Israel-Hamas War 2023 Summarized | Animated History

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on October 7th 2023 Hamas militants attacked Southern Israel from Gaza with rocket fire and barrier breaches targeting both military and civilian sites Israel retaliated with heavy bombings and a ground invasion in Gaza significantly escalating the conflict the violence impacted not only Gaza but also the West Bank and heightened tensions at the Lebanese border drawing Global attention to the conflict because of this all eyes are on Israel and Hamas given this video's sensitive nature we have decided not to take a sponsorship and because of YouTube's guidelines around covering sensitive events portions of this video had to be censored that is why we are funding this video through our community on our website armchair history TV there you can find an uncensored version of this video which we've made completely free to watch using our discount code uncensored 100 for a free Monon subscription despite all scenes being animated illustrations some content may be disturbing so viewer discretion is advised producing these videos is costly so the best way to support our Channel and access uncensored or exclusive content is by becoming a member of ahtv at the time of this video release we are up to 145 fully exclusive history videos made by 65 different History Channels original content is produced weekly ensuring there's always something new to access our video catalog use the code uncensored 100 for a completely free month as an islamist political and militant organization Hamas has been Central to the Palestinian struggle against isra since its formation in 1987 during the First inata with a goal of establishing an Islamic State in historic Palestine including current day Israel Hamas gained prominence after winning the 2006 Palestinian elections and subsequent defeat of f during the 2007 Battle of Gaza with Hamas taking over as the deao rulers in Gaza tensions and clashes with Israel increased East despite Hamas being designated a terrorist group by most western Nations their path of armed resistance remains key to maintaining support among Palestinians their cause aims to fight the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories like the West Bank raising tensions due to Israeli settlement expansions and a growing sense of Oppression among Palestinians these elements coupled with with Israel's economic and political isolation of Gaza have also been Central to the escalating hostilities amid Rising violence and political shifts in Israel a significant majority of Palestinians in the West Bank expressed support for armed resistance against Israeli occupation a 2023 poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for policy and Survey research revealed that 72% of pal iians endorsed groups like The Lion's Den and jenin Brigade known for their hard stance against the occupation this sentiment was fueled by Israel's increasingly hawkish policies and ongoing military actions in Palestinian territories which were perceived as dismissive of the two-state solution and precipitated frequent violence over the course of 2023 Palestinian grievances reached a critical point with escalating settler violence numerous administrative detentions and a sharp rise in Palestinian casualties fueling growing tensions as Hamas bolstered its fighting force warnings from the US and Egypt about its activities went unheeded by Israeli intelligence including mosad they underestimated Hamas dismissing detailed plans for a large-scale assault and an invasion invol involving drones and paragliders as beyond their capabilities concerns raised by the Israeli signals intelligence unit about hamas's preparations were ignored reflecting a belief that Hamas was contained and seeking to avoid fullscale war however that was not the case on October 7th around 6:30 a.m. Hamas commenced their Full Assault on Israel codenamed operation l oxa flood this offensive began with a widespread rocket barrage targeting key Israeli military and civilian locations simultaneously over 3,000 militants infiltrated the Israeli barrier using aerial drones to scout over and disable Israeli observation posts while Fighters used paragliders speedboats and Motor Vehicles to bypass security perimeters the capture of check points and breaching of Border fences allowed access for larger vehicles to pass through as Palestinian militants rapidly gained ground following the breach of Border checkpoints and fences the Hamas militants initiated an amphibious Landing in zikim where Israeli sources reported that 10 civilians were murdered at the beach with another nine gunned down in a nearby shelter the Israeli Defense Force responded by killing killing two attackers on the beach and destroying four vessels including two rubber boats nearby Hamas militants also captured a military base near nahal AZ leading to the deaths of at least two Israeli soldiers and the capture of six others intense fighting also ensued at the ree military base where Hamas temporarily seized control of the base and took several Israeli soldiers captive although the IDF later regained control Additionally the police station in stot fell under Hamas control with militants killing 30 Israelis including policemen and civilians Hamas targeted rural Israeli communities causing widespread destruction and civilian massacres multiple hostages were also taken from populated towns near the Gaza border a music festival near re faced an especially brutal attack with mass casualties and more hostages allegations of sexual violence against Israeli women supported by Israeli forensic evidence were also made Hamas and the Palestinian Authority disputed the mass casualties blaming them on Israeli strikes but Israeli police contended that their aerial response caused only a minor portion of the casualties primarily from Friendly Fire Israel's military response was initially slow with helicopters from the north facing difficulty distinguishing militants from civilians in the chaos Pilots initially bombarded targets indiscriminately attacking around 300 sites in Just 4 hours gradually Target selection became more cautious the confusion was worsened by militants employing tactics to blend in with civilians specifically they deliberately avoided running or making sudden movements to mimic typical civilian behaviors during Air Raids this tactic made it challenging for Israeli forces to distinguish them from local civilians in the area by 9:00 a.m. amidst growing disarray some helicopters engaged targets without prior clearance in a televised appearance prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was at War and threatened to turn all the places where Hamas is organized and hiding into cities of ruins the IDF launched operation swords of iron signaling a fullscale military response Israeli forces mobilized extensively and a state of emergency was declared significantly restricting civilian movement in areas close to Gaza the idf's measures included a total blockade of Gaza cutting off electricity and Essentials leading to wide spread criticism from human rights groups allegations of using white phosphorus Munitions by Israel were reported by Human Rights Watch and verified by Amnesty International but denied by Israeli authorities by October 13th the IDF issued urgent evacuation warnings for Northern Gaza giving Palestinians just a day to relocate South faced with a harrowing decision many Palestinians remained in place as Hamas defying the IDF urged them to stay amidst a storm of international criticism of Israel's tactics the IDF made a controversial accusation they claimed Hamas was using civilians as human shields in response counter claims from the media emerged alleging that Israel had struck civilians along designated safe routes into Southern Gaza Israel disputed these counter claims maintaining their stance on the situation on the 17th of October tragedy unfolded in southern Gaza as Israeli air strikes while targeting Hamas once again wrought havoc on civilian areas over 70 lives were lost including those of families who had fled from northern Gaza seeking safety among them was Aman noal a senior figure in hamas's military wing while a victory for the Israelis further District leading to intense clashes with hamas's elkam brigades and the Democratic front's National resistance brigades these groups employed anti-tank missiles and heavy artillery against IDF vehicles with Israeli casualties giving impetus for further resistance from Palestinian militants Beyond engagements with the elkam brigades the idf's extensive use of air strikes was directed against the jabalia refugee camp on October 31st causing dozens of fatalities and injuries eyewitness reports described catastrophic scenes with the numerous casualties predominantly being women and children this attack in particular led to International outcry and several countries severing diplomatic ties with Israel the first group of evacuees including the critical wounded and foreign Nationals began leaving Gaza for each Egypt on November 1st a total of 500 evacuees were to be moved over several days with 200 already at the border meanwhile the jabalia refugee camp endured a second devastating bombing prompting the UN Human Rights office to express concerns about the potential War crime implications of such attacks 2 Days Later an ambulance Convoy was hit in an air strike killing 15 and injuring 60 the IDF claimed that the ambulances were being used by Hamas a claim that the Palestinian red crescent society and Hamas officials strongly denied strikes against a civilian school and Hospital claimed more lives on November 4th turkey condemning Israel's actions and their refusal to accept a ceasefire recalled its Ambassador meanwhile Palestinian militants continued to harass Vass Israeli units in pitched Urban battles claiming 24 Vehicles up to that point further strikes against hospitals led the Human Rights Watch to call for a weapons embargo on both Israel and Hamas this fell on deaf ears as the us pledged to supply Israel with $320 Million worth of precision guided bombs on November 13th the IDF began a number of operations aimed at clearing out underground tunnel networks and headquarters located beneath the city of Gaza in one of these raids the IDF claimed to have discovered a suspected Hamas holding area for Israeli hostages beneath the AL rentis hospital they also claimed to have found a calendar titled operation Al AXA flood linked to the 7th October Massacre but the interpretation of this calendar was contentious and widely debated reports of Civilian casualties were leaked after a raid on alifa hospital with the IDF claiming that they were there for humanitarian assistance Netanyahu also cited hostages as a reason for the IDF entering the hospital conflicting reports emerged about the IDF providing Aid at elifa where they claimed to have discovered weapons indicating a Hamas Command Center however recent investigations by The Washington Post found no such evidence of any Command Center evacuation notices in southern Gaza and a fuel induced Telecom blackout escalated concerns by November 20th IDF assaults against the Indonesia Hospital in Gaza Drew International criticism mostly due to the fact that a significant number of civilians and medical staff were still inside during the attack after a month of brutal fighting and mounting pressure throughout November a ceasefire agreement was finally reached on the 22nd between Israel and Hamas this included hostage releases and a temporary pause in hostilities facilitated by Egypt and Qatar the ceasefire aimed to seed a broader peace agreement unfortunately the brief Gaza truce collapsed on December 1st with Israel and the US blaming Hamas for the breakdown Israel resumed hos hostilities with air strikes especially in the southern city of K yunes and enforced evacuation procedures Hamas suspended hostage negotiations demanding a halt to attacks and the release of Palestinian prisoners for the IDF alleged discoveries of concealed weapons and militant equipment found throughout areas of Southern Gaza gave them further impetus to press their campaign the US called for renewed hostage negotiations and civilian protection but Amnesty International raised War crime concerns due to us-made weapons used in air strikes lacking military targets Fierce fighting and bombing in Gaza has intensified in the north with the IDF claiming to have uncovered another large weapons cache located adjacent to the lamal health clinic and Bay Leia school over December Israel shifted its military campaign to the more densely populated South this Focus not only complicated Israeli operations but greatly increased the risk of Civilian and Military casualties the IDF reorienting toward ground operations over air strikes issued evacuation warnings to Palestinians in K yunes before commencing military operations the US continued to support Israel's stance against Hamas though there have been increasing disagreements between the us and Israel regarding the escalation of military actions the West also urged the establishment of humanitarian corridors to assist the 2.3 million people in Gaza highlighting the critical need to minimize civilian harm the offensive marked a fraught second stage in Israel's military campaign 400,000 displaced gazin moved South becoming cornered in a region racked by intense Urban combat K Yunis a power base for the Hamas leadership in Gaza also underwent heavy fighting internationally the UN stressed the importance of safeguarding civilians and facilitating humanitarian Aid as accusations of genocide continued to grow though the US said likewise they vetoed resolution drafts by the UN Security Council stalling attempts to address the Palestinian crisis head on meanwhile a Hamas delegation was dispatched to Cairo on December 24th discussing a potential ceasefire plan with Egypt as 2024 unfolds the world watches with baited breath hoping for a peaceful resolution to a conflict that continues to take a heavy toll on lives and stability in the region
Channel: The Armchair Historian
Views: 518,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: military history, war, battle, the second world war, historical
Id: Fp-QHzpsjWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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