they've done now the big thing you'll notice when you go check out bootstrap farmer is the cost anyone that's uh anyone that has already purchased bootstrap Farmers uh products knows that they are more expensive but there's a couple super cool things about these that warrants the cost one these are made in the USA these are proudly made in the US say using high quality materials second thing that warrants a high price these are going to last a lifetime these will positively last a lifetime the really nice thing with these is the fact that you can actually take these you can stand on these suckers I'll show you if you guys want me to stand on them let me know we'll stand on these to show that a 200b man can stand on a seat Ling tray and not break it it's pretty cool next thing is that you can wash these in the dishwasher if you want these are dishwasher safe try doing that with any other type of plastic it's not going to happen these are phenomenal these are absolutely phenomenal now like I said I'm going to go uh I'm going to go and set you guys down on the ground when I say that these are some of the most high quality products that you've ever seen in your entire life when it comes to seed starting trays there's no point to embellish these are ridiculously high quality they're so high quality in fact that there's really no need to like I said and my Gardener when it sees a need we innovate and we create our own products but when it comes to seedling trays I said I want to get to the point where we can partner with bootstrap farmer so we don't need to worry about it and so bootstrap farmer is already you know we don't need to reinvent the mouse trap if you will they're already doing the best thing when it comes to seedling trays and everything that we're going to be starting is going to be in our bootstrap farmer trays well it already has all the seeds we've started in the grow room are already in our bootstrap farmer trays so you guys want me to stand on them all right we'll give it a shot we're gonna stand on them okay I'll bring you guys down here real quick okay all right okay right here ready look at that these suckers are so durable that even after look at that look at that 200 lb man these are a little thinner these are a little thinner I'm going to be a little more gentle with these ones because I mean obviously this a pretty extreme experience experiment but like I said I'm a 200 pound man on a live stream there's no editing these are just that high quality this is this right here this was the this was the 75 or uh sorry this was the yes 75 cell tray this is the 128 cell tray we're going to get this a shot here going stand on the narrowest part here maybe I should let see all right ready let's give it a shot 200 lb 200 lb that's a lot of weight that's a lot of weight that is a ton of weight look at that that's a ton of weight 200 lbs 200 pounds of pure gardening muscle okay so now we're going to take that in here we're going to grab a standard tray we're going to grab a standard tray some our old trays we used to use this is also same same tray same tray just not from bootstrap farmer let's give this a shot all right check this out you guys so this this is the uh let's see this is the yeah so this is slightly smaller slightly smaller ouch [Applause] yeah well you can see my point yeah so you guys want me to stand on a small pack yeah I'm not making any promises it's pretty crazy to be standing on a cell pack is pretty crazy but we'll give it a shot we'll see I'll put it to the test now these okay now you guys these this is a I I don't think this is physically possible I know this can hold up to 50 pounds this right here can hold up to 50 pounds of weight I myself would not bet my life that this is going to hold 200 lb but I absolutely do love these products enough to put them on IG to let you guys know that we are partnering with bootstrap farmer because we believe in carrying the highest quality products because we're done messing around with lowquality stuff and we want stuff to stand the test of time the reason why we carry Heirloom Seeds is because they're Timeless why carry products that are made with inferior products and yeah if you want to buy inexpensive seed starting trays absolutely you can do you do you there's no such thing as one siiz fits-all gardening but what I can say is if you're sick and tired of buying products every single year and creating a basically a waste cycle that uh uses products and then throws them out and then you have to buy new products and throw them out and you feel you know you feel like there is a better option out there bootstrap farmer is that better option 200 lb of weight 200 lb of weight 20000 pounds of weight on a seeding tray and like I said this scares me because I don't know what to expect I've never done this before but what I can tell you is that these suckers are rigid they are rigid so I'm gonna try to set two up we should do them like this try like that okay we'll give him a shot I'm making no promises here you guys but I'm doing it for you okay we're gonna get two more okay all right I'm going to I'm see okay hold on look at that you guys this is a six cell pack now that was a six cell pack and granted I I just wanted to use the chair just in case it collapsed on me I didn't want to fall on my face there's a six cell pack that held 200 lb and I'm telling you what that is incredible if that is not a testament to the quality of these right here I don't know what is I don't know what it is these are mindblowing quality and that's why bootstrap farmer is out of my not only that they have air pruning slits that means you're going to have better root quality on top of that they have wider holes in the bottom because you don't need to you can Flex these if you want to push them out but you can put your finger through the hole so that you can pop out your plugs easier these are worth the money I'll tell you what I'm not someone that is going to sit here and say that you have to buy these but when I tell you that I have never seen such a highquality seed starting product there you go this is not meant to be like a billy ma ASC on TV type infomercial um I'm here in a really provocative position on a live stream for you guys this is a really really incredible product and I just am super excited about it because am my 3.0 is all about finding these types of things and becoming a on stop shop for everyone because I'm sick and tired of seeing really amazing brands that don't get the spotl I'm sick and tired of uh poor quality products that you know are a necessity and I'm and so I'm doing everything that I can at Mi Garder with the platform that we have to create an MI Garder ecosystem of not only information but inspiration and as well as products that you can trust your garden with and so that is what this thing is all about so that is that you guys want to see us try it with a standard standard sixpack let's see let's see let's go in here let's see if they got a St let's see if we got a standard six-pack um I may may have a standard sixpack LAN around here somewhere oh I sure do okay I'll grab I'll grab I'll grab four to give it a fair shot I didn't use just one the last time grab four grab four okay all right we're gonna do the same test we're gonna do the same test we're going to do the same test that I just did with a standard sixl now again again am I saying you can't buy these no you can get them anywhere anywhere you want these use what's known as plastic thermoforming um these basically they just they they just have a mold they just right they just blow this into a mold um blow mold you know injection mold or whatever um these are they're the cheapest thing you can find no one ever said that they're going to hold anybody's body weight so I'm not making any claims but what I can say is that these are good for one maybe and I say maybe two seasons so we're going to put it to the shot we're put it to the test here we're going to set up how do you do it before you do it like this okay all right okay I'm G to put the bootstrap farmer behind there just like that okay all right so we're going to step on the bootstrap F first step on the bootstrap farmer first all right ready we go all right it's holding me 200 [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] lbs it didn't even think it didn't even think about it it didn't even think about holding me well there you guys go bootstrap farmer one traditional six cell pack zero uh yeah so there you guys go there's a quick little demonstration on just how incredible these are um I I am a good sport thank you so much I appreciate that so so these products like I said are over at Mig is where you want to get these you're going to get them for a great price and they're going to last you a really long time am I saying they're going to last you a lifetime no I'm not making that claim but they just about should if you treat them right and uh you you keep them in good condition this right here is a 3-in pot this right here is the four cell pack and at M Garder we sell them by the by the half flat so you can mix and match that's just really cool get yourself a heavy duty tray the sucker is rigid you have four of these in a bundle over at Mig that way if you want to mix and match with your six cell Flats you can do so sorry one second okay all right so if you want your four cells and your six cells you can mix and match you can also get nine of these it's also a half flat so if you want because it's a 1020 tray you're going toble to mix and match all of your Flats based on what you're growing doesn't fit perfectly perfectly there we go so this set is a pretty extreme example but let's say you want to start your let's say you want to start your your uh your four your 3inch pots your four cells and your six cells on in the same it is doable is it recommended no not really but because they are a standard flat basically you can fit nine you're going to get nine of these 3inch Pots if you want or you can get two and get 18 right you get 18 fill up a whole flat you get uh you get uh eight of these fills up a whole flat you get 12 of these it'll fill up a full flap when I tell you that it's worth it like I said um I think the example speaks for itself yes it is worth it um is it going to be for everybody no it's not and I'm okay with that I'm perfectly okay with that what I can say though is that for me we're not going back to the flimsy cheap break them every year type trades I just don't want to do that I'd rather have something that I can have for many many years that's over time going to pay for itself just in the amount of uh just the amount of times I don't have to replace the trays um see uh yes Don you're right yeah One-Stop shopping for Cocoa core fertilizer seeds and Trays is awesome that's the whole point that is the point of amig Garder 3.0 amig Garder 1.0 0 was information and my Gardener 2.0 was our own seeds our own fertilizer stuff that wasn't being done well we spent resources time money and uh an effort to bring those products that were not being done well and we made them well right we made them well and we make sure that they are of quality that's amig Garder 2.0 and migger 3.0 is partnering with brands in part of the migger ecosystem so that you can not only support M Garder but other brands doing amazing things yes if you search boot uh you could it's a website uh you can do bootstrap or boot search them on in the search bar you will find them I promise promise promise uh let's see are you going to be selling your plants in the bootstrap cells or the old standard cells so in the Greenhouse in the greenhouse the retail Greenhouse we are going to be selling all of our all of the plants that we sell in the retail Greenhouse will be in these because not everybody wants first of all if you're buying retail plants um you're not starting from seed what I can say definitively 100% is that all of our plants all of the plants that will be going into the greenhouse are started in bootstrap trades these cell trades here this one holds 72 cell not 75 I don't know what I was thinking 72 cells uh 128 or 200 cells those are all going into bootstrap farmer trades that's where we're going to start our seeds from then they're going to go into these but only because most people that are buying plants don't have any idea they don't have any concept of quality when it comes to the trays that they're getting at the greenhouse and so if you're starting from seed you're most likely not going to be going to a greenhouse for plants and if you do a lot of people you know a lot of people they're going to take this they're going to take it out of the pot and they're going to throw it either in the recycling bin hopefully or the trash so that is that oh man I appreciate that um so first day discount uh so they already are discounted um so the the discount that you see is we get really special pricing um bootstrap farmer when we partner with them they offer us much better pricing um than what you're going to find anywhere else on the internet and part of our mission is you always have the most affordable yet high quality products and so you're not going to find a more uh more fairly priced um set of your bootstrap farmer products um the price that you see is it's lower than anywhere else you're going to find now I will also say if it's your first time shopping at Mi Garder you can use the code TR 10 TR y10 TR 10 always works if it's your first time it's only good one time though only good one time um so um yes uh and and true um you know we buy these products from bootstrap but bootstrap doesn't just partner with anybody bootstrap doesn't just throw their products out anywhere they're very particular and very selective over who they partner with and so it's an honor to partner with bootstrap it's an absolute honor um it just like it's honor to partner with greenstock they don't partner with just anybody either we're doing amazing things for the gardening community and it's because of your support because of you're absolutely unwavering amazing support that we can do such cool things and partner with such cool people so I want to thank you so very much for that and like I said I don't want to offend anybody I by no means I've never you know me I don't want to offend a single soul if something is out of your price range or it's just something you're not interested in that's totally fine too all I ever asked for is you throw a like up there comment if you learn something new share our videos around or live stream posts around with friends and and uh people you're waiting in line and starting conversation with like that word of mouth is all we ever ask for um throwing a like up on a video is all we ever asked for um it's not something that we we don't need you to buy products that's not how our business model operates they're two separate entities and sometimes in like a ven diagram you have a circle which is our videos and our inspiration and our information another Circle we have our products like our website and our store and every once in a while those two circles will overlap but you don't have to necessarily buy products you can but you don't have to and there are lots of people that don't even watch our videos wouldn't be you you're watching but there is a lot of people that just buy seeds they could give a rats behind about our videos I'm fine with that too but don't feel like I'm sitting here forcing you to buy something that maybe you can't afford or maybe you don't even want right but this live stream is just to Showcase a really huge milestone for us um we I never ever in a million years thought I'd be here being able to partner with probably one of the most Grassroots highquality SE seed starting supply companies that that I can really recall I don't know of a higher quality uh seed starting supply company and so it's incredibly honoring um and Incredibly humbling and it's incredible honor I should say to partner with bootstrap um Randy uh I wish it all came in one set I'm confused so okay so let me break this down you may not want a four cell you may not want a 3-inch pot you may not want a six inch a six cell pot you are basically creating your own flat if you have flats of your own you may just want to buy like you might not want you may not want you may not want a tray and that's fine but if you want a tray you can get a tray if you you already have a tray or let's say you're just using I've seen people use like old they go to the the dollar store or they go to like an estate sale a garage sale um or the Goodwill and they buy super cheap um like casserole pans or sheetcake pans metal sheetcake pans I mean if you've got them use them in that case you're not going to be buying a tray but you can buy these and so these are sold differently than these because they're different sizes these are the 3-in pots and they're sold these are sold in a set of nine because 18 will fit in this tray so if you want to fill up a full tray with just 3in pots you're going to buy two sets of nine if you want to fill up a whole tray with the four cells you're gonna buy two sets of four because eight eight of these will fill up a whole tray if you want to fill up a whole tray with these six cells six cells you're going to buy two sets of six we broke them down each listing is a half of a flat because we understand that some people only have space for one you know like one grow light and one flat so it makes no sense to force someone to buy eight of these and you know uh six of these or no uh eight of these 12 of these eight of these 12 of these if you only got one flat so this allows you to mix and match it allows you to mix and match exactly what you're looking for Ah that's awesome Paul I've been using bootstrap Farmer for eight years in Nevada eight years eight years oh my gosh that's awesome there is a testament right there you guys Paul right there he's been using bootstrap Farmer for eight years that's insane that's insane you do the math you do the math if you're buying these if you're buying those you probably have already paid twice as much maybe even three times as much over the course of eight years as just buying one of these that's a no-brainer that's a no-brainer that is investing in your future uh let's see yeah eight years and in the desert that's pretty awesome uh yeah if you're looking for the green stock just search green stock just search green stock they're on the website if you search green stock you will find the green stock Planters um and uh let's see uh can you go over the pricing again uh I don't want to embarrass myself I don't have these prices memorized these just came in today just came in today so because that I don't have the pricing memorized I know that they're affordable I know that they're affordable and I know they're the lowest price you're going to find anywhere for bootstrap farmer products I know what what they're sold in in terms of their quantities but I don't know the exact prices on those um but yeah if you and you go check the website the the prices are up on the website see [Music] um how oh yeah River oh yeah there you go look at that there's another one Riverdale Gardens I've using the 50 cells for four years now love them people that it's one of those things if you know you know if you know you know bootstrap farmer products are incredible but what's awesome is that bootstrap farmer is you know a website of their own green stock is a website of their own you got seeds fertilizer soil the only thing that we don't have the only thing we don't have is girl lights that's the only thing we don't have the only thing we do not have are girl lights and will we ever get into girl lights no probably not because technolog is always changing I don't have to keep up with that no I'm not GNA do gr lights plus they break they're fragile no no no no no if you want to get grow lights there's a lot of them out there but that's the only thing igger is not doing now you go to Mig it's like this a whole ecosystem of information inspiration amazing high quality products at an affordable price and you know who you're getting them from if you have a problem literally you give us a call if you have a problem write us an email you guys can chime in how often is it that you call and can talk to a human a real human I'll wait how often I've called today I've called four different businesses for different purposes four out of four I had to go through a robot first and my Gardener the first time you call it's going to ring you may not get an answer because we're talking with our voice to another human but if we are open and you keep calling back you will talk to a human you will not go through a robot our chat feature on our website it's not being manned right now but we have an amazing customer service representative that works her tail off answering we don't use AI to write some you know quirky response that is written through a computer algorithm it's a human typing back to you you're not going to find that anywhere else you will not find that anywhere else it's so unbelievably rare and that's because we believe in doing things differently we believe in in in being the change right the change with offering more seed for Less right the the we believe in producing a fertilizer that you only have to apply once you don't have to apply four five six times right it's these things we're different we're different because you deserve different you deserve better than what you've been given for the past 20 30 years yeah yes yeah we exactly thank you uh uh Santa Anna Road uh wild Wildman sorry it's a long long username but yeah we have the lowest we have the lowest price on bootstrap farmer products um it is the the reason why it's low is because we buy these in bulk from them and we you know obviously we want to make sure that we keep our lights on our margins are Stellar but that's okay because I don't really care we want to have the lowest price for the highest quality products anywhere anywhere and so obviously you know it's just something that we're trying to do we're not we're not competing with bootstrap farmer we bought them from them but we had to go through a very thorough vetting process with them because they wanted to know that we were legit and we already knew that they were legit but they wanted to know we were legit and so this partnership is really important to us it's super important to us because you're not going to find a higher quality seed starting product anywhere else literally anywhere and I mean that uh do you have a coupon code for the green stock same thing we don't have a coupon code we don't operate on coupon codes coupon codes really cheapen out the experience um I said you know Macy's is always on sale right JC Penney went bankrupt because they were always on sale there's no differentiation between those they just they're just selling fast fashioned products and my Gardener is selling super ridiculously high quality products at an affordable price so we have a onetime coupon code one time that coupon code is TR 10 TR R y10 if you've already purchased with us before you've never used the code use it it's a free 10% off you can use it on literally anything but it's only good off your first order order we don't honor it on a second order a third order fourth order it's only off your first order and so you can use it on the green STS and on top of that the green stock ship free which is super cool the green stock ship free if you buy the green stock system they ship free that's awesome so definitely uh definitely recommend checking them out yeah it is oh yeah uh so um so Amy says I can't believe that six C hold 200 pounds yeah yes yes it was nuts that was the that was probably one of the riskiest things I've done in a long time I'm not a big risk taker but I had I just got these right just got these we had they sent us samples that we could like play with and and mess around with um take pictures of and stuff like that but I never thought to stand on them and so what you saw when I was standing on this there's no editing and that's what I love about live streams I love about live streams is because if it would have collapsed under my weight it would have been a little bit embarrassing absolutely but because it didn't it spoke volumes to the fact that there's no editing people can edit anything they want but you guys saw it in real time I stood on this and it didn't break that's mindblowing you guys absolutely mind-blowing um am I single no I have a beautiful wife she's probably watching you can say hi to her um appreciate that though it's flattering um probably a troll but I'll block you later um so uh yeah anyone that's one watching this channel knows I'm not single um I would have anything of what I have wasn't for my Miss sem my Garder she's been amazing um so uh let's see uh what do you recommend what do you recommend starting so good question so this tray right here this tray right here uh you could start a tomato in this but you're going to transplant it pretty quickly um what I would recommend doing is starting if you're going to start Tomatoes start them in here and keep them only in this or only in the six cell pack for maybe like 3 to 5 weeks from there you're going to want to transplant it into a four cell but preferably a 3-in pot I would go from here to here and call it good if I was doing Peppers um peppers I would basically start them in here and you probably don't ever really have to transplant them because they grow pretty slowly you could then if you needed to you could transplant them here as well um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um yeah no I know I I'm sure it's probably a troll I just sometimes like to feed the fire a little bit shouldn't always do it but it's sometimes fun um so anyways um what I would start in here this is this is a great cell an Absolut great cell for starting stuff you're not going to transplant again right so you're going to plant it once and it's going to be basically growing in here and ready to move into the garden stuff like squash plants like zucchini plants pumpkin plants big rooted stuff um second transplanting of tomatoes um it might be uh second transplanting of peppers right go here to here it'll give you some time um you can start seeds in here the seeds you're going to want to start are going to be bigger or faster growing if you're starting outside you're not growing under grow lights you could put like a sunflower in this no problem um like I said zucchini plant pumpkin plant squash plant cucumber plant those grow very fast they get really big really fast doesn't make a whole lot of sense to throw a cucumber in one of these you could you totally could but you might as well start in here because you're then going to take that cucumber plant move it out the garden you're going to good to go now um other things that go good in this we're talking like literally anything you throw throw your lettuce seeds in here um be awesome for lettuce be great for um you know uh eggplant peppers tomes same thing they're only going to be in this for about 3 to 5 weeks though because you're going to transplant them out pretty quick um so you know take that for what it's worth you don't want you don't want Even though these are air pruning see that slot right there that slot is going to air prune the roots and help your roots to have much more aggressive root systems but or help your plant to have much more aggressive root systems but even then you're not going to want to keep this in here for like 8 10 weeks a tomato plant will not thrive in this small of a container for 8 to 10 weeks and just won't so that's where you'd either move it up to one of these or if you want to last for a long time indoors underneath grow lights throw in one of these 3in pots but you can do said lettuce in here you can multi so beets three beet seeds in a pot um onion seeds would go great in here here or here do well in all all of them uh what else um I broccoli cabbages cauliflowers would do amazing in these smaller six cells um you know you could could start them in here but really honestly you're just giving them a little bit of a head start so recommend six cells um so yeah uh let's see um so just placed the order and bought the 72 cell sounds like I maybe should have bought the bigger cells no no no oh my gosh no 100% of what we're starting is in these 100% of what we're starting these are like so this is this right 100% of what we're starting is in these trades 100% even if we started even if we started a um a even if we started a cucumber plant we'd start it in here we just wouldn't start it that soon because you're going to have a cucumber plant that's Vining and Fring in your house so we would simply wait until like one to two weeks maybe three weeks at most before our last frost date that's when we start our cucumbers in here we'd start them right in here so you're fine with 72 cell if you got a lot of plants to start if you got a ton of plants to start throw them in here get yourself a 72 cell trade you will thank me later it's a great deal um let's see um have you ever started corn in starter cells uh no it's not recommended to do that first of all you got a lot of you got to start a lot of corn you you'll need like um you'll need a uh you need a um you need like a 4 foot by 4 foot area for for corn so the amount that you have to start is yeah definitely not yeah definitely not um it's not worth I mean you'd have to like literally start corn in like all of these um sorry I my eye eyelash um miss my Gardner says hello by the way Cindy love you appreciate you um so uh could you show off the 1020 tray trying to see how sturdy it is oh yeah heck yeah so this is the 10 so this is the shallow 1020 this is the shallow 1020 right here this is also great as well for micro greens you could do micro Greens in this awesome or your trays can fit right in there as well um awesome for bottom watering because when you have your trays in here you can bottom water see how much water you have highly recommend or these right here these suckers are like crazy rigid like I said if You' got yourself if you have a sheetcake pan or you've got you know if you've already got Flats like these and you got to use them up use them up don't waste money just to waste money but if you need something if you need to buy a good quality seed starting tray yeah um so um yeah so Cindy is saying that uh Cindy saying that some of the uh some of the pricing is not showing up correctly for some people I'm not entirely sure what she means by that because she's not here with me right now but um but if the pricing is incorrect uh for whatever reason send us an email but the pricing should be fine um we checked and then double checked so I uh yeah so um Cindy since you're watching if you want to jump in and see if you can correct that that's fine um I was unaware there might be a couple that have the wrong pricing um so you can um you can update the pricing if you want Cindy you're watching live so like I said um so yeah yes I'm literally talk so so yeah Cindy is talking to me via my phone and you guys are like seeing me struggle real time um yes they are heat mat safe Margaret they're heat mat safe the our heat mat safe if you throw the heat mat on here it's going to be totally fine again just remember to turn your heat mat off after your seeds germinate you don't want to keep your heat mat on the whole time okay don't keep your heat mat on the whole time or you're going to have problems so um yep just make sure just make sure that uh if you do have a heat mat on as soon as you see Sprouts unplug your heat mat or you know move your trays around but uh totally heat mat safe uh see um uh let's see okay so we're gonna answer uh do you not ship to Canada so right now no right now no I'm saying right now because we're still trying to figure out the the the problem is Canadian Post gets very very very very expensive when you get larger boxes the problem is is yeah these these I can almost guarantee you we're going to be able to ship these to Canada no problem no problem where it gets you no problem is with these because the size of the Box gets bigger and because Canada Post goes by weight but also Dimensions um you could ship like a 2 O product in a big box and you will get reamed on price like I don't know anybody that's going to want to spend like4 to $18 to have this shipped to them just at some point I have to be reasonable with you right if you want to spend $418 great but you might as well go take like 12 bucks and just light it on fire outside to be truthfully honest with you like it's just there becomes a point where Canadian Post just gets way too expensive and it's nothing wrong with Canadian Post it's just that it's US to Canadian Post so we're working with two different postal services and so some of the products like these I said for sure we're going to be to ship these to Canada for sure we're going to ship these these I don't know so we're still figuring some stuff out for Canadian customers we appreciate you we love you but we just got to figure some stuff out so if you're in Canada just be patient um let's see you will pay the you will pay the shipping okay uh well you're crazy but that's fine so just be patient we'll figure out the shipping we we will figure out the shipping um I just gota yeah now I will say for anyone in Canada we do free shipping on seed orders of $20 or more so if you think that sounds nuts I we're a little crazy too we do free shipping on seed orders of $20 or more and so if you order just seeds just seed orders right no other stuff if you throw just seeds in your cart they're going to ship for free if they're over 20 bucks so definitely go check that out it's a great deal uh let's see okay we'll answer a couple more questions here and then we will um we'll uh we'll head off here because it's almost 8:30 so I gotta gotta get ready for bed because I got another busy workday tomorrow but um let's see let's see um oh there we go yes so Cindy yes Cindy has confirmed Cindy has confirmed Mrs Emma Gardner the beautiful is in the live stream with us uh she confirmed the prices are correct she just was double-checking um some people were saying the prices seemed wrong but she double- checked the prices are correct the prices are correct now the reason why the prices may seem off I just remembered this is because we have different quantities than what like for instance um bootstrap farmer or some of other some of the other select few uh dealers that that sell bootstrap farmer products all sell in different quantities right some might sell a single one of these some might sell 10 some might sell 20 some might sell 50 right we our pricing is based on how these are situated right which is a half flat so six of these is how you get to that price that we have on Mig four of these is how you get to that price that is shown on my it's going to look different from dealer to dealer but I will tell you and I promise you promise you it's the cheapest place you're going to find bootstrap farmer products anywhere period anywhere so it's the cheapest that you're gonna find if if you take four of these it's the cheapest you're gonna find for four of these so try to clarify I think that's where there's some confusion but thank you Cindy I appreciate you I love you all right all right um let's see let's see uh so let's see here um if anything is showing out of stock we may be sold out uh hopefully that's not the case but um the nice thing is Cindy is managing on the back end so uh so Cindy since you're watching if you wouldn't mind checking on the stock inventory level of these um that'd be great um they should definitely be in stock for sure um we we've got them in stock because I'm I'm holding them right now so the only way they're out of stock is if they sold out which is entirely possible enely possible but um see uh what's your return policy like oh good question good question so return policies on our website um for seeds it's two years we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee on you know the germination and viability of your seeds for up to two years no one else is going to do that but we do it because again we're crazy and we service with a smile it's about respect we respect you and that respect hopefully is reciprocated um on products like this it's 30 days so um because of the fact that we don't know you know I mean if you decide to stand on these like I did please don't return them because they break right um I am crazy and I did it but I also did it very carefully uh but you know these can only take so much of beating right so the return policy is up to 30 days if you change your mind or something breaks or if it's damaged upon transit or upon arrival or whatever we stand behind it we put our name on it um you things like merchandise like M my Gardener t-shirts um obviously you know if you've worn them that avoids the warranty right uh but if you just tried it on doesn't fit send it back well no problem at all you know what I mean it's 30 days the the return policy is on our website we're super good about it as a small family run company there's Nuance with everything right so um so yeah if if you happen to be dissatisfied with your trays uh or with your bootstrap farmer products which I doubt is going to happen 30 days uh from from um from purchase oh that's awesome Michael thank you so much Michael says I planted some bean seeds from you that are four years old and got 90% germination let's go that's what I love to hear that's what I love to hear that's awesome uh Paul unin oh good night it's 11 it's 11 uh 11:25 in Guam where Paul's at Paul gets some uh uh get some sleep or not welcome good morning I don't know um so uh yes oh good question when are we restocking seeds so we're restocking seeds Cindy just chimed in here there you go there's her answer we're restocking seeds every single day every single day we are restocking seeds if something is sold out join the weit list there's a little black text that says um notify me when this item comes back in stock click it it doesn't look like a hyperlink click it we're trying to fix that but click it I promise you it's a hyperlink it's going to open up a window that g allow you to put your email in we will not spam you we will not there's no reason to that'd be crazy we' lose our reputation but what it does do is when it comes back in stock it sends you an email specifically for that product so join the wait list on a bunch of products that you want to be notified for as soon as we restock them which should be within the next couple weeks um again we're restocking all the time every day we're putting more back in stock you'll be notified you'll be the very first person to be notified before anybody else uh when are live plants coming in good question live plants are coming in um at the tail end of March so we're going to start shipping more than likely the very last week in March to probably more likely the first weekend April uh the first week in April not weekend the first week in April uh so the very last week in March to the first week in April as we get the uh the dormant plants in from our grower from our farm we will know when we're going to Shi we still have to catalog them quality control them get them bagged up on the website inventoried and then shipped so there's quite a quite a bit that we still have to do but they are coming up very quickly uh are you carrying Rosella flowers now yes we are they might be sold out but they might not be but yeah we do have we do have Rosella on the website yep it's edible hibiscus it's really good so yeah we'll answer two more will we ever offer be root trees unfortunately not Paul unfortunately not be root trees just get to be way too difficult um way too difficult they take too much space up we we got we are limited space we're only so big right so we know what we do we know what we do and we know we do it well right and that's that does tie back into Paul that does tie back into Mig Garder 3.0 we know that we do very well information and inspiration we do that exceedingly well we've done it since 2011 we know that we have the best quality seed the best quality fertilizer the coolest merch around we know that everything that we carry over at Mig that has M Garder on it we can stand behind and we know it's amazing now what we can't do is we can't do everything we get stretched too thin we break and we don't want to break and so because of that we partner with amazing companies we partner with amazing companies doing amazing things and because of that that allows us to to not stretch ourselves too thin and so uh be root trees is just one of those areas we just can't get into um it's just way too many resources we'd be stretched Way Too Thin and so because of that uh we're we're not um unfortunately oh that's awesome that's so cool so shaa said she walked into a local antique store and they had all of our seeds displayed so beautifully so that brings up a great Point uh one of the last points I'll talk about is we do we do wholesale m Gardener products can be wholesaled if you are a retailer if you have a physical store we don't do online sales we're not going to compete with ourself that gets really weird and awkward if you sell on Amazon sorry we're not doing it but if you have a a garden center if you have a greenhouse a gift shop if you've got an antique store and you want to carry amig Gardener products absolutely we would love to talk to you send us an email over at I'll have Cindy chimin there we go wholesale wholesale Cindy or Aiden who's our wholesale uh our wholesale um customer service representative he basically is our our wholesale sales rep right he'll work with you he'll get you set up he'll figure out you know he'll get you uh basically vetted make sure that you are legit which I presume you are and we'll figure out how to get you wholesale um and so you then can also do the same thing we're doing with bootstrap right we we wholesale with or they wholesale to us we become a partner and uh we love having Partnerships we love having Partnerships because that's how we grow our brand and that's how more people come to know about in my Gardener so absolutely uh let's see let's see um yeah absolutely y uh wicker Sher project off grid so yeah you can open up a store um and be at my Gardener specific absolutely 100% you'd be a lot of overhead be a pretty expensive upfront cost I'd recommend maybe cons definitely strongly considering maybe carrying other stuff but um but yeah if you only want to carry amig Garder stuff sure the only thing you can't do fine print you just can't advertise as Mi you can't put up an MI Gardener like storefront right you can't be a satellite location as much as I love you um once we start doing that you lose total control over quality right so it'd be like you know the Wilshire project farm store and you could at the Wilshire Farm project store you could carry M my Gardener products as much as you want right um so but we'll talk to you more about that send us an email we'll get with you we'll get with you yeah so no franchise yet we're not we're not franchising on my G again uh we're stretched as we don't want to be stretched too thin um let's see here uh okay all right we'll do one more um hey Veronica Veronica's in the house what up what up Veronica used to work with us she's now doing her own thing up north in northern Michigan and uh so she's she's awesome she's an angel we love her so much we still miss her and uh hopefully she's be growing some seeds for us for uh for the seed shop so yeah Veronica we love you hopefully you're doing well we miss you um so um yeah I mean that's basically about it don't have any more anything more to talk about but again state if you want to check out bootstrap farmer products over at Mig you definitely can we'd love it if you did and we're super honored to be carrying bootstrap farmer products so if you have any questions feel free to send us an email comment down below um also make sure you check out our latest video we just uploaded here on YouTube if you're watching on Facebook go head over to YouTube and watch it highly recommend it is everything that I wish I knew about terms and phrases used when seed shopping so we basically go through all the terminologies or or most of the terminologies used on the back of seed packets and well not just the back but also the front right so any type of lingo used with seed packets um we go through them because when I first started gardening I didn't know anything didn't know anything about the terminologies and lingo use and so I wish someone would have told me because I made a lot of mistakes and I was very naive and so uh we just did a video on it and I'd highly recommend checking it out so uh I'm gonna head off back home go to bed get some dinner because I haven't even eaten yet and uh so hopefully you guys wherever you are at hopefully this live stream reached you well hopefully you all are inspired to grow a garden or are motivated to grow a garden in some way that's my that's my goal is to get you to grow a garden and um if you already have a garden hopefully this year's Garden is G you the best year ever and I also hope that if you have not yet shared with a friend what we're doing I hope you'll do that I hope you'll do that because again that's how we that's how we grow we don't have advertising we don't have an ad budget it's all Grassroots it's based on passion spilling over into you and then hoping that that passion is enough to fill you up and spill over into somebody else and so if you've been motivated or excited through this live stream or any of our videos are posts feel free to share with a friend I would really really appreciate it and so with that I will uh send you off to bed but uh I will take uh I will um I'll take you guys back home with me because uh every single one of you are so special and when I lay my head down the thing that I'm so grateful for is that uh I get to surround myself with amazing amazing people and I consider all of you amazing people and so um I really really appreciate that really do I don't take that lightly um I'm super appreciative and then when I wake up I get to do it all over again and so you guys are such a great part of my day and I want to thank you for that so as always love you all so very much um and we'll catch you all later so as always take care grow bigger bye guys
Channel: MIgardener
Views: 23,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zD4r-0IFfME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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