Is Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned

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hello everyone and welcome to my video on how to detect clean coins now this is a subject that is very controversial most people collectors dealers and experts alike will tell you do not clean your coins so I'm going to tell you do not clean your coins ever now I guess there are some times if a coin has tape on it like residue glue things like that you can clean it or if it's not worth much and you want to play around with it that's your coin you can do what you want with it but don't clean a coin expecting to get more value out of it and don't clean your coin expecting it to retain its value in the future now with that being said coins have been cleaned for a long time just because someone says your coins clean doesn't mean they're telling you that you cleaned the coin it just means that the coin at one time was cleaned it could have been cleaned 50 years ago it could have been cleaned a hundred years ago that's irrelevant a clean coin is always going to be a clean coin because once you remove that real thin natural striking layer then the coins clean or if you gouge it in other words with some type of an abrasive then you are cleaning that coin the controversy lies in dipping and a brightener like easiest or acetone ms70 I believe it's all of those on a market you can buy those at all coin dealer supply shops they're there for a reason they're there so that you can use them on coins that are uncirculated very carefully to remove the breeze ugly tawny tape things of that nature they have to be used with caution they are used by dealers now some people say well that cleans the coin well yes and no okay PCGS will charge you to do it for you so when GC it's called restoration and basically it's a coin that has something on a PVC could be on the coin it could be a lot of things it's going to cost you to have it done typically you know you can spend you know 60 to 80 bucks to have a coin restored it just depends the value after its cleaned and what a grades they do sometimes a 3% depending on which company are sending it to I don't get into depth here because I know it gets kind of confusing but let's just suffice it to say that if you are you know an expert or at least someone who's very experienced in coins and you know that your coin has never been cleaned in the past and is most certainly uncirculated and it has some spots on it or has something that shouldn't have like PVC or take that it's okay to to try to dip the coin and there are instructions on doing that and you do it very carefully with water and you know quick dip and you pat dry or you air dry with a you know the air compressor but you don't want to scrub your coins you know the bottom line is do not use an abrasive of any kind on coin at all and if you have any questions about a coin whether it's been cleaned or not take it to the dealer or put the pictures up in one of the Facebook groups or send me an email now with that I want to show you as you've been so you can see here here's a coin that I sent off on purpose I sent off for this very reason to show people and I've had it out several times at the shop here to show people that this coin looks really nice but when I got it back from PCGS piece is just graded at genuine cleaned uncirculated details now I agreed with this I've seen this before now most people who think this coin was probably a Jim you'll see them on eBay and this is what first people off the high stuff will feed by and take the person's ripping them off sometimes that's the case sometimes it's not the reverse this coin is fine there's nothing wrong with it it's not cleaned but when you turn it over on the obverse and I'll put it in different angles here you can see some of the darker areas some people might call this whizzed but I do know that a corrosive was used may be hydrochloric acid it was just put on the coin just a tad maybe to kind of when a coin has contact marks it gets contact marks on a little ticks that creates little valleys and ridges in the coin surfaced at that real thin striking layer that's real when it when you put a little acid on real fast and empathize underwater to dilute it to keep it from you know digging you know even another coin too much and pinning the coin you're actually decreasing the highs of those little bridges and and they're I mean they're extremely small the wrong I mean or they're microscopic but yet once you do that then it makes the coin look like it's more smooth to the naked eye it decreases the amount of refraction for reflections and refractions from the coin surface to your eyes and it looks like it's got less marks and that's what they did with this coin now believe me there's probably gonna be somebody who you can say well they probably did this to the coin maybe not that but I can tell you they use something on this coin right here are some darker areas and some people say well it might have been where they polished to die a little bit that's possible okay right here's a couple other areas but the problem here you see these there are marks on the coin and at certain angles they see mask with light that's another problem with clean coins but it has a sort of a flatness and I'll show you what I'm talking about here is an original piece dollar I'm gonna put it over top of it or put it this can you see the difference can you see that it's got the the frosting nuts to it still original die surface strikes it'll strike that that frosting miss net that depth of field the contrast this coin can you see it it's flat I'll put it side to side here it's gonna might not focused in as well you can see a slight difference in the coins it's very imperceptible to most people who are unexperienced but when you see a coin with this flatness or these little areas like this you might want to be careful about buying the coin if you're planning on sending it off because it's probably going to be cleaned now let's move on to another incident here and I'm trying not to get too detailed here but I just got this back from PCGS when I send it off I was expecting a you details genuine I've seen plenty of coins this coin literally should only have and what they did was this but it this way this is what they did they gave me a u58 a gift any dealer is gonna call this a gift and a reason an au 58 coin has only the slightest amount of where ever the high points now don't get me wrong there is a weak strike on this coin a little bit and I get that but the problem is is that there's more than just a little bit of where even if this coin is not cleaned like I suspected and like I know it is it still has more wear than an au 58 I don't know why P suggest did this I can't answer that question I don't know it's just beyond me but the coin has been cleaned and I fully believe if I send it back in it could get cleaned definitely get cleaned and something I'll show you here next to it here is a coin that graded and the same law okay and it graded in that 62 now ms 62 is only three point grades higher than an a you are four point grades higher than a you 58 okay so this coin being the highest au grade they give a coin should just barely have anywhere on it and it should still have some of this nice frost to it it shouldn't be so bare I mean when you see a coin that's that's original you see this contrast in the fields it's kind of the court will effect they call it that all don't have to have the cartwheel it's not it's some coins have more frost in the fields as well it just depends on the finish of the die there's so many factors it just takes years of experience and studying you've got to really study this out but sometimes the fields have been polished maybe a die clash and they remove the clash marks okay maybe in this case it's not proof like though I want to be fooled into thinking it's proof like it's not but it does have some depth in the field which is nice it's got some frost won't you have some contrast that's what most people like with their coins sometimes the fields have a little more frost they've never been polished early dye stage or whatever so they're not gonna have that that cartwheels much this coin here when you see this I mean that the fields are almost as deep looking weird I mean you're talking has that same as this cheek you know you can say yeah it's a weak strike and then you can you can say that and say uh it looks like you fit eight to me PC just knows what you're doing you don't know what you're doing and that's fine go ahead you know everybody's got their opinion I could send this but I just fully believe I send this going back in I can get cleaned out of it and I might send it back in and I'll get cleaned I could send to the ends you see and get clean but the bottom line is the coin looks clean to me and you know this is does it help people understand that you got to be careful when a coin looks like this in a picture they pretty much know it's cleaned if they go like this to it or they put it at an angle to you I see this a lot on eBay they'll say they say you 58 and they'll blind it out like this and it looks like a coin this should be great at 60s it looks like mint state I see it all the time I mean just don't be fooled by these people it's not worth it they don't know what they're doing they just they want to save face they want that coin cleaner that's a rare coin here's a couple more Morgan Dollars here okay these are almost exact grades this one here has a little more where this one has less but they're both heya coins and I want you to notice the cheek when you have the frost on a coin actually reflects it reflects more light because it's actually real little small tips on a coins the die surface and which struck into the coin when you remove those then you have a deep area on a coin which I call it deep because the light does not refract off of it in other words I guess the best way to say this is that imagine this being little pimples all over the coin and I mean millions of pimples tens of thousands of pimples or however you want to term it and I love all that since they're made out of silver they're reflecting all kinds of light back so you're seeing light here here here here those have been removed the coin has been cleaned those little frosty areas are gone so you don't see light reflecting in it that's why you see the area's dark okay now this was in the field you could say well maybe it was a Polish dye maybe the early dye state but it's not it's right on that cheek and right on the neck that was done on purpose that was done a purpose to remove contact marks of course the coin looks like it's circulated after that okay and let's brings me back to the 1902 s that I had here it's another example the frost is gone this coin has been played with in the past it actually has the darker areas where it shows a little bit of the Toni coming back after it's been messed with but that's why it's Sodor there's nothing to reflect the light the surface is almost smooth that's what you look for in a Morton you'd in original Morgan you want to see that unless it's proof light you know there are some proof lights that'll look similar to this you know but for coin and this is not a silver dollar but it is an Eisenhower dollar it's a type two and they grade it at hump details genuine I sent it off basically because it was a type two and they said it was told now right here that it's in the hair it's so impersonal but it's right there if you can see it there at the video I'll turn on the light a little bit when you have it like this you don't see it that can be hidden it can be hidden with angles there you can see it right here really good and now the otherwise the coins okay but you could sure hide it if you wanted to in a TV picture it's what you got to be very careful about eBay angles and lighting you want to see a coin straight on you want to ask for other angles people should always post large images of their coins so people going to see what they they're buying you know here's the back it the reverse is just fine yeah anyways hopefully you learned something I'm going to try to do more videos on this and some more details on things you know as I say as I say it's a controversial subject I mean it's one of those deals where you know some people think that anything you do to a coin surface is clean yet it's not completely true but it is true because it is when you have a coin that's already cleaned in its reach under it's gotten dirty from circulation a little bit it's still gonna have the the characteristics of being cleaned in the past you touch it then it's really gonna look clean badly but if that coin is actually original and you don't do anything harsh to remove the actual frosty layer the striking layer that the dart died imparted then you're not cleaning the coin you're restoring the coin sometimes you've got to remove PVC the the TPT's won't grade them I mean third-party grading services will not great coins like PCGS and NGC they got PC on they'll send it back you know sometimes the surfaces are older to the point where they won't grade them either so like I said hopefully you learn if you got any questions please put it in the comments please join my groups you know visit my website I have articles on clean coins and maybe next time I can go into some other types of coins maybe copper and things like that but thanks for watching please share it's important to share videos like these because there's so much going on with clean coins you should be air and only cited caution when it comes to a real expensive coin if you're just buying silver it's no big deal but anyways please comment and like I said please share and please like and subscribe to my channel if you have if this helped you out subscribe you're going to see more of it thanks and have a great day
Channel: CoinHELPu
Views: 152,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaned coins, how cleaned coins look, video cleaned coins, identify cleaned coins, how to tell if a coin is cleaned, cleaned coin video, pcgs cleaned coin, pcgs genuine coin, cleaned morgan dollar, cleaned peace dollar, cleaned eisenhower dollar, tooled coin pcgs
Id: 9m9XxVXoshE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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