Israel Vaccination and COVID Data Review

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all this is dr moving saying from welcome to one more show so instead of just doing a simple chit chat we can do that talk as well i wanted to go over the israel's data together and credit to david my friend from israel who is here in san jose i went over some of the data with him i usually just bug him and say david i have this question about this graph can you please translate it or can you please tell me more or this is what i think and so david is kind enough to give me his time and help me not only translate but wrap my head around the numbers too so with this uh thank you very much for being here let's start the discussion so this is dr and here is the the israel's i believe it is their health ministries dashboard it is usually in hebrew i have set it on google to translate but there still are words which i did not understand when they got translated because google didn't do a medical translation so then i go back to david and i say david what does this work a word mean for example yesterday when i was looking at it there was a word called vaccine with thrust so and then there was another word that said vaccine with impulse so i suspected it is something to do with the booster but i did not know did it mean one dose two doors or booster so he asked david about it so with this let me um see if i can i don't know if the size of the screen is good enough so i'm going to try to increase the size and see if we can go over this together so the question in my mind and this is a question that is sent to me many times or i see that in tweets that vaccines are not doing well in israel and the israel's infection rate and the deaths in israel are proving that so i wanted to make sure that we see it my conclusion so far is this in terms of number of cases vaccinated are almost without the booster dose that is one and two dose vaccinated they seem to have almost similar number of infections compared to unvaccinated in terms of rate i'm not talking about the absolute number the problem with the absolute number is let's say the unvaccinated people are 100 and out of 100 there are two people who are sick and let's say vaccinated people are 300 and out of them the number of people sick are three then we have a difference in their rates so the best way to compare them is with the rate so we look at both the data together what i saw here is the number of cases with fully vaccinated and the unvaccinated seem to be the same however number of cases with boostered vaccinated three doses are very different significantly different and if you go to severity and the death then the the number of cases with severe disease they are very different in vaccinated with booster or without booster similarly number of deaths with booster or without booster compared to unvaccinated are very different so my request to use this let's do a small experiment have your opinion that what were you thinking from the media's and from the rumors and the from the tweets have vaccines failed in israel not failed in israel what is what is it that is in your mind maybe even type it in the comments and then let's look at it together and correct me if you think that i am not looking at it the right way but let's do this more of an exploration instead of me presenting this is a a chat still so let's start from here i'm going to try to make this bigger so this one i wish this header here could disappear but it will not if i make it bigger okay starting from the left side here active patients age and immunization so if you see here for example if i hover the mouse here somewhere let's say here this is age group 70 to 79 unvaccinated and look at this drop down here this selection here this is the per hundred thousand inhabitants active patients so cases not severe not deaths cases per hundred thousand this is the rate and rate is important because the absolute numbers cannot be compared unless the group sizes on both sides are the same and they're not the same super hundred thousand rate is actually i think a good way to look at it and now let's just go here 70 to 79 unvaccinated per 100 000 cases infections 745.8 vaccinated and i assume here they're they're not saying one dose or two doors they're saying vaccinated and then they're saying vaccinated with booster so when they're saying vaccinated i'm going to assume that this is fully vaccinated what i do not know here is somebody who is one dose and after are they placed in unvaccinated or in vaccinated i do not know that part my suspicion is that they would have been placed in unvaccinated so unvaccinated 745.8 per 100 000 fully vaccinated i'm gonna use the word fully vaccinated i may be wrong here they don't say fully vaccinated but they say immunized without impulse so impulse over here is booster so i'm gonna read it as fully vaccinated without booster 620 per hundred thousand very similar to um unvaccinated we have done this discussion many many times we can't stop a virus from landing in our mouth we cannot stop it from creating symptoms it would happen so you are seeing that the cases are present and the number of vaccinated people are more and more and as the society would interact they would develop cases in vaccinated this is like virus acting like a common cold but we look at severe and death now immunized with impulse that is fully vaccinated with booster and i'll show you the percentages of booster as well so you could see what that percentage is however per hundred thousand people with boosters 77 compare that to both other groups compare that to unvaccinated 77 and 745 almost 10 times difference similarly 6 20 and 77 almost 9 10 times difference nine times eight times still significantly large difference and we have done this discussion as well before that when a booster is given or when an infection occurs or when a dose is given after the first dose that would act as a as a trigger for the immune system to rev it up and to to cause it to become active and when it will become active you could have a fair question here to say well if we are saying that two dose vaccinated could get infection nothing can stop that then why are three doors not getting infection why are they stopped and the answer is very very simple we have done this discussion uh in the past as well and the answer is this let's say this is the oral cavity of a person in this oral cavity there are cells correct and then there is this mucus that is [Music] lining the oral cavity right so the fluids in our mouth they are lining this over oral cavity what happens is when our immune system is active against some infection or let's say the vaccine dose is given not the first one second and third then we are actively making iga and iga is present in the fluids on our mucous membranes that means in the nose conjunctiva mouth other areas of which have mucous membranes iga is present there if the quantity of iga is more then as soon as the virus lands in the mouth it will get arrested fast it would get coated with the iga quickly so the virus's chance to infect the cell and create a higher load to create symptoms will reduce so those folks who have three doses their third dose has revved them up enough their immune system that immune system is active and if the virus arrives in their mouth at that time they just take care of it very fast before they develop symptoms and if they don't develop symptoms they're not going to go and get their pcrs and they're not going to appear positive they actually may be getting exposed in the same way as other groups if you just counted the number of viruses landing in people's mouths or the number of people who are receiving the virus all groups would have the same thing unless they're wearing masks or they're staying home or there is a physical distance or there are other social behaviors but if they are behaving just the same all the three groups then they all are receiving the virus in their mouth or nose and or nose the question is whose immune system is revved up whose immune system is going to take to three days to become active and whose immune system is going to take five to ten days unvaccinated five ten days two days vaccinated to three days three doors vaccinated at this time almost immediate but after some months even that will go down immune system will once again reset and then they would also will be in a resting state so this actually makes sense this data so i'm going to see it once more this is 60 to 69 unvaccinated 1000 per 100 000 immunized without impulse or without a booster 611 still very high number immunized with see the google called it thrust here this is also booster so in two lines booster is translated as impulse or thrust so thanks to david helping me with this i mean as with booster that is three doses 84 per 100 000 so significant difference will these three third dose booster folks have now immunity continuing for years i think even the second those folks would have come immunity continuing for years the question important question to us will be when would their antibodies settle down as well that is when they would either need a new booster or their system would just behave so well when the virus arrives that within couple of days even with symptom it would just like cold like symptom and they would take care of it just like probably the two doses are doing now the question in our mind should then be what is happening to the folks who have two doses are they becoming severely ill and are they dying and what is that rate per hundred thousand again if you wanted to look at this data you can actually go in here you can say instead effective seriously ill you can say absolute numbers and so on so now i'm going to switch this graph to seriously ill and i'm going to keep it to per 100 000 because the rate is more comparable amongst the groups than absolute numbers so seriously ill now so these are the forks that with various age groups fully vaccinated vaccinated with booster and unvaccinated and their serious illness and that rate per 100 000 so let's start from here i'm going to go here first this is 50 to 59 50 to 59 this is serious illness and whatever is the definition of the serious illness do they go to a hospital or not i'm sure they do unvaccinated have per hundred thousand 72 cases of serious illness in this age group 50 to 59 immunized without impulse i would call it fully immunized with two doses and then the protective time afterwards ten so between the unvaccinated seriously ill unvaccinated and fully vaccinated not third dose the difference between them is almost seven times and look at the last line for this age group with booster per 100 point nine so almost one person that is a huge difference so i'm going to go to the other age groups here as well so far my conclusion and again you can say that hey this conclusion is not correct and i should have looked at it differently my conclusion is cases are similar in vaccinated or unvaccinated however unvexing vaccinated become significantly better protected even without a booster from a serious disease and with booster their immune system is revving up they are doing very well okay let's look at some other age groups as well let's look at 90 plus my problem is that so i have to do this so 90 plus i have no idea exactly the count so i'm gonna leave it let's go here 80 to 89 80 to 89 unvaccinated seriously ill 167. this is per hundred thousand so it doesn't matter it is out of hundred thousand or out of one million they this is the rate 167 per hundred thousand vaccinated with two doses 75 per hundred thousand half not 10 times like before in 50 to 59 at this age group half and then with booster 11 so 11 per 100 000 versus 167 per hundred thousand so that is 10 13 14 times difference i wish i could look at this 90 plus as well it just keeps cutting it when it goes there maybe i can reduce the size and see it so give me one second when i play with the size of this these charts the whole thing just becomes messed up so don't mind still the same okay so 90 plus this is active patients let me see seriously ill per 100 000 90 plus unvaccinated 90 plus seriously ill unvaccinated 192 90 plus fully vaccinated not three doses two doses 35 so almost six times difference 100 000 so this is a an effect of the vaccine and then three doses 14 versus 192 so almost um 14 times difference this is the in the age 90 plus this is a very important difference and it is right here the the reason i'm i'm doing this is there are so many rumors that somehow vaccines have not been working somehow vaccines are not showing effect look i think i have always been in this position to say ivermectin works vitamin ds and those things work i've done lots of discussions and i've always said that the vaccines work as well so here we vaccines have side effects too and i have always maintained that we should figure out what are those side effects how do we see the indications of those side effects and then how do we make protocols to manage them or how do we guide the people to say under this year let's say 50 years and below women don't take adenovirus based vaccines so i've done those discussions before here i think it's a very decent result look at this one 80-89 we saw 70-79 this is seriously ill per 100 000 unvaccinated 150 immunized without without the this is luffy uh curling outside give me one second please apologies so luffy nowadays likes to stay outside so i think he's quailing with some other cat so my wife went out okay so 70-79 unvaccinated 150 fully vaccinated 58 and then with booster 3.9 so uh again the difference is quite evident 70 to 79 fully vaccinated almost three times less severely ill and with booster 150 to 3.9 almost what a lot of different sorry i got distracted by luffy okay so this is one now i want to look at the deaths as well unfortunate thing but look at that too so before we go there check out this graph this graph shows the number of uh the percentage of people who are three doors vaccinated versus two versus so here 90 plus one dose 82.9 2.79.7 and three dose 64.7 so when we looked at the 90 plus results here 64.7 have three doses 64.7 percent have three doses and you saw that the rate is really low and so you can look at the other age groups here as well i want to see if the and look at the r naught r naught is the reproduction number and how fast the if the disease is spreading or is stable or is uh reducing if it is greater than one the disease is still spreading if it is at one that means disease is stable not increasing not reducing if it is lesser than one that means disease is wrapping up from the society so here if you see the r naught is 0.83 it has actually plummeted before one under one the date is thursday 8 26 so after 8 26 the r naught has reduced below one which is good okay so now continuing so recoveries and deaths so this is the folks who have unfortunately passed away and their immunization status so if you see here once again not immunized not vaccinated vaccinated with booster without booster and let's look at some of the data here let's start from here we look at similar looking numbers and different looking numbers so this is nine six today's nine nine so this is three four three days ago this is number of deaths and i believe it is per hundred thousand rate so if you see here per hundred thousand and age over sixty you can change it to eight age under 60 and then go from there and this is for last month so i'm going to keep it this way age over 60 rate and then let's look at the data so here come on okay so monday 9 6 september 6. that's amongst unvaccinated 12 fully uh immunized that is two doses five so almost two and a half half time less and three doors zero you saw that the number of people with three doses is significant so it is not that the the group size is small enough that they're not getting enough infections and they're not getting severely ill and they're not dying they they a lot of people are boosted with the third dose and so number of deaths are zero there is a protection there now let's look at similar looking numbers here on 9 5 a day before and and we realize that the deaths do not occur for the same days cases this is three weeks four weeks six weeks eight week ago the patients who were hospitalized at that time at some point they might pass away unfortunately and this is that so this is not a one-to-one correlation with that day's cases so these folks who are dying here they may have been here four weeks ago or six weeks ago in the hospital unvaccinated for point one per hundred thousand i mean so this is not the absolute number this is the rate immunized without impulse or without booster 2.8 so half not half 2.83 so almost one two three three fourth if unvaccinated are four then the other one is three-fourths three and immunized with booster 0.5 per hundred thousand let's look at some other numbers too this is a number that is ah i don't know why it goes to that side give me a second i'm going to reduce the size so here this is the chart so let's say if i go here this is another number higher one for the unvaccinated unvaccinated this is 8 30 so august 30th unvaccinated 11.2 died per 100 000 over the age of 60. immunized without boosters over the age of 60 per hundred thousand seven and with booster over the age of sixty per hundred thousand zero point two which means one person out of five hundred thousand might die if they have a booster so that's a lot of protection let's look at another close by data so let's say this 8 27 unvaccinated 3.9 or let's say four per hundred thousand immunized without booster 2.2 so more than 50 percent the difference between them and immunized with booster 0.2 so a lot of difference and my conjecture here will be the following i would assume that majority of the population is getting third booster dose now that means they will get another four to six months window where their immune system would stay revved up and they would stay protected then it is possible that the immunity wanes again and i think at that time we'll have more data to figure out will they get more boosters or this booster was sufficient to continue for a longer period of time so this is the discussion what do you think um i deliberately did not look at the absolute numbers because then i have to normalize them for the groups and this per hundred thousand is a similar thing it's a normalization one last thing which is a curiosity for me and i'm gonna just i hope i don't waste your time how about people up to 60 years of age what are their dynamics so this is 60 under 60 actually not vaccinated vaccinated with two doses and booster so let's pick up any time this is 831 unvaccinated under age of 60 0.1 deaths per 100 000 so that would mean so 0.1 that means one death under 60 unvaccinated per million now immunized without booster or with booster under 60 amino acids zero deaths let's look at this here 0.1 unvaccinated 0.1 fully vaccinated and that is equal 1 out of 1 million one death and with booster nothing what what is this pulse here let's say zero for all this is immunized with booster 0.6 so i think the numbers are so small that there is no real pattern here um so that was interesting for me to look at another thing here if we see this is the acute patient so i'm going to go to seriously ill 100 000 i wish they had the i think they have the group here so let's go below 60. so 50 to 59 we saw that 72 now we're looking at the seriously ill seriously ill per 100 000 and lower age groups 50 to 59 72 in unvaccinated per 100 000 10 vaccinated per hundred thousand so seven times difference or is it eight times different seven times i think and then 0.9 per 100 000 which is huge 72 times different so as the age continues to be younger the ratios continue to become different as well so here this is 40 to 49. i'm hoping it shows me the numbers 48 2.1 and 1.2 okay so 40 to 49 unvaccinated 48.9 fully vaccinated 2.1 and with booster 1.2 so 48 2.1 1.2 40 to 49 years of age per 100 000. so once again 48 versus two or one then if you go to even younger age group 30 to 39 unvaccinated 15.3 seed are they seriously ill yeah seriously ill these are not deaths these are serious illness so 30 15.3 then in the immunized in this age group 0.7 two doses and three doses nothing zero 20 to 29 6.1 unvaccinated serious illness 0.1 fully vaccinated and with booster nothing i think similar pattern in other areas too and if you see in the younger groups without vaccination even the rate is reduced so for me this is not a display of vaccines not working i know that the comment will be well the two doses did not work i think that it is interesting that with the third dose their difference is drastic what will have to be observed is what will happen after five months or six months when the antibodies wane again okay so this is the discussion i thought that this was interesting to talk about as well um let's just see a quick few comments john snyder says more than 75 of adults in the u.s already had at least one shot that's very good so um tiger x 966 says seems the vaccine produced variants are doing as planned attacking and killing younger and younger people the vaccines are the vehicle used to spread covert 19 that's not correct the whole statement is entirely the entire statement is incorrect number one vaccines do not produce variants we all whoever gets infected vaccinated not vaccinated previously infected or not we all can make variants and i had seen rima's comment that can i explain how the variants come together so maybe tomorrow we only talk about how variants are produced regardless of who we are vaccinated or not and then the other part the younger and younger population that is getting affected is because the other population older population is becoming vaccinated so wherever the virus is going to find empty bodies that is immune system not attacking it that is where the virus is going to spread more so that's also not a vaccine-caused thing vaccines are the vehicles used to spread covet-19 no that's not correct gold country says life is hazardous for us geezers gold i hope you're doing well v says i love this guy but his accent is a little difficult do you know that i actually don't even hear my own accent it is so strange i when i'm speaking i feel like i'm speaking quite well so apologies for this david says vaccine will activate bell's pulsey stay away we need to band together and everyone walk off the job see what does uh what that does to america works at white and shima um so no yes this is true that sometimes in people vaccine does cause bell's palsy but no it would not activate best passing everyone if that was the case you think that vaccines will be given in such large numbers and still continue to be given if bell's policy was occurring and if that was a permanent damage since last night last night do you think third dose good 50 year olds is a good idea so it's the age that makes the difference but last night didn't matter age or co-morbidity um jilla what do you mean by last night that may did we look at some other vaccine efficacy last night we can probably look at it once more but here we are looking looking at israel's data and the presentation is based on their data i actually think so some of my friends my class fellows they are saying that hey we are asking my parents both have passed away but they are saying hey we are asking our parents for the booster doses and it makes sense you could see this data andrew says i don't trust this data it's rigged israel made a deal that pfizer takes care of that stats i don't know if such a large scale of rigging can occur what would israel get with that kelly says also curious about the co-morbidities in that one out of a million under 60. so in the previous studies so here we do not have comorbidities data in the previous study i did a study from uk where they had seen the vaccine caused serious illness illness or death in children and all who died i believe there were 14 or 15 children's deaths in the cohort that they studied and all of them had um some comorbidities majority of them had if i remember it correctly terminally ill or those co-morbidities that would cause terminal outcomes so rambling row says when did desail get their third dose they have been on third doors for some time now look at the numbers we just saw that there look their majority of their populations if i very quickly share my screen once more look at this this chart here 90 plus 64 third dose 80 to 89 74 percent and so these blue bars are the third doses they have covered a lot of ground with the third dose as well the worst field says the basement dwellers are out so says no large scale rigging how can you say that considering what they're doing with avomating so you are correct for ivermectin here see the thing is this i think what you are implying is that if they can discredit ivermectin then they are rigging the data to give credit to vaccines i believe that there is a there is a intentional and concentrated effort or concerted effort to discredit ivermectin i totally believe that i don't believe that they're trying to over credit the vaccines i just don't think they can produce that kind of a data so how about we do this so that this chat doesn't become too long and too cumbersome um gavin says hi dr bean why do you think a large proportion of your viewers or at least comment or seem to be anti-vexes i'll tell you this so since the beginning of the pandemic when there were no vaccines we grouped together regardless of who a person what a person believed about vaccines or what was their religion or what was their politics or what was their race gender we just started looking at mechanisms of various products that could help us be more protected and i had been very very clear that for me i'm not going to sit here and criticize anyone who does not like a vaccine or anyone who likes a vaccine and i had been also very clear that i myself am a pro-wax person and i would wait till the vaccine appears and when it would appear i will take my vaccine and i find this incorrect for the other folks who are pro-vags i'm saying this in quotations that they get their own vaccine but for others they continue to say well vaccine is a bad thing so i've always said vaccine is important and till the time we have them the bridge is going to be all of the other things and i think i'm one of the most prolific presenters about other possibilities as well now as the vaccines came about and they became a reality i took my vaccine my family took their vaccines i talked about the side effects of the vaccines i talked about the clottings my cardiac myocarditis and so on and so now the group the folks who are around me they are clearly divided into groups one is a group that believes in vaccines and then there is a group that don't believe in vaccine they don't like vaccine for there are so many reasons they have as well and both kind of folks are offering their comments i actually tried to stay neutral in it but i'll tell you it is a very interesting thing majority of death threats given to me and i've been given very graphic death threats were from folks who did not like vaccine and how do i know that when i would do something which would say hey vaccines are useful just like today's discussion then i'll get a lot of death threats as well and i could connect the dots majority of my issues where people created legal issues for me are by pro-vaccine folks who thought that when i criticized a vaccine or i said here is a clotting or his myocarditis that can occur and they wanted me to not talk about it and i refuse to stop from talking about those things too they created a different kind of set of problems i received both ends heat but i still feel that this was important to neutrally present this for the benefit of everyone having a correct vitamin d level is important for someone who likes a vaccine or does not like a vaccine keeping your diabetes under control is important for someone who likes a vaccine or does not like a vaccine i try to do this kind of a service where i offered as much help as possible to all i have received a lot of negative outcome of that including this kind of a comment that you just made that somehow you implied that it is my commenters who are saying this because maybe i caused something here so that's not correct and i have always been very clear i would offer my help like a book so the books over here would not care you like a vaccine or not they would present you the information and i have always been very clear as well that i would not ask you to go take a vaccine or not i'll just tell you what i did i took a vaccine and i have videos of when i took the vaccines okay so jason says i really like your perspective it is well balanced and makes sense thank you thank you very much and the way to understand it many folks struggle to understand what is my position because they are looking at me from let's say republican point of view or a democratic point of view democrats point of view or pro-vacs point of view or anti-wax point of view i have kept a point of view of being a what is a doctor's role when you go to a doctor should the doctor ask you that are you a republican or a democrat are you do you like religion or not like religion they cannot they should not they should see how to protect you that should be the intention the regardless of who you are what your beliefs are that is what i tried to do i tried to be the book and i got a lot of a lot of punishment for this and i sometimes feel that if i had taken nowadays with all these people creating legal noise and creating death threats and those i feel that if i had taken a position let's say provax because i would never take an antibiotics position if i had taken provax and became a group of that part of that group i may have only gotten folks around me who were who liked vaccine and all that extra heat i would not get but i tried i tried to it was not just that i was trying to please everyone i thought during the pandemic we have to be exceptional to be able to offer value to as many as possible i used to say very commonly that once the pandemic is over we can go back to our belief system and do whatever we believe but this is a time when we have to be exceptional and we have to serve we have to protect each other okay so long long chat i also used to say that this should have happened by our healthcare leaderships it is a vacuum of the leadership that has caused folks like me to come up and offer help or education information that can be then used it should have been at a higher level okay so so many so many words let's see copied often t cell exhaustion issues with an overstimulated immune system also your thought and stress granules regarding mrna inheritance thank you so yes there is immune system cell exhaustion what happens is that when the cytokines are too many those would continue to cause these cells to function one that causes the depletion of their granules or their weapons inside them secondly normally a cell is supposed to die a new cell is supposed to be created for the blood cells of the immune cells when you keep a cell engaged that cell refuses to die and it keeps fighting this is like you know when the soldiers are in on the battleground even when they are wounded they are still fighting and if the same person if you take them out of the battleground and put them somewhere else maybe the wound would make them disabled very fast so it is that passion that continues to work that is the same thing with the immune cells as well just like monocyte carrying s1 they don't die they just keep on fighting so because of that what happens is that those cells become exhausted they do not have the right function in them they become aged very fast and they cannot function correctly they are not properly flexible anymore they do not have the right number of granules in them they do not have right correct enzymes that are functioning correctly and so we have made them old and we keep asking them to function like a young cell they cannot and that is how the disability appears of the immune system so the best thing is to kind of let the cycles the cells cycle now the stress granules i have to read a little more to understand that [Music] rick ortega says isn't the spike protein produced by the wax different than the spike protein from the live virus yes in some vaccines not all in and if doug is here he can tell us which vaccines a majority of the vaccines that produce a spike protein they have spike protein modified to lock it number one and number two to maybe increase its longevity its life but they cannot make it too different because if they make it too different then our immune system would learn to attack it and now when the actual original spike protein comes in immune system may not even recognize that if this spike protein generated by the vaccine was too different so they still have to be very very similar to the original and so then you say that i read i read that the wax produces sp2 mutated spike that cannot enter our cells if wax bike leaves cell that is correct so that is the locking of it which allows it not to open up and so when it does not open up the remaining system does not engage ideally as white protein would open up and then the s1 separates and has two separators and the open set parts would then go and fuse with the cell membrane most of the vaccines produced by proteins that are locked and they cannot do these things so v says when will nasal vaccine be available i think that nitric oxide is available which is not really a vaccine there are vaccines but it seems like to even offer a vaccine one has to be a powerful company rima says let's get the chart out so people have something to refer to you at the book and your exception thank you very much yes i think rima we should continue to work on that i was a little distracted in the last few days but we should continue to work on that chart so we are talking about a chart for what vaccine for which age group gender race works comorbidity works better that is actually rima's project and it's a great project see lear says you need to change your name to frank bean sure you're a fr you are frank with us and both groups should appreciate that thank you i have attempted not to intentionally discredit any one group but people become upset with me there was a time when anti-vaccine folks became very upset when i criticized geared then there were time when pro-vaccine folks became very upset when i criticized kentucky study i believe that majority of my current noise that people have created in my life is after those couple of events k kalo says new 900 page documents found that implicates uh dr farci to her lab funding the people against lab league hypotheses all seem to also be pro x this is scary i don't trust these so i am a pro x and so let's say we take your statement and apply that to me i have maintained that the lab leak part is something i do not know i do not know the virus is built in home in some lab or not by humans or not is it modified by humans or not is it a gain of function or i just do not know that so because i do not know that for me to say it comes from the lab or it does not come from the lab is kind of totally wrong either way i have no idea so what i did was i tried to focus on the things where i could bring some information that can be valuable for folks to be able to better navigate this time more information more education really i drew cartoons of the studies that's what i did in a hope to illustrate and clarify or make it accessible the medical jargon that's all i did so i never had the intention to look at the remaining parts of the the conspiracy or maybe somebody is aware of these facts i'm not so this is why at least my position is i have no idea cool so here we are just the nova x is kind of scary [Music] okay so here i saw a comment that i was going to click on and then it scrolled up yeah so here i can't find anything regarding novobax that is the sad part normal wax is such a nice vaccine and they just don't seem to be able to make progress cool so cool beans thank you very much for today thank you very much for being around me as well during this time being with me during the scary times and nowadays during these little bumpy time thank you very much for being here thank you for your time thank you for your support your friendship thank you for navigating this time with me please take care of yourself i would see you tomorrow let's not do a more chit chat today and i wanted to make sure that these two topics are taken care of so please like subscribe and share and if you would like to support this work there are three links in the description you can buy me a coffee or you can become a patron or if you don't mind paypal you can use paypal as well so thank you very much and i would see you tomorrow
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
Views: 48,899
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: drbeen, medicine, nursing, med school, microbiology, sars-cov-2, covid-19, coronavirus, usmle, mbbs, nclex, cytokines, Health (Industry), Medicine (Field of Study), Pathology (Medical Specialty), what is, nursing (field of study), Nursing school (organization)
Id: _okbNsErkPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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