Israelis support more measured response to Iran if action would threaten their alliances

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with more on the view from Israel and Iran is CBS News foreign correspondent MTS tab MTS Margaret while it's no secret Israel and Iran have long been engaged in what's often described as a shadow War the events of the past few weeks have pushed this decades long and deeply bitter rivalry out into the open like never before as you've been reporting Iran's missile and drone attack on Israel last weekend was in response to an apparent isra strike on one of Ton's diplomatic facilities in Syria killing top revolutionary guard commanders and also Mark the first time ton has ever tried to Target Israel inside Israeli territory directly setting an extremely dangerous president that has the potential of establishing a worrying new Norm between these Arch Rivals one were they now strike each other's territory directly like Israel did inside Iran on Friday and the other respond in kind in saying that given Israel's limited response and Ton's muted reaction it's clear the Biden Administration and other world powers attempts to deescalate between the two Nations has worked at least for now so Mt as you mentioned the shadow war and Israel has been conducting covert action for years but we know since October 7th Israeli leaders have tried to reestablish what they call deterrence getting all of its enemies to be to afraid to come and attack them do Israelis feel this overt action did that yeah it's a good question and a very complicated picture while most Israelis remain intensely enraged at Hamas Iran is not far from their minds and while Israel's extreme far-right Minister for National Security itar benir called Israel's retaliatory strike on Friday in a tweet as and I'm quoting here feeble and other members of netanyahu's far right Coalition urging him to and again I'm quoting here go berserk on tan the Israeli public appeared to be far more measured and pragmatic in fact a recent poll from the Hebrew University found 74% of Israelis opposed A major retaliatory strike onto Iran following its drone and missile attack if it would harm Israel's security alliance with other allies including the US in saying that 44% of Israelis all also back a military offensive against Hamas in the southern city of Rua where at least 1.2 million Palestinians are Sheltering even at the cost of Israel's Foreign Relations Margaret empty T thank you
Channel: Face the Nation
Views: 91,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iran, Israel, Face The Nation, World
Id: 1s7gb5rP54A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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