ISRAEL | Guest Speaker • Rabbi Jason Sobel

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shalom shalom thank you Pastor Kevin it's such a joy to be with you man wasn't worship powerful this morning the presence of God oh my goodness amazing give it up for the worship team incredible you know I love what Lighthouse is doing and I really do believe that God is positioning us for Revival you know I I I was thinking about moving to Texas and I said Lord I'll stay if you're going to bring Revival here so the Lord made me stay so I guess Revival's coming so right there's been a lot of laboring for throughout the years but I'm excited to be with you here today and it's such a special community and I love what God is building and how God is using you Pastor Kevin Pastor kie it's kie it's amazing and I just want to share with you a little bit about my story I grew grew up in the Holy Land New Jersey where there were more Jews than in Jerusalem grew up in a Jewish Family I went to Hebrew school as a child I had my bar mitzvah I became a son of The Commandments and then in uh in high school I was really into basketball and the varsity football coach was the JV basketball coach and he told me if I didn't play football seriously he would he would bench me for playing basketball and that's exactly what he did every time I score he'd bench me and after a couple years that I got really upset of felt like he was mistreating me and one day he he was dogging me out in practice and I took a basketball from half court threw it at his head and that ended my basketball career wound up hanging out with some new friends the high school DJ and drug dealer and uh became a hipop DJ J and found myself working in one of the largest recording studios in New York City with a lot of famous hip-hop artists and as I looked at the lives of these individuals around me I said to myself there has to be more to life than just this they had Fame and they had Fortune they had everything I thought I ever wanted but yet there was something still missing in their lives and it was so clear so I began a spiritual journey and basically I became a jewu a Jewish Buddhist a new age Jew I was starting to go to synagogue and studying with my Rabbi but then I was studying martial arts and Eastern philosophy and religion and yoga and one day I was meditating as I would meditate for hours a day my soul began to vibrate and shake it literally left my body I went through the clouds I went into into heaven and I'm in heaven and I see this King Rena high and lifted up on this Throne of Glory I see this glorious light I feel the power of God pulsating through every cell of my being I never felt anything like this it's an Indescribable uh sensation or encounter that I had and I this King on this Throne told me I was called to serve him I had no idea what that meant the next thing I know I was down back in my body shaking under the power of Heaven running around going I'm called to serve him I'm called to serve him my mom's like you're called to serve Jesus or Jewish for goodness [Laughter] sake now I didn't come to Faith at this point because I had no context for Yeshua his Hebrew name because I grew up with Jews and Catholics in fact I thought Jesus was a nice Jewish boy boy who became Roman Catholic cuz I didn't know any Jewish kids by the name of Jesus that had mothers by the name of Mary and just like I'm Jason soble I thought they were the Christ Family Mr and Mrs Christ me Mr and Mrs Soo very nice to meet you I had no idea that Christ was the Greek for the Hebrew which was messiah messiah which means the anointed king but I just thought it was his last name I had no idea right so I was like okay Jesus is real he's there's something powerful about him but I had no context but I began this journey my best friend winds up coming to Faith he said Jason I have found the truth I'm like what's that he's like Jesus is Lord and Savior but if you don't believe in him you're going to go to hell and in the end times is going to be this big beast with all these heads that are going to eat people who don't believe he had Zeal but no knowledge little [Music] confused he gained some insight after attending a Messianic congregation where Jewish people who believe in Yeshua worship and he calls me on the phone he said Jason let me ask you a question he goes you went to Hebrew school do you think you could tell the difference between the old and the New Testament I'm like sure he said okay let me read you this passage you read me this passage about the crucifiction he's like old or new I'm like obviously that's the New Testament he said let me read you another passage he was bruised for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities and by his stripes we're healed he said Jason is that the old and the new I said I said John that's obviously the New Testament it's talking about Jesus he said no you're wrong that's the Jewish prophet Isaiah the 53rd chapter prophesying about the Messiah 700 years before we ever walked the face of the Earth and I began to be provoked to jealousy cuz here was my friend who wasn't even Jewish and he knew more about the promises and the Prophecies of the Messiah than I did he invited me to this Messianic congregation I attended with him at the end of the evening they began to dim the lights play the piano and pray I figur I needed all the help I could get so I prayed they said if you prayed this prayer for the first time will you please raise your hand so I raised my hand he said if you raise your hand will you please stand up you've just been born again I had no idea what it meant to be born again but I gave my mother enough trouble when I was born once God only knows what would happen if I'm born again Jewish kids don't get born again I heard about these born again again people they got big hair and pickup trucks and gun racks and in their cars and this not for me I'm from a liberal Jewish Family in New Jersey it's not for me okay so I thought I was safe because they're like every eye is closed every head is bowed it's a personal decision between you and God and then the rabbi said we saw you raise your hand you have to stand up cuz if you can't stand here for Jesus you won't be able to stand for him in the world and I recognized we weren't going anywhere until I stood up so I stood up and by the way that was Rabbi Jonathan Khan some of you might know him they gave me the first New Testament I ever seen I get in the car I'm driving home with my friend John he says Jason I'm shocked he goes listen I I've been praying two things one I've been praying for you but I but and I've been praying to lead one Jewish person to the Lord but never in a million years did I ever think it would be you and I didn't know what I was more offended by the fact that he'd been praying behind my back or the fact that he thought there was no hope for me but I still didn't know like what this all meant so I went I took the New Testament I hid it in my bedroom God forbid my parents should ever find it curiosity gets the better of me I read the New Testament I'm Blown Away of all the Messianic prophecies I'm Blown Away how Jesus fulfilled all these things how Jewish it is what the Lord said to me in that encounter in heaven was actually a verse from the new testament which I had never read in my life I was like okay he's you know he celebrated the biblical holidays the Jew you know he's the Messiah he's the one who Moses and the prophets foretold gave my life to him of course should have learned an important lesson you can't hide anything from your mother's she finds the New Testament hidden in my room what is this that I found in your room don't tell me become one of those Jews who believe in Jesus I Need You do something like this one day and break my heart you've joined a cult go meet with the rabbi so I get my Hebrew New Testament Jewish Testament underline all the Messianic prophecies in them go meet with the rabbi that's a whole another story We Tell it in our book Mysteries of the Messiah but you know I'm convinced that he is the Messiah well right around the same time have a homeless friend in New York City he gets gang Green from sleeping outside in the winter he's in NYU Medical Center he needs to get both legs amputated I get a collect call back when you could call collect on landlines and I go see him I just read the book of Acts I'm a new believer I lay hands on them I say Silver and Gold Have I numb but I in the name of Yeshua Jesus rise take up your bed and walk he gets healed he comes of faith and he walks out of the hospital a week later God is [Applause] good and I knew he was the Messiah I knew I was called to serve him you know my faith in Yeshua I realized didn't make me less Jewish it made me more Jewish because everything Jesus did was sented around fulfilling these biblical holidays he the last supper was a Passover s all these things want up going to Bible College Seminary studied in Israel and launch a Ministry called Fusion Global is our ministry and it's really based on a verse where it says this what can a scribe who understands the kingdom of God be compared to like a householder bring forth Treasures new and old you know Jesus is saying don't settle for half an inheritance turn to someone and say don't settle for half inheritance the full inheritance is old and new coming together it's old and new Gentile and Jew word in spirit and that's what the fusion is all about as pastor Kevin mentioned uh we write uh books uh we we do a lot of TV stuff um we have maybe some of you are familiar with the TV show The Chosen where we the original I'm the original spiritual adviser on the chosen part of the roundtables we have a spin-off show called The Chosen unveiled on TBN where we teach through each episode of The Chosen and so that's been a blessing and a number of different things I want to give out a couple of our our books does uh anyone have a birthday today or in the last couple days if you do all right you can pick one if you don't have one all right I'll give you this one all right Emily happy birthday anyone else have a birthday anniversary come on down we'll give you Mysteries of the Messiah this is on that's on the Miracles of Yeshua that's this is on you want to know all the Prophecies of the old test how they connect blessings blessing and if you want to get to know more about us and our ministry my sons will be at the table in the back we can send you gifts and information Israel we go to Israel every year we took the chosen to Israel would love to take you to Israel it'll change your life in the way you see the Bible but pastor Kevin said hey would you please come and speak on Israel and give us a Biblical worldview so we are going to do that over the next 30 minutes and there's some crucial questions that we need to ask which is Israel is Israel an occupier of stolen land who is Hamas and why do they hate Israel what does the Bible say about the land of Israel what are God's promises to Israel are they still valid today has God replaced Israel due to their lack of faith is the modern state of Israel a fulfillment of Prophecy what does the Bible say about Israel what will happen to Israel and her neighbors in the last days all that in 30 minutes so buckle your seat belts we're going to have a good time okay but first we got to begin with God's heart I just want to say because this is a subject that can be contentious sometimes divisive I want to just clear clearly State unequivocally that our father loves all people Israelis and Palestinians okay and above all all followers of Messiah have to have this heart we cannot hate anyone in our hearts and I think there's a great verse that Yeshua gives us in The Sermon on the Mount Matthew Chapter 5 we read this you've heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be children of your father in Heaven for if you love those who love you what reward do you have friends it's easy to love people who love us it's easy to like people who like us okay it's not easy and what was Radical about yeshua's definition of Love is he called us to love those and pray for those who even have enmity and dislike towards us and this is such an important verse to remember as God's heart for what's going on in the Middle East but even even importantly for this election cycle that we're going into because America is being divided between Republican and Democrats between left and right and everyone has their opinion but here's an important thing to remember which is this no political party or politician is going to save us there is one Messiah his name is Jesus okay and so let's not ruin the gospel message because we have a political persuasion okay we can stand for our beliefs in values but it always has to be in a spirit of love and let me tell you what the gospel is more important than being right demonstrating the heart of God is being is more important than convincing people of our positions and our opinions so based on Matthew 5:43 Believers must pray for the Palestinians and especially as a Jewish belever res a mess you I need to pray for the Palestinians I need to have God's heart towards them I need to pray God's blessing over them and I even need to pray for groups like Hamas and Hezbollah that God will reveal himself to them that Jesus would reveal himself to them and bring them to Faith because he's done it before and he can do it again we have to pray for the protection and prosperity of all innocent Palestinians conversely there is is a mandate to pray for Israel and the Jewish people Psalm 122 is very clear shal Shalom yush pray for the Peace of Jerusalem that those who love you shall prosper so Christians especially our Believers need to pray for Israel and the Jewish people pray for the hostages to be released Pray for Peace to be able to come pray that innocent lives wouldn't be lost on either side and if we don't pray even for those who hate us then we're not fulfilling Yeshua Jesus's commandment we're no different than the world we're pagans in our attitude I care about Israel I care about the Palestinians and it's important to to do that and and there even when there's tension and it's concerning to me because even where we live shockingly and anti-Semitism is on the rise you know there was a Palestinian and Israel demonstration and a Jewish man was killed for standing for Israel right here in Thousand Oaks on Thousand Oaks Boulevard on college campuses lot of fake news in the media and I think we have to understand go what God's heart is we're not too far past Christmas Christmas celebrates the Incarnation the Incarnation is God coming in human flesh that's such a radical thing one of the things that Drew me to Jesus that every other religion is you trying to get to heaven in the Incarnation God comes from Heaven to Earth and he becomes one of us to redeem and rescue us and that's such a beautiful thing he's not out there he's with us and the Incarnation declares that God loves and cares for all of creation by becoming human he ties himself to the fate of humanity and because man is made in the image of God everyone is worthy of respect and honor irregardless of their race ethnicity or religious persuasion okay simply because they're made in God's image and when we disrespect someone we're not disrespecting them we're dis we're disrespecting God in whose image they're made and so how we treat people is so important and the Incarnation underscores the importance of this but there's something more here because when Jesus comes the gospel of Matthew tells us that he is Ben David can you say Ben David he's the son of David and so when Jesus comes he comes as a descendant of Abraham Isaac and Jacob of David from the tribe of Judah he's Born Into the Jewish people so what the Incarnation means is God also ties himself inextricably to the history and Destiny of the Jewish people as well you can't say you love me and are my friend if you hate my family you can't say you love Jesus the king of the Jews and hate the Jewish people it's not possible and in fact Jesus is actually called the one man Israel so what this means is in his life he embodied the history and Destiny of Israel the promises of God made to Abraham's family and his descendants are fulfilled through him think about it for a moment the story of his birth when Jesus was born Herod tried to kill all the babies but did you ever ask what is the deeper meaning of that think about it when Moses was born Pharaoh tried to kill all of the Jewish children because he knew the promised Redeemer was going to be born and Herod knew the same thing Jesus is the greater than Moses even their births are connected then when Jesus begins his ministry he's baptized by John in the wilderness and then he goes out and he's tested for 40 days and 40 nights did you ever wonder why 40 days and 40 nights because Israel when they left Egypt wandered in the wilderness for 40 years they failed to test Jesus gets right in 40 days what Israel couldn't do in 40 years amen he had to pass the test in order to redeem and rescue us his first miracle was water into why is that the first first miracle we talked about it in signs and secrets of the Messiah in death why because what's the first miracle Moses did he turned the water into blood Jesus doesn't come to bring death he comes to bring life that we might have it we might have it abundantly and what's the symbol of the kingdom and the life of the kingdom it is the new wine he takes something ordinary like water and transforms it into something extraordinary and when he touches your life as a greater than Moses as the Messiah he turns you from water into wine it's New Creation transformation turn to someone and say you're going from ordinary to extraordinary the last supper was a Passover Sader you can't understand it when Jesus dies on the cross he dies as the Passover Lamb did you ever wonder why Jesus died on the cross think about it for a moment the first first he had to get right what we got wrong so the first man and woman took from the tree so what does God do he puts Jesus back on the tree for you and me as a second Adam our hands stole from the tree his hands are pierced his side is pierced why because who is the one that led Adam into temptation it was Eve the one taken from the what side so Jesus dies not only for Adam he dies for Eve with his side pierced his feet are pierced the first Messianic prophecy the SE of the woman would crush the head of the serpent Satan's the original OG he's a gangster he's like you think you're going to crush my head I'm going to nail your feet to the Cross let's see what you're going to do now he didn't realizing he wasn't foiling the plan of God he was fulfilling it he had a crown of thorns on his head right why crown him thorns on his head what's the sign of the curse of creation the ground would produce what thorns and thistles he takes the curse on his head to break it and restore the blessing say I'm not I'm say I'm blessed not cursed bless blessed not cursed and when God Appears to Moses in the burning bush in Hebrew doesn't say burning bush it says burning thorn bush God was saying I feel the pain of Israel in the burning thorn bush in slavery on the cross Jesus saying I feel your pain in even greater ways and I'm not asking you to go through anything that I myself haven't been willing to go through he rose from the dead on a Biblical holiday first fruit he poured out his Spirit on a Biblical holiday Acts chapter 2 Pentecost is the same day God gives the Ten Commandments the Torah Exodus 19 and 20 the the word of God and the spirit of God come on the same day why because just like creation came about by word and spirit so New Creation comes about by word and spirit amen and this leads us into Acts chapter one so when they gathered together they asked him Lord are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time I want you to see this Jesus is saying listen the disciples are saying to Jesus listen are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel at this time what it means is they were believing for a physical literal restoration of sovereignty to the Jewish people in the promised land these are the guys that had been with Jesus for three and a half years Jesus didn't correct him and say you got it wrong because the promise has always been that God would restore the Jewish people to the their land and this raises the question is Israel an occupier have they stolen land that doesn't belong to them what does the Bible have to say God makes a covenant with Abraham Genesis 12 then adoniah the Lord said to Abraham get going from your land and from your relatives and from your father's house the land that I will show you my heart's desire is to make you into a great nation to bless you my desire is to bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed God makes his Covenant with Abraham that Covenant includes blessings for those who bless cursing for those who curse but it also promises Abraham a land god reaffirms that promise in Genesis chapter 15 on that day the Lord cut a covenant with Abram saying I will give this land to you and your seed from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates that's from Egypt to Iraq Israel has never had the Biblical land promise to them but what's important is in Genesis chap 15 when God makes what is known as the Covenant between the parts Abraham offers these sacrifices he cuts them in half then God puts Abraham to sleep and then the Lord himself in the form of like a fiery smoking furnace passes through the parts you have to understand the background to understand what God is communicating here in the ancient near East when you made a covenant what happened was both parties would sacrifice and then both parties would walk between the cut parts of the sacrifice symbolizing the fact that both of them were taking on Covenant stipulations and both of them had to hold their end of the covenantal commitments and the individual that did it may what happened to those sacrifices happen to them may their blood be spilled like the blood of the Covenant God put Abraham to sleep only he passed through the parts what that meant was God was establishing a unilateral unconditional Covenant that he was committed to fulfill filling it without conditions even if Abraham messed up or his descendants failed at some point now my sons are here today and when my oldest uh got his car when he when he became old enough to drive you know we gave him the keys he was so surprised now there's been one or two occasions where I've had to take the keys to the car because he didn't do something that he was supposed to do or did something shouldn't have done very rare I love you but here's the point when I took the keys to the car to avi's car when I took the keys to his car that car was his he was the only one he's the only one that's ever driven that car and it's his car it's my gift it's our gift to him when I took the keys I wasn't taking the keys permanently he might lose the right to use it for a period but the keys were always going to be given given back to him eventually that's the same with the land when Israel is not obedient God might take the keys meaning they could forfeit the right to use it temporarily but God always was going to give it back because he is faithful he doesn't take back his gifts okay he's a good father and this ties into something that we read about in Romans 9:10 and 11 God talks about Israel and what's interesting is this is Romans is one of the greatest theological books of the New Testament right it lays the foundation of our belief and the way Paul writes his letters is the first half is Doctrine and the second half is the application and so when we read in the Book of Romans what we read is this Romans chapter 1 through3 Jew and Gentile all Humanity has sinned and fall short of the glory of God bad news good news God sent the Messiah Jesus Yeshua to die so that we might be forgiven that he took the penalty that we owed for our sin in our failures upon himself and that when we believe in what he did and the finished work of the Cross and his resurrection we believe the good news we are justified by faith we are saved by faith not by works but by placing our faith in him just like Abraham believed Genesis chapter 15 The Passage referred to and it was reckoned him as righteousness then we read about sanctification that not only did he save us not only does God see us not as Sinners he sees us as Saints but that we're called to be conformed to his image and likeliness and to become in reality who God says we are already spiritually in him and then he goes on to talk about glorification that one day when we see him we will will be like him we will be completely changed and then it ends in Romans chapter 8 nothing can separate us from the love that's in Christ Jesus neither height nor depth nor principality nor power or any created thing and then he goes into Israel in Romans 9:10 and 11 and some and then the application in 14 therefore offer your body 13 offer your bodies as living 12 offer your bodies as Living Sacrifice some Scholars are confused they're like well Paul seems to go on the tangent he seems to get off track no he didn't go off track here's the thing it seemed as if God put away Israel but how can we say nothing can separate us from the love that is in him how can we say nothing can separate us from our promises if God replaced Israel and that's what was going on in the Roman Church that's what some of them believed because of some historical things that had gone on so Paul wants to make it clear listen because God is faithful to Israel he will be faithful to you because God keeps his Covenant to Israel God will keep his Covenant to you and if he doesn't keep his Covenant to them then you have no Assurance but the good news is that he's faithful and he doesn't take back the keys and he doesn't reneg on his promises so Romans nine is Israel's past riches res Romans 10 is their their present unbelief they have a Zeal but not according to knowledge Romans 10 is all Israel will be saved and we won't go more into that but that is God's promise according to the Book of Romans now there's another important passage because some people say listen well yes God made these promises to Israel but Israel today hasn't received Yeshua Jesus as their Messiah therefore they're not entitled to the land promise but here's the problem with that many of you familiar with a prophecy a vision that Ezekiel has in Ezekiel 37 the Valley of the dry bones God shows Ezekiel in this Vision this valley of dry bones and he says can these bones live he has Ezekiel prophesy over the bones the bones come back together but there's no life in them and then Ezekiel has is prophesies a second time and then life comes into them and a great Army stands to their feet and God says this is the whole household of Israel who says our bones are dried up what does this all mean the bones coming together with no breath is Israel being regathered to the land in unbelief it's a two-fold restoration first they're gathered in unbelief restored as a nation and then eventually the Breath of God comes upon them and there is a great Revival that ultimately leads to the second coming of the Messiah amen so friends listen we're living in days that righteous men and women have long to see for 2,000 years Jesus could not have come because prophecy had not been set up for it to happen Israel had to be back in their land they had to be there in unbelief because Jesus says you will not see me again until you say bashai Blessed Be he who comes in the name of the Lord that basically means that welcomes him as the Messiah but this is the time and season in which we are living and God is fulfilling these uh prophecies and these promises now there's another point that I think is really important to make Israel historically has wanted to make peace we need to understand is that that land of Israel was originally given to the Jewish people but it has changed hands so many times throughout the centuries the Romans had it then the Byzantine Christians had it then in the 600s the Muslims took it and the Christians came and took it back the Muslims took it back the Christians took it back from Europe and then ultimately The Turk the ottoman Muslim ottoman Turkish Empire had it they fought against the Allies in World War I they fought with Germany they lost the war Britain was given a mandate to uh to to do something to administer the land they created a number of Arab states that had never existed before and they promised to create a Jewish state in the biblical Homeland 1948 the United Nations declares Israel as a state the right to become a nation they offer what is known as the United un partition plan they offer half the state to isra half the land to Israel half the land to the Arab peoples in the land where the Arabs live was going to be living to them where the Jews live that was going to be given to them the Jews accepted it the Arab Nations rejected it six Arab Nations invaded Israel they lost the war Israel gained more land this happened time and time they they retain the Arabs can retain control over all the holy sites and Jerusalem but then in 1967 they attacked again Israel reunified Jerusalem took more land that's what is known as the occupied territory today all the land that Israel took back when they were attacked in 1967 but Israel has been always willing to give land for peace they made peace with Egypt they gave back to SI they offered Oslo Accords offered the Palestinians 97% of what they wanted and and yaser araa the head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization at the time walked away friends we need to pray that God will make peace in the Middle East but it's important to understand the history I want to talk briefly about Hamas on October 7th this group called Hamas attacked Israel what's interesting it over a thousand innocent people killed what's interesting is that the word Hamas did you know it's actually in the Bible in Genesis chapter 6 this is what we read now the Earth was ruined before God and the Earth was filled with Hamas violence then God said to Noah the end of All Flesh is coming before me for the Earth is filled with violence Hamas because of them behold I'm about to bring ruin upon them along with the land why is that important that Hamas is found in Genesis 6 because Jesus said this in Luke 17:26 as it was in the days of Noah so will it be in the days of the son of man Jesus said in the days of his coming it's going to look like it was in the days of Noah there was Hamas in the days of Noah and there is Hamas again here today Genesis 6 isn't literally talking about the group called Hamas but it's talking about the spirit behind the group called Hamas which is a spirit of of violence Hamas means violence it means theft it means lawlessness and friends look at the world in which we live today look at the rise of theft look at the rise of chaos look at the lies of lawlessness of violence we are experiencing Hamas in the world prophetically we are being set up in fulfillment of what Jesus taught in the Gospels what's also interesting is I believe numbers are important and Hebrew is alpha numeric that means you write numbers with letters there's no Roman numerals in either the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament or in the New Testament so if you wanted to write a number you have to use letters so every letter has a numerical value if I say open up to chapter one I'll say open up to chapter olive olive is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value of one so every Hebrew word if you add up the letters has a numerical value the numerical value of Hamas equals 108 it's also the numerical value of gayen which means hell in Hebrew it's a numerical value of the word for desire Genesis 3:6 they desired the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil it's what led to the fall the Waters of Noah Isaiah 549 also equals equals 108 so what do this see the numerical connection Hamas 108 is embodying the spirit of the devil in hell 108 which is violence death and destruction because he comes to Rob and kill and destroy it's rooted in an ungodly desire like the desire of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil wanting to take something that was not rightfully yours which is theft which is also what Hamas means and God purifies the Water World with water with a great flood if you ever wondered why it rained 40 days in 40 nights in the days of Noah it's because biblically to have a Mikvah a Mikvah is a place of ritual immersion if you became unclean in the Old Testament you had to immerse in water it's the background for baptism the minimum amount of water you could have the minimum amount of water you had to have in a ritual bath a mecha is 40 sayas of water God was giving the world World a Mikvah in the days of Noah he was baptizing it purifying it cleansing it prise God and I believe he wants to do that today as well but there's something more and I want us to see this who is Hamas what is this deeper spiritual meaning what does this word mean what's interesting is that in the book of Obadiah we read this because of your violence Hamas to your brother Jacob shame will cover you and you will be cut off for ever so Obadiah prophesies against Edom Edom are the descendants of Esau Jacob had a twin brother his name was Jacob contended with his brother for the blessing and there's been troubl in the family ever since right he took Esau's Birthright he tricked him up he tricked his father dressed as his brother had a run from him so what's interesting here is that Esau in in the Edom the people people that descended from Esau hated Israel and they are God says I'm going to judge you because of your Hamas the same word that we read about in the days of Noah read about in connection to the why is that important the most famous descendant of Edom in the Torah the five books of Moses was a guy by the name of amalec can you say amalec amalec Exodus 17 is the first person to attack Israel when they leave Egypt God says he's going to ever battle against amalec why because amalec attacks the weak the women the orphans the children he attacks a defenseless he embodies a spirit of racism oppression and discrimination against those that are helpless and can't help themselves so many of the people that on October 7th were women and children and families that were attacked we see the spirit but this is where I'm wanting to go who is the most famous descendant of Esau an amalec it is a guy in the Book of Esther known by the name of hmon can you say hmon hon when we read the book of Esther on the biblical holiday of porm when you say hmon you have to boo so I'll say hmon you boo hon he's the first person that wants to commit genocide against the Jewish people okay against God's people against Israel this is what we read in Esther 31 sometime later King ashas promoted hmon the son of Hamid the agite elevating him and sending his chair above the officials who are with him he's an aite agite is a descendant of amalec the reason why he wanted to kill the entire Jewish people is because he knew that God commanded Israel to wipe out the amalekites and because Saul didn't that's why there's a hmon in his day because he compromised King Saul compromised but God is good because King Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin guess what tribe Esther and Mori are from Benjamin he gives them a second chance to get right what their ancestors did it but here's the point this is where it comes full circle we'll get ready to close Persia where hmon was R ruling is modernday Iran Iran is the nation funding terrorism more than any other Nation around the world they are the the one who has funded Hamas and what happened on October 7th they're funding Hezbollah they're funding the houthi rebels that are attacking military US ships and other ships and all these other places throughout the Middle East and so what we say as it was in the beginning so will it be in the end there is a modernday hmon that is arising coming out of the same Nation where hmon came out of and friends we're seeing prophecy fulfilled before our eyes today and I say this not to scare you but to give you hope hope is the belief that your future is going to be better than your past turn to someone to say your future is going to be better than your past but part of Hope is knowing god knows the end from the beginning he knows the detail he has all the he knows all the moves on the chessboard and he's the one making them prise God we never have to fear all this stuff was written thousands and thousands of years ago for us to be able to understand today so be encouraged it's going to be good Hallelujah one more thing before we close we need to stand for the truth we need to speak the truth we need to pray for Israel Palestinians the salvation for both we need to not stand for the lies in the media but I believe there is a great move that's coming and I believe we're in John 21 moment the disciples were fishing all night and they caught nothing Jesus said cast The Net again on the right side of the boat and a great catch of fish came in friends there's a great catch that's coming yes Lord but you can't fish from the left side you have to fish from the right side if you fish from the left your nets will be empty that's not a political statement in Jewish thought the left side represents fire and severity and judgmentalism if you live from that place relationally emotionally your Nets are going to be left you empty the right side is the place of water it's a place of kindness It's the place of love it's the place of unity it's the place of God's word and the Fulfillment of his promises that's the side we have to live there's a great catch that's coming but listen God doesn't bring the catch until we prepare the container and get the Nets ready the Nets of Revival have historically broken why because everyone thinks it's their net that's key to the Revival right they want to control the net they want to own the net listen No One owns the net the net belongs to God and to have the Nets ready amen what do we have to do we have to join Nets the Nets are only as strong as the knots the kingdom relationships and communities coming together at this time and season amen amen but listen there's no John 21 Revival without John 17 Unity Jesus prayed that these and those would be one as he and the father are one these are the Jewish disciples all the disciples are Jewish those are the Nations that would believe when Jew and Gentile unite in Messiah John 17 says then you will be perfected in unity and the world will know the father sent me they will not know that he is the the world will not be w n one until we are o NE e in him we have to be one for the world to be one the faith in Yeshua Jew and Gentile United in Messiah not selling for half an inheritance but coming together in him amen amen I want to invite my wife Miriam to come up listen we'll be at the table if you want to know more about our ministry and resources and what we do we'd love to stay connected with our classes and all all the different teachings on social media Rabbi Jason Soo but listen I want to sing this words of of this ancient Jewish prayer sh Isel Israel the Lord our God is one it's the foundation of Faith Deuteronomy 6:4 quoted in the New Testament when we declare God as one what we're saying is he alone is King he alone is to be worshiped he alone is to be served and that we are going to be one in him it's a pledge of allegiance so let's sing those words [Music] together sh [Music] Israel elu hero Israel the Lord our God is the Lord our God is wor hereo Israel the Lord our God is the Lord our God is one sh isra Adon [Laughter] eloh ABA we just want to pray that you would make us one as you are one that you would unite Us in you we want to ask God that you would join our Nets together for this time for this season and we just want to pray God that any one of you who are in need of healing today if you're need of physical healing or breakthrough emotional healing relational healing or breakthrough Financial healing for breakthrough we believe God is in this place but before we do that I just want to encourage you we talked about how Jesus died upon the cross how he died upon the tree for you and me to undo what happened in the very beginning he offers you the best deal imaginable he offers you a great exchange his life for your life your failures for his righteousness your pain for his Blessing he offers you life for death and all we have to do to receive this gift to be transformed is to believe that Jesus died for us and he rose again so that we might find life Everlasting that we might find intimacy and connection with God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all we have to do is just pray this prayer would you pray with me father father I believe I believe you sent Jesus your son you sent Jesus your son who gave his life for me gave his life who died on the cross died on the was buried and rose again rose again so that I might rise so that I might rise above my fears above my fears above my failures above my above my sins above my above my insecurities and that I might rise one day to eternal life with you I receive you now receive as my Lord and as my savior amen if you prayed that prayer you are welcome into the family of God a new creation the oldest pass away the newest come if you prayed that prayer I just encourage you to let somebody know today but friends if you're in need of physical spiritual emotional relational breakthrough or healing would you raise your hand and we are going to play now ABA father we just ask right now we thank you that this is the year of the open door open the door of [Music] healing send complete healing now for whatever else Us by your stripes by the blood of the Lamb we can be redeemed we can be set free we cast our illness upon you we cast our pains upon you we cast our emotional anxieties upon you we cast a desire to not live upon you we cast our failures we cast every negative thing at the foot of the cross and we declare we are breaking through fill our Nets to overflowing with every good thing because you are the good father in the name of Yeshua Jesus our Messiah you are blessed you are healed you are made whole in his name [Music] amen I just want to bless you with this blessing the Priestly blessing from number six God told Aaron the high priest that by this blessing I will place my name upon the people receive the [Music] [Music] [Applause] blessing [Music] Shalom the Lord bless you the Lord keep you Lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you Lord lift up his countenance to you and give you Shalom nothing missing nothing broken Hing wholeness healing Holiness and health in the name of SAR Shalom Yeshua Jesus the prince of peace amen
Channel: Lighthouse Church
Views: 1,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lighthouse Church, Discover Jesus, Bring Faith To Life, Newbury Park, Conejo Valley, Ventura County, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Somis, Pastor Kevin Lewis, Moorpark, Westlake Village, Sunday Service
Id: uKbU_L65FWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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