Islas Pitcairn, el país menos poblado del mundo

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We may have heard of the Pitcairn Islands for very different reasons. In addition to having the record of being the least populated territory in the world, its geographical location makes it compete for being one of the most remote places of the Earth. The way in which it was populated was so strange that it gave rise to great Hollywood productions. But behind the paradisiacal landscapes there is also a story of aberrant crimes. Up next we invite you to know the Pitcairn Islands, a destination only suitable for riskier travelers. In the middle of the South Pacific we find Pitcairn, a small island of 4.6 square kilometers. To have an idea, it is one hundred times smaller than the city of Madrid and 240 times of San Pablo. In there, they live 50 people who are really very isolated from the outside. The closest populated place is Mangareva, 480 kilometers away. Less than a thousand people live on this island. As for places that have a little more people, Pitcairn is located at 2100 kilometers from Rapa Nui and 5000 from both New Zealand and the South American coast. It is so isolated that there are those who believe that it is the most inaccessible place in the world. Although, as channel fans know, that record belongs to another island, that we promise not to name for a while. Beyond its isolation, there is a unique question, and it is why many know it: the way it was populated. We are talking about the Bounty. In 1788 this ship arrived in Tahiti from England. The objective was to collect plants to take to the Antilles and generate food there. The 46 crew of the ship remained six months in Tahiti. When it was time to leave for the Antilles, many wanted to stay, as they felt in paradise. However, they obeyed the ship's captain, William Bligh, and embarked. Already in the water 18 members mutinied against the captain. This group was led by Fletcher Christian and wanted to return to Tahiti. Bligh was forced to leave the Bounty. Together with a group that remained loyal to him, he accomplished an incredible feat. After 47 days of traveling in a small boat they traveled 6,500 kilometers and arrived to Timor. There they were rescued and were able to return to England. Meanwhile, the mutineers under Christian's command returned to Tahiti, hoping to recover that paradise life and to see the Tahitian women that they liked before. They did so, but after a while they decided to escape, since they feared retaliation by the English. As there were differences within the group, only nine of the original mutineers were with Christian. They also kidnapped 13 Tahitian women and six men to flee. They looked for a desert island and that's how they got to Pitcairn. The island had had a population centuries before but there was no one left. Upon arrival, they decided to burn the Bounty. The remains of the ship can still be visited on the island. Like that, they lived for 35 years, in total isolation. But in 1825 a British ship returned. Only one of the mutineers remained, John Adams, who told the story. The current settlers are descendants of the people who arrived on that trip from Tahiti. A few years later, in 1838, Pitcairn became the first place in the world in which the feminine suffrage was approved with the same characteristics of the masculine one. At that time, the archipelago came under British rule, as it does today. Currently, the territory includes three other islands at the administrative level: Henderson, Ducie e Oeno, but only Pitcairn is inhabited. It is one of the 17 colonies that still exist in the world according to the UN criteria. That is why there are those who question the record of being the country less inhabited in the world, because it is not entirely independent. In this case it would be the least populated sub-national entity. Every year Pitcairn celebrates its local elections. That is why we can consider it the smallest democracy in the world. Beyond being a heavenly landscape, the island hides behind a very dark history. In 2004 six of the twelve adult men were convicted of sexual crimes that inhabited the island at the time. They were found guilty of child abuse. However, this generated mixed opinions on the island. It is that for several of the inhabitants it is part of the culture of the place, even though they are girls between 12 and 15 years old. The trial was carried out by the British authorities. The sentences were between two and six years in prison, for which they are all free. At that time, a prison had to be built, since it did not exist. From there, the island's government feared that it would be depopulated. The kids when they get to certain age, they leave to New Zealand, or abroad and they never return. So the population is decreasing. That is why they started a campaign to improve the image and promote immigration. Foreigners who can contribute something to the community are invited and given a land for them to settle. Currently the main economic activity is tourism. Every year about a hundred tourists arrive, since it is not a destination for everyone. Getting there requires a great adventurous spirit and also several days, precisely because of the remoteness of the island. There are several options to get there, we will review the most viable ones. The first option is to take a flight to Papeete, in Tahiti. From there we will have to take another flight to Mangareva, also within French Polynesia. To travel the 480 kilometers that are missing, the only option there is to go by boat for 32 hours. But there are no boats that make that journey all the time. Those who have an interest in this alternative they can go to the official tourism site of the island. We have to warn that it is not an economic trip. For example, they offer us an option that includes a transfer from Mangareva to Pitcairn for $ 3,000. There are no hotels on the island, and we will have to stay in the houses of the settlers. This costs at least $100 per day per person. There are also other more expensive tours that include visits to Henderson, Ducie and Oeno, the other three islands of the archipelago. And finally, the third option is to go on a cruise. Many of them leave from South America, but the prices are even higher. Those who get there will not only feel isolated from almost everyone. You can also visit the so-called Christian cave or the St Paul's Pool, a rock formation where crystal clear water gathers. They will also be able to see one of the darkest skies and contemplate the stars from a privileged place. Would you like to know Pitcairn islands? Would you dare to move there? Leave your comment below. And if you made it this far, you may be interested in being a member of Un Mundo Inmenso. 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Channel: Un Mundo Inmenso
Views: 4,694,940
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Keywords: pitcairn islands, islas pitcairn, bounty, país menos poblado, territorio con menos población, tahiti, mangareva, papeete, henderson, ducie, oeno, Mutiny on the Bounty, polinesia francesa, rapa nui, William Bligh, Fletcher Christian, democracia más pequeña del mundo, john adams
Id: Jb5tNuxoYAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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