Israeli U.N. Ambassador Shreds U.N. Charter

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colleagues today another travesty is being committed here by the general assembly an unforgivable act the destruction of the United Nations Charter the UN Charter the sacred document which serves as the foundation of everything we are supposed to do here is being trampled upon it is being thrown out the window you you you are spitting on the very values that were formulated to bind this organization with today's destru destructive resolution you are circumventing the security Council ignoring its decision and violating the Norms this organization has abided by the charter was drafted for a reason but most of you care nothing for the qualifications it outlines so let me remind you what the charter says about admitting new new UN membership membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter peace loving number two the admission of any such state to membership in the United Nations will be affected by a decision of the general assembly upon the recommendation of the security Council with today's vote you are not only bypassing the security Council in violation of the charter but you are Bast bastard bastardizing the meaning of peace loving you know that the Palestinians are the exact opposite of Peace Love you know this since they rejected the UN partition plan in 1947 they rejected it they have only tried to destroy Israel time and again they are Terror loving not peaceloving they are anything but peaceloving the Palestinian Authority pays lifelong salaries to ter terrorists it's in their budget they teach martyrdom and Jihad in their classrooms they glorify death and murder the Palestinians indoctrinate their children to murder israelies and commit Terror attacks and then when Israel defends herself the Palestinian representativ comes here stands here shedding his crocodile tears as if he did not send all of them to commit suicide or Terror attacks not a single Palestinian leader not even one has condemned the the October 7th Massacre he calls the Kamas his brothers and this is who you want to bestow the rights of a state upon a terror entity as long as you as long as so many of you are Jew hating you don't really care that the Palestinians are not peac loving despite your obligation to the UN Charter you are here today to expose what the Charter truly means to you when it comes to the lives of Israelis and Jews the UN Charter means nothing to you NADA kaput By ignoring the charter and granting the Palestinians the Privileges of a member State you are proving that morality is just a slogan for you while politics and interests Prevail to you the UN Charter is just a meaningless document and the vote today will prove that you know what you're doing today today you are gutting gutting the charter and you are doing it in the wake of the most brutal Massacre of my people since the Holocaust on the ashes of the October 7th Massacre why this day will go down in infamy the UN an organization that was established in the aftermath of the systematic murder of 6 million Jews Jews pays no heed to its founding Charter and is advancing another genocidal regime that threatens the existence of the Jewish people and I want the entire world to remember this moment to remember this immoral act so today I will hold up a mirror for you a mirror this is your mirror so that you can see exactly what you are inflicting upon the UN Charter with this destructive vote this is you are shredding the UN Charter with your own hands yes yes that's what you're doing shredding the UN Charter shame on you
Channel: C-SPAN
Views: 27,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YoT5jLP3uxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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