Issues and Experiences in Designing Real-time Collaborative Editing Systems

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good afternoon all right it's my pleasure to be at Google to deliver this seminar the title is issues and the experience in designing real-time collaborative editing systems my name is tendon sound from the School of Computer Engineering Nanyang Technological University Singapore this talk will consist of two parts the first part is focusing on the collaborative editing algorithms and technique design the second part will be the system design and both parts are based on over 15 years exploration of collaborative editing technologies from 1b text editing to 2d word processing and 3d digital media design collaborative editors first algorithm design and this part we need to have a clear definition of what is called collaborative editing a general definition is that a real-time collaborative editor allows multiple users to edit the same document at the same time over the internet as you can see these are their familiar logos for the famous collaborative real-time collaborative editors and Google Docs is there that's the experience why I'm here to give this talk and also to systems and I'm going to explain in more detail that is from my group Kamiya and the code word for this general definition we can have many different interpretation about what is real-time collaborative editor I want to elaborate the following points a real-time collaborative editor is an editor which is no different from the ordinary editors you are using with the completion of functionality still an editor secondly a real-time collaborative editor is different from the editor you are using because it is able to support multiple users to edit the same document at the same time and finally the lowering of editing is generic in this context an editor can be used to edit a wide range of different documents including text graphics spreadsheets image documents and also includes say ad digital media design digital media models computer game states and virtual environment States another important point in c c/e system is that human users are part of it and in this context we see a hierarchical structure of communication protocols in this structure on top of that we have two users sorry two users and they are also communicating with human protocols and collaborative these editing designers are not interested in anything below the application layer in the hierarchy starting from application layer we design application protocols and if we are restricted to this area this is a conventional distributed computing or internet computing research focus and we cover this this part in our research but our system is not just a distributed system it is also involves human-computer interaction human user part of the system and this is also not a single system it involves multiple users collaborating over the internet so altogether this is the scope of our study it involves distribute computing human-computer interaction and the collaborative computing and involve human users and with user in the system we have some special challenging issues and also human users can make some of the solutions easier some of the problem even harder the first issue which is related to human users is the interactivity experience human users have been using editors for so many years they had good interactive experience with single user editors they would expect to have similar experience so we should aim at achieving the same interactivity experience however in the internet environment communication latency is much larger than this interactivity requirements much higher than 100 milliseconds latency is threshold value and also we should realize latency can be improved by technological improvement advancement but there is an ultimate limit that is limited by the speed of light determined by the law of physics eventually the wrong tilt around the trip delay around the door is 200 milliseconds we can't go beyond that and 200 milliseconds is doubly days 100 milliseconds threshold value so we need to weigh out we can't get rid of latency but we can hide it a technique to achieve quality interactivity in the internet environment is latency hiding that is to create the illusion that latency is lower than it actually is so that's what we call the magic of latency hiding widely used latency hiding technique is replication in the collaborative editing context the editor and the shared document are replicated at all collaborating sites in the collaboration session the operations are forced excluded locally to achieve high responsiveness and then propagated to remote sites for lotia vacation also for maintaining consistency of replicated copies the main challenge in the replicated collaborative editing environment is how to maintain replicated arguments consistency in the face of concurrent editing operations there's has been a lot of research in the past decades and one consistent model specially designed for collaborative editing system was published ten years ago in 1998 with three consistency requirements convergence causality preservation and the intention preservation in the following slides I will go through the three requirements one by one convergence requirements is a but is the requirements that all replicas of the shared document must be identical after executing the same group of operations taking text editing as an example these two users starting from the same text string one to two characters initially the document is identical and two users can independently generate two editing operations one is to insert X before one to another to insert y at the end of the text these two independent operations can be executed immediately to achieve high concurrency and also achieve high responsiveness and also generate temporary divergence this divergence is tolerable and acceptable to these users but after these two operations propagated through the remote sites we require they count after excluding the two remote operations the final documents should be the same should be the same that is the recording record by the convergence secondly we need to achieve preserve intention what is the intention intention is the local effect of operation when you generate the operation it has a local effect but when the operation is executed at remote site that effect should be preserved in the face of concurrency because maintaining car I 10 I think identical document is not good enough for the correctness of this system we need also to preserve the intention taking taxation as an example initially document states ABCDE and then at same time two concurrent operations generated inserts one to add to the occasion two the intention of this operation is insert one two at position two that's clear and another operation he needs at position three two characters that is to T need C and D that is the intention that's the local effect when the operation is generated we want to make sure that effect is preserved at all remote sites in the face of concurrency now after propagating these two operations to remote sites on the right hand side the operation is executed in the original form and this exclusion is able to achieve the original intention and that entry is to insert 1/2 between a and B that is done locally and remotely and the Denisha also happened to Accord to the correct tool characters City are deleted but on the other hand when this delete operation is propagated to this side if the operation is excluded in the original form the Tunisian were incorrect in it he needs two characters which is not CD but wise is to another is is P these two characters are not intended by the original pressing so this is called in thanking validation the correct result should be this one should be this one now you may ask what's the difference between intention preservation and convergence convergence only recall the two copies are identical they could be identical on the wrong result the intention preservation add another criteria so you should be correct on this copy not this one so if we are able to force both sides to achieve this result we achieve convergence but we lose the original intention that is intentional violation so both criteria together ensures a correct and consistent result the third criteria is about causality preserving operations must be performed in their Letcher causal effect order take this time we need to take three sides as the example still text editing suppose one user just type a question artificial question very simple - what is the sum of two plus three and propagates this operation to other remote side and suppose this operation arriving at the middle side forced on this side see these results and then respond with the answer the sound is five so sum is five following the previous question this is the right result but we noticed this operation arrive at the middle side first and then arriving at the third side but this operation caused only after this operation because it's generated answer to the previous question happened to arrive at the third side earlier than the question itself their natural causal effect order has been reversed and in this case the user at this side will be confused by saying the answer before the question and in other cases it could be the one operation is to create an object the other operation is to Denise the created object the Denisha may arrive earlier than the creation in that case the system can be confused by saying the clinician before saying the creation and in all cases causality violation can cause the conclusion to both the system under the user and this has to be corrected by delaying this exclusion and in this order in that way we have maintained causality and I should point out maintaining causality is a classical technique issue in distribute computing there are many different techniques to ensure this and I'm not going to explain what technology can be used there are plenty of them to choose from whatever folks are the technique which is able to achieve both convergence and in thinking preservation that is the special technique invented by collaborative editing researchers technique has the name operational transformation they as I said this technique is able to achieve both convergence and the interim preservation but at the same time it doesn't impose any restriction on the users that is the very important feature of this technology unlike unlike other traditional supercomputing technology like locking and serialization they impose restrictions on the user side and as we point out users are part of the system the technique should meet users needs and students restrict users interactivity and there is a paper on these Soviet paper on operational transformation that was also published ten years ago and you can find a variety of operational transformation techniques they are in detail now in this context I will give you one slides to explain the basic idea of operational transformation still taking text editing as the example starting from a technical document one two and two independently generated operations and look at this this or begins to insert character y at position 3 now with operational transformation a remote origin arriving at the remote site it will not be excluded in its original form it will be transformed against another concurrent operation concurrent operation in this case this transformation can change anything with regard to this parameter there is no change for what reason I will explain later but on the other hand this operation when it arrived at this site operating tool will be transformed against operation 1 the parameter position reference parameter 3 will be transformed into full the reason is to take into account taking into account the effects of this concurrent operation because it insert 1x on the left side of this string and that pushed the correct position by one to the right so to compensate this push we change this parameter to make this operation right that is the basic idea of operation transformation and to make sure operation transformation works correctly there are a large number of properties for the transformation system to maintain one of them which is directly related to this scenario is this the following the two concurrent operations can be transformed in any order and also can be executed in different order like illustrated in this scenario and we must make sure after transformation and after execution them in two different orders so a 1 followed by o2 Prime that's transformed now if you exit the auto force then followed by a 1 Prime the final result must be identical must be identical that is one of the many consistency requirements transformation property requirement another fundamental assumption for operational transformation is that data objects are linearly addressable we use text editor as an example to illustrate this but actually these objects can be any other type of objects the essential requirement is not to be the text to be the character it is their relationship must be linearly or traceable it can be a graphics object can be a slides can be any other objects really - didn't really matter but that relationship is fundamental now that's the basic idea a system or ot system is a compact system consists of two major components why is the control algorithm at the top which determine which operation are transformed against others according to their concurrency concurrency or context relationships these are the generic relationships independence of operation type ii apart is operational change out each transformation functions these functions directly change form a pair of operations based on their types there are position parameters and other operations specific attributes in between we also have implicitly define the divided responsibility between control algorithm and transformation functions these functions these responsibilities are formulated in the form of criterias conditions properties and we can use them to formally verify whether consistency weather transformation function or come to our garden meets these requirements and ensure the aspect of correctness because the crack knees is defined by a set of properties now with this framework I will give a very brief coverage of using examples to explain the transformation functions and then control algorithms for functions I give you just one slide to show account a whole ot transformation function for two primitive operations T needs and the insert can be expressed in a single slide and in the only formal specification formal specification this in this context we we deal with common characterize single character editing and I should point out all the text editors can be based on these two primitive operations in other words this slide contains the full set of transformation functions for plain text editing now look at this key what I means transformation between to insert operations I stands for insert and take one insert another insert and we compare the position parameter left or right to determine whether the NATO operation should be shifted by one position under certain condition otherwise no shifting and we do similar things to minus one plus Malus one for other compilations the idea is simple just compare this whether it is the left or right to determine what action to take the idea is very simple but I should point out actually transformation function design even though this this is a looks very simple there are a lot of intricacies involved particularly related to to tie breaking issues why is the insert card insert type when two operations targeting at the same location how to break the tie to ensure consistency when routine it's operations targeting at the same des needs caret same character how to resolve this conflict and achieve a consistent result for inserts type breaking it is straightforward we'll use some serialization actually in this example we use user identifier suppose user identifiers are identical to break the time for 40 needs serialization any kind cannot achieve the correct result the correct result is to to maintain to ensure that only the force that in it takes effect the second init should not have any effect and this in effect is not achievable by any sterilization protocols and now this seems to solve this problem but actually is far more complex than what I have shown there for the needs type breaking for concurrent exclusion of these two operations the result is correct and easy to achieve but when we have Groupon do if we want to undo one deletes what happens what's the effect if both users undo the same operation the same day needs then what happens so this caused a lot of problem for undo and insert type breaking also is non-trivial there are some well-known forced hi problems they are not exercised the forced ties can be caused by under various circumstances and that is not easy tasks and you can find literature and also if we extend the transformation from single character to a string of characters the complexity also increase and that is why still there have been quite some research going on and both of the problems have been solved and they the system and also they are usable robust the system available out there now control algorithms the first ot control acronym was proposed by the team net by Ennis at MCC and published in 89 that was 20 years ago and this was the pioneer work on ot and this work has inspired many researchers to follow the this this line of research part of the reason was the original rhythm the puzzle the oh the flow inside the origin algorithm and less for it has the name the topped puzzle the name of topped was the original algorithms name the puzzle can be illustrated in this way in my previous slides I showed the basic idea of ot with two concurrent operations and I show how that can be transformed correctly and the origin algorithm works for this kind of scenario but if we add one additional operation to the scenario we can immediately defeat the original rhythm immediate effect and this counter example was discovered independently discovered by several research groups in 90s and this operation is obviously different from this operation in their relationship with this one this operation and their concurrence but they are sheer in the same document state all we call them same context this operation is also concurrent with this operation but this opens definition context is different from this one because the document has been changed by this operation so the parameter of this one and this one are not compare cannot be used using the simple transformation function to adjust the opposition and this is the simplest scenario to show the intricacy in design OD control algorithms but actually in this system we allow user to generate operation at any moment of time and if you add one more operation there they same scenario becomes more complex and if you add one more user there with one additional operation the picture is getting messy messy and if you have an arbitrary number of users and they generate operation editing any object at any time then the Senora is overly complex fortunately over ten years research researchers have found solutions to this problem and one of the solutions was from my group and we designed the generic operational transformation algorithm the court algorithm and which is based on the use of two a pair of reversible transformation functions wines I T stands for increasing transformation another is ET exclusion transformation and this is the just a paragraph for this algorithm we take the new operation as wine input and also we use an in your buffer called history buffer to lock all the executed operations fit into the algorithm which use these two transformation functions and then produce the output the Internet is theatres are intricate this is not the place to explain but it's important to point out the use of these two transformation functions this IT means a oh is a new operation oh so Oh a is input Oh P is the operation stored in a history and when Oh a transform accurst o P in the exclusive in crucible way we produce Oh a prime and this Oh F prime is another version for Oh a which has taken into opus effect into consideration in divine in the parameters that's the meaning of the increasing transformation to his plus malice listing is to exclude the effect of this operation exclude the effect means if this operation was not excluded then what their parameter should be then will produce another version of this operation and we must ensure these two functions are reversible in the following sense when oay transformed inclusively with against OB and then exclusively against the same will be we should be able to get to the original operation back and since this work we had a number of follow-up work on top of cut algorithm the first one was 1998 the co 2 algorithm it was an optimized version of code and any undue algorithm is to extend the concurrency control to group on do to support undo any operation at any time and this OP this algorithm is integrated with this and in recent year at the newest result published two years ago and also extended in this year it's caught algorithm contacts based operational transformation this is based on ideal framework of theory and also with the new capability with the integrated capability for supporting tool and undo at the same time with formal proof with form of proof and implementation in over 20 years ot has evolved to support a range of collaboration functions including the original function that is to maintain consistency also called concurrency control and later it gains the capability to support undo undo any operation at any time and the conflict resolution based on object never much perversion e also based on OT workspace a well as can be supported by out here as well and we invented the new technique which is called objects associated ten pointers and read our views optional locking Loki is useful for head to help solve semantic consistency problem and with the support of ot we supports a more of a level optional locking technique in the internet environment that is more fine-grain and also responsive flexible operation notification and compression is a set of techniques penalty which is able to bridge real-time and non real-time collaboration so we can use the same OT technique to support real-time editing and non real-time editing by multiple users and most of these techniques were invented in the context of group text editors which will develop many for research purpose as a research vehicle such as the reduce projects are conducted by my research group and in recent years ot is increasingly being adopted by commercial collaborative editors and one example is the SAP data editor this is the commercial text editor and why so well known and it is based using a key technique and there are others as well ok so much about the technique aspects of collaborative editing now we move to the next second part is how to design useful systems using the advanced collaborative editing technology we have developed over the years and there was article published two years ago which I used which is about how to transform converts single user applications existing single user applications for supporting multi user real-time collaboration first the design of the collaborative editor in our view we we have an important observation in about the system a collaborative system contains two orthogonal sets of functions the first part for sassette is conventional editing functions the second part is collaborative functions these two parts should and can be separately dealt with separately dealt with based on this observation we have to design goals the conventional functionality of collaborative editor should have as rich functionality as they are single user counterparts this is the set of single user adjust a sample set of single user editors out there available if you want to develop a collaborative version of something in that domain make sure your collaborative version has similar comparable functions as we point out collaborative editor still editor conventional functionality should be as the same now because we have large already mature widely used commercial products they are can we take advantage of this existing single user editors impeding multiple user collaborative editors that's the question the second of design goal is to make sure collaborative system editing systems to have collaborative function comparable to Advanced Research prototypes as I point out most of the advanced techniques were invented in research prototypes these prototypes do not have rich Commissioner editing capability they are not regarded as useful application but they have advanced capable collaboration capabilities this is just one example this is the old reduce text editor with the list of advanced collaboration capabilities but this interface is very simple with limited editing capability and it was implemented in Java applet and in a web environment that can be regarded as earlier one of the early Weber based real-time collaborative editor in 90s now the question is can we avoid reinventing collaborative technology impaired in various collaborative editors for the end users can we tarik to use the developed technology rather than reinventing them in the commercial system now motivated by these object design objectives we propose the transparent adaptation approach to build useful and advanced collaborative systems without reinventing the wheel this approach taking has one component single user option component another component is a collaboration engine single user application component provides conventional functionality which can be either existing or new application can be proprietary or open source can be desktop or web-based don't matter but the engine part should be able to support a range of collaboration functionalities such as concurrent work well as relaxed what you see is what I see and good responsiveness and grooving do etc we further refine the collaboration engine part by decompose the application specific collaboration functionality from the generic collaboration functionality the generic collaboration functionality is OD based and can be used for a wide range of different applications and the adapter is providing this application specific collaboration capability and bridging the general engine with the application using their API and with this approach the design of a collaborative editing system is reduced to the design of the adapter of the adapter which is significantly simpler than reinventing functionality there and reintegrating functionality there but still I should point out the design now of collaborative adapter is not only an engineering challenge it also involves research particularly when you apply this approach from one from one domain to a new domain you always needed to do initial research for open offer for office if we have done office for one example it's easy to apply similar adaptation technique to another office application but if we extend that to 3d design the new research is needed so this is a the approach we propose we won't want to reuse the engine reuse single user functionality and focusing on inventing bridging techniques we apply this technique to Microsoft Office tools the initial research choose Microsoft or world and PowerPoint as our initial target as you can see these two systems share the same architecture they use the existing application they use the same engine but we build two different adapters and this tooth adapters are quite similar because there are all office elements and also from the same vendor quite similar now the furnace writes our show some of the technique challenges in the adapter what we call transponder adaptation happening inside this adapter so we use word as the example what kind of technique challenges there first from the single domain one domain print text editing to tootle main word processor as you can see from the interface this is directly matching the OT linear addressing space but this one tantalate these two dimensional objects can be positioned in the visual space at any place and has not no relationship whatsoever so this appears to be the main obstacle initially to apply our generic engine to this application but the men discouraged made by collaborative word cohorts project is that we find the application world API the general public API actually provides a wide range of ways of addressing the these objects even though these objects visually unrelated to this Ninio addressing system but the API has something related not obvious we use our overview our technique to extract a subset of existing world API and map all these objects into an inner system and that is existing in their API we are not inventing anything we are not changing anything also we don't have access to their source code and in this way after this altercation the engine can be plucky can be plugin and we did similar thing for the PowerPoint PowerPoint this time has a hierarchical ninja addressing system action the world also is hierarchical the previous slide is is a simplified version powerpoint document has the sequence of slides at this level will have a linear sequence and for individual slides it has two independent addressing domain wines text it is directly correspond to linear addressing space this graphics part also actually has api to address them linearly existing in their APR you don't need to invent it and just find the way we call this as discovery rather than invention it's a discovery it can be used in this way then after you establish this mapping of course the original OT data model is a single linear model we need to extend the OT code technique to a hierarchical linear address space this is the general tree of ninja adjacent domain we don't need to go to the detail suffice to say that all the data models toad data objects in word processors PowerPoint documents can be mapped into addressing space compatible with this there are just some instance of this generic general form the so-called X extended ot beta model this is a one part of the adaptation we call a beta adaptation another part is the operational deputation because the commercial application has comprehensive also sophisticated high level user accessible functions which is far more complex than inserting it to operations and in original automotive there isn't even there is no appetit operation so our first extension is to add one generic primitive operation updates into the coal-hole key technique and in this way many user naval operations can be mapped to update including text update operations and also graphics operations like the the this file feeling moving and also rotating they are all update operations and can be captured by this single primitive with this call extension this is still not enough users generate operations much higher level than we need application specific extension to ot that the extension on one side will take the call ot three primitive operations another side take the AP AP are a comprehensive complex API providing various operations methods for the application programmer to access for user interaction we generate operations we call adapted operations AO this group of corporations should be with the art of operation adaptation naturally inside this part we should include the user interaction at a higher level which captured sufficient information for ot processing and all for API replay and also we do two-level adaptation why is to adapt AO user generated operation to the OT required primitive operation to handle any issue caused by concurrency consistent maintenance group hongdo etc this adaptation is down there and also we use another level at a petition to get in a semantics right this never is get syntax right and this is the the art of operation adaptation so after solving these problems we get the code word up and running but I should point out the system initially with we we advocate the collaborative editor should support multiple users to edit and attack any object in the document at any time and so user are unconstrained free access and that model is what we call multiple actor multi purview so anyone can edit the document at any time so highly chaotic uncoordinated process and the technique we invented in the collaboration engine is able to support it once we are able to do this hard work where it's easy to extend to support other different compilations for example we can have multiple actors they are editing or synchronized view the same view you can anyone can edit it but they have a sync rest of you if the view change everyone will change to a different area also we have a single actor single view if you want to sequentially impose sequential interaction among crew members that can be easily done and also we have single actor but allow multiple users to view different parts of the document and these are the just the full compilations will have more compilations on top of that they what we learned from this once you have a infrastructure which is able to support this it's easy to support other more restrictive form of interaction but if the technique was invented only for a risk form of interaction it would be very difficult if not impossible to support more liberal interaction that's the nursing women now there is a public available demonstration at this location in Singapore until and this picture gives you more detailed internal component description of the adapter and the engine we are not going to explain this detail rather than that I would not utter it to to help to give a live demo for this there for this system that most will be born interesting and we switch to the real system ok all right so this is the code system and to Microsoft Word and on the right we'll have this collaboration widget called the reader view ok the reader view provides information about where users are looking at in this document so if I scroll through this document you can see that this reader views me updated and it's being synchronized to the remote site so he can't he knows where I'm looking at in this document and when L viewports overlap we can see each other's mouths pointers so that's that's his mouse pointer and this is mine this is called a teleporter it gives you more fine-grained user level interaction in this shared workspace ok so we can actually you know Co point to a particular area in this document and and say we want to we want to discuss this area ok so that's the main user interface we want to first demonstrate collaborative editing so and to do that we're gonna just jointly come up with a list of features and Co weird ok and to do that to help you see what we're typing I'm gonna turn on this highlighting feature which color codes out our text so this is the list in forward so so we're gonna just start editing this and on I'm the green guy and he's the red guy okay so it has flexible erection I'm doing okay as I'm typing on going I realizes that he's got on through up here so I can use the undo button to I remove what I just typed okay and I actually want to turn this into a list so let's just do that let's turn it into a list I want to elaborate on workspace awareness of support by saying that we have reader views and interests and I realizes that he's got a made a typo here so it's not current its concurrent and it's tracking track and that's update whoops that's update the font to bold and make it sighs okay so as you can see we can collaboratively edit not only in the same paragraph we can also cleverly edit in the same line in very close proximity okay so that's so we want to demonstrate what we mean by well there is a this is currently directly linked to BES over there but if you want to try out the latency effects you can link to the Singapore server so there's a featuring covert called a multiple versioning by by a single display and we're gonna demonstrate that using graphical objects so I'm gonna create is just gonna type that up I'm gonna create a ellipse here and the first thing we're gonna try is I'm going to move this ellipse to a different location and concurrently he's going to change its color okay so let's do that one - just move it okay okay one two three okay so because these two concurrent operations are targeting different attributes of this object the system should be able to merge those two concurrent changes together in the same object okay so it's moved and the colors you updated well you might ask what happens if we update the same attribute okay what if we change the same color actually boot two different values okay that's let's try that and see how we are handling this in our system I'm going to update it to our red and he's gonna try to get a yellow okay so one two three nope okay so as you can see it's actually pretty hard to generate concurrent operations in the local area network so we're gonna try that again I'm gonna do red and you can do blue okay one two three oh okay it's a little hard okay red again yellow yes one two three all right okay I'm trying to get okay that's right let's just do that one well it's we did sure this is interesting feature to say if if conflict occurs concurrently because generate concurrent conflict is difficulty but once it happens what action would take and what kind of interface will provide it is something of interest to many people all right that's just one more time one two three something is wrong okay that's what's that's we can try this offline people want to say this basically what happens is I would bring up an interface that records all the possible versions that people create so if I change it to red and changes to blue we record all these versions and it would provide a scrolling interface a browsing interface that allows the user to choose which version they like and they can commit to that version okay so okay so this is with we both we try in this object to two different direction okay so I'm moving to the Neff I'm going to the Lord okay one two three let go okay so there we go so that's a conflict and the system detects that is conflict and if you click on the object it brings up an interface it can scroll through the versions so that's the original location for the object that's the location that he moved the the ellipse to and this is the location that I moved the ellipse to and we also generate this intermediate version by additively combining these two moves so it's sort of taking the coordinates and doing an average in the middle okay so and a user can of course commit to a location so I want to commit to my location and there we go all right I generally took not the trouble so sorry let's see one more thing we want to show is what we mean by single view a single actor multiple of you actually it's multiple actor single fetus so oh yes you can see okay okay so we're logged in so this this thing synchronizes both of our views to the same area of the document so this is the facilitate cross-collaboration processes that require sort of revision or or structured discussion so you know they whoops as I as I scroll through this document you know you can see that both of our views are synchronized at the same time and there's a variety of different models that you can implement on top of this okay so that's and there are lots of other features and you can try them out the system is online so it's freely distributed you can drive various features and report the Box you find and so we this has been shown for over five years so we receive a lot of Parker reports and also interesting feedback from the users we learned we appreciate their feedback and also we have the system here after this seminar you can always interact with the system if you wish now let's continue with our story of the this work so after doing Microsoft Office several representative members they we extend this technology to open office system just want to show this is not only related to one vendors product actually we can apply this to open-source we aware we use an open-source office but we never change their internal source code so we use the same approach only attach their API you'll need their HR without changing a single line of code even we don't need to reach the internal code to do our work and this work was reported two years ago in sales tab module conference associate workshop and our next step and the the step is still ongoing is to apply this to Weber based office productivity applications and we find currently will have word processor prototype proof of concept prototype which use the same technique can also be used they are without actually for office applications they are quite similar whether it is open source or proprietary or Weber based or desktop doesn't really matter now the more powder step of extension is Technol technique is to apply to 3d design tools and the one we choose for our research is my autodesk maya and maya is 3d design tool and we worked on this Boden 2 years and produced a working prototype with similar quantity as the cohort and that was demonstrated in this month in says a new conference in San Diago and we also had a paper there and we haven't write much about this system and but today I can also give a short demo of the system here just to show the same engine driving a totally different applications 3d design - all right so because of time you can we do this on offline all they can wait for about ten minutes five minutes five minutes do we need to make a room for them okay okay couple minutes let me just finish this and to the demonstration of lon yeah so we don't have time to do the cool Maya demonstration but I finish this right I have nos the slide is to summarize this talk master decades have seen significant research development activities and achievements in real-time collaborative editing technology and systems existing or new desktop or Web APIs the single user editing systems can be adapted to provide rich conventional functionalities in collaborative tools as proven by the transparent adaptation technology collaborative technologies can be encapsulated in reusable software package like ot paste the GCE to support a wide range of editing applications from 1 D to 3d that's what we meant in over 15 years what's the future of C II we believe collaborative editing systems were become commonplace and provide seamless support for single and multiple users for real-time and non real-time collaboration on desktop and web or toothpaste a platform oval worlds and Wireless local and world wild area networks so in other words any user any time and the platform anywhere collaboration will be the future and the harder we work and the collaboration collaborative editor will lose its identity because the future there will no have no differentiation about single user or multiple user it's just editor it's a naturally 404 also single user use multiple user use use the same thing whether you do real-time collaboration or non real-time collaboration the same the same technology the same tool on which platform there is no different seamless support and but as we say the best way to predict the future is to invent it is to amend it so we have time for questions in another room and thanks for your for attending this seminar and I'm will be very happy to take questions and have detailed discussion of nine with people interested in this technology okay we need to move to another one facts
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Id: 84zqbXUQIHc
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Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 18 2008
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