Isaiah 10:5-34 - The Assyrian and the Remnant

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alright Isaiah chapter 10 we're gonna pick it up in verse 5 tonight and cover the next 30 verses the rest of the chapter and there is a natural breaking point here in verse 5 a new paragraphs begun and who thought although it's a continuation of the same general path that we've been taking the last few chapters ever since isaiah 7 remember the introduction of Ahaz and the Assyrian threat and the promise of emanuelle and isaiah 8 the same thing this promise of the Assyrian overflowing and flooding the northern tribes of Israel and of course the manual comes back up again Isaiah 9 you have the manual again the child is born unto us this governor this king this Lord is everlasting follow that Savior there but then the second half of chapter 9 we finished last week was this just judgment this the cycle of judgment that God's gonna pour out on Israel and we we saw the connection between that and Leviticus and Deuteronomy so I had to do with the covenant and I think it's important for the night's lesson as well and that these actions God takes against Israel are not on purpose they're not unplanned that unpremeditated there they are covenant it they were written down and Israel actually agreed to these things and so this is common humanity right and make an agreement and they can't keep it and then they want to get out of it and God says God is patient long-suffering with them and yet the Ateneo continually break his covenant so Isaiah 9 dealt with that in that those courses those cycles of punishment until I say a 10-1 through four there remember that phrase all his anger for all this his anger has not turned away his hand is stretched out still this punishment right and then he turns to this a Syrian this king of Assyria and the next 30 verse is gonna talk about this Assyrian and his role and in judging Israel and how he's going to eventually come to Judah and give punishment to them and how Jerusalem should be comforted because the city of Jerusalem will not be taken over by this Assyrian okay and so this is significant because this prophecy is first of all contextually Isaiah here is speaking against the ally of his King King Ahaz the king of Judah Isaiah the prophet of Judah here politically this is a very courageous thing for Isaiah to do I mean that the idea that he would be locked up or you know ostracized and in the society is not something out of their own possibility his his king and his tribe his nation is a lying with the Assyrians to defeat the northern tribes and Samaritans and Sarah Assyria north member and so this Alliance then are you speaking against it he's gonna say this Assyrian is just God's tool he's a tool of God's Minister of Justice and he's gonna punish this Assyrian and then he's gonna comfort the people in the city and those they're faithful that they're gonna be preserved those aren't are gonna be destroyed so he's speaking some very harsh things have to do with this the immediate political and cultural context in Jerusalem we read them from a distance of course also significant about this chapter is the events as we've seen that are happening in Israel and Judah with the separation of those two nations the tribes there and also the enemies around them are all prophetic not only the things that are happening then the things that will happen in the future we've been covering now as we see a sprinkle throughout tonight you'll see it in very vivid detail how this Assyrian is a shadow is a picture of the future Antichrist that phrase Antichrist isn't show up in the Old Testament anywhere but you see this battle these epic battles between God and the enemies of his people Israel and in the New Testament you see God manifest in the flesh in Jesus who is the promised Christ and Messiah and so it's in the New Testament this revelation of like this Anti Christ this kind of enemy Savior right this in this enemy leader and in the revelation of course reveals a lot about that when it talks about there'll be this one you know the who's contrary to the remnant contrary to Israel and so you see the explanation at least in prophetic form back in isaiah 10 other places the assyrian referring to the Antichrist will do without later in a lesson so there's a lot in here that's significant especially this first few section first few verses that deals with God using this king of Assyria for his purpose because this king of Assyria this is not his intent he's not going you know I'm gonna be darn of justice that's not what he's saying he's just wanting to conquer everybody and conquer the world and the Assyrians were a very violent people as far as militarily and so for God to use them you might ask well is that a just thing right for more on that question go to our verse by verse through Habakkuk that's the exact question Habakkuk asked when dealing with the Babylonians God said I'm gonna use the Babylonians to punish Judah and he goes is that fair and so Habakkuk is dealing with that question but tonight the Assyrians this is the takeover of the northern tribes and then the invasion of the southern tribes that we're dealing with yeah yeah the the Babylonian captivity we're not at that point yet that will totally remove Israel from the land and so there's less of a picture of that captivity to the kingdom come you understand because at that point Jesus is going to save the nation but at this point in the Assyrian takeover there's this fulfillment of prophecy fulfillment of judgments and a remnant they could save and so we'll see see this theme come out anyway let's cover up and start in verse 5 here he says Oh a Syrian Oh a Syrian so he's calling out to this Assyrian oh the Syrian the rod of mine anger the staff in their hand is my indignation this is God talking here it's not as hey it's God okay and he says you a Syrian are my instrument he's the instrument of God's anger now this is going to be historically there's a couple kings of Assyria and if you remember the the timeline that I gave you in the early introduction lessons and in Isaiah there's a tear that have started to invade the north take lap Polizzi was the first who came and takes some of the northern because of the first captivity and Bullen tribes and then he left and shall manizer is actually the king of Assyria that will besiege Israel to the extent that the scenario will be taken away okay that's almond easer and so Israel in exile that's under him okay and so this has not yet happened and so this is probably towards the end of a has his reign before shall moniece's even the king right after shaman teaser is cynic cherub and he's the one we'll read about with Hezekiah and we'll see him show up in Isaiah 10 as well so it's possibly two different kings of Assyria it's talking about here which again adds to this creation of this future prophecy because it's speaking about two different kings and so it's not a weird thing for to also talk about the future Antichrist yeah so there's not enough specificity to say this is only one person so we're dealing with that but in verse five over the Syrian the rod of mine anger the staff of in their hand is mine indignation God is going to use this king set cherub psalmanazar use these guys to to perform his judgment against the northern tribes in against Judah okay verse 6 says I will send him against a hypocritical nation against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge to take the spoil to take the prey and to tread them down like the mire of the streets I read this very calmly but this is this is trash talk this is like harsh language he's going to tread them down like the mire of the streets that's like he's gonna make him eat dirt I'm gonna stop there face into the dirt yeah that's what he's saying there I guess a hypocritical nation I'm gonna send the Assyrians against Israel they're the hypocrites Israel's the hypocrites right every was just taught through our earthly ministry quite often was well under the hypocrites and he's talking about God's chosen people he says you're hypocrites and he points out why and so you see the same thing back here Israel the hypocrite hypocritical nation is the one that's going to be judged yeah and so he's got to send him he says I will send him against now this is interesting language I will send him because the king of Assyria honestly later was the greatest king on on the earth of time he's like the king of kings and he'll say that later and Isaiah 10 that he's the King of Kings and yet here's God saying I'm gonna send him so apparently he is subject to the Creator God the God of Israel but we'll see he doesn't even know it you see this theme throughout the Old Testament Israel's covenant operation with God is that he talks about controlling the hearts of Kings talks about controlling destinies and putting Kings on Thrones and things like that and as those verses were and crippled our Christians today get the idea that God is you know drunk in the ballot box and directing you know many different things it is true that everything is subject to him that's all that's true and yet in the Old Testament the reason why God intervened to control this circumstances situations in history about kings and nations was in order to fulfill his purpose with his nation Israel you say so this king of Assyria that he's sending the reason why he's sending him is because he had a covenant with Israel and he's gonna get something done just say that's why he's doing that right there are things the king of Syria did a lot of things that he did that God did not send him to do right you know so I'm saying like there are a lot of lots of wickedness there we'll see some about that later there was witness that he performed that God did not even didn't enter in his mind he didn't sound like God sent him to do that he's saying him to do this he destroyed the northern tribes but be careful make that distinction okay a lot of commentators I was reading about this passage and make this a huge deal about God being the author of history well it's true God has a purpose and they will and he plays it out as dispensationalist we ask well what is that purpose son well we see his purpose in will we see that's how he's in her inner he's entering the story okay and so be careful of taking that too far but that will send him against the hypocritical nation against the people of my wrath that's Israel I would give him a charge to take the spoil and take the parade now if we call back in chapter 8 remember Isaiah's second son my heart fell all hash bans never that guy everyone his name meant admit that he's talking about the Assyrians his name was a prophecy that the Assyrians going to come and spoil the northern tribes and take them as prey right haste to the prey remember and so this is these words showing up again he's gonna take the spoil and to take the prey it's like Isaiah's son's name they're right they'll shred them down like the mire of the streets in verse 7 it says howbeit he meaneth not so neither does his heart think so but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few so even though God's gonna send him he's my instrument I'm gonna send him to execute my wrath against the civil critical people but he doesn't think he's doing this right as he he mean it's not it's not his intent he doesn't mean to do this no he does mean to invade and destroy and tread them down like the mire of the streets he doesn't mean that but he doesn't mean to do it for God's sake nor does he mean to do it because of God's covenant a-- draft against israel that's not his intent at all okay he doesn't know what's God's doing right yeah and so how be he Mia thought so neither death his heart thinks so but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few that means he's just one destroy nations he's trying to conquer them in Israel and Judah or just on the list in fact if you look at the geography at the time they're very small on the list it's like not a big deal right I mean this is not a problem slam dunk for the king of Assyria we're just gonna wipe them out and we'll go about to Egypt which was much larger right and so there wasn't even a big deal just and it's hard to destroy the nations not a few for he saith and this is what the king of Assyria says he said are not my princes all together kings now that's where I get the idea the King of Kings right his princes that means he's the ruler his princess of those underneath him but they're kings he conquers nations and makes their kings his princes which means what he's the king of kings you see how that works tell us what that means and so he's saying are not my princes all together Kings and so the fact that you have a king and Judah in the fact that you know there's a king in Syria it not a problem for me I've conquered Kings before right so the fact though you're a king okay oh you have a God all right and he's gonna start listing all of the kings and gods that he's conquered before is not Cal know as Carr kamesh is not hey math as our pad is not some areas do they starts listing these things and this will come up a little bit later as well if we were to draw a map of will draw the Dead Sea here and the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean and you have Israel generally in this area in north of Israel is Syria okay and then you have the entire Mesopotamia over here he's listing these places he's already conquered is not Cal know as karkemish caca matches up here or more like over here and then Cal know is you know over here so he's going this way and then he says is hey math as our path so you have our pad here and then hey maps down here and he says it's Jerusalem whereas you say Oh Samaria is Damascus you have Damascus little lower and it's Samaria is even lower still so he's just talking about his his execution of his conquering his conquests you know so every time he goes to a new place as a new king and his that guy just like that guy over there that just conquered oh yeah I'm moving on to this guy right it's also interesting to think about these pairs that he puts up nothing but totally significant but the countdown car kamesh count-o is in the West car commissions in the EC of west to east hey math was a pretty strong city at the time our pad was like not very significant and so it's like west to east big small Sumeria Damascus Jintao don't matter doesn't matter to me that's what he says doesn't matter if they're big small West each it doesn't hunger conquer mall right aren't they all the same verse 10 says as my hand hath found though kingdoms of the idols and whose graven image did excel them of Jerusalem and Samaria shall I not as I've done in Sumerian her idols so do to Jerusalem in her idols and so he's found kingdoms of idols this is what he considers the God the God of Samaria the God of Judah just another Idol in fact he's mocking them because he says I found Kingdom some idols and they've got more idols than you do right so he see and he sees that as like a an insult to Israel like you guys have what one God or a couple like I've had King as they have the copies of them and they couldn't stop me now of course in the biblical perspective you realize that that's not really a good vantage to have more gods but you know from the pagan idea it's like well I've conquered kingdoms that have more gods than you so this is not a problem right so the issue is always not how many gods is which God that is your God right that's always Bishop so look at 2nd chronicles chapter 32 he sees no difference here between nations who they worship their gods he is just wanting to conquer he is going to be over all that God over all same chronicles 432 you see here cynic cherub and some his thoughts he used the king of Assyria that came against Hezekiah and against Jerusalem to try to besiege it and failed by the way 6 cherub and this king that we're talking about is all future from what Isaiah is prophesying this this is an Isaiah speaking in the you know about something have in the past this is him speaking about the Assyrian and how God's going to use them years before it actually happens which kind of just adds salt to the wound if you are looking yet the prophetic sense of the history it's like so it wasn't that he's just telling something that did happen and saying God used you he's saying this is what God's gonna do and then later he actually does it not knowing the prophecy of course then you read the prophecy you're going wow what a tool right yeah a tool the greatest King on earth at the time a tool the guy who conquered many nations I mean the king of kings that's the tool tense talking about do you see like the boldness of Isaiah's prophecy it's like he's speaking against the greatest threat in the world and saying he's a rake he's a screwdriver he's a hammer in God's hands tech crime was 32 in verse 10 which means something if he's a tool that means you can only be he can only do what God wants him to do right we'll be that a little bit later son chronicles 32 verse 10 thus say a cynic cherub king of Assyria Oh a Syrian Isaiah 10 says we're on do you trust that you know this is sennacherib's Drusilla manned he's now like talking trash again streusel nuts what's happening here he says we're on do you trust that you abide in the siege of Jerusalem does not Hezekiah your king persuade you to give over yourselves to die by famine or by thirst saying the Lord our God shall deliver us out of the hands the king of Assyria now that's mocking saying he's telling you to trust the Lord and I'm saying adaiah famine and thirst waiting for it right don't hold your breath is what he's saying right he wants you to die hath not the same Hezekiah taken away his high places and his altars and commanded Judah and that's what he said there that's not the same Hezekiah taken away his high places and his altars read about Hezekiah later in Isaiah Hezekiah was a good King this were most of his tenure right he was a good king and when he became king he took away the false idols in the in the false altars and all that stuff he took out away and here's the cherub pagan king right doesn't care about people's gods or whatever and no the God of Israel is another false god to him and he says has a chi he's not a good case he took away all your God's right he left only one to see the mockery so he says didn't he persuade you to give over yourself to die on verse 12 he says he took away his high places his altars and commanded Judah and Jerusalem saying he shall worship before one and burn incense upon it what kind of king is that you know I'll give you any God you want right that's what he said I'll give you freedom freedom for any God to worship you see in this sense the by Odin's give you that kind of freedom we are limited to truth we're limited to one God do you say anyway verse thirteen know ye not what I and my fathers have done unto all the people of other lands sent cherub Dalmanutha right other guys in his lineage of kings but you know what we've done to other lands were the gods of the nation of those lands anyways able to deliver their lands out of mine hand they see what I was saying about his think thinking but their gods didn't do anything to stop me yours won't either who was there among all the gods of those nations that my father is utterly destroyed that could deliver his people out of mine hand and your God should be able to deliver you out of mine hand now therefore let not Hezekiah deceive you nor persuade you on this manner neither yet believe him for know God if any nation or Kingdom was able to deliver his people out of mine and now to the hand of my father's how much less how your God delivered you out of my hand I get the sense sometimes it sounds like America a little bit you know it's like we've been unbeatable it's like be careful America be careful his servant spake yet more against the Lord God and against his servant hazekiah he wrote letters also verse 17 to rail on the Lord God of Israel to speak against him these letters you can read in Isaiah 2 / 37 okay and then he says then he cried with a loud voice in the Jews speech in verse 18 and the people of Jerusalem they were actually speaking the language of Israel this was a warfare tactic with the Syrians as they conquered their nations they would speak their language and top them he like he's doing here very cruel and it very you say well they're just word sticks and stones right but it was it just words it was part of their warfare and then they would conquer them and they would kill them put their heads on stakes I'm just very violent group of people but anyway they crowd loud voice and the Jews speech under the people of Jerusalem that were on the wall to go fright them and to trouble them that they might take the city interesting side note if you're into archaeology okay there are there's a lot of archaeological finds that relate to the Assyrian Kingdom in being so large and prominent and they have found many documents okay many writings of the Assyrian leaders that mimic what the Bible talks about this Assyrian leaders is they're very proud and you know very the way they speak because we have the letters from from the man in the Bible so just one of many cases in the Bible where archaeology confirms it anyway down in verse 19 they speak against the god of Jerusalem is against the gods of the people the earth which were the work of the hands of man and for this cause has a chi of the king and the prophet Isaiah the son of amos prayed and cried to heaven so i see that they're speaking against a god ness to some of it all they see no differs between the God of Israel and anyone else is God and that's a problem when it comes to a time in which God is working in the world in which if you want to be blessed you blessed my people as you want to be cursed you cursed my people see the problem here the tool in God's hand he's going to use to do his purpose and this tool is also cursing the very god that's using him so it's not gonna turn out well for these guys right that was the operation of the day whole nations can curse God and they'll face them in judgment when they die but God's not coming down to change nations because of their cursing of him in this dispensation of grace not operating under Genesis 12 today right different way God's operating but back in Isaiah 10 this was the case where we in verse 9 10 rather recovered 10 that's right the idols that excel verse 11 shall I not as I have done Samaria and her idols so did Jerusalem in her idols also Samaria was North Jerusalem was the south where force have come to pass that when the lord hath performed his whole work upon Mount Zion and on Jerusalem I will punish the fruit of the stout part of the king of Assyria in the glory of his high looks so the Assyrian is used by God to do his will of executing wrath and judgment and then because of his own pride because of his own cursing of the God that's using him he's going to punish him again this all shows the subjection of these kings who were were in the world's perspective forces to be reckoned with as very minimal players in God's and God's eyes okay he says when he has performed his whole workup on Mount Zion in Jerusalem it's the fruit of the south are the king of Assyria in verse 13 why is he punishing him okay verse 13 he because he says by the strength of my hand I have done it notice in this verse 13 14 the indicators of someone who's proud and selfish you can tell this pretty easily by the way people talk if they use I me and my all the time right either they're very young or very young minded it's a very selfish oriented you know they're very proud and this is this King of Kings and he says by the strength of my hand I have done it and by my wisdom for I improved it and I have removed the bounds of the people and have robbed their treasures and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man and my hand has found a nest that as a nest the riches of the people and has one gathered eggs that are left have I gathered all the earth and there was none that moved the wing or open the mouth or peeped now people fought against the Assyrians and so you see what's going he's only it didn't faze me at all they're throwing their weapons it means just like there's eggs in the basket as Werner took them no opposition right not a problem right and it's all by his strength and by his cunning and by his prudence and he's done it all right though this is humanity at its worst epitomized right of course God's good on saying I sent you and I'm sending you and because he's gonna punish them what we're gonna see is it the Assyrian God's gonna promise that the Assyrians will never take Jerusalem which again remember the context historically like it was it was a done deal in the eyes of the culture they're like this is Syria Empire just destroyed everybody and they're coming against us we're done you know it was like there's no way that this is gonna happen and God's saying no there's no way the Assyrians gonna take Jerusalem now he is saying no he said chapter 8 that they are gonna like a flood overflow the northern tribes and they were gonna come to Southern tries and reset up to the neck but they will not cut off the head they will not destroy Jerusalem they won't and we see that historically being true it was not the Assyrians as the Babylonians right and that was years later but the Assyrians never did and they were the world's largest the God of Israel right that's kind of the takeaway of that but it says now the world would have you in history books would just have you think that it was other situations and and luck it was just consequence of certain things that occurred right the Bible tells you the rest of the story as who was a Dan Rather who used to say that whole hearty it tells you the rest of the story anyway down in verse 14 and my hand has he got the eggs out of the nest no one peeved verse 15 is where we want notice just keeping your minds we'll see here in a moment how it's said in verse 13 is to by the strength of my hand you see that you thought the forefront of your noggin we'll get that in a moment verse 15 shall the ax boast itself against him that he was there with our shelter saw magnify itself against him to shaketh it as if the rock itself against them that lifted up or if the staffs lift up itself as it were not would know it's of course this is God returning mockery for mockery you see this in the Bible quite a bit where God actually mocks people and he mocks them in a righteous way mocks him in their sin he laughs at the wicked and the in derision that's what the Bible says God does he's just not very merciful well it's not very right what the wicked do and so God God who's them their foolishness is what's going on but in verse 15 it says how the ax post himself that Hughes it so again he's calling the Assyrian King who is the king of kings and he doesn't answer to anybody a tool you're just something in my hand I can toss you aside and use someone else right and never in the lifetime of human history has a tool talked back to a person telling them how they should do it you know until the 21st century only have computers and smartphones and those tools all the time are telling you what to do and that's ridiculous that's what I say biblically but anyway verse 16 don't let your tools tell you what to do well if that's the whole robot takeover right that's what we're all afraid of now verse 16 therefore shall the Lord the Lord of Hosts send among his fat ones leanness the fat ones are his his large army right his leaders that princes that are Kings right his fat ones shall have leanness and under his glory he shall Kindle a burning like the burn of a fire which there's illusions all through here to how he would how the Assyrian what conquered nations God says I'm gonna do that to you right so he's like shown Amir the Assyrian so I'm gonna do what you've done to people back to you right which sounds very much like God's justice I for an eye and all that but anyway he says in verse 17 and the light of Israel shall be for a fire we saw the light of Israel back in chapter 9 remember God shined a light in Israel and then they rejected it okay in that light of course we saw it was a connected to Jesus and now he's the light of the world and all that business the Messiah that child that governor that King same thing here it says the light of Israel that's another name for the Messiah the light of Israel and so what God is saying here is that this is seer the Assyrians not going to take over Jerusalem there's still light left and of course we'll see this this light that's left is in Hezekiah and Isaiah and this remnant group right this is the light of visual shall be for a fire what lights up Israel in this dark valley of the shadow of death right is God in those who trust him right prophetically it's gonna be the Messiah Christ who like a flaming fire come shining light to his people but to those of his enemies it's a fire that burns them up we saw the back as a f4 as well remember that purging so it actually refines the believers the remnant but it actually destroys everyone who's not so the light a visual shall be for a fire his Holy One for a flame now that Holy Ones the name again it's a title the Holy One and this is unique to Isaiah Holy One and this is where in the New Testament and the book of Acts Peter and the Apostles give Jesus that title Holy One authorized they it's Holy One holy one which has to do with God and his Savior right and him being the savior in the New Testament Jesus is the holy one so all the references the Holy One in the in Isaiah that's Jesus apparently and it's God in the flesh right so this is I think the second or third reference to this in Isaiah we've many more in the future he says a lot of Israel shall be for a fire his Holy One for a flame it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briars and one day and shall consume the glorious forest in the fruitful field both soul and body and they shall be as a when a standard bear fainteth okay and so what we have here in verse 17 where it says his whole the flames of devours thorns and briers in one day we see this fulfilled look at second Kings 19 Kings 19 we see this fulfilled literally again this is decades before this would occur in one day he says thank Kings 19 verse 25 this is during the days of Hezekiah not 35 1935 he's 1935 it came to pass that night that night it's on one day right that the angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred fourscore and five thousand as one hundred eighty-five thousand and when they arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses the day before they're going there's no hope for you guys next morning they're all dead corpses like that's a big change in one day right and as a result of this it says in verse 36 so synack cherub king of Assyria departed and went return and dwelt Nineveh Nineveh being the capital of the Empire right of the Assyrian Empire if you want to read more about God's hatred for the Assyrian Empire look at Nathan in your Bible Nahum is a prophet speaking to Nineveh - the Assyrians contemporary with Isaiah right Nahum 1 verse 1 the burden of Nineveh the capital city of the Syrians so Isaiah says and what happened was that in one day God's gonna you know turn you around one day he's gonna burn you up thinking's 1995 in days Hezekiah is Syria is right at the doorstep of Jerusalem and one day boom dead corpses let's head up cherub leaves goes back to Nineveh cuz you know fine I'm leaving hey I got burnt I'm going back home got a regroup literally my groups got you know so he goes back to Nineveh and then there's prophets are prophesying about Nineveh like God's not done with you yet Nineveh it's not just that you got burnt in one day your whole empires gonna be destroyed right I mean big talk for a small little backwards Shepherd nation actually a couple cities because the Assyrians had destroyed the towns around Jerusalem who is just that one city but it was the City of David as the City of God it was the city of Zion that made all the difference right Linnea wondrous one the burden Nineveh the book of the vision of mayhem the Elco site God jealous the Lord revenge ahthe the Lord revenge' and his furious little will take vengeance on his adversaries and he reserves wrath for his enemies right this is met that's the tone for Nahum he's talking Nineveh saying God's angry he's jealous he's gonna guess I'm done Nahum three verse one says woe to the bloody City that's that's Nineveh the capital of the Assyrian bloody Empire it is all full of lies and robbery the prey departs not the noise of a whip and it goes on to talk about how he's gonna destroy this city and destroy the Empire right that eventually happens the Babylonians and the Medes come in and conquer the amendment the Nineveh and thus put an end to the Assyrian Empire and God prophesized that in the book of Nahum before it happens so you talk about God's prophecy that's what happens God looks at the world Empire of which the world says wow we're gonna last forever right and he goes before the Empire shows signs of declining says you're gonna end this is how you're gonna end this is who's gonna do it and then it happens over the course of 100 years that's the kind of prophecy the Bible contains no other holy book quote unquote of other religions contains that sort of prophecy none of them do and that's evidence that this book is different than just something some letter that an ancient civilization would write these are prophecies about history that happen as it says it would happen and the only thing that stops people from seeing that is we have it today in a single book and nobody knows when these things were written in the course of history right so those are those are all old people old civilizations have a long time ago not a big deal but he's prophesying things that occur 100 years later empire of the empire of empire rising and falling he prophesized that that's that's a pretty good sign that what these was saying in this book the the writings this book are divine okay so anyway Isaiah chapter 10 it says in one day this will happen remember that one day now I told you remember before what the Assyrians said never a said by my strength I'm doing this all right just for these nations I've conquered all these gods it's by my strength I've done all this and he says in one day I'm gonna burn you up and that happens that in the days of Hezekiah right he's the king of Jerusalem he's fearful for his life in his civilization but he trusts God God kills a hundred eighty-five thousand of them and they'll even in a day Hezekiah 'he's name means strength of the lord so that's not historic irony i don't know what is i mean god of course purposed this sort of thing but a syrian says this by my strength and then the king whose name is the strength of the lord and one day he's gone right so that's the showdown right there by whose strength is that well God used the Assyrian to do what he wanted and he would let me do anymore he put down his tool and give us the rod as a cayenne boom they're done that's amazing folks anyway you see in verse 17 as well where it says in one day I'll devour his thorns in his briars now you read that extension poetic language you see this all the time talking about different plants and trees on it stuff but this specifically why are they burns and briars why not Oaks and sycamores everything else and we studied trees before back and I say I think was four or five we study trees as they're five a thing trees are significant in the scripture brambles and thorns and briars have biblical significance remember the Garden of Eden okay thorns you know in relation to the sin entering the world and the curse that sort of thing briars and brambles we started back in judges nine nines eya five we starting judges nine where there was this prophecy of the trees and there are different trees that Israel asked to be king and that trees all rejected the request and then the bramble said we'll be king right so what and we talked about what that meant dispensational ii and isaiah 10 here this is Syrian who remember is the a has is asking to be his ally a has his going save us a syrian from you know the Samaritans up north right from the Syrians and God's prophesying that Assyrians gonna turn on you and then a Syrian I'm gonna use as my rod to punish you right and so there's lawless prophecy happening here anyway these briars and thorns the cynic cherub his name means bramble of destruction consonant cherub means and so said cherub was a bramble and so the Bible talks to about him regarding his thorns and his briars if you do a study in the Bible on thorns and briers very interesting study because you'll find over and over again thorns and briers having to do with the people that are contrary to God right and those trees that actually bear fruit are those trees that are aligned with God right he's also at Scripps you see this even in Hebrews six in the New Testament it talks about the remnant and he says don't partake of the briars and the thorns right and he says I know you guys aren't cuz you're bearing fruit for God you know that's there's this contrast and briars and thorns so give you're looking for the Antichrist you're looking for the anti God group in the future or in the past it's a pretty interesting study so if that stuff up but cynic chair of his name meant bramble destruction and so when God says I'm going to devour your thorns and briers it's again mockery against his name right okay you're the bramble destruction you're strong all the nations come again so I guess so I'm going to burn all those briars and thorns up right and that that's what he's gonna do he's gonna consume the glory of his forest in his fruitful field both soul and body they shall be as when a standard-bearer faints and so that's how how all-consuming God's fire is gonna be Bible course God is called a consuming fire his destruction he the glorious forest that the size of his army the strength of its gonna be put to shame his fruitful field this is his army once again when we put the shame he says soul and body meaning it's not just there gonna be her outwardly that their spirits gonna be broken you know what's what happened in one night okay their spirits got broken they turn and ran and so soul and body and they shall be as when a standard-bearer faints the standard-bearer be the one that carries the flag into the battle right and that guy never dies that's that's you have the standard-bearer carries that in you say the horse they die well yeah they die someone else picks it up it's like you don't continue fighting with that flag on the ground right but miss Dana Baker faints you're done Retreat you know go away that's what that means the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few that a child may write them that's how much is going to reduce this Empire down to the number of the child can count and that's what that's what happened now you see in verse 19 as a remnant of this assyrian army he destroys most of it there's a very very very small ruminant right in the next verse verse 20 and it's come to pass in that day that the remnant of Israel they see this kind of contrast when the remnant of the Assyrians that are left now the remnant of Israel by the way Israel was already a written it the Assyrians brought punishment and wrath against Israel so that it reduced them down then God punishes the Assyrians to reduce them down and now he's talking about how that remnants left in Israel's not gonna be destroyed the Assyrians gonna be destroyed eventually totally Israel however never gets destroyed off the face of the planet and this was always God's promise to them remember he loved Jacob and he's always hated their nations and kingdoms that have disappeared in the face of the earth but Israel had not and again that was a testimony of God's promises so shame to pass in that day that the remnant of Israel and such as our escape to the house of Jacob shall no more again stay upon him that smote them who smote them the Assyrians right they're not gonna trust him anymore like I trusted them anymore but they shall stay upon the Lord the Holy One of Israel in truth now in that day talking about this day where God's gonna preserve this remnant this rim that's gonna return in verse 21 the remedy shall return even the remnant of jacob unto the mighty god that mighty god back and Isaiah 9 is the name of that child that was born mighty God right we're gonna turn to that child when I turn to that King right so again you see this could be prophesying about back then because there was a remnant when the northern tribes were conquered by shaman easer right you can go back and read the second chronicles chapter 30 I believe chapter xxx xxx where Hezekiah calls it tries to call the nation together 10 chronicles 30 verse 1 Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah and wrote letters to ephraim and manasseh that's northern tribes of Israel and they should come to the house of the Lord of Jerusalem to keep the Passover right he so he sends these letters and most of them mock his letters death down in verse words that were they mocked in verse 10 the post pass from city to city through the country of Ephraim in the Manassas even to Zebulon but they laughed them to scorn and mock them now this is just Hezekiah going hey let's keep the Passover which was one of the laws and his right and this that wicked the northern tribes were at the time and they're like laughing look we're not gonna do that you know but look what verse 12 says our verse 11 nevertheless diverse of ashram and acid Zebulon humbled themselves in came to Jerusalem there were diverse there were some there was a few that came and followed Hezekiah and Jerusalem there was a remnant of those from the north that came down to the south it's very interesting to think about people talk about how the northern tribes were wiped off the map and you'll not all of them right there was some that were left they escaped the Assyrian and there the siege Minh and when Hezekiah said hey come down it and keep Passover at Jerusalem some of them did right some of them were saved because they trusted the Lord that's what does the content of Hezekiah slater you can read that letter in that chapter 30 there you see what he was saying to them he was saying you know even though you're small and even there were weak God's strong and he can protect us in all that stuff so those who answered that letter we're trusting in the Lord okay so some came down in verse 12 it says also in Judah the hand of God was to give them one heart do the commandment of the king of the princes by the word of the Lord so they assembled they kept the Passover there else part of Hezekiah is rain so he says it's remnant of Israel this prophecy dealing with a remnant at that time but also speaking about this future remnant where in that day where you have this enemy that's against God that comes at Jerusalem - to take it over to destroy it God protects the city by the Holy One the light of Israel the Messiah Jesus Christ protects the city and destroys the enemy and even chases them - they're total destruction right and there's a remnant in that day and they're not gonna stay on the enemy there's will be a remnant that trusts the Holy One of Israel and you see this in Revelation as well in the future where true Israel is the Israel that trusts the Lord Jesus Christ and there are remnant in the wilderness as they're being persecuted by the world right until Jesus Christ comes and then they become the Conqueror okay that's what's gonna happen here and the Assyrians were the Conqueror until a zakiya until God turned the tables and so not all of this prophecy was fulfilled back there in the set of the eighth century BC it's also speaking about this future ultimate and for or Judah but down in verse 22 the for though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea at a remnant of them shall return the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness for the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption even determined in the midst of all the land and so this consumption we talk about the consumption punishment last week right but this this punishment that that that God has brought against Israel using the tool of the Assyrian and the the the accomplishment of his purpose is something that he's already purposed to do remember we say Leviticus 26 he's already laid it out that way and so in this context the remnant return that's all part of his purpose he's not playing ad hoc it's not like an afterthought that he's like okay and now I'm gonna punish them and now I'm gonna bring them back this has all been purposed and if you go back to the wilderness wanderings in Exodus the prophets say just as God did it back there he's gonna do it again right in Leviticus lays out in detail the events that will occur and the enemies that come against them and how God's gonna send his Savior and Holy One in this sort of thing gonna save the nation all these things in prophesy which is why Jesus says I came to fulfill all that was written about me in the prophets right everything that he was going to do as prophesied and so this was that was already to creat him purpose do something was already going to occur down to verse 24 therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts o my people that dwellest in Zion be not afraid now this is it seems to be a contrast to last few chapters and which is describing God's judgment right God's gonna judge you because you deserve it in the sort of thing and even warns Judah and Jerusalem he says I'm judging the northern tribes but I'm warning you down south that you know your act straight they're coming down and hurting you - and then protector aid is said they the waters will flood the north and will come up to the neck which is like up to Jerusalem that's what's talking about it's going to list the cities bins gonna take over and these cities are right at the door of Jerusalem this is some distant enemy this enemies going to right next to them as they attend he said be not afraid those ion because here's the promise here's the hope that remember if you trust the Lord the Holy One of Israel and truth you're a part of that remnant and you will be preserved be not afraid of the Assyrian he shall smite thee with the rod which hurts right they'll smite you with the rod and shall lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt remember of the manner of Egypt and what happened they were slaves they were beaten they were opposed but were they delivered yes you see this is that this is this ways has been done afraid and this is the hope right the hope sound like I'm gonna beat by a rod will ya you're gonna be my rod and that's not just like it's gonna happen it's like this was also part of God's perfect justice you understand who the a has he rejected Isaiah's warnings remember Judah wasn't much more righteous than the north Hezekiah was a rare light in the lines of Kings in the southern tribes and you can make the argument that Hezekiah was just the justification for God preserving those people right because they trusted what Isaiah said but anyway as a turtle chapter 10 says Zion now the word Zion there is associated with Jerusalem my people that dwells in Zion see what he calls them oh my people he didn't call him that a couple chapters ago chapters ago it was like who are you wicked hypocritical it looks like he's calling that but now it's like my people these are the people are trusting the Holy One of Israel my people that dwells in Zion Zion is like that name of God's fulfilling his promises right he's gonna come down to Zion he's gonna reign in sign which is like the the saved city but you don't he never calls it Sion he's referring to the wicked city as ions his City right not their city but he calls them Zion so this is this hopeful title for the city be not afraid he's gonna smite thee after the end he's gonna lift by staff against the afore the manor of Egypt for yet a very little while in the indignation shall cease and mine anger in their destruction right so they're gonna stop doing this and my anger is gonna stop number we started already how he God punishes them and his anger is still there is punished his anger is still there so there is a stopping point to that that's what he's saying my anger is gonna stop in the destruction and the Lord of Hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter emitting at the rock of horeb and as his rattles upon the Seas so she lifted up after the manner of Egypt so the Lord you're gonna be smitten by the assyrians rod and he's gonna raise his staff against you the Lord says and then I'm going to raise my staff against him and my rod against an the Assyrian was God's rod right and now God's gonna use his rod against the Assyria right and the the slaughter of Midian is Gideon do you remember last week we used to study the Gideon was two weeks ago we studied Gideon and how isaiah 9 talks about Gideon that valid the shadow of death there and how Gideon that few people with the lights and their lamps and the horns and their hands right in the breaking of the vessels they destroy this slaughter of the midians in one night remember and so there was those two kings there that were threatening Israel and Gideon by the help of God destroyed those two kings in one night killed them both just like Isaiah 10 says this great Assyrian King is gonna be you know that the for the strength has been taken away one night so just like that he says I'm gonna bring a scourge for him according to the slaughtered Midian at the rock of horeb and as his rods upon the sea so shall he lifted up after the manner of Egypt now back in chapter 8 remember the assyrian army and the assyrian force was called a river a great great water and was gonna flood the people and what did god do when the the remnant of delivered Israel was facing a massive body of water and their oppressors were chasing them down what did he do lifted a rod and split the water and they cross on dry granite ground in that water swallowed the enemies up right this what he says here he says as his robbers upon the sea so she looked up after the manner of Egypt right so there are great mighty water and yours a small trickle well don't worry I know how to handle mighty waters right and I'm gonna raise my rod against them and they're gonna stop you know so it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off my shoulder and he's talking to Jerusalem here and his yoke Maathai neck and the yokes will be destroyed because of the anointing whoa where'd that come from so little Pentecostal well anointing is all over the Old Testament of course and this was the anointing of priests the anointing and that sort of thing this was God's ordaining right and so this should bring up the idea in Israel of God had a purpose and a covenant a holy purpose with these people and this Ortiz he's drawing on here those who trust in me and according to my covenant I will sanctify I'll protect I'm gonna preserved right and so he says because of the anointing they shall be destroyed their yokes will be destroyed and the bird will be taken off your shoulder right and and because of my promise made to you because the anointing now there's another way to read that the anointing there is that it destroys the yoke and removes the burden but the anointing could either refer to the special purpose he has for Jerusalem or the person that he had purposed for Jerusalem which is Jesus Christ who was the Anointed One the word Christ Messiah means Anointed One right so he delivers them how because of the anointing you see that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises and Countess to Israel and that's why God saves them I mean we can now read that into this a little bit because they didn't know about that necessarily but we know that Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise see the fulfilling of that company is the Messiah he is the Anointed One it's only because of him that Israel will be saved right they don't he doesn't say that directly here but he says because the anointing because of my promise is my covenants which all point to Jesus right so this is what's happening there so um yeah it's very universities he's going to he's gonna score some he's gonna slaughter them as Gideon did and as he did with the Egyptians interesting about the Egyptians remember there was a sea of dead corpses that one day when the waters fell on the Egyptians right and one day with Hezekiah there's said dead corpses they're all dead corpses it's that same language there so 20 verse 28 it says he has come tell a Iife and I here have to erased my board let's gonna start mentioning these cities and towns but I need to draw again my Dead Sea down here this is the Dead Sea the river Jordan here's Jerusalem it's on a mountain there's actually some if you get your Maps it's really gonna be better than my drawing here but there's some mountains in Jerusalem here like right here and Jerusalem's on this mountain range okay and there's this valley here where this river is at and this is where you find Jericho right there in that valley so they cross the Jordan River on to Jericho and then there's Jerusalem up here on these mountains okay and what's gonna happen here is it's going to list the towns and cities that the Assyrian is the path that the Assyrians gonna take to Jerusalem so if here's Jerusalem okay and in the context of the nation I'm really zoomed in here on the Dead Sea and the Jordan River the Sea of Galilee is up here right you can draw a line right here that would separate the southern tribes from the northern tribes so the northern tribes are going to be wiped away and taken over by the Assyrians the southern tribes thought they were protected and God said well I'm gonna take over the southern tribes too except for Jerusalem except for Zion right he starts listing these cities and he says he came to AiAi the second city that that Joshua conquered up to you conquered Jericho hey I was up here okay there's AI and then the next one is he passed to migrant people don't really know where that's at but it's south of AI i right around there then it says at mcmaster do know where that's at he laid up his carriages so right in this mountain range here there's this valley right through here and McMath is right here and you have to go down these rocky slopes and up these other rocky slopes oh look at this this passage of rocks and you can't really get like your carriages through there so they leave their carriages that McMath now these cities they're conquering of course right this is the Assyrian they go there they conquer they move on they conquer and they leave their characters there and they go over to what's the next city diba yeah I said they gone over the pastures they have taken up their lodging at giba at Concord giba then there's Rama and then there's Gibeah these are cities and we're supposed to be defense cities of Jerusalem and they didn't closer and closer and then it says Gibeah Rama is a he was launching a gibby gibbehh gimme a of solace fled lit up thy voice o daughter of Calum caused it to be hurt in / o poor Anna thought that name of pop is a town right about here closer to Jerusalem and then mad Mina's removed the inhabitants of give'em gather themselves to flee so these people are running at the the coming closer of this Assyrian army right and then it says down in verse 32 as yet shall he remain at Nob but that day nob was a city of priests just outside maybe like 1 mile outside people say it's around Mount of Olives out there just outside of the city now I was where there's a city a sacred city where priests would dwell in Jerusalem they would come out of the seized well there and that's where he was at there at Nob it'd come down through here to Nob I'm there right outside the city like within the mile so close you can see Jerusalem right there which is why we have 37 and second Kings they're like taunting Jerusalem you know just like screaming incident things over and loving things at him because they're right there outside the city and this is the context with a fair God says they're not gonna go any further right you see how this looks I'm we're so zoomed in on the map of the world I mean I've already come down through a you know Damascus in Syria everywhere else and come down through all these small little towns they're right there at the door and God says this is it you're done I'm done using you right I got some other purpose here and it says in verse 32 as yet shall he remain at nob that day he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion the hill of Jerusalem behold the Lord the Lord of Hosts shall lopped the bow with terror and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down in the haughty shall be humbled and he shall cut down the thickets of the force with iron Lebanon shall fall by mighty one so this is all the language there about the trees and the forest you know being cut down by God right and there right there next to Jerusalem I'm at now where this happens now what's interesting here is that it mentions those 12 cities you can find those in Nehemiah as well that Zions preserved from this a Syrian onslaught and the branches are cut off by God and it mentions who these branches are in verse 33 they're the high one's a stature they're the hottie right it'll be humble the haughty ones the high ones of stature now I want to pause here for a moment to reflect we've seen this many times noise eya but we've had some hint and clue about branches and trees and branches being cut off on fruitless branches and i only britain make mention special mention of these because one of the most complicated passages of the book of romans people always have questions about is the olive tree in romans 11 which is right in the middle of the context of israel what happened to israel and starts talking about an olive tree where branches were cut off it's not the only place in the bible branches are cut off and you can learn about branches being cut off and why they're cut off and how god does it when he does it throughout prophecy we should tell you something out romans 11 it's not mystery he talks about a minister in Romans 11:25 but that's for you to know that usual is gonna come back the mystery is that you that are saved even though Israel's fallen this was going to come back in the future right so the great mystery is how you can be saved without Israel in the scene that's the mystery but the whole tree and everything this is all prophecy you understand and even says Romans 11 the ones that are broken off are those that don't have faith right Isaiah 10 says the ones are broken off the ones of high stature the ones that are haughty ones were proud just like in Jesus's day the ones who are of high stature the priests and the rulers that wants a stone Stephen the ones have crucified Jesus Paul who was chasing them down right there the branches that are cut off right just like back in Isaiah 10 okay where's where is Jerusalem's pride they have none they didn't fight the Assyrians they didn't win the battle the enemies are all around them literally and God did it in one day just say so that's what's happening there God has lop it off branches with terror and he's he's forcing the high ones we made low and all throughout prophecy the low ones Jerusalem we made high right so the next thing to expect and the future prophecy of Israel the prophecy from Isaiah 10 is that the low ones made hop Kingdom will rise from the ashes of this punishment destruction right the day of trouble of Jacob Jacob's trouble is gonna be over and since the the light of Israel the Holy One of Israel is there and he saved them from the enemy there he's gonna make that kingdom and make it strong right so if you're if you're drawing your tribulation in times map that's what you do right you're drawing that map you say there's the tribulation there's God's wrath and Christ comes when he comes he establishes that Kingdom right so you draw that prophecy there so that's Isaiah chapter 10 no I just wanted the last few minutes here make this connection as he I've been trying to do throughout the lesson of this Assyrian being the Antichrist or the Conqueror religion six we studied a little bit last week about relation six that first white horse that comes out was given the permission to conquer remember that and we were talking about that that horse wasn't well like a saint or an angel it was someone that God allowed or used for a purpose just like the Assyrian it's a tool in God's hand that white horse God opened that seal I think thus it was open God triggered that time he said okay now it's time and that white horse is a tool in God's hand just like the Red Horse and the pale horse the black horse with tools in God's hands to do what he accomplishes right he didn't make he's not the one toward the actions he's just there are tools for him and so the Antichrist is this Conqueror and he's gonna be a bramble he's gonna little thorns and briars and God's gonna burn him up but Secretariat for to verse 3 you read Paul talking prophetically about this Antichrist and about the situation at the time in the future and says that this would be a falling away and a man of sin being revealed the son of perdition okay a perdition means destruction there's gonna be a time where the man of sin is the man of sin not because everyone sees him in America's top 10 most wanted there any like that that's not why he's called a man of sin he's called a man of sin here because he's he's perverting justice and everything but he's gonna bring peace to the worlds was gonna do her in peace to the world but there's a time of that man of sin who's brought peace to the world is going to turn to the son of perdition you gonna start destroying there's like the Assyria you know the Assyrians said and those who conquered the Babylon is it the same thing they go and conquer the world in the name of peace it's what they say they conquer nations say look at our in Peyer because we're all in the same Empire there is peace in the world you've heard of the pox Romana the Roman Empire peace which is the real thing because they conquered there was no enemies to battle the Roman Empire so there was peace right it's like historically the thanks ozium these Empire these Emperor's you know the say in the name of peace are gonna do theirs this time of destruction and who are they destroying of course they're gonna be destroying the things of God he turns to the son of perdition and he opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God just like the Assyrian did who are you I've conquered all these people all these religions none of them matter right he exalts himself above all it is worshipped so that he as God sits in the temple of God showing himself that He is God and then you see down there in verse 9 this wicked one the lora verse 8 the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming that's the light of Israel right there the brightness of his coming that's the light of Israel the Holy One of Israel even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and sighs lying wonders the Assyrians were evil this is Satan right Saenz of course the god of this world and it does just like God does use people for his purposes as well but it says that he's going to come with power and size line wonders with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and then that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie but they all might be damned who believed not the truth that our pleasure and righteousness just like back here those who did not trust the Holy One of Israel were not part of that remnant and they were overtaken in the destruction of the Assyrians right and so God's gonna use him he's gonna destroy him with the brightness was coming and he's gonna establish that remnant in a kingdom so when Romans 11:26 Paul says all Israel shall be saved and he says that after branches are cut off and there's a remnant and after the Christ Christ returns and delivers them right then that remnant turns into the nation and all of Israel's gonna be saved at that point at that time the kingdom's gonna be established so you can study you more that connection but as a attend is is a very clear prophecy about this Antichrist now God's gonna work against him in the future of Israel and their kingdom as well so we'll see more than the chapters to come the next chapter as we continue through this prophecy of Israel's punishment and glory we're gonna see the kingdom as it levin's very popular chapter talking about the kingdom of Israel which we have never seen fulfilled in history and so the language gets more and more exact it seems exaggerated like you read prophecies and people call poetic it's like that seems exaggerated and really it's just because it hasn't been fulfilled completely yet so the sense that's exaggerated yeah I guess the minimal part of it has become true but the exaggerated part has not and if you with Bible literally you believe those exaggerations aren't exaggerations they actually will happen the way they say they will say so it's the same here with the Assyrian there are punishments against him that seem exaggerated but they happened exactly like God would say in one day remember the Battle of Armageddon and the ballotine of the kingdom and the Millennium one day it's the whole world against him you know this bigger 185,000 people so it's gonna happen just like you said any comments any questions yeah all right Lord we thank you for giving these prophecies that we may study and appreciate your faithfulness to your will and your covenants and your promises and also to appreciate the abundant grace you give us an assistance ation knowing that you still sees the sin and witness this world and in light of that your giving grace to the world today to save them from what will eventually be your judgment on all creation we thank you Lord for that warning and thank you for your salvation and all the blessings and riches that come from it and I pray that we would be your ambassadors of light and preachers of your gospel so that people would would turn and trust on you and what you did for them instead of theirs themselves instead of the world and its wisdom so that they may become your servants amen
Channel: Grace Ambassadors
Views: 1,483
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Keywords: graceambassadors, rightly-divide, mid-acts, pauline, dispensational, grace, bible, study
Id: v8SQiz_FawM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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