Islam's Jesus Contradicts History

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The Chronic view the Islamic view of Jesus isn't cohesive within itself it doesn't make sense within history of what we actually know outside of the Quran and the Bible and last of all it surely doesn't make sense within the Bible [Music] itself so this last week I did a talk at school of Minds on whether or not Jesus is cohesive within the Islamic Viewpoint so what I'm going to do is kind of a breakdown of what does Islam teach about Jesus does that make sense within the Islamic view about who Jesus is and what Islam teaches does that then line up with what we know of history of who Jesus was and then last of all taking a little bit of a look at some of the claims that Islam makes that Jesus is prophesied of the Bible or or excuse me Muhammad is prophesied of in the Bible or Jesus prophesies of Muhammad in the Bible and some different things like that and showing why even when you want to try to take as a Muslim the Bible to use for your advantage for the arguments that you want to make that doesn't make sense so let's get into it so what I kind of talk about a lot of times on this channel if you're not fam familiar um I think I already have a YouTube video on Islam just basic beliefs of what they are um but one thing that I've been developing over the years is what I call eight distinctives of every religion I need to probably come up with a better catchphrase for all that um but essentially it's breaking it down this is ends up being really important when you're talking with someone who's Universalist um I had some conversations with people this last week that were basically trying to say that I think just all religions teach the same thing and I think the only way that you can come to that conclusion is if you really haven't done a lot of research into World Rel once you start discovering and and figuring out do world religions actually believe the same thing you'll see that they clearly can't be teaching the same thing the whole idea that all roads lead to Rome or we're all just going on a different path to the top of the same mountain or that world religions are like blind men looking at an elephant and just describing different parts just doesn't add up once you start looking at what those religions actually teach so this eight distinctive thing um just kind of helps you to see why that doesn't add up um I'm not going to spend a lot of time looking at this um but in the end sorry for little Beeps in the background I'm getting used to just going back and forth between my PowerPoint and my editing software um so the eight distinctions of are this the nature of God the nature of man Creation The Fall Heaven hell sin and salvation um I'm thinking I might add on to this just a view of what we call scripture within all of these different religions basically whenever somebody throws out the idea that all religions teach the same thing you can just point out to them uh okay I would agree that they teach the same thing except for the fact when you look at their views of the nature of God nature of man sin salvation Heaven hell Creation The Fall other than that they're exactly the same I can agree with you but those things are obviously so Central to what these religions teach that it doesn't really make sense um you can actually break these down a little bit to help you remember trying to remember eight of those points I realize is hard so if you can just remember the acronym rad um the first of that acronym is reality so you're talking about the nature of God and the nature of man the second is Origins and that's looking at creation and the fall then Destiny which is D is heaven and hell and then ethics is looking at sin and salvation every religion is going to have a different view of these things and that's going to break down precisely what that religion thinks it's going to Define what that religion thinks and it's going to distinguish that religion from others it's this sort of thing that I look at both when I'm talking with universalists to say no not all religions teach the same thing that's only foolish and for people that haven't actually studied world religions but also when I'm talking with someone who is Mormon for instance who would say that I think we're Christians when I look at these eight points what I can actually end up seeing is with those eight points Christians and Mormons have less in common doctrinally than Muslims and if you and I as Mormon and as Christian can agree that Muslims are not Christian then at the very least we would have to say that Mormons and Christians aren't of the same Faith now the whole debate becomes whether or not Mormons are actually following what Jesus actually taught and was actually trying to Proclaim and so they more rightfully have the title of Christians Mormons should I think they're if they're being truthful actually just say we are the only true Christians not try to make the point of we are also Christians that's a whole another thing I don't want to get into today because we're focusing on Islam and very specifically Islam's view of Jesus so um I'm going to also skip history of Islam what it teaches the basic Faith the basic B basic beliefs of Islam um the important thing I think you need to understand at the very basic is that the Quran is viewed as being the exact words of God this is different than what we mean as Christians we say that the Bible is the inspired word of God but that's only to say that the people that wrote it were inspired by God to write down the general ideas that God wanted to portray but then they were able to write it in their own language to use their own personality as they wrote when you look at the Quran though this is supposed to be the exact words of Allah that being said when you take an English Quran and you read it you're not actually reading what the Quran actually says a Muslim would actually say that that's not the Quran that the only time you can count that you've actually read the Quran is reading it in its actual Arabic language so that's an important thing to know and understand when we're talking about this um because we're going to look at what does the Quran specifically say and that's where this gets important and so um the only some of the way is obviously someone then can argue against maybe some of the points that I'm making is to say that's not what it actually means in the Arabic and I'm not a scholar I can't get into that um but we're going to look at what the English Bible or excuse me the English Quran says and these are some of the main points that come across when you read it so what does Islam say about Jesus these are this is including pretty much every verse that that or Ayah as it would be called um for the Quran what it says about Jesus they believe that Jesus was born of a Virgin Mary this some of this stuff is going to surprise you if you're unfamiliar with Islam you might be surprised to learn some of this these things that they actually have some views within Islam that actually we would almost think is exclusively Christian uh but it's not so we'll keep going here uh Jesus came with the Holy Spirit this is a little bit more sketchy um the Surah itself is going to say Jesus came with a spirit where that is who it is what it is doesn't really seem to get defined very well it's not a point I'm going to harp on much um we Allah supported him with clear proofs so the belief then is Jesus actually did perform Miracles which is interesting because Islam doesn't necessarily within the Quran say that Muhammad did Miracles and when you talk with Muslims there even seems to be a little bit of debate about whether Muhammad did Miracles at all but Jesus definitely did um Jesus is also called Messiah this term isn't really explained um and this is where things start to get a little interesting of why does this make sense within an Islamic Viewpoint first I'm just going to kind of go through all these points and then I'm going to point out some of the things that I think end up being a little bit contradictory with in the Islamic viewpoint on these things um in the day of Resurrection Jesus Will descend in hadiths then it explains more that Jesus is actually going to descend he's going to then bring judgment upon those who have rejected Islam especially those who rejected Islam and his name aka the Christians and he's also going to destroy uh the Antichrist they use a different term um but essentially it's someone who has come onto Earth proclaimed themselves as God had people worshiped them as worshiped him as such and Jesus is going to go come back back and destroy that person just as we say Jesus is going to destroy the Antichrist um Jesus is seen as the son of Mary Jesus will be a witness against the unbeliever that includes those of us who are Christian um each Must Believe before his death that Jesus is only a messenger so it is actually necessary within Islamic Viewpoint that you believe Jesus is a prophet or a messenger just like all the other prophets that are in the scriptures this is necessary for them um Jesus was given the inil or the gospel which confirms the Torah or Torah I think is how they pronounce it um Jesus was also righteous that ends up being something that's also very interesting because it seems like Islam is saying that Jesus is sinless and it's debated a little bit whether or not that is a thing that you could say about Allah um one thing I want to note in my PowerPoint in here I am not showing any pictures of Muhammad I'm not showing any pictures of Jesus and that's just out of respect anybody that his Muslim that hopefully watches this video um they believe that it would be idol worship and it is wrong to actually not just to illustrate Muhammad but actually any of the prophets and so I've specifically removed any of those pictures for that reason um he Jesus then is believed to a prophet side of Muhammad you see that um actually happen when Jesus is in the Cradle um that's in Surah 616 um Jesus never said to worship himself or Mary I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on this specifically um because this gets into uh maybe another issue to hit another time um but it seems odd that this is something that is mentioned in the Quran because one would think maybe this is them think thinking that the Torah or excuse me the the Quran seems to almost be portraying that Jesus the belief of the Trinity is that it's father son and Mary not father Son and Holy Spirit there's never seems to be any mention of don't worship the Holy Spirit um there is passages that are interpreted by Muslims to be speaking specifically against the Trinity this seems in me to be hinting at that and there's another passage a little bit further down in this that it also says that Mary and Jesus at clearly trying to bring that up I don't know why you would bring that up unless you're trying to refute the idea that Mary and Jesus are God God doesn't eat God doesn't need to eat and so therefore they're saying this point um it's very clear at the very least you're saying that point to say that Jesus is not God you wouldn't mentioned that Mary also ate unless you were also trying to refute the to claim that Mary's God which isn't the belief of the Trinity um Israelites were cursed by the words of Jesus because he is speaking out against their false worship um there is no Trinity you see this in sah 4171 there's other other verses as well um each must believe I already mentioned this I mentioned this twice uh each must believe that Jesus is a prophet um interesting thing that ends up being a contradiction in some of this we'll we'll point this out it also says that there's no distinctions between Jesus and the other prophets yet we see that Jesus is given the inil Jesus is called the Messiah Jesus is the one that's going to come back and destroy the Antichrist or the idol that has set itself up as God these are not things that Muhammad does this is not things that other people do yet the inal is called the good news and that's where that's only given to Jesus in his preaching um sah 4157 this is important says that Jesus was not killed but a resemblance of him instead um he was created Out of the Dust like Adam this is obviously trying to refute the deity of Jesus and his disciples called themselves helpers of Allah and Muslims um I realize for those of you listening on the podcast I should have given you the suras uh if you watch online that's all on the PowerPoint and also on my website that I will upload the PowerPoint to um here's the thing so now if we start examining what is Islam teaching about these things and does it fit within the Islamic perspective I would just simply say no even if I was Muslim there's things about Jesus that just doesn't seem like it would match up I don't think the view of Jesus is cohesive within Islam itself and then let me explain why so if we go back to these passages um one of the things that comes up is that he delivered a message that was lost so Islam is going to make the claim that Jesus comes along and he preaches Islam he preaches that there is only one God there is no other gods there's just one God that he is not God that Mary is not God that the holy spirit is not God there is no Trinity there's only one God Allah he has no parts he has no persons yet when you look at this and realize okay so he delivers this message and this is the same message that every Prophet before him ever gave this is the message of Islam Islam views that every Prophet before Jesus before Muhammad prophesied the same thing talked about the same thing so Adam they would actually say is the first Muslim the first prophet but if I look at what Islam teaches we see that the message of Jesus was strict monotheism yet years after Jesus's Ascension his followers abandoned Jesus's teaching of monotheism and follow the message of Paul accepting Jesus as God despite everything that he taught them now that I think seems to make Jesus a failed Prophet now I think it's fair for a Muslim to make the response to that um sorry um that well if we go by what the the followers of a prophet actually did there's a few prophets we could look at me my name being Noah would be one example that seems like they would be failed in that in that way Noah preaches the gospel or he preaches that they need to repent and they need to turn away from their ways or there's going to be a flood and they're going to be destroyed just get on this boat and that's the only way you're going to be saved and no one does in that sense it seems like Noah is a failed Prophet so that's fair I don't think that necessarily uh counts against Noah and if Jesus just proclaimed a gospel or just proclaimed Islam and no one followed I don't think that would make him as failed failed Prophet either at least not in any worse way than Noah is and Noah I wouldn't classify in the same way and this is why the reason why Noah is distinctly different is Jesus had people that were following him believing his teaching for three years being discipled with him individually and by the time he leaves only years after he leaves they start the greatest movement of apostasy in human history according to Islam there has been no greater movement against monotheism against the teaching of Islam and human history than the movement of the Christians that was started by the Disciples of Jesus now it's totally different now I don't think that's comparable to Noah in that way because Noah didn't have a group of people that were following him who didn't start the greatest Apostolic apostasy movement of human history he just didn't convince anybody to join on with what was true in fact what we have is Jewish people who were following pretty accurate teachings of who Allah was because they believed a la was one that now start believing something different that are the very Disciples of Jesus this just doesn't make sense so that's critique number one critique number two exuse me um is did all a lie he was given a scripture that was lost so the Islam view is not simply that Jesus um proclaimed this gospel or I keep saying gospel inil where he proclaimed The Message of Islam um it's believed by Muslims that Jesus actually wrote down the inil himself not like we're talking about Matthew Mark Luke and John writing down iwitness testimony of the events that happened with Jesus but he wrote down the inil himself the exact words of law if that's true then we have a problem from the Muslim Viewpoint and this is the problem when you look first of all the question would be why is that message so easily lost you have all the gospels to this day that were written by Matthew Mark Luke and John and even if you question whether or not they were written by them that was preserved don't you think people would taken a lot more time to preserve something that's from an actual Prophet than these fake teachings of Matthew Mark Luke and John why was it so quickly and easily lost and when you look at the Quran the Quran itself says Allah will preserve his words and when you look at these verses these ay 1827 and 33-4 it says no one can destroy the words of Allah Allah will preserve his word it's not a command it's not saying hey don't don't mess up the words that were given by God given by Allah but Allah will protect them yet if Islam's correct Allah did not protect the words because the inil that we have in Matthew Mark Luke and John according to Muslims isn't the inil that Jesus himself wrote down so that doesn't make sense this isn't cohesive so that becomes an issue so one has to ask them where is the inil now or are we saying that someone can actually destroy all's words in which case you have a contradiction the next issue that you end up having is questioning whether Jesus is actually a prophet so we see that the role of prophet is to guide the people people of but the greatest false religion instead was formed by the followers of Jesus instead of them following Islam Jesus may not have taught them that but they must have then been poorly discipled if they were so easily LED astray Jesus did a poor job doing discipleship teaching them the truth of Islam if they were so easily LED astray by some random guy named Paul just years later after Jesus comes how can you call Jesus a successful Prophet if his movement created the greatest apostasy in human history and with this is an interesting thing to look at is understanding how seriously Muslims take apostasy the Muslim view of apostasy when you s look at so many of these countries today you can see that in many countries it's the death penalty in a lot of other countries it's prisonment if you leave if you convert it's some sort of crime or at the very least it maybe even is a loss of the children that you had in your marriage and the ending of your marriage in a lot of Muslim countries so apostasy is not something to be taken lightly and if Jesus's own followers committed apostasy you have to wonder is he really that great of a teacher and yes I get the Counterpoint of Noah but it's wholly different when you've gotten people that are following the true teaching of Islam there's only one God under Judaism and abandon that to follow the teaching that is not that after a prophet comes along he's working backwards and that just doesn't make sense so one of the things that also becomes an issue is he is Messiah he's called Messiah but this doesn't seem to really get explained um in fact shabir Ali who's a well-known apologist says that Messiah uh is just a role that is given to people that someone might be annointed to save people as a messiah at various times kings are giving that role um prophets of the Old Testament were giving that role it's nothing unique but one has to ask if it's nothing unique why aren't there other prophets that are called Messiahs why is this a name that's only given to Jesus and it's not given to Muhammad it's not given to Adam it's not given to Noah it's not given to Elijah it's not given to any other Prophet but Jesus yet we see that the Quran also says that there's no distinction among the prophets this seems like a distinction Jesus is distinguished among them good news is another thing that also seems to distinguish Jesus among the prophets between the others the good news of Christianity is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins that makes sense within the Christian viewpoint but when you look at how Islam views it the inil still means good news actually in Arabic but the good news of Jesus is monotheism which they already believed as Jewish people there's nothing new there's nothing unique coming yet inil is given to the message of what Jesus brings along what Jesus wrote down but it's not given to any of the other prophets this is distinguishing him among the prophets he's distinguished as different than all of the other prophets Muhammad isn't really seen as distinguished only because the the only distinguishing factor of Muhammad is that he's the last prophet that's why they look up to him is because he's the final Prophet yet Jesus seems to take this unique role that's not just because of the order that he's in other parts that don't fit within the Quran is we see these passages of his being a virgin birth but why would you support this if you're Muslim why would you support an idea that Jesus was born of a virgin again something that's making him unique among the prophets no other Prophet is born of a virgin that would so easily promote the idea that Jesus is God that doesn't make sense within the Islamic Viewpoint if Jesus is born of a virgin that means at best he has the DNA of Mary and he doesn't have the DNA of a father but that that DNA comes from God which makes him unique as a disciple as a prophet and if not that DNA could very easily be looked at as he's actually given Divine DNA which in some sense is how we're viewing it as Christians another problem ends up being um oh I'm having a glitch here Jesus turns clay pigeons alive so he molds these clay pigeons and then he sets them free and they they actually take off like a Pinocchio type moment W that makes sense as Christians looking at it and saying all right Jesus Is God he can create he can bring life to things that were never alive that makes sense in a Christian Viewpoint this isn't a story that comes from the Bible this is a story that comes from something else which we'll talk about later that makes sense within the Christian worldview it doesn't make sense within a worldview that's looking out and saying he's just another Prophet we don't see other prophets doing this this is giving a power to Jesus to create things out of clay and bring them to life in a way that you would expect a God to do you wouldn't expect a prophet to do it just doesn't fit within the Islamic Viewpoint um Jesus speaks from the crib this is that prophecy that Jesus is explaining who he is and in prophesying of who Muhammad will be but that's again something that's unique to him it's something that is something you would expect if God is born as a child but as a prophet not so much so these things just don't seem to fit within an Islamic viewpoint but they fit perfectly fine within a Christian one then last of all we have the view that it says that they and we're going to look at this Surah specifically so this is Surah 4157 you should remember this if you don't remember any other verse of the Quran this is a helpful one to turn to because it's one that I think shows one of the ways that Islam just doesn't make sense both within itself and historically so it says in this verse we're going to read it says they said in boast we killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary the messenger of Allah but they killed him not nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts with no certain knowledge but only conjecture to follow for assurity they killed him not this is then basically saying that it only appeared as though Jesus had died on the cross but he really hadn't but this then brings up questions to the con coherency of the Islamic Viewpoint what did actually happen did they just simply get it mixed up and you're trying to tell me then that there's people that were after Jesus well enough that they wanted to kill him and somehow got mixed up of who they got and did Allah not notice so one view is and actually the most proclaimed view of Muslims is that actually Allah made it appear as though Jesus was being crucified whether or not that means someone else stepped to into his place and all changed that person's face to appear like Jesus or that it only appeared in the sense of some image appeared but it wasn't anyone at all but somehow or another Allah seems to be involved at the very least you would have to say that Allah allowed people to think that they had crucified Jesus when they hadn't but if Allah is all knowing he would know that this is going to start the greatest apostasy of human history and so there's some level that you would have to hold law responsible for the fact that so many people left Islam to follow what they think is God dying on a cross law would have to be responsible especially if he was actually the one deceiving people by changing the face of someone to make it appear as Jesus even though it wasn't that just doesn't make sense within the Islamic Viewpoint so that's kind of breaking down some of the problems within the Islam Viewpoint the coherency of it itself now we can look at historically and of course we're going to start just where we ended with the last section is what about this whole idea of Jesus not being crucified from a historical standpoint we have no reason to believe in this so we can look at tacitus and tacitus writes um hence to suppress the rumor he falsely charged with the guilt and punished Christians who were hated for their Norm is Christus the founder of the name founder of the name Christianity was put to death by Pontius Pilate so tacitus is a Roman writing down history and he says Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate you also have Lucian Lucian is also a Roman and he writes this they still worship the man who was crucified in Palestine because he introduced this new cult to the world so he is acknowledging that people believe that Jesus was God created a cult and it was based upon this view that someone was crucified Jesus you also look at the Jewish talud so now you have Roman and Jewish sources that both have no reason to promote the idea that Jesus died and rose from the dead supporting the idea that di Jesus at least was crucified at the very least then refuting the chonic viewpoint that Jesus was not crucified so Jewish talmood says on the eve of the Passover yeshu was hanged that is then Baria Bob sanhan 43a Josephus also writes now with Josephus there is manuscripts of Josephus that historians all agree are not reliable um but there is other manuscripts of him that people don't put to question so essentially you have a past Mage within some of Josephus writings basically saying like um the great man Jesus if it's right to be called a man and historians look at that and say Josephus didn't write that he was Jewish he wasn't a Christian you wouldn't say if it was right to call him a man this is clearly something that he that was added to what he said Josephus is considered a very well respected historian he's Jewish and he's writing for the Romans most historians that are studying um that time period would see Josephus as a reliable source barring that one passage that I me mentioned but there's other versions of that same passage that people don't put into question and this is part of some of that the the history that isn't questioned by historians and it says they reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive so je Josephus even acknowledges Jesus was crucified um plyy the Elder also uh mentions that they worship Jesus as a God he doesn't talk about necessarily the crucifixion per se in that um but it just promotes more and more of that idea so historically we have no reason to doubt that Jesus was crucified history just lines up with that belief but other another thing in that is some of the unique stories of Jesus one of the inter interesting tactics that Muslims will often take is to say Jesus is talked about more in the the Quran than it is in the entire Bible I don't know where they get that idea there's maybe 150 passages that talk about Jesus at all and mention him at all and it's just verses it's like one-off little verses partly because the Quran isn't written in such a way that it really P portrays stories like it doesn't like the Bible does there's a lot of repetition you'll get a lot of the same stories over and over again um but there is some unique stories quote unquote but they're not actually unique so we talked about the passage of Jesus prophesying and speaking in the crib well that happens in the syc infanty gospel in one one verse two this is something that is within other Gnostic Gospels that aren't not seen as reliable by historians because they're so far after the facts and have um things that we know are historically false within them but that's then repeated in Quran 1930 to explain Jesus prophesying of Muhammad making the clay birds is something that also comes from the infancy Gospel of Thomas predating the Quran so it's not unique to the Quran and then Jesus not being crucified even that idea is something that seems to be coming from the Gospel of Barnabas that I think even portrays the idea that Judas instead died in Jesus's place so these things from a historical perspective the things that are unique or new information that the Quran is supposedly giving us are not unique it isn't new information and it's not seen as being historically reliable according to Scholars so last of all we're going to study does Christianity or Islam portray Jesus better or more appropriately we would probably be saying um what are the critiques that Muslims will make to try to make their point one of the one of the points is looking at uh I believe it's John 6 and John 6 talks about uh Jesus saying um this wicked and deprived generation I will not give you a sign I will only give you the sign of Jonah that just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days so the son of man will be in this heart of Earth for three days now Muslim apologists take a really interesting tact with this if you watch um some Muslim apologist um they will actually throw out the idea that what Jesus is then saying is Jesus will be alive if if he's going to fulfill the prophecy then he is going to have to be alive in the grave for three days because they would say Jonah was not alive so you can even watch videos where um certain apologists Muslim apologist olist will ask a Christian who brings up that passage and say what is the sign of Jonah was Jonah Alive or Dead when he was in the Tomb or when he was in the whale and Christian will say he's alive well was Jesus Alive or Dead when he was in the Tomb dead well therefore Jesus didn't actually fulfill the sign of Jonah what's wrong in that the passage that is noted says nothing about whether Jesus said dead or alive in the Tomb it does mention three days which there is some reason to put some question there but those are very well answered first of all just because the idiom of day and night could apply pretty easily in Jewish context to just mean a time period it doesn't necessarily mean actually day and night if I were to say that I've been working day and night I'm not actually meaning that I work 24 hours in a row I'm just working a lot to say that you the in the grave for three days and three nights then doesn't necessarily mean it has to be three days and three nights even though it seems like Jesus was in the grave for three days and three two nights instead that's very well answered from that and there's a lot more more indepth answers to that from a historical perspective that we're not going to talk about here needless to say what Jesus is getting at within that is to say that he will be in the grave for three days if Muslim apologists want to bring up this passage to say that Jesus didn't fulfill the sign of Jonah I have to ask well do you think he did fulfill the sign of Jonah because if you're saying that he did fulfill the sign of Jonah then he had to be in the grave alive for three days to fulfill it but you don't believe that do you so you're not bringing this up because you honestly think Jesus fulfilled the sign of Jonah you don't and so therefore that argument doesn't hold Muslims will also try to say that proverb or excuse me not Proverbs John 16 is actually prophesying of Muhammad but if we look at that verse clearly that's not what's going on it says I have much more to say to you more than you can now bear but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is Yet to Come he will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you all that Bel belongs to the father is mine that is why I said the spirit will receive from me what he made known to you this is another example of Islam trying to take passages that they don't believe in and don't actually follow to try to make a point for their Viewpoint so let's examine that scripture if this is actually prophesying of Muhammad according to the passage then Muhammad would have to be a spirit because it's the spirit of Truth not a person it says a spirit of Truth when he comes will guide you onto all truth and all truth not just some truth all truth is one of the things that some Muslims want to focus on the Holy Spirit didn't bring them to all truth I don't know everything as a Christian therefore the spirit didn't bring me to all truth well the same thing can be said of those who follow Muhammad Muhammad didn't tell all truth in that sort of thing we're we're talking about is spiritual truth all truth in that sense he will not speak on his own he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is Yet to Come This is the part that Muhammad that Muslims really want to focus on because they're looking at it and saying see Allah spoke to Muhammad what he should say and he only spoke what Allah told him and that's how we got the Quran but the passage goes on it says he will glorify me so is Muhammad glorifying Jesus I don't think so so unless you're going to take this passage for its full cont context clearly it's not talking about Muhammad or Muhammad then you would have to admit is glorifying Jesus which then also makes Jesus once again unique which you don't believe he is because that's not the Quran says the Quran says that there isn't distinctions among the prophets so this passage clearly isn't talking about all of those sort of things so what is our conclusion when we look at all of these things well in the end The Chronic view the is Islamic view of Jesus isn't cohesive within itself it doesn't make sense within history of what we actually know outside of the Quran and the Bible and last of all it surely doesn't make sense within the Bible itself so we would have to conclude that Islam is wrong about [Music] [Applause] Jesus a
Channel: Bearded Disciple
Views: 2,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apologetics, christianity, theology, Noah Myers, Bearded Disciple, islam, Jesus, HIstorical Jesus, Islamic contradiciton, quran, david wood, islamic contradiciton, the historical jesus, jesus, jesus christ, christian apologetics, isa, Muslim Isa, Muslim
Id: _koYADABsy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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